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ENGLISH Apple Inc.

Software License Agreement for iTunes for Windows Please read this software license agreement !License!" carefull# $efore using the Apple software. %# using the Apple software& #ou are agreeing to $e $ound $# the terms of this License. If #ou do not agree to the terms of this License& do not use the software. If #ou do not agree to the terms of the License& #ou ma# return the Apple software to the place where #ou o$tained it for a refund. If the Apple software was accessed electronicall#& clic' !disagree(decline!. )or Apple software included with #our purchase of hardware& #ou must return the entire hardware(software pac'age in order to o$tain a refund. Important Note* To the e+tent that this software ma# $e used to reproduce materials& it is licensed to #ou onl# for reproduction of non,cop#righted materials& materials in which #ou own the cop#right& or materials #ou are authori-ed or legall# permitted to reproduce. To the e+tent that this software ma# $e used for remote access to music files for listening $etween computers& remote access of cop#righted music is onl# pro.ided for lawful personal use or as otherwise legall# permitted. If #ou are uncertain a$out #our right to cop# or permit access to an# material #ou should contact #our legal ad.isor. /. General. The Apple and any third party software, documentation and any fonts accompanying this License whether on disk, in read only memory, on any other media or in any other form (collectively the "Apple Software") are licensed, not sold, to you by Apple nc! ("Apple") for use only under the terms of this License, and Apple reserves all rights not e"pressly granted to you! The terms of this License will govern any software upgrades provided by Apple that replace and#or supplement the original Apple Software product, unless such upgrade is accompanied by a separate license in which case the terms of that license will govern! Title and intellectual property rights in and to any content displayed by or accessed through the Apple Software belongs to the respective content owner! Such content may be protected by copyright or other intellectual property laws and treaties, and may be sub$ect to terms of use of the third party providing such content! This License does not grant you any rights to use such content! 0. Permitted License 1ses and 2estrictions. A! Sub$ect to the terms and conditions of this License, you are granted a limited non%e"clusive license to install and use the Apple Software! To the e"tent that the Apple Software may be used to reproduce materials, such use is limited to reproduction of non%copyrighted materials, materials in which you own the copyright, or materials you are authori&ed or legally permitted to reproduce! 'ou may not make the Apple Software available over a network where it could be used by multiple computers at the same time! 'ou may make one copy of the Apple Software in machine%readable form for backup purposes only( provided that the backup copy must include all copyright or other proprietary notices contained on the original! n addition to the restrictions stated above, the Apple proprietary libraries ("Apple )LLs") included with the Apple Software are only licensed for use with the Apple Software, e"cept that if you are a *eb+it developer, you may use the Apple )LLs for your personal use or internal business use in connection with your development of *eb+it in accordance with the relevant *eb+it licenses ,http-##webkit!org#.! /! 'ou may not and you agree not to, or to enable others to, copy (e"cept as e"pressly permitted by this License), decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, attempt to derive the source code of, decrypt, modify, create derivative works of the Apple Software, or any part thereof (e"cept as and only to the e"tent any foregoing restriction is prohibited by applicable law or to the e"tent as may be permitted by licensing terms governing use of open%sourced components included with the Apple Software)! Any attempt to do so is a violation of the rights of Apple and its licensors of the Apple Software! 0! 1oice2ver +it % Automatic 3pdates! *hen you are using 1oice2ver +it version 4!5, the Apple Software will periodically check with Apple for updates to the pronunciation rules used by 1oice2ver to generate the spoken items that you hear when you have 1oice2ver selected! f a pronunciation update is available, the update will automatically download onto your computer, and when you have 1oice2ver selected, the new

