Chem 356, Assignment 1. Due Wednesday September 29

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Chem 356, Assignment 1. Due Wednesday September 29.

Reading material: McQuarrie Chapters 1, & 2, Mathchapter A.

Problems McQuarrie: 1-5, 1-12, 1-21, 1-33, 1-37, A-7, A-9, 2-1a&b, 2-6a&b, 2-12

Extra problem (compare McQuarrie 1-53): The relativistic form of the kinetic energy is given by
2 4 p 2c 2 + m0 c , where p =

2 2 px + py + pz2 is the magnitude of the momentum,

while m0 is the rest mass of the particle (the mass when it is at rest). a) Show that if m0c 2 >> pc then E m0c 2 +

p2 . The extra term compared to the 2m0

classical kinetic energy is Einsteins famous mc 2 . b) Show that for a photon with frequency , energy E = h and rest mass m0 = 0 , it follows h = pc; p = h / , the de Broglie relation. This is how he first obtained this relation. c) Explain why = c / , by drawing a light wave.

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