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Curtains English 12

Willie Lynch Letter Unit

The Task to evaluate the validity and reliability of a historical document (The Willie Lynch Letter). To carefully analyze all aspects of the document in order to determine the credibility of the author and the reliability of the text. Research -Find, and print a scholarly article written about the Willie Lynch Letter that refutes or supports it. Classwork -Complete an 8 Ls Graphic Organizer in groups. Each group will present a typed 8 Ls chart. Vocabulary Define and learn terms Literary Criticism Textual Criticism Source Criticism Historical Method Hermeneutics Indoctrinization smoking gun Etymology Conspiracy theory Authenticity Presuppositions historicity

Standards Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning & relevant and sufficient evidence. - Writing: Text Types and Purposes -1 Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources, using advanced searches effectively; assess the strengths and limitations of each source in terms of the task, purpose, and audience; integrate information into the text selectively to maintain the flow of ideas, avoiding plagiarism and overreliance on any one source Writing: Research to Build and Present Knowledge 8 Analyze 17th, 18th, and 19th century foundational U.S. documents of historical and literary significance... Reading for Information: Integration of knowledge and Ideas 9 Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research. Demonstrate knowledge of eighteenth-, nineteenth, and early twentieth-century foundational works of American literature, including how two or more texts from the same period treat similar themes or topics. Writing: Research to Build and Present Knowledge 9

Short Essay rubric

4412983 Poor

4412984 Fair

4412985 Good

4412997 Excellent

2 pts Introductory paragraph 5 pts Thesis statement


3 pts


4 pts

Good Excellent 5 pts

The introduction does not clearly state the topic, and/or no thesis statement is present.

The introduction states the topic and includes a thesis statement, but the thesis is either flawed or does not provide a preview of the main points of the essay.

The introduction clearly states the topic and includes an adequate thesis statement that provides a preview of the main points of the essay.

The introduction is very interesting, clearly states the topic that will be developed in the essay, and includes a wellconstructed thesis statement that provides a preview of the main points of the paper.

4412986 The introduction d

4412987 The introduction s

4412998 The introduction i

4412988 The introduction c

Support 15 pts Use of Evidence Within Essay

No sufficent number of evidence, misinterpreted evidence, and/or no evidence is used to support the author's main points.

The evidence provides some support to the author's main points.

Appropriate and adequate number of evidence is used to support the author's main points.

Strong and adequate number of evidence is used to support the author's main points.

4412989 No sufficent num

4412991 Appropriate and a

4412999 Strong and adequ

4412990 The evidence pro

Content 15 pts Development of Ideas

The writer is unclear about the topic he or she is writing about. The discussion is not focused.

The writer shows an understanding of the topic, but some ideas are not fully developed.

The writer has a good control of the topic he or she is writing about. Main ideas are adequately developed.

The author demonstrates a superior understanding of the topic he or she is writing about. Main ideas are fully developed.


The w riter is unc

4412993 The w riter show s

Conclusion 5 pts

4413001 The w riter has a

4413000 The author demon

The essay does not contain a detailed conclusion restating the thesis or main points. The essay ends with the reader doubting the viewpoint of the author. The meaning of the discussion is not clear.

The essay has a conclusion restating the thesis or main points. The reader is not completely convinced as the conclusion is not fully clear.

The essay has a detailed conclusion restating the thesis or main points. Little doubt is left in the reader's mind.

The essay has a detailed conclusion restating the thesis or main points and wrapped up the paper satisfactorily. The reader is fully convinced by the author's argument.


The essay does n

4413002 The essay has a

4412996 The essay has a

4412995 The essay has a

Organization and Language

The paper lacks

The paper, at times,

Proper transitions are

Excellent transitions

10 pts


The paper lacks i

internal paragraph coherence. Some ideas do not relate to the thesis and/or a few paragraphs lack topic sentences.

does not flow smoothly from paragraph to paragraph. A few topic sentences are either general or flawed.

used. Every paragraph contains a clear topic sentence. Ideas flow logically from one paragraph to the next.

4413005 Proper transitions

4413006 Excellent transitio

4413004 The paper, at time

and topic sentences are used in the paper to guide readers through the progression of ideas. Readers can see how one idea is developed from the previous one.

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