version of the spoken items will be generated and synced to your i6od! The older version of the spoken items will no longer be available! These automatic updates will not change the actual media content (e!g!, music, video, podcasts) on your i6od or in your iTunes library! )! 0ertain components of the Apple Software, and third party open source programs included with the Apple Software, have been or may be made available by Apple on its 2pen Source web site (http-##www!opensource!apple!com#) (collectively the "2pen%Sourced 0omponents")! 'ou may modify or replace only these 2pen%Sourced 0omponents( provided that- (i) the resultant modified Apple Software is used, in place of the unmodified Apple Software, on a single Apple%labeled computer( and (ii) you otherwise comply with the terms of this License and any applicable licensing terms governing use of the 2pen% Sourced 0omponents! Apple is not obligated to provide any maintenance, technical or other support for the resultant modified Apple Software! 3. Transfer. 'ou may not rent, lease, lend, redistribute or sublicense the Apple Software! 'ou may, however, make a one%time permanent transfer of all of your license rights to the Apple Software to another party, provided that- (a) the transfer must include all of the Apple Software, including all its component parts, original media (if any), printed materials and this License( (b) you do not retain any copies of the Apple Software, full or partial, including copies stored on a computer or other storage device( and (c) the party receiving the Apple Software reads and agrees to accept the terms and conditions of this License! 4. 5onsent to 1se of 6ata. A! f you opt in to diagnostic and usage collection, you agree that Apple and its subsidiaries and agents may collect, maintain, process and use diagnostic, technical, usage and related information, including but not limited to information about your computer, system and application software, and peripherals, that is gathered periodically to facilitate the provision of software updates, product support and other services to you (if any) related to the Apple Software, and to verify compliance with the terms of this License! Apple may use this information, as long as it is collected in a form that does not personally identify you, to provide and improve Apple7s products and services! /! f you have opted in to the 6ing social network and use the iTunes Sidebar, iTunes will send information to Apple about the content you select in your iTunes library in order to provide you with 6ing personal recommendations! /y using 6ing, you agree to Apple7s use of such information! f you do not want iTunes to send this information to Apple for 6ing, you may hide the iTunes Sidebar or opt out of 6ing! 0! At all times your information will be treated in accordance with Apple8s 6rivacy 6olicy, which is incorporated by reference into this License and can be viewed at- www!apple!com#privacy#! 7. iTunes Store and other Ser.ices. A! This software enables access to Apple7s iTunes Store, if available, which offers downloads of music for sale and other services, App Store and other Apple and third party services and web sites (collectively and individually, "Services")! Such Services may not be available in all languages or in all countries! 