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January 2014.

Giving Thanks for the Business of Food p8

An Austrian farmer guides a decorated cow from an Alpine pasture back to a farm near Lofer, Austria. The decorations are part of the annual event. AP Photo


Way Life

Aymara Indian Ramona Bustos walks barefoot on potatoes to remove frozen dew and the peels.

Bolivias Freeze-Dried Potatoes

magine mashed potatoes for dinner. No big deal, right? But what if you mashed those potatoes with your own feet? Now that

People sell freeze-dried potatoes in El Alto, Bolivia.

sounds a little weird. And what if they were frozen? Would it hurt? Some people in Bolivia prepare their potatoes this way every year. They are making chuno. This method of preserving potatoes has not changed for

hundreds of years. Bolivians who live high in the Andes Mountains make chuno. Chuno is a freeze-dried potato. Heres how it works. First, farmers plant a small potato that is known to freeze well. In time, they harvest the potatoes. They spread hundreds and hundreds of potatoes on the ground and leave them there. It takes three nights for the potatoes to freeze. After that, workers stomp on the frozen potatoes with their bare feet. This breaks them into small pieces. Then the potatoes lie out in the bright sun. When they turn dark in color, the chuno is ready! The chuno can be stored without refrigeration. It lasts for years in a cloth bag. A sack of chuno

about the size of a laundry bag costs only about $10. One sack can provide a small family enough food for almost an entire year. Hundreds of years ago, people used their God-given curiosity to discover how to freeze-dry potatoes. And the Bolivians are using the same method today. Gods scientic laws still work the same way! Heather Keeter

Finished chuno

November 2013


Gods World News

The Bowler Hat

Long ago, British hat makers designed a small top hat for their wealthy customers. Men needed a hat that fit tightly on their heads. The Bowler Hat was the answer. It would not fall off during horse rides. British men liked the hat. Its popularity grew. Eventually, the hat became popular in Spain and other parts of Europe. Around this time, Spain owned Bolivia. Spaniards brought the hat with them when they traveled there. Bolivian women fell in love with the stylish hat. It was the perfect accessory. Over 100 years later, the Bowler Hat is still popular in Bolivia. Women wear beautiful skirts and layers of colorful shawls. And sitting like a crown on each head is the Bowler Hat.

Women in La Paz, Bolivia, dress in the native Cholita style.

Bolivia: Country Profile

Bolivia is a landlocked country. It is in the central part of South America. Ten million people live there. Most speak Spanish. Bolivia has rainforests and mountain ranges. Tin and natural gas are mined there. Most people work on farms or in mines. Bolivia was once part of the ancient Incan empire. Spanish conquerors arrived in the 1500s. Simon Bolivar helped free his country from the Spanish. Bolivia is named for him. Today, Bolivias people vote to elect its ocials. The government promises freedom to worship. About 85% of Bolivians are Catholic.



An Aymara Indian woman spreads out potatoes for traditional freeze drying.

STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION: Date of filing: October 1, 2013, Title of publication: Gods World News: News Flash. Publication No: 700-930. Frequency of publication: Monthly except May and December. No. of issues published annually: 10. Annual subscription price: $28 = 1, additional discount for multiple subscriptions. Location of known office of publication: GodsWorld Publications, PO Box 2330, Asheville, Buncombe Co. NC 28802-2330. Mailing address of the headquarters or general business office of the publisher: Gods World Publications, 12 All Souls Crescent, Asheville, NC 28803-2625. Mailing address of publisher, editor, managing editor: Publisher, Howard Brinkman, PO Box 2330, Asheville, NC 28802. Editor: Rebecca Cochrane, PO Box 2330, Asheville, NC 28802, Managing Editor: Rich Bishop, PO Box 2330, Asheville, NC 28802. Owner: Gods World Publications Inc., PO Box 2330, Asheville, NC 28802-2330. Known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holdings owning one percent or more of total amounts of bonds, mortgages, or other securities: W.H. Newton Ill, 112 Robinhood Road, Asheville, NC 28804; Jeannie Pascale, 680 Meandering Way Fairview, McKinney, TX 75069. Total number of copies printed (net press run): Average for last year: 15,957; last issue: 17,968. Paid circulation: Mail subscription: average for last year: 15,023; last issue: 17,040. Sales through dealers and carriers, street vendors and counter sales: average for last year: 0; last issue: 0. Free distribution by mail and other means; average for last year: 107; last issue: 38. Total distribution: average for last year: 15,130; last issue: 17,078. Copies not distributed: average for last year: 827; last issue: 890. I certify that the statements made by me above are correct and complete. ---Howard Brinkman, Publisher GODS WORLD NEWS NEWS FLASH (USPS #700-930, ISSN #2162-4518) is published 10 times per yearmonthly (except for May and December) by Gods World Publications 12 All Souls Crescent, Asheville, NC 28803. PUBLISHER: Howard Brinkman, MANAGING EDITOR: Rich Bishop, EDITOR: Rebecca Cochrane, WRITER: Victoria Drake, ART DIRECTOR: Matt Barker. Member of Associated Press. CUSTOMER SERVICE: (800) 951-5437, SALES & MARKETING: Dawn Stephenson (828) 232-5489. MAILING ADDRESS: Gods World News News Flash, PO Box 20001, Asheville, NC28802-8201. Telephone (828) 253-8063. Periodicals postage paid at Asheville, NC, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Gods World News News Flash, PO Box 20001, Asheville, NC 28802-8201. 2013, Gods World Publications.

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Gods World News


November 2013

Run on Sun
he MS Tranor PlanetSolar sailed around the world. Its not the first boat to do that. But this one used no sails. It used no fuel. It made the trip completely on solar power. The 101-foot ship can hold 12 passengers and four crew members. It also holds more than 5000 square feet of photovoltaic panels. The panels capture energy from the sun. That energy powers the ship. PlanetSolar is now being used by researchers from Switzerland.

They want to gather information about the Gulf Stream. PlanetSolar started in Spain. It crossed the Atlantic Ocean. Then it headed back. It is exploring the Gulf Stream as it goes. The Gulf Stream is a strong, warm, and swift current in the Atlantic. It begins at Floridas tip. The stream flows along the east coast of the United States and Canada. Then it turns eastward to Europe. The Gulf Stream affects weather patterns in both North America and Northern Europe. Marine life also uses the stream to migrate. Ponce de Len was a Spanish

explorer. He likely discovered the Gulf Stream during his 1513 Florida expedition. Spanish ships regularly used the current to get back to Spain quickly. In the 1700s, Benjamin Franklin charted the Gulf Stream. He gave it the name we use today. Scientists hope PlanetSolar will help them get a true picture of the Gulf Stream waters. PlanetSolar does not produce pollution. So water samples taken by PlanetSolar will stay pure. And the boats owners want people to think about ways we can use renewable energy, like power from the sun.

The solar boat glides down the Seine River outside Paris, France. The name MS Tranor PlanetSolar comes from J.R.R. Tolkiens The Lord of the Rings. Tranor means power of the sun. These scientists are using the power of the sun to explore the paths of the sea. (Psalm 8:8)

November 2013


Gods World News

AP Photos

Vincents Mistake
hats under the sheet? Its rectangular. Its about three feet long and two feet high. And its Van Gogh Self Portrait worth millions of dollars. The public has never seen it before. Its a picture of a sunset that happened more than 100 years ago. Its a masterpiece. Who painted it? The answer is almost too good to be true. Vincent van Gogh, world famous painter of The Starry Night, stood looking at that sunset in 1888. He captured it with paint. Vincent put a lot of paint on his brush. He looked over that valley and painted the twisted trees, bushes, and golden sky. He stepped back, finished. But he didnt like what he painted. Well below what I wished to do, he said. Vincent sent the painting, called Sunset at Montmajour, to his brother Theo. But in 2013, some men pulled the sheet from the painting. It had been hidden in an attic in Norway for 60 years. The men were filled with amazement. The museum director called it a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Apparently, Vincents painting was better than he thought. Being an artist is hard work. Sometimes artists think what they make is no good, even when it is magnificent. Artists need people who apHis famous work, The Starry Night preciate beautiful things. Not everyone can be an artist like Vincent van Goghin fact, no one can! But even Vincent van Gogh needed other people to see his work clearly. Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. Ecclesiastes 4:9
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The painting is unveiled at the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Gods World News


November 2013

Gears in Nature
ikes have them. Clocks have them. Lots of machines have them. But a new discovery shows that a certain tiny bug has them too. Were talking about gears. Those are interlocking teeth (called cogs) and notches that mesh together as they turn around. And ever since gears were rst invented by the Greeks in the third century before Christ, people have thought they were a completely man-made invention. But guess what? God the Creator thought of it rst! Researchers at the University of Cambridge in England made the discovery. Greg Sutton and Malcolm Burrows examined a nymph (baby) of a tiny insect called a plant hopper. Its back legs seemed to be perfectly synchronized when it jumped.

They took a very close look under a high-powered microscope. Thats when they saw the tiny gears on the back legs of the bug. The gears lock together. When the bug jumps, both legs kick back at exactly the same time. It is the rst time a mechanical gear system has been found in nature. But it doesnt last for the insects lifetime. The gear system is present only while the creature is in its nymph stage. When it molts and becomes an adult, it no longer has gears on its legs.
One type of plant hopper

Some machines have gears... ...and now we know at least one insect does too!

November 2013


Gods World News

Closeup photo: Burrows/Sutton

Who Wins the Cup?

yacht is a big, expensive boat. Some yachts are used for vacation. Others are for racing. They are light and powerful. This year, millions of people watched an American yacht called Oracle win the oldest boat race in the world. A ship called America won the rst race in 1851. The race has been known ever since as the Americas Cup. Every year, the winner gets to decide the rules for the next race. It will happen three years later. The winner of the last race made a tough rule. He said that every team had to use a boat called the AC72. That big boat can tip over easily. People must have bitten their nails this year while they watched the Americas Cup. At rst, it looked like the U.S. team could never win. They lost two points at the very beginning for breaking a rule during warm-ups. The New Zealand Emirates led 8-1. But
The AC72 boats use hydrofoils that lift the hull clear of the water at race speeds.

The Oracle USA and New Zealand Emirates boats race across San Francisco Bay.

Right: Oracle USA skipper Jimmy Spithill celebrates his teams victory.

each day, the U.S. team got better and better. They learned from their mistakes. The Oracle began to win. And it kept winning. It was one close race! The boats careened around San Francisco bay one last time. The Emirates and the Oracle were neck and neck. The Oracle won by only 44 seconds! The race was so close it will make history. Already people are calling it one of the greatest comebacks in sports. How did they do it? The Oracles skipper said the key was Never giving up.
Gods World News

News by the Numbers:

How long was the boat? 86 feet How high was the mast? 131.2 feet How high above the water? 14.4 feet How fast did it go? 50 miles per hour, or 43 knots (Thats faster than the speed limit on the Golden Gate Bridge!) How many crew members? 11 What was the final score? New Zealand 8; United States 9

AP Photos


November 2013


Indian school children receive a free midday meal at a government school on the outskirts of Jammu, India.

November 2013


Gods World News

for the


of Food
thankful to God for it. Its hard to imagine what its like to have to grow or hunt for all your own food. The stories here remind us that having enough to eat is a good reason to be thankful. Many people around the world dont have full refrigerