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Case Study - Brand Amul The Taste of India

AMUL- The Taste of India Born: 1946 !hristened in 19""n 19"" #istory: $ri%inally mar&eted 'y the (aira )istri!t Coo*erati+e Mil& ,rodu!ers- Union Anand it .as ta&en o+er 'y the /u0arat Coo*erati+e Mil& Mar&etin% 1ederation 2/CMM13 in 1945

Status: #as a 1"6 mar&et share in the 7s1" 888 !rore mil& !ate%ory and a 546 share in the 7s988 !rore or%ani9ed i!e-!ream se%ment: Startin% .ith mil& and mil& *o.der the Amul 'rand today !o+ers a ran%e of dairy *rodu!ts;from !ho!olates to !heese and of !ourse 'utter Brand story: If a 'rand-s +alue is to 'e 0ud%ed 'y the ease .ith .hi!h it !an 'e re!alled then Amul-s mar&etin% !am*ai%n .ins hands do.n: <ith its !le+er use of to*i!al e+ents Amul-s utterly 'utterly !am*ai%n ;it has the distin!tion of enterin% the /uinness <orld 7e!ords as the lon%est runnin% !am*ai%n;has .on the 'rand se+eral a!!olades: ,layin% the role of a so!ial o'ser+er its .ee&ly !omments ha+e ti!&led India-s funny 'one sin!e 1964 .hen Syl+ester )a Cunha-s irre*ressi'le Amul %irl first had her say:

But .hat-s &e*t the 'rand %oin% all these years= ><e ha+e !han%ed the *a!&a% in% our te!hnolo%y and our a**roa!h to mar &etin% 'ased on the !han%in% taste 'uds of our !onsumers: #o.e+er the only thin% that has hel*ed us sail smoothly is that .e ha+e not !han%ed our !ore +alues;%i+e the 'est ?uality *rodu!t to the !onsumer and the 'est *ossi'le *ri!e: It holds true in any era @ says B:M: Ayas mana%in% dire!tor /CMM1: In fa!t it is not 0ust the !ore +alues at Amul that ha+e remained the sameB the !ore team asso!iated .ith the 'rand is still the same: C+en the ad+ertisin% a%en!y hasn-t !han%ed and )a Cunha and 1CB Ul&a ha+e *layed a *i+otal role in the of Amul: >This has hel*ed us maintain !onsisten!y in our !ommuni!ation: $ur strate%y of um'rella 'randin% has also hel*ed esta'lish our 'rand firmly in *eo*le-s minds: This des*ite the fa!t that .e do not s*end more than 16 of our turno+er for mar&etin% !om*ared .ith 4-D6 2s*ent3 'y most of the food and !onsumer *rodu!t !om*anies @ 7:S: Sodhi head of mar&etin% /CMM1 says: 1rom Utterly 'utterly deli!ious Amul to The Taste of India !ontinues to 'e the toast of the !ountry: Amul

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