3se of the Services re9uires nternet access and use of certain Services may re9uire an Apple ), may re9uire you to accept additional terms of service and may be sub$ect to additional fees! /! /y using this software in connection with an Apple ), iTunes Store account or i0loud account, you agree to the applicable terms and conditions for that account, such as the latest iTunes Store Terms and 0onditions, which you may access and review at http-##www!apple!com#legal#itunes#ww#, or the i0loud Terms and 0onditions which can be found at http-##www!apple!com#legal#icloud#ww#, respectively! f you do not agree to the applicable terms and conditions for such an account, do not use the Apple Software in connection with that account! 0! 'ou understand that by using any of the Services, you may encounter content that may be deemed offensive, indecent, or ob$ectionable, which content may or may not be identified as having e"plicit language! :evertheless, you agree to use the Services at your sole risk and that Apple shall have no liability to you for content that may be found to be offensive, indecent, or ob$ectionable! 0ontent types (including genres, sub%genres and 6odcast categories and sub%categories and the like) and descriptions are provided for convenience, and you acknowledge and agree that Apple does not guarantee their accuracy! )! 0ertain Services may display, include or make available content, data, information, applications or

materials from third parties (;Third 6arty <aterials=) or provide links to certain third party web sites! /y using the Services, you acknowledge and agree that Apple is not responsible for e"amining or evaluating the content, accuracy, completeness, timeliness, validity, copyright compliance, legality, decency, 9uality or any other aspect of such Third 6arty <aterials or web sites! Apple, its officers, affiliates and subsidiaries do not warrant or endorse and do not assume and will not have any liability or responsibility to you or any other person for any third%party Services, Third 6arty <aterials or web sites, or for any other materials, products, or services of third parties! Third 6arty <aterials and links to other web sites are provided solely as a convenience to you! 'ou agree that you will not use any Third 6arty <aterials in a manner that would infringe or violate the rights of any other party, and that Apple is not in any way responsible for any such use by you! >! 'ou agree that the Services, including but not limited to graphics, audio clips, and editorial content, contain proprietary content, information and material that is owned by Apple and#or its licensors, and is protected by applicable intellectual property and other laws, including but not limited to copyright! 'ou agree that you will not use such proprietary content, information or materials other than for permitted use of the Services or in any manner that is inconsistent with the terms of this License or that infringes any intellectual property rights of a third party or Apple! :o portion of the Services may be reproduced in any form or by any means! 'ou agree not to modify, rent, lease, loan, sell, distribute, or create derivative works based on the Services, in any manner, and you shall not e"ploit the Services in any unauthori&ed way whatsoever, including but not limited to, using the Services to transmit any computer viruses, worms, tro$an horses or other malware, or by trespass or burdening network capacity! 'ou further agree not to use the Services in any manner to harass, abuse, stalk, threaten, defame or otherwise infringe or violate the rights of any other party, and that Apple is not in any way responsible for any such use by you, nor for any harassing, threatening, defamatory, offensive, infringing or illegal messages or transmissions that you may receive as a result of using any of the Services! ?! n addition, Services and Third 6arty <aterials that may be accessed from, displayed on or linked to from the Apple Software are not available in all languages or in all countries or regions! Apple makes no representation that such Services and <aterials are appropriate or available for use in any particular location! To the e"tent you choose to use or access such Services and Third 6arty <aterials, you do so at your own initiative and are responsible for compliance with any applicable laws, including but not limited to applicable local laws! Apple and its licensors reserve the right to change, suspend, remove, or disable access to any Services at any time without notice! n no event will Apple be liable for the removal of or disabling of access to any such Services! Apple may also impose limits on the use of or access to certain Services, in any case and without notice or liability! 