CIMA Pulse

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Keep|ng a tab on the world of bus|ness

Vol lll
Message rom
lraLil laLel

Overull, the puss

percentuges ucross pupers
in lndiu huve improved in
the Muy 2012 diet vis--vis
the previous two diets.
Aug-Sept 2012

Message romlraLil laLel.......................1
a ...........................2
WNS LvenL ............................................2
Up Next
ClMA's NewAll|ances
Member Speak
Latest Vacanc|es on
ClMA MY]O8S............................8
ClMA lns|ghts .............................8
lmportant Uates ........................8
ClMA Applause...........................9
Contact Ueta|ls ........................10

ClMA ML visiLs lndi

L1 NOW lanel Liscussion .................3
lnducLion-Manipal UniversiLy............3
lnauguraLion - ShadWell ..................4
CorporaLe Governance Seminar .......4
kevision LecLures .................................4
Symbiosis CenLre or LisLance
Learning (SCLL) ...................................5
lrime Academy.....................................5
Marl evan............................................6
Lear ClMA sLudenLs and members, LhereaLer. Many sLudenLs have grabbed
Lhis opporLuniLy wiLh boLh hands. esL
Welcome bacl Lo anoLher ediLion o
o lucl Lo Lhem LxamenLry or
ClMA lulse. As always, iL was hearLening
November dieL sLarLs rom1 AugusL
Lo see so many responses and eedbacl
2012 and closes on 14 SepLember 2012.
coming our way. 1hey go a long way in
helping us male lulse more relevanL, We are pleased Lo announce LhaL ClMA
inLeresLing and insighLul. and Symbiosis CenLre or LisLance
Learning (SCLL) have come LogeLher Lo
ALer Lhe May exams, l amsure mosL o
oer a losL GraduaLe Liploma in
you were anxiously awaiLing your
ManagemenL romSCLL combined wiLh
resulLs. CongraLulaLions Lo all Lhose who
an Advanced Liploma in ManagemenL
cleared Lhe exams and or Lhose who
AccounLing romClMA. 1he ClMA-SCLL
couldn'L, remember Henry lord's saying
programme allows you Lo compleLe a
"lailure is simply Lhe opporLuniLy Lo
corporaLe losL GraduaLe Liploma in
begin again, Lhis Lime more
usiness AdminisLraLion (lGLA) wiLh
dual specialisaLion in linance and
Overall, Lhe pass percenLages across
ManagemenL AccounLing as well as
papers in lndia have improved in Lhe
acquire Lhe ClMA Advanced Liploma in
May 2012 dieL vis-a-vis Lhe previous Lwo
ManagemenL AccounLing.
dieLs. 1he lroessional gaLeway resulLs
ClMA lndia would also lile Lo
have been excellenL, wiLnessing an
congraLulaLe all Lhe sLudenLs who have
increase o more Lhan S0% in pass
gained admission, aLer Lhe rigorous
percenLage vis-a-vis Lhe previous dieLs.
admission procedures, Lo Manipal
1he pass percenLage o Lhe sLudenLs
UniversiLy, ChrisL UniversiLy and
sLudying aL our lisLed LuiLion providers
ShadWell's or Lheir undergraduaLe
has also been excepLional. On an
programme inLegraLed wiLh ClMA.
average, 6S% o Lhemcleared Lheir
respecLive exams. Well done Lo Lhose 1hese and many more evenLs, issues and
candidaLes. announcemenLs can be ound in deLail in
Lhe ollowing pages. We hope you en|oy
lor Lhose who need Lo re-appear
Lhis ediLion o ClMA lulse. We lool
SLraLegic level papers - we have good
orward Lo your valuable eedbacl.
news. SLudenLs can now appear or
sLraLegic level re-siLs on lC in kegards,
SepLember 2012. 14 exams and lrat|k latel, ACMA, CGMA
SLraLegic papers re-siLs will be Manager - usiness SupporL
conducLed in March and SepLember ClMA lndia
ManagemenL AccounLanLs. He currenLly heads a real esLaLe
company, iodiversiLy ConservaLion lndia lrivaLe LimiLed,
a engaluru-based organisaLion LhaL is one o Lhe largesL
susLainable developers in Lhe counLry.
ln Lhe Lelhi ediLion, Mr SidharLh vishwanaLh, LxecuLive LirecLor -
kisl and Advisory, lwC, shared his insighLs on Lhe issue o eLhics.
He spole abouL how, and why, eLhics should be incorporaLed by
Lhe ManagemenL o all organisaLions.
1he sessions ended wiLh inLeracLions beLween Lhe panelisLs
and Lhe ClMA sLudenLs, members and LuiLion providers in Lhe
audience which involved some leen quesLioning.
ClMA Manag|ng U|rector v|s|ts lnd|a
re ap c
Andrew Harding, Managing LirecLor - ClMA, was on a whirlwind
Lour o lndia rom9-13 |uly. Luring Lhis visiL, he parLicipaLed
in Lwo panel discussions, one held in engaluru and Lhe oLher
in Lelhi, aLLended by many ClMA sLudenLs, members and
LuiLion providers.
1he discussions were based on Lhe recenL ClMA reporL 'Manag|ng
kespons|ble 8us|ness: A global survey on bus|ness eth|cs'.
1he engaluru evenL saw parLicipaLion by Mr San|ay kamanu|am,
ACMA, CGMA, who shared his views on Lhe reporL.
Mr kamanu|amis also a member o Lhe lnsLiLuLe o CharLered
AccounLanLs o lndia, Lhe American lnsLiLuLe o CerLiied lublic
AccounLanLs (ClA, US) and Lhe CharLered lnsLiLuLe o
Keep|ng a tab on the world of bus|ness
WNS R|gher Lducat|on ln|t|at|ve
WNS, a leading global business process ouLsourcing company,
recenLly organised a 3-day evenL in Mumbai and lune. 1he ocus
was on helping WNS employees undersLand Lhe imporLance o a
proessional qualiicaLion such as ClMA. ClMA parLicipaLed in Lhis
evenL as a 1raining larLner o WNS.
1he evenL received an overwhelming response in boLh Lhe ciLies.
As a resulL, more such evenLs are now being planned or
Lhe uLure.

