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Lesson 7

(30 minutes) Teacher Overview: Teacher should be well acquainted with playing the piano as well as leading vocal warm-ups with a choir. Teacher must also know Solfege as well as the Curwen hand signs. Teacher must be able to sing and play the song Do-Re-Mi. Teacher must know the Goodbye song with some variations. Teacher needs to have vertically written a note name scale, a number scale, and a Solfege scale on the board next to each other. Teacher must have classroom keyboard instruments available. Objectives: Students will sing a group warm-up, Do-Re-Mi, and a Goodbye song. Students will use numbers, Solfege syllables, and note names together to identify pitches. Students will play scales on classroom instruments. Content Standards: Sub-Strand 1.1 Read, write, and perform simple rhythmic patterns, using eighth notes, quarter notes, half notes, and rests. Sub-Strand 1.2 Read, write, and perform simple patterns of pitch, using solfege. Sub-Strand 2.2 Sing age-appropriate songs from memory. Sub-Strand 2.4 Improvise simple rhythmic and melodic accompaniments, using voice and a variety of classroom instruments. Common Core Standards (projected): Creating: Present Share their music through performance and notation with peers/informal audience. Technology Standards: Communication and Collaboration o Students: a. Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media Resources: Note Names/Numbers/Syllables: Reflector App: Student iPads with access to Google Docs Teacher computer, teacher iPad, projector Classroom keyboard instruments

White board with markers Musical Hopscotch

Instruction: Students begin in their seats and the teacher leads them in a warm-up, which may include a Soto Voce exercise, or some other singing warm-up. Next, the teacher has the class sing their numbers. Then the teacher selects three students to come play the number exercise on classroom instruments. Then each student selects another student to come play. Next, the teacher shows the students how the numbers correspond to the syllables. The teacher asks students to identify different scale degrees (e.g., What is the 3rd Syllable?, What is the 6th syllable?). Then, the teacher has a student come and point to each number as the students sing their numbers. Then, the student will point to each syllable as the students sing the same pattern, but on the syllables. Then, a student will jump from syllable to syllable on the hopscotch as the students sing the pattern from the number warm-up. Next, students will receive their iPads and they will fill in the yellow cells on the provided spreadsheet. Finally, the teacher will lead the students in Goodbye which can be adjusted to use different Solfege syllables.

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