8. Termination. This License is effective until terminated! 'our rights under this License will terminate automatically without notice from Apple if you fail to comply with any term(s) of this License! 3pon the termination of this License, you must cease all use of the Apple Software and destroy all copies, full or partial, of the Apple Software! Sections @, A, B, C, D, 44 and 4E of this License shall survive any such termination! 9. 6isclaimer of Warranties. A! f you are a customer who is a consumer (someone who uses the Apple Software outside of your trade, business or profession), you may have legal rights in your country of residence which would prohibit the following limitations from applying to you, and where prohibited they will not apply to you! To find out more about rights, you should contact a local consumer advice organi&ation! /! '23 >F6G>SSL' A0+:2*L>)H> A:) AHG>> TIAT, T2 TI> >FT>:T 6>G< TT>) /' A66L 0A/L> LA*, 3S> 2? TI> A66L> S2?T*AG> A:) S>G1 0>S S AT '23G S2L> G S+ A:) TIAT TI> >:T G> G S+ AS T2 SAT S?A0T2G' J3AL T', 6>G?2G<A:0>, A003GA0' A:) >??2GT S * TI '23! 0! T2 TI> <AF <3< >FT>:T 6>G< TT>) /' A66L 0A/L> LA*, TI> A66L> S2?T*AG> A:) S>G1 0>S AG> 6G21 )>) "AS S" A:) ;AS A1A LA/L>=, * TI ALL ?A3LTS A:) * TI23T *AGGA:T' 2? A:' + :), A:) A66L> A:) A66L>7S L 0>:S2GS (02LL>0T 1>L' G>?>GG>) T2 AS "A66L>" ?2G TI> 63G62S>S 2? S>0T 2:S C A:) D) I>G>/' ) S0LA < ALL *AGGA:T >S A:) 02:) T 2:S * TI G>S6>0T T2 TI> A66L> S2?T*AG> A:) S>G1 0>S, > TI>G >F6G>SS, <6L >) 2G STAT3T2G', :0L3) :H, /3T :2T L < T>) T2, TI> <6L >) *AGGA:T >S A:)#2G 02:) T 2:S 2? <>G0IA:TA/ L T', SAT S?A0T2G' J3AL T', ? T:>SS ?2G A 6AGT 03LAG

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//. 5ontrolling Law and Se.era$ilit#. This License will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of 0alifornia, e"cluding its conflict of law principles! This License shall not be governed by the 3nited :ations 0onvention on 0ontracts for the nternational Sale of Hoods, the application of which is e"pressly e"cluded! f you are a consumer based in the 3nited +ingdom, this License will be governed by the laws of the $urisdiction of your residence! f for any reason a court of competent $urisdiction finds any provision, or portion thereof, to be unenforceable, the remainder of this License shall continue in full force and effect! /0. 5omplete Agreement= Go.erning Language. This License constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the use of the Apple Software licensed hereunder and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous understandings regarding such sub$ect matter, with the e"ception of any additional terms and conditions you are re9uired to accept if you choose to use Apple7s online store which will govern your use of such store and any Services you purchase through that store! :o amendment to or modification of this License will be binding unless in writing and signed by Apple! Any translation of this License is done for local re9uirements and in the event of a dispute between the >nglish and any non%>nglish versions, the >nglish version of this License shall govern, to the e"tent not prohibited by local law in your $urisdiction! /3. Third Part# Notices. A! 6ortions of the Apple Software utili&e or include third party software and other copyrighted material! Acknowledgements, licensing terms and disclaimers for such material are contained in the electronic documentation for the Apple Software, and your use of such material is governed by their respective terms! /! 