Lxtending our Lnterprise

Andrew Harding, Managing LirecLor - ClMA San|ay kamanu|am, keal esLaLe head, iodiversiLy ConservaLion lndia
Keep|ng a tab on the world of bus|ness
Andrew Harding also parLicipaLed in a Lelevised panel discussion
organised by ClMA in collaboraLion wiLh L1 Now. 1he Lopic was
Manag|ng kespons|ble 8us|ness: 1he role of reputat|on and
eth|cs. 1he aimwas Lo achieve Lhe ollowing.
Lxplore and share Lhe building blocls needed Lo manage
responsible businesses, wiLh inpuLs romLhe panelisLs
Share new perspecLive on Lhe impacL o repuLaLion
eLhical behaviour on business and discuss i repuLaLion
and eLhics can be eecLively measured or a business
Liscuss how employee behavio r, exLernal environmenLal
pressures on eLhical behavio r and eLhical misdemeano r
impacL Lhe business, repuLaLion and goodwill

u u
L1 NOW kound 1able lanel U|scuss|on

Lxplore besL pracLices in building responsible eLhical behavio r

in organisaLions, role o Lhe 'Lone romLhe Lop', business vision
and values in doing so.
1he panel was moderaLed by laromiLa ChaLLer|ee, L1 NOW
presenLer, and had Lhe ollowing as parLicipanLs.
Mr Andrew Harding, Managing LirecLor - ClMA
Mr Girish haL, ACMA, CGMA, ClO - Gammon lndia
Mr Neville Lumasia, larLner - kisl Advisory, LrnsL & oung
Mr Keshav Murugesh, CLO - WNS
1he evenL was LelecasL on L1 Nowon 28-29 |uly 2012. 1o view
Lhis discussion, clicl here
On 20 |uly, Lhe LeparLmenL o Commerce, Manipal UniversiLy
inducLed iLs 6Lh aLch o MsLudenLs.
1he evenL was inauguraLed by Mr MNarendra, Chairman and
Managing LirecLor, lndian Overseas anl.
Ms AraLi lorwal, Chie kepresenLaLive - ClMA lndia, was Lhe oLher
Chie GuesL. ln her speech, Ms lorwal highlighLed Lhe hisLory,
growLh and need o proessional qualiicaLions.
1his year, Manipal UniversiLy has launched a new M
(lroessional) programme in collaboraLion wiLh ClMA. 1he irsL
baLch consisLs o 40 sLudenLs. 1hey will sLudy Lhe ClMA
qualiicaLion along wiLh Lheir Mdegree and emerge wiLh
a MromManipal UniversiLy and an Advanced Liploma in
ManagemenL AccounLing romClMA aL Lhe end o Lhree years.
lnduct|on of 6 batch of 88M
students, Man|pal Un|vers|ty
lromL-k. Neville Lumasia, Girish haL, laromiLa ChaLLer|ee, Andrew Harding and Keshav Murugesh
LaLe . 18 AugusL 2012
laper . 14
laculLy . |yoLi Narayan

