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Elaine C.

310 East Market Street Tiffin, OH 44883 (123) 45 !"8#0 Ekwan"""$%a&''.(') June 1, 2008 Ms. Nancy Johnson, Principal East Side City Schools 222 East Street East Side City, OH 12 !"#$%8& 'ear Ms. Johnson, Enclosed are (y application (aterials )or the Hi*h School En*lish teachin* position at East Side City Schools. +his May co(pleted (y ,achelor o) -rts in En*lish )ro(* Colle*e, and recei/ed Ohio 0icensure in -1- 0an*ua*e -rts 2*rades % #123. 0ast )all 4 co(pleted (y student teachin* in your district at Pleasant 5alley Middle School, and en6oyed a 7onder)ul e8perience 7ith students in se/eral En*lish 0iterature and 9ritin* classes. 4 also appreciated the pro)essionalis( and carin* attitude o) the teachers and sta)). 'urin* (y /arious )ield e8periences, 4 7or:ed 7ith students at all le/els, includin* &th *rade re(edial 0an*ua*e -rts and -P En*lish. +his included pro/idin* indi/idual, s(all *roup and 7hole class instruction to students 7ith learnin* disa.ilities, e(otional distur.ances, and (ultiple disa.ilities. 4 /alue indi/iduality, and stri/e to (eet the needs o) each student. +o acco(plish this, 4 use a /ariety o) hands#on acti/ities and di))erent teachin* strate*ies to acco((odate di/erse learnin* styles. - )e7 o) (y students )a/orites include (y ;<ecycle 1our Essay= co(petition and ;<ule or No <ule=, a *ra((ar *a(e .ased on a popular +5 sho7. 4 also reco*ni>e the i(portance o) trust, and success)ully esta.lished relationships 7ith students that resulted in a sa)e, co()orta.le, challen*in*, learnin* en/iron(ent. ?or the last )our su((ers 4 7or:ed 7ith children a*es 8#12 in a local su((er tutorin* pro*ra(. -s a @roup Coordinator, 4 super/ised a tea( o) 10 collea*ues, participated in leadership trainin* and crisis (ana*e(ent, and 7as indirectly responsi.le )or the instruction o) 100A students. +hrou*h this e8perience, 4 *ained /alua.le *roup (ana*e(ent s:ills and de/eloped positi/e relationships 7ith youth in the pro*ra(, detailin* 6ust a )e7 o) the s:ills 4 can contri.ute at East Side City Schools. +han: you )or your ti(e and consideration. 1ou 7ill )ind (y resu(e, a copy o) (y transcript, a 7ritin* sa(ple, and re)erence letters enclosed. 4 7ill )ollo7 up 7ith you concernin* the Hi*h School En*lish +eachin* Position 7ithin 2 7ee:s. Sincerely, Elaine C. Kwan Elaine C. B7an

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