3se of <6>H%@! This product is licensed under the <6>H%@ Systems 6atent 6ortfolio License for encoding in compliance with the <6>H%@ Systems Standard, e"cept that an additional license and payment of royalties are necessary for encoding in connection with (i) data stored or replicated in physical media which is paid for on a title by title basis and#or (ii) data which is paid for on a title by title basis and is transmitted to an end user for permanent storage and#or use! Such additional license may be obtained from <6>H LA, LL0! See http-##www!mpegla!com for additional details! This product is licensed under the <6>H%@ 1isual 6atent 6ortfolio License for the personal and non% commercial use of a consumer for (i) encoding video in compliance with the <6>H%@ 1isual Standard ("<6>H%@ 1ideo") and#or (ii) decoding <6>H%@ video that was encoded by a consumer engaged in a personal and non%commercial activity and#or was obtained from a video provider licensed by <6>H LA to provide <6>H%@ video! :o license is granted or shall be implied for any other use! Additional information including that relating to promotional, internal and commercial uses and licensing may be obtained from <6>H LA, LL0! See http-##www!mpegla!com! 0! I!EB@#A10 :otice! To the e"tent that the Apple Software contains A10 encoding and#or decoding functionality, commercial use of I!EB@#A10 re9uires additional licensing and the following provision appliesTI> A10 ?3:0T 2:AL T' : TI S 6G2)30T S L 0>:S>) I>G> : 2:L' ?2G TI> 6>GS2:AL A:) :2:%02<<>G0 AL 3S> 2? A 02:S3<>G T2 (i) >:02)> 1 )>2 : 02<6L A:0> * TI TI> A10 STA:)AG) ("A10 1 )>2") A:)#2G (ii) )>02)> A10 1 )>2 TIAT *AS >:02)>) /' A 02:S3<>G >:HAH>) : A 6>GS2:AL A:) :2:%02<<>G0 AL A0T 1 T' A:)#2G A10 1 )>2 TIAT *AS 2/TA :>) ?G2< A 1 )>2 6G21 )>G L 0>:S>) T2 6G21 )> A10 1 )>2! :?2G<AT 2: G>HAG) :H 2TI>G 3S>S A:) L 0>:S>S <A' /> 2/TA :>) ?G2< <6>H LA L!L!0! S>> ITT6-##***!<6>HLA!02<! /4. Third Part# Software and Terms and 5onditions. A. Gracenote> End 1ser License Agreement This application or device contains software from Hracenote, nc! of >meryville, 0alifornia (;Hracenote=)! The software from Hracenote (the ;Hracenote Software=) enables this application to perform disc and#or file identification and obtain music%related information, including name, artist, track, and title information (;Hracenote )ata=) from online servers or embedded databases (collectively, ;Hracenote Servers=) and to perform other functions! 'ou may use Hracenote )ata only by means of the intended >nd%3ser functions of this application or device! 'ou agree that you will use Hracenote )ata, the Hracenote Software, and Hracenote Servers for your own personal non%commercial use only! 'ou agree not to assign, copy, transfer or transmit the Hracenote

Software or any Hracenote )ata to any third party! '23 AHG>> :2T T2 3S> 2G >F6L2 T HGA0>:2T> )ATA, TI> HGA0>:2T> S2?T*AG>, 2G HGA0>:2T> S>G1>GS, >F0>6T AS >F6G>SSL' 6>G< TT>) I>G> :! 'ou agree that your non%e"clusive license to use the Hracenote )ata, the Hracenote Software, and Hracenote Servers will terminate if you violate these restrictions! f your license terminates, you agree to cease any and all use of the Hracenote )ata, the Hracenote Software, and Hracenote Servers! Hracenote reserves all rights in Hracenote )ata, the Hracenote Software, and the Hracenote Servers, including all ownership rights! 3nder no circumstances will Hracenote become liable for any payment to you for any information that you provide! 'ou agree that Hracenote, nc! may enforce its rights under this Agreement against you directly in its own name! The Hracenote service uses a uni9ue identifier to track 9ueries for statistical purposes! The purpose of a randomly assigned numeric identifier is to allow the Hracenote service to count 9ueries without knowing anything about who you are! ?or more information, see the web page for the Hracenote 6rivacy 6olicy for the Hracenote service! The Hracenote Software and each item of Hracenote )ata are licensed to you ;AS S!= Hracenote makes no representations or warranties, e"press or implied, regarding the accuracy of any Hracenote )ata from in the Hracenote Servers! Hracenote reserves the right to delete data from the Hracenote Servers or to change data categories for any cause that Hracenote deems sufficient! :o warranty is made that the Hracenote Software or Hracenote Servers are error%free or that functioning of Hracenote Software or Hracenote Servers will be uninterrupted! Hracenote is not obligated to provide you with new enhanced or additional data types or categories that Hracenote may provide in the future and is free to discontinue its services at any time! HGA0>:2T> ) S0LA <S ALL *AGGA:T >S >F6G>SS 2G <6L >), :0L3) :H, /3T :2T L < T>) T2, <6L >) *AGGA:T >S 2? <>G0IA:TA/ L T', ? T:>SS ?2G A 6AGT 03LAG 63G62S>, T TL>, A:) :2:% :?G :H><>:T! HGA0>:2T> )2>S :2T *AGGA:T TI> G>S3LTS TIAT * LL /> 2/TA :>) /' '23G 3S> 2? TI> HGA0>:2T> S2?T*AG> 2G A:' HGA0>:2T> S>G1>G! : :2 0AS> * LL HGA0>:2T> /> L A/L> ?2G A:' 02:S>J3>:T AL 2G :0 )>:TAL )A<AH>S 2G ?2G A:' L2ST 6G2? TS 2G L2ST G>1>:3>S! %. ?er$ango Tuning Terms and 5onditions. Terms of Service! /y using 50om 0orporation7s ("50om") +erbango tuning service, ("+erbango Tuning Service") you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions (the "T2S")50om Links! The sites displayed as search results or linked to by the +erbango Tuning Service are owned and operated by individuals and#or companies over whom 50om e"ercises no control! 50om assumes no responsibility for the content of any site included in any search results or otherwise linked to by the +erbango Tuning Service! 6ersonal 3se 2nly! The +erbango Tuning Service is made available for your personal, non%commercial use only! 3se of the +erbango Tuning Service to sell a product or service, or to increase traffic to your *eb site for commercial reasons, such as advertising sales is e"pressly forbidden! 'ou may not take the results from a +erbango search and reformat and display them, or mirror the 50om7s +erbango home page or results pages on your *eb site, or send automated 9ueries to +erbango7s system without e"press permission from 50om! f you wish to make commercial use of the +erbango Tuning Service you must enter into an agreement with 50om to do so! 6lease contact salesPkerbango!com for more information! 0hanges n Terms and 0onditions and +erbango Tuning Service! 50om may modify or terminate its services from time to time, for any reason, and without notice, including the right to terminate with or without notice, without liability to you, any other user or any third party! 50om reserves the right to modify the T2S from time to time without notice! )isclaimer of *arranties! 50om disclaims any and all responsibility or liability for the accuracy, content, completeness, legality, reliability, or operability or availability of information or material displayed in the +erbango Tuning Service results! 50om disclaims any responsibility for the deletion, failure to store, misdelivery, or untimely delivery of any information or material! 50om disclaims any responsibility for any

harm resulting from downloading or accessing any information or material on the nternet through the +erbango Tuning Service! TI> +>G/A:H2 T3: :H S>G1 0> S 6G21 )>) "AS S", * TI :2 *AGGA:T >S *IATS2>1>G! 502< >F6G>SSL' ) S0LA <S T2 TI> ?3LL>ST >FT>:T 6>G< TT>) /' LA* ALL >F6G>SS, <6L >), A:) STAT3T2G' *AGGA:T >S, :0L3) :H, * TI23T L < TAT 2:, TI> *AGGA:T >S 2? <>G0IA:TA/ L T', ? T:>SS ?2G A 6AGT 03LAG 63G62S>, A:) :2:% :?G :H><>:T 2? 6G26G >TAG' G HITS! 502< ) S0LA <S A:' *AGGA:T >S G>HAG) :H TI> S>03G T', G>L A/ L T', T <>L :>SS, A:) 6>G?2G<A:0> 2? TI> +>G/A:H2 T3: :H S>G1 0>! 502< ) S0LA <S A:' *AGGA:T >S ?2G A:' :?2G<AT 2: 2G A)1 0> 2/TA :>) TIG23HI TI> +>G/A:H2 T3: :H S>G1 0>! 502< ) S0LA <S A:' *AGGA:T >S ?2G S>G1 0>S 2G H22)S G>0> 1>) TIG23HI 2G A)1>GT S>) 2: TI> +>G/A:H2 T3: :H S>G1 0> 2G G>0> 1>) TIG23HI A:' L :+S 6G21 )>) /' TI> +>G/A:H2 T3: :H S>G1 0>, AS *>LL AS ?2G A:' :?2G<AT 2: 2G A)1 0> G>0> 1>) TIG23HI A:' L :+S 6G21 )>) : TI> +>G/A:H2 T3: :H S>G1 0>! '23 3:)>GSTA:) A:) AHG>> TIAT '23 )2*:L2A) 2G 2TI>G* S> 2/TA : <AT>G AL 2G )ATA TIG23HI TI> 3S> 2? TI> +>G/A:H2 T3: :H S>G1 0> AT '23G 2*: ) S0G>T 2: A:) G S+ A:) TIAT '23 * LL /> S2L>L' G>S62:S /L> ?2G A:' )A<AH>S T2 '23G 02<63T>G S'ST>< 2G L2SS 2? )ATA TIAT G>S3LTS : TI> )2*:L2A) 2? S30I <AT>G AL 2G )ATA! S2<> STAT>S 2G 2TI>G K3G S) 0T 2:S )2 :2T ALL2* TI> >F0L3S 2: 2? <6L >) *AGGA:T >S, S2 TI> A/21> >F0L3S 2:S <A' :2T A66L' T2 '23! '23 <A' ALS2 IA1> 2TI>G G HITS TIAT 1AG' ?G2< STAT> T2 STAT> A:) K3G S) 0T 2: T2 K3G S) 0T 2:! Limitation of Liability! 3:)>G :2 0 G03<STA:0>S SIALL 502< /> L A/L> T2 A:' 3S>G 2: A0023:T 2? TIAT 3S>G7S 3S> 2G < S3S> 2? 2G G>L A:0> 2: TI> +>G/A:H2 T3: :H S>G1 0> AG S :H ?G2< A:' 0LA < G>LAT :H T2 TI S L 0>:S> 2G TI> S3/K>0T <ATT>G I>G>2?! S30I L < TAT 2: 2? L A/ L T' SIALL A66L' T2 6G>1>:T G>021>G' 2? ) G>0T, :) G>0T, :0 )>:TAL, 02:S>J3>:T AL, S6>0 AL, >F><6LAG', A:) 63: T 1> )A<AH>S *I>TI>G S30I 0LA < S /AS>) 2: *AGGA:T', 02:TGA0T, T2GT ( :0L3) :H :>HL H>:0>), 2G 2TI>G* S> (>1>: ? 502< IAS />>: A)1 S>) 2? TI> 62SS / L T' 2? S30I )A<AH>S)! S30I L < TAT 2: 2? L A/ L T' SIALL A66L' *I>TI>G TI> )A<AH>S AG S> ?G2< 3S> 2G < S3S> 2? A:) G>L A:0> 2: TI> +>G/A:H2 T3: :H S>G1 0>, ?G2< :A/ L T' T2 3S> TI> +>G/A:H2 T3: :H S>G1 0>, 2G ?G2< TI> :T>GG36T 2:, S3S6>:S 2:, 2G T>G< :AT 2: 2? TI> +>G/A:H2 T3: :H S>G1 0> ( :0L3) :H S30I )A<AH>S :03GG>) /' TI G) 6AGT >S)! TI S L < TAT 2: SIALL ALS2 A66L' * TI G>S6>0T T2 )A<AH>S :03GG>) /' G>AS2: 2? 2TI>G S>G1 0>S 2G H22)S G>0> 1>) TIG23HI 2G A)1>GT S>) 2: TI> +>G/A:H2 T3: :H S>G1 0> 2G G>0> 1>) TIG23HI A:' L :+S 6G21 )>) : TI> +>G/A:H2 T3: :H S>G1 0>, AS *>LL AS /' G>AS2: 2? A:' :?2G<AT 2: 2G A)1 0> G>0> 1>) TIG23HI 2G A)1>GT S>) 2: TI> +>G/A:H2 T3: :H S>G1 0> 2G G>0> 1>) TIG23HI A:' L :+S 6G21 )>) : TI> +>G/A:H2 T3: :H S>G1 0>! TI S L < TAT 2: SIALL ALS2 A66L', * TI23T L < TAT 2:, T2 TI> 02STS 2? 6G203G><>:T 2? S3/ST T3T> H22)S 2G S>G1 0>S, L2ST 6G2? TS, 2G L2ST )ATA! S30I L < TAT 2: SIALL ?3GTI>G A66L' * TI G>S6>0T T2 TI> 6>G?2G<A:0> 2G :2:% 6>G?2G<A:0> 2? TI> +>G/A:H2 T3: :H S>G1 0> 2G A:' :?2G<AT 2: 2G <>G0IA:) S> TIAT A66>AGS 2:, 2G S L :+>) 2G G>LAT>) : A:' *A' T2, TI> +>G/A:H2 T3: :H S>G1 0>! S30I L < TAT 2: SIALL A66L' :2T* TISTA:) :H A:' ?A L3G> 2? >SS>:T AL 63G62S> 2? A:' L < T>) G><>)' A:) T2 TI> ?3LL>ST >FT>:T 6>G< TT>) /' LA*! S2<> STAT>S 2G 2TI>G K3G S) 0T 2:S )2 :2T ALL2* TI> >F0L3S 2: 2G L < TAT 2: 2? L A/ L T' ?2G :0 )>:TAL 2G 02:S>J3>:T AL )A<AH>S, S2 TI> A/21> L < TAT 2:S A:) >F0L3S 2:S <A' :2T A66L' T2 '23! *ithout limiting the foregoing, under no circumstances shall 50om be held liable for any delay or failure in performance resulting directly or indirectly from acts of nature, forces, or causes beyond its reasonable control, including, without limitation, nternet failures, computer e9uipment failures, telecommunication e9uipment failures, other e9uipment failures, electrical power failures, strikes, labor disputes, riots, insurrections, civil disturbances, shortages of labor or materials, fires, floods, storms, e"plosions, acts of Hod, war, governmental actions, orders of domestic or foreign courts or tribunals, non%performance of third parties, or loss of or fluctuations in heat, light, or air conditioning!

<iscellaneous 6rovisions! These T2S will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of 0alifornia, without giving effect to its conflict of laws provisions or your actual state or country of residence! f for any reason a court of competent $urisdiction finds any provision or portion of the T2S to be unenforceable, the remainder of the T2S will continue in full force and effect! These T2S constitute the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the sub$ect matter hereof and supersedes and replaces all prior or contemporaneous understandings or agreements, written or oral, regarding such sub$ect matter! Any waiver of any provision of the T2S will be effective only if in writing and signed by 50om! >AND4A Gev! Q#E5#EN4

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