lnaugurat|on of Academ|c
lrogrammes for 2012,
ShadWell's School of 8us|ness
ShadWell's School o usiness, an insLiLuLion having campuses
in Kochi, 1rivandrum, CalicuL and engaluru inauguraLed iLs
Academic lrogrammes or 2012 on SaLurday, 21 |uly aL Kochi
wiLh Ms AraLi lorwal as Chie GuesL. 1his was a common
inauguraLion or all programmes oered by Lhe insLiLuLion.
ShadWell's has been successully running ClMA programmes
or Lhe pasL Lhree years and is currenLly ClMA's largesL learning
parLner in lndia in Lerms o sLudenL recruiLmenL.
28 September 2012, Mumba|
ClMA, in collaboraLion wiLh CorporaLe Lossier - a supplemenL
o 1he Lconomic 1imes wiLh a special ocus on managemenL
and sLraLegy LargeLed aL Lhe CLOs o corporaLe lndia - is going
Lo sponsor a seminar on CorporaLe Governance.
ln iLs ourLh year now, Lhis seminar plans Lo bring indusLry
sLalwarLs onLo a LhoughL leadership plaLormLo discuss superior
Keep|ng a tab on the world of bus|ness
business perormances and howLhe underlying Lrends
and sLraLegies can help a company become more eecLive
and LransparenL.
1he panel will see parLicipaLion romeminenL indusLry people.
Mr Charles 1illey, CLO - ClMA, is also scheduled Lo be a spealer
in one o Lhe panels. l you would lile Lo aLLend Lhe seminar,
mail us aL
1o assisL Lhe sLudenLs appearing or Lhe SepLember lC exams, Lwo revision lecLures via WebLx have been organised.
1he schedule is as ollows.
Corporate Governance Sem|nar
kev|s|on Lectures
LaLe . 2S AugusL 2012
laper . L3 (LnLerprise SLraLegy)
laculLy . Ar| Wignara|a
Symb|os|s Centre for U|stance
Learn|ng (SCUL)
lrime Academy is Lhe largesL insLiLuLion or CA coaching
in Chennai. 1ill daLe, Lhey have Lrained more Lhan /0,000 sLudenLs
or CA. Known or Lheir qualiLy o Leaching and
success in CA exams, lrime signed up as a ClMA LisLed Learning
larLner in May 2012 Lo oer a wider range o programmes
Lo iLs sLudenLs. 1he academy plans Lo oer LuiLion supporL
Lo ClMA sLudenLs romCerLiicaLe Lo SLraLegic level sLarLing
AugusL-SepLember 2012.
lr|me Academy
linance and ManagemenL AccounLing. Mr Andrew Harding,
Managing LirecLor - ClMA and Ms AraLi lorwal, Chie
kepresenLaLive - ClMA lndia signed Lhe MoU on ClMA's behal
while Lr SwaLi Mu|umdar - lrincipal LirecLor o Symbiosis Open
LducaLion SocieLy and Mr Namdeo Kumbhar, kegisLrar o SCLL,
signed on behal o Symbiosis.
Some o Lhe ley eaLures o Lhe programme are LhaL iL does noL
have any enLrance LesL. NeiLher does iL require any minimum
graduaLion percenLage. leaLures LhaL are in sync wiLh ClMA's
philosophy o open enLry. SCLL is going Lo provide supporL in
Lerms o virLual classrooms, live chaLs and call cenLres in addiLion
Lo sLudy maLerial and CL/ LvLs o lecLures. While Lhis year,
Lhe ocus is on oering Lhis programme Lo all graduaLes, in 2013
ManagemenL AccounLing may become an opLional dual
specialisaLion or all SCLL losL GraduaLe Liploma in usiness
AdminisLraLion (lGLA) sLudenLs.
On 10 |uly, ClMA signed a Memorandumo UndersLanding (MoU)
wiLh SCLL, lune, Lo roll ouL a Lwo-year disLance learning losL
GraduaLe Liploma in ManagemenL wiLh dual specialisaLion in
Keep|ng a tab on the world of bus|ness
Namdeo Kumbhar and Andrew Harding

inormaLion. As Lime has progressed, Lhere will Lruly LesL wheLher your voL has a
has been a drive or sLandardisaLion o Lhis moral compass or noL and will sLand Lhe
inormaLion Lo ensure LhaL owners and LesL o Lime. lL is only in Lhe day-Lo-day
invesLors alile can have a 'Lrue and air' worl conLexL where you will, as a
ManagemenL AccounLanL, begin
Lo ind Lhe Lrue LesL o one's
eLhical sLrengLh. 1his is where
your voL will eiLher become
louder and sLronger or will
perish inLo obscuriLy and a line
will have been crossed which is
Lhen diiculL or mosL
individuals Lo reLurn rom. Lo
As a proessional ManagemenL AccounLanL, viewo Lhe business. 1his has led Lo a need
noL ollowLhis paLh
Lhe 'voice o LLhics' (voL) has always been or consisLency, openness and sLandardised
in my head, Lalling Lo me soLly. Over Lime, worl meLhods Lo an exLenL. uL We all, l believe, have eLhics or morals
Lhe voice has become sLronger and more LhroughouL, Lhere has been a need Lo wiLhin us buL iL is also abouL how we
demanding o me. 1he voL has never been ensure Lhe human inLerace (you and me) choose Lo use or deploy LhemLhaL males
a lone voice buL as l have become more does whaL iL is supposed Lo do. 1his has in us dierenL romoLhers and is perhaps a
experienced in my worl, iL has become one iLsel led Lo proessional expecLaLions rom ley dierenLiaLor or oLhers in Lhe
o Lhe louder and more consisLenL voices individuals who prepare accounLs and a worlplace Loo. Or aL leasL iL should be. As a
LhaL l lisLen Lo. ocus on Lheir Lraining and worl pracLices. ManagemenL AccounLanL, we also have a
proessional requiremenL Lo ensure we
l have always had whaL l would call a moral lromLhe beginning o an accounLanL's lie,
ollow eLhical pracLices.
upbringing where Lhe sense o righL and we are LaughL Lhe ive basic principles o
wrong was LaughL Lo me Lhrough various accounLing (Going Concern, Accruals So along wiLh sLandards, Lraining and a
meLhods, mainly Lhrough my parenLs buL MaLching, HisLorical CosL, ConsisLency and willingness Lo deploy eLhical behaviour,
also Lhrough my schooling. uL iL wasn'L lrudence). 1hus, our road rommoral Lo whaL else has inluenced Lhe sLrong shiL
really unLil l became a qualiied eLhics has begun and LhaL voL in our head Lowards a sLronger voL over Lime? 1he
ManagemenL AccounLanL LhaL Lhe moral has now been swiLched on (or l hope iL business environmenL has deiniLely shaped
code Lransormed inLo a sLrong eLhical one. has). Lhe changes and driven a greaLer eLhical
expecLaLion in Lhe general business sense.
So why has voL become a sLronger, more
1his has meanL LhaL employers, Loo, play a
persisLenL voice or me and oLhers in our
ley role now in ensuring sLrong eLhical
proession? And why has iL LransiLioned
behaviour romall Lheir employees. ln my
roma moral code Lo an eLhical one? 1he
view, Lhis can only be a good Lhing.
answer is o course Lhe convergence o a
mulLiLude o dierenL inluences which l ln addiLion Lo Lhis, Lhe acL LhaL our
However, bools, Lraining and lnowledge
will aLLempL Lo explain in Lhe ollowing business environmenL globally has become
do noL really prepare Lhe newly qualiied
paragraphs. less predicLable, less seasonal almosL
ManagemenL AccounLanL or Lhe real world
means LhaL siLuaLions we as ManagemenL
Since accounLing began, people have used
where his voL will be LesLed daily. No
AccounLanLs ind ourselves in have become
cerLain meLhods Lo provide inancial
amounL o research, simulaLion or exams
Member Speak
Keep|ng a tab on the world of bus|ness
No amounL o research,
simulaLion or exams will Lruly
LesL wheLher your voice o eLhics
has a moral compass or noL.
We all have eth|cs or morals
w|th|n us but |t |s also about
howwe choose to use or deploy
them that makes us d|fferent
from others.
Mark 8evan
Ass|stant V|ce lres|dent - l|nance
]C8 lnd|a
Lth|cs |n an Uncerta|n World
less predicLable Loo. 1his means LhaL we and Licl lisLs are only a small parL o a acLively involved aL such Limes.
need Lo be consLanLly alerL Lo eLhical issues sLrong eLhics culLure in an organisaLion.
and should be able Lo reacL Lo siLuaLions
One concerning Lrend romLhis reporL is
we come across, perhaps now more
Lhe apparenL decline in Lhe imporLance
requenLly. lor example, as a business
aLLached Lo eLhical pracLices aL Lhe Lop o
grows quiclly in a marleL such as lndia,
Lhe company. 1his is criLical or ensuring
business conLrols and employees boLh geL
LhaL an eLhical culLure is mainLained and
sLreLched. 1his means opporLuniLies or
So in quicl summary. as a ManagemenL
susLained or Lhe long Lermgood o Lhe
eLhical concerns could perhaps arise.
AccounLanL, you have a well-Lrained 'voice
organisaLion and iLs sLaleholders. A
As opporLuniLies arise and people are
o LLhics'. Leploy iL whenever required,
ManagemenL AccounLanL has a clear role
Loo busy Lrying Lo geL Lhe day |ob done,
Lrain iL as you gain experience and never be
here and his inLernal voL should drive him
opporLuniLies can be Lalen by Lhe
araid Lo use iL when your proessional
Lo play an acLive role in maling 'eLhical
unscrupulous. 1his means, now more Lhan
sLandards require iL. ln Lhis ever-changing
pracLice' a ley agenda and a basic
ever, Lhe ManagemenL AccounLanL has a
business world, Lhe ManagemenL
day-Lo-day acLiviLy or all.
ley role Lo play in ensuring a sLrong voL
AccounLanL should adhere Lo his role o
wiLhin Lhe organisaLion Lhey are employed.
According Lo Lhe reporL, one in Lhree
upholding eLhical sLandards and be more
people elL pressurised Lo compromise wiLh
Lhan comorLable in being a Lorch bearer o
Lhe organisaLion's sLandards or eLhical
eLhical sLandards or all sLaleholders.
business conducL, wiLh lndia unorLunaLely
scoring higher here. Again, a ManagemenL
AccounLanL has a ley role Lo play here and
ensuring good visibiliLy o inormaLion on
Lhe company's perormance and healLh Lo
So can Lhis view be bacled up by daLa? A
senior managemenL is one o Lhem.
recenL reporL by ClMA, Manag|ng
Surprises in businesses perormance oLen
kespons|ble 8us|nesses: A Global Survey
creaLe pressures on managemenL and can
on 8us|ness Lth|cs, presenLed aL a recenL
lead Lo eLhical dilemmas or some. 1his can
ClMA meeLing held in Lelhi by Andrew
Lo an exLenL be avoided by good inancial
Harding (Managing LirecLor o ClMA)
sysLems, risl and opporLuniLy analysis and
shows an increase in Lhe ocus on eLhics
clear Limely communicaLion Lo Lhe
over Lime and during higher business
managemenL. OLen, iL is Lhe desire Lo hide
uncerLainLy. lor Lhose o you inLeresLed in
poor resulLs or show inlaLed ones LhaL
Lhe reporL, iL can be ound here.
creaLe Lhe pressure on ManagemenL
1he summary o Lhe reporL shows LhaL
AccounLanLs Lo give an inaccuraLe view.
rom2008 Lo 2011, organisaLions seem
uL here Lraining, experience, clear policies
Lo have improved Lheir eLhics rameworl.
and Lhe resolve o individuals can and will
MosL have done so in Lheory, lile
oLen male a dierence, Lhus ensuring our
documenLaLion or policies and also in
inLernal voL is heard by oLhers aL crucial
Lraining and incenLives Lo sLa or
Limes. A ManagemenL AccounLanL has a
upholding eLhical sLandards. 1his is
ley role in ensuring LhaL a sLrong eLhical
encouraging in some respecLs, buL policies
culLure is susLained by geLLing himsel
Member Speak
Keep|ng a tab on the world of bus|ness
One concern|ng trend.
|s the apparent decl|ne |n
the |mportance attached to
eth|cal pract|ces at the top of
the company.
Often, |t |s the des|re to h|de poor
results or show |nflated ones that
create the pressure on
Management Accountants
to g|ve an |naccurate v|ew.
experience pressure in Lhe worlplace, seL 1o read Lhe enLire reporL, clicl on Lhe
Lth|cs & lerformance
againsL Lhe wider eLhical environmenL, as image below.
well as exploring in more deLail Lhe
conLexL o ive ClMA marleLs.
ClMA has recenLly released a new reporL
uilding on Lhe CGMA reporL 'Managing
LiLled Act|ng under pressure - how
responsible business', Lhis ClMA reporL is
management accountants manage
based on responses rom1/60 ClMA
eth|cal |ssues.
members and sLudenLs romover 80
marleLs, worling in uncLions romanalysL
1his reporL highlighLs Lhe dierenL areas
Lo chie inancial oicer.
where managemenL accounLanLs mighL
lmportant Uates
ClMA lns|ghts
Latest Vacanc|es on
lor more vacanc|es, log on to http://my[obs.c|
Keep|ng a tab on the world of bus|ness
Sept (14 and re-s|ts) - lC based
Lxamee deadline 8 AugusL 2012
Admission Advice w/c 13 AugusL 2012
Lxam 28, 29, 30, 31 August, 1 September 2012
LxamresulLs released 20 SepLember 2012
November laper 8ased
LxamenLry closes 14 SepLember 2012 (S.00pmS1)
lre seen maLerial or sLudenLs Mid |uly 2012
Admission Advice w/c 13 AugusL 2012
Lxams 20, 21, 22 November 2012
LxamresulLs released Mid |anuary 2013
Lmployer : lrudent|al lrocess Management
Serv|ces lnd|a lvt Ltd
]ob kole : l|nance Operat|ons
los|t|on : Analyst/ Ass|stant Manager
Locat|on : Mumba| (may need to travel abroad)
Sector : 8lSl
Ll|g|b|l|ty : ClMA qual|f|ed/ f|nal stage of qual|fy|ng
w|th 1-2 years of exper|ence
Lmployer : leps|co lnd|a Rold|ngs lvt Ltd
]ob kole Ass|stant Management Accountant :
los|t|on Management Account|ng 1ra|nee :
: l s Locat|on Mult|ple ocat|on
Sector keta|l and lMCG :
: Ll|g|b|l|ty Advanced U|ploma |n Management
ClMA is delighLed Lo announce Lhe names o sLudenLs who have achieved Lop ranls in Lhe various papers
o Lhe May 2012 exams.
CongraLulaLions Lo all o you. Well done on all your hard worl. ou male us very proud
ClMA Applause - May 2012 exam d|et
Applause ln case you wish Lo share your achievemenLs, please wriLe Lo us aL
Keep|ng a tab on the world of bus|ness
laper Name l|rst Name Surname Marks Country kank
ClMA Gateway Assessment
A1 lroessional GaLeway A|ay M 8S 1
A1 lroessional GaLeway vinay a|oria 80 2
G1 ManagemenL AccounLanL GaLeway ka|endran kamesh /0 1
G1 ManagemenL AccounLanL GaLeway vipan |ain 66 2
M1 MasLers GaLeway Limple 1hallar /0 1
M1 MasLers GaLeway Keshav Sreedharan 6S 2
Operat|onal and Mangement Level lapers
L1 LnLerprise OperaLions Ann LaLLani // 1
L1 LnLerprise OperaLions ashwin |ain /1 2
L1 LnLerprise OperaLions Sheldon Lsouza /1 2
L2 LnLerprise ManagemenL San|iv kasLogi 66 1
L2 LnLerprise ManagemenL ka|ib iswas 64 2
l1 linancial OperaLions Kolla Sravan Kumar /2 1
l1 linancial OperaLions Aravind SaLhyanarayana /2 1
l2 linancial ManagemenL KasLuri k /9 1
l2 linancial ManagemenL Kolla Sravan Kumar // 2
l1 lerormance OperaLions ashwin |ain 8S 1
l1 lerormance OperaLions SushmiLha haL 83 2
l2 lerormance ManagemenL NiliLa lyer 8/ 1
l2 lerormance ManagemenL lrasun a|oria 8S 2
Strateg|c Level laper
L3 LnLerprise SLraLegy Shahnas Sha|ahan /S 1
L3 LnLerprise SLraLegy kahul Choraria /1 2
l3 linancial SLraLegy Lmma N|avally /4 1
l3 linancial SLraLegy keeLa GupLa 69 2
l3 lerormance SLraLegy Ashish KamaLh 66 1
l3 lerormance SLraLegy Megha Nair 62 2
l3 lerormance SLraLegy lazhayannur Sivaramalrishnan 62 2
1est for lrofess|onal Competence 14 lart 8 Case Study
14 larL Case SLudy LxaminaLion Kumari 1inlu 31 crediLs 1
14 larL Case SLudy LxaminaLion vishwanaLh Chidambaran 31 crediLs 1
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