Basic Needs of Living Things

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Basic needs of living things


What is the basic need of plant ?

A. Sunlight and water /

B. Sunlight and air

C. Sunlight, water and air /

D. Food, water, shelter and air / , ,

2. Why do humans need water ?


A. Help him grow /

B. Protect himself from danger /
C. Help him stay healthy /
D. Maintain a balanced diet /

3. What will happen to an astronaut if he does not carry out an oxygen tank with him ?

A. The astronaut will die /

B. The astronaut not be able to communicate /
C. The astronaut feels sleepy /
D. The astronaut feels pain /

4. Which is not a basic need of human ?


A. Air /
B. Shelter/
C. Food /
D. Sunlight /

5. A bird lays eggs in ____________

______________ .

A. a hole /
B. a cage /
C. a nest ./
D. soil /

6. Which is a shelter for a squirrel ?


A. a hole /
B. a cage /
C. a nest ./
D. soil /

7. Without water and food, a bird will die, because

, .....

A. food is a basic need of the bird / .

B. water is a basic need of the bird / .
C. food and water are the basic need to stay alive /
D. the bird can only live in water / .

8. Aminah got up a crowded bus. After 30 minutes, she fainted. Why did she faint ?
. 30 .

A. There was not enough oxygen in the bus /

B. There was not enough shelter in the bus /
C. There was not enough water in the bus /
D. There was not enough space in the bus /

9. A pot of plant placed in a dark room . After two weeks, the plant has wilted. This is
because the plant
. .

A. Does not get enough space /

B. Does not get enough air /
C. Does not get enough water/
D. Does not get enough sunlight/

10. Which part if plant that can absorb water ?


A. Stems/
B. Roots /
C. Leaves /
D. Fruits /

11. A chicken placed in a empty box . The chicken die after 5 days .
Give the reason why does the chick dies after five days ?

. 5
? ?

A. No food /
B. No light /
C. No space /
D. No water /

12. Amir choose a cage to keep his bird. Give a reason.

. ?

A. The bird can play /

B. The bird can grow /
C. The bird can sleep /
D. The bird can breathe /

13. Why do human need shelter?


A. They can breathe /

B. They can stay happy /
C. It can provide energy/
D. Protect themselves from danger /

14 .Basic need of animals Reason

A. Food To make animals stronger /

B. Shelter To protect animals from danger. .
C. Water To clean their bodies / , .
D. Air To excrete waste product / .

15. which gas does a plant use to breath?


A. oxygen /
B. carbon dioxide /
C. Nitrogen/
D. Monoxide/

16. Which of the following food give us energy ?


A.Rice /
B.Water /
C.Fruits /
D.Nuts/ ()

17. Why do human cannot stay long in the water ?


A. They do not have enough food/

B. They do not have enough friends /
C. They do not have enough oxygen /
D. They do not have enough space /

18. Why green plants need sunlight ?


A. To reproduce /
B. To absorb air/
C. To make food /
D. To produce fruits /

19. V, W, X, Y and Z are the basic needs of living things.

V, W, X, Y Z .

V air /
W shelter /
X water /
Y sunlight /
Z food /

Which of the following are the basic need of human ?

A. V , W
B. V, W, X
C. V, W, X ,Y
D. V, W, X,Z

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