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Tom Hanks Robin Wright Penn Gary Sinise Mykelti Williamson Sally Fiel! Forrest Gump Jenny Lieutenant Dan ubba Mrs" Gump

+ memorable ,uote at the beginning o$ the $ilm

#Li$e is like a bo% o$ &ho&olates' you ne(er kno) )hat you )ill get ne%t"*

The story starts )ith Forrest telling his li$e-s tale to people )aiting at a small to)n bus stop"

Forrest Gump is a simple man )ith little brain a&ti(ity but goo! intentions" He struggles through &hil!hoo! )ith his best an! only $rien! Jenny"

His -mama- tea&hes him ho) to li(e an! &hoose his !estiny" She )ante! the best $or his son an! manage! to ha(e him a!mitte! to &ollege

Forrest .oins the army $or ser(i&e in /ietnam' $in!ing ne) $rien!s &alle! Dan an! ubba' he )ins me!als' starts a table tennis &ra0e' &reates a $amous shrimp $ishing $leet' inspires people to .og' &reate the smiley' )rite bumper sti&kers an! songs' !onating to people an! meeting the presi!ent se(eral times"

Ho)e(er this is not important to Forrest )ho &an only think o$ his &hil!hoo! s)eetheart Jenny The girl ma!e many mistakes in her li$e' but in the en! she &omes ba&k to him an! gi(es him a son"

Jennie !ies soon a$ter marring Forrest

1Forrest Gump1 is the story o$ a man )ho $a&e! his &hallenges' an! pro(e! that !etermination' &ourage' an! lo(e are more important than ability or intelligen&e"

Historical Events
Ku Klux Klan Civil Rights (mixed races schools) Vietnam War The assassination of J.F. Kennedy nti!"ar demonstrations Watergate #candal $and on the moon %&# disease a''eared in (.#. The )irth of com'uters (a''le)

%n the year *++,!*++- the film. Won six /scars Won six cademy "ards Won 0est 1icture

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