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More than 100 Keyboard Shortcuts must read Keyboard Shorcuts (Microsoft Windows) 1. CTRL C (Co!y) ".

CTRL # (Cut) ... $. CTRL % (&aste) '. CTRL ( ()ndo) *. +,L,T, (+e-ete) .. S/01T +,L,T, (+e-ete the se-ected item !ermanent-y without !-acin2 the item in the Recyc-e 3in) 4. CTRL whi-e dra22in2 an item (Co!y the se-ected item) 5. CTRL S/01T whi-e dra22in2 an item (Create a shortcut to the se-ected item) 6. 1" 7ey (Rename the se-ected item) 10. CTRL R08/T 9RR:W (Mo;e the insertion !oint to the be2innin2 of the ne<t word) 11. CTRL L,1T 9RR:W (Mo;e the insertion !oint to the be2innin2 of the !re;ious word) 1". CTRL +:W= 9RR:W (Mo;e the insertion !oint to the be2innin2 of the ne<t !ara2ra!h) 1$. CTRL )& 9RR:W (Mo;e the insertion !oint to the be2innin2 of the !re;ious !ara2ra!h) 1'. CTRL S/01T with any of the arrow 7eys (/i2h-i2ht a b-oc7 of te<t) S/01T with any of the arrow 7eys (Se-ect more than one item in a window or on the des7to!> or se-ect te<t in a document) 1*. CTRL 9 (Se-ect a--) 1.. 1$ 7ey (Search for a fi-e or a fo-der) 14. 9LT ,=T,R (%iew the !ro!erties for the se-ected item) 15. 9LT 1' (C-ose the acti;e item> or ?uit the acti;e !ro2ram) 16. 9LT ,=T,R (+is!-ay the !ro!erties of the se-ected ob@ect) "0. 9LT S&9C,39R (:!en the shortcut menu for the acti;e window) "1. CTRL 1' (C-ose the acti;e document in !ro2rams that enab-e you to ha;e mu-ti!-e documents o!ensimu-taneou s-y) "". 9LT T93 (Switch between the o!en items) "$. 9LT ,SC (Cyc-e throu2h items in the order that they had been o!ened) "'. 1. 7ey (Cyc-e throu2h the screen e-ements in a window or on the des7to!) "*. 1' 7ey (+is!-ay the 9ddress bar -ist in My Com!uter or Windows ,<!-orer) ".. S/01T 110 (+is!-ay the shortcut menu for the se-ected item) "4. 9LT S&9C,39R (+is!-ay the System menu for the acti;e window) "5. CTRL ,SC (+is!-ay the Start menu) "6. 9LT )nder-ined -etter in a menu name (+is!-ay the corres!ondin2 menu) )nder-ined -etter in a command name on an o!en menu (&erform the corres!ondin2 command) $0. 110 7ey (9cti;ate the menu bar in the acti;e !ro2ram) $1. R08/T 9RR:W (:!en the ne<t menu to the ri2ht> or o!en a submenu) $". L,1T 9RR:W (:!en the ne<t menu to the -eft> or c-ose a submenu) $$. 1* 7ey ()!date the acti;e window) $'. 39CKS&9C, (%iew the fo-der one-e;e- u! in My Com!uter or Windows ,<!-orer) $*. ,SC (Cance- the current tas7) $.. S/01T when you insert a C+AR:Minto the C+AR:M dri;e (&re;ent the C+AR:M

from automatica--y !-ayin2) +ia-o2 3o< A Keyboard Shortcuts 1. CTRL T93 (Mo;e forward throu2h the tabs) ". CTRL S/01T T93 (Mo;e bac7ward throu2h the tabs) $. T93 (Mo;e forward throu2h the o!tions) '. S/01T T93 (Mo;e bac7ward throu2h the o!tions) *. 9LT )nder-ined -etter (&erform the corres!ondin2 command or se-ect the corres!ondin2 o!tion) .. ,=T,R (&erform the command for the acti;e o!tion or button) 4. S&9C,39R (Se-ect or c-ear the chec7 bo< if the acti;e o!tion is a chec7 bo<) 5. 9rrow 7eys (Se-ect a button if the acti;e o!tion is a 2rou! of o!tion buttons) 6. 11 7ey (+is!-ay /e-!) 10. 1' 7ey (+is!-ay the items in the acti;e -ist) 11. 39CKS&9C, (:!en a fo-der one -e;e- u! if a fo-der is se-ected in the Sa;e 9s or :!en dia-o2 bo<) Microsoft =atura- Keyboard Shortcuts 1. Windows Lo2o (+is!-ay or hide the Start menu) ". Windows Lo2o 3R,9K (+is!-ay the System &ro!erties dia-o2 bo<) $. Windows Lo2o + (+is!-ay the des7to!) '. Windows Lo2o M (MinimiBe a-- of the windows) *. Windows Lo2o S/01T M (Restorethe minimiBed windows) .. Windows Lo2o , (:!en My Com!uter) 4. Windows Lo2o 1 (Search for a fi-e or a fo-der) 5. CTRL Windows Lo2o 1 (Search for com!uters) 6. Windows Lo2o 11 (+is!-ay Windows /e-!) 10. Windows Lo2o L (Loc7 the 7eyboard) 11. Windows Lo2o R (:!en the Run dia-o2 bo<) 1". Windows Lo2o ) (:!en )ti-ity Mana2er) 1$. 9ccessibi-ity Keyboard Shortcuts 1'. Ri2ht S/01T for ei2ht seconds (Switch 1i-terKeys either on or off) 1*. Left 9LT -eft S/01T &R0=T SCR,,= (Switch /i2h Contrast either on or off) 1.. Left 9LT -eft S/01T =)M L:CK (Switch the MouseKeys either on or off) 14. S/01T fi;e times (Switch the Stic7yKeys either on or off) 15. =)M L:CK for fi;e seconds (Switch the To22-eKeys either on or off) 16. Windows Lo2o ) (:!en )ti-ity Mana2er) "0. Windows ,<!-orer Keyboard Shortcuts "1. ,=+ (+is!-ay the bottom of the acti;e window) "". /:M, (+is!-ay the to! of the acti;e window) "$. =)M L:CK 9steris7 si2n (C) (+is!-ay a-- of the subfo-ders that are under the se-ected fo-der) "'. =)M L:CK &-us si2n ( ) (+is!-ay the contents of the se-ected fo-der) "*. =)M L:CK Minus si2n (A) (Co--a!se the se-ected fo-der) ".. L,1T 9RR:W (Co--a!se the current se-ection if it is e<!anded> or se-ect the !arent fo-der)

"4. R08/T 9RR:W (+is!-ay the current se-ection if it is co--a!sed> or se-ect the first subfo-der) Shortcut Keys for Character Ma! 9fter you doub-eAc-ic7 a character on the 2rid of characters> you can mo;e throu2h the 2rid by usin2 the 7eyboard shortcutsD 1. R08/T 9RR:W (Mo;e to the ri2htor to the be2innin2 of the ne<t -ine) ". L,1T 9RR:W (Mo;e to the -eft orto the end of the !re;ious -ine) $. )& 9RR:W (Mo;e u! one row) '. +:W= 9RR:W (Mo;e down one row) *. &98, )& (Mo;e u! one screen at a time) .. &98, +:W= (Mo;e down one screen at a time) 4. /:M, (Mo;e to the be2innin2 of the -ine) 5. ,=+ (Mo;e to the end of the -ine) 6. CTRL /:M, (Mo;e to the first character) 10. CTRL ,=+ (Mo;e to the -ast character) 11. S&9C,39R (Switch between ,n-ar2ed and =orma- mode when a character is se-ected) Microsoft Mana2ement Conso-e (MMC) Main Window Keyboard Shortcuts 1. CTRL : (:!en a sa;ed conso-e) ". CTRL = (:!en a new conso-e) $. CTRL S (Sa;e the o!en conso-e) '. CTRL M (9dd or remo;e a conso-e item) *. CTRL W (:!en a new window) .. 1* 7ey ()!date the content of a-- conso-e windows) 4. 9LT S&9C,39R (+is!-ay the MMC window menu) 5. 9LT 1' (C-ose the conso-e) 6. 9LT 9 (+is!-ay the 9ction menu) 10. 9LT % (+is!-ay the %iew menu) 11. 9LT 1 (+is!-ay the 1i-e menu) 1". 9LT : (+is!-ay the 1a;orites menu) MMC Conso-e Window Keyboard Shortcuts 1. CTRL & (&rint the current !a2e or acti;e !ane) ". 9LT Minus si2n (A) (+is!-ay the window menu for the acti;e conso-e window) $. S/01T 110 (+is!-ay the 9ction shortcut menu for the se-ected item) '. 11 7ey (:!en the /e-! to!ic> if any> for the se-ected item) *. 1* 7ey ()!date the content of a-- conso-e windows) .. CTRL 110 (Ma<imiBe the acti;e conso-e window) 4. CTRL 1* (Restore the acti;e conso-e window) 5. 9LT ,=T,R (+is!-ay the &ro!erties dia-o2 bo<> if any> for these-ected item) 6. 1" 7ey (Rename the se-ected item) 10. CTRL 1' (C-ose the acti;e conso-e window. When a conso-e has on-y one conso-e window> this shortcut c-oses the conso-e)

Remote +es7to! Connection =a;i2ation 1. CTRL 9LT ,=+ (:!en the Microsoft Windows =T Security dia-o2 bo<) ". 9LT &98, )& (Switch between !ro2rams from -eft to ri2ht) $. 9LT &98, +:W= (Switch between !ro2rams from ri2ht to -eft) '. 9LT 0=S,RT (Cyc-e throu2h the !ro2rams in most recent-y used order) *. 9LT /:M, (+is!-ay the Start menu) .. CTRL 9LT 3R,9K (Switch the c-ient com!uter between a window and a fu-screen) 4. 9LT +,L,T, (+is!-ay the Windows menu) 5. CTRL 9LT Minus si2n (A) (&-ace a sna!shot of the acti;e window in the c-ient on the Termina- ser;er c-i!board and !ro;ide the same functiona-ity as !ressin2 &R0=T SCR,,= on a -oca- com!uter.) 6. CTRL 9LT &-us si2n ( ) (&-ace asna!shot of the entire c-ient window area on the Termina- ser;er c-i!boardand !ro;ide the same functiona-ity as!ressin2 9LT &R0=T SCR,,= on a -oca- com!uter.) Microsoft 0nternet ,<!-orer Keyboard Shortcuts 1. CTRL 3 (:!en the :r2aniBe 1a;orites dia-o2 bo<) ". CTRL , (:!en the Search bar) $. CTRL 1 (Start the 1ind uti-ity) '. CTRL / (:!en the /istory bar) *. CTRL 0 (:!en the 1a;orites bar) .. CTRL L (:!en the :!en dia-o2 bo<) 4. CTRL = (Start another instance of the browser with the same Web address) 5. CTRL : (:!en the :!en dia-o2 bo<>the same as CTRL L) 6. CTRL & (:!en the &rint dia-o2 bo<) 10. CTRL R ()!date the current Web !a2e) 11. CTRL W (C-ose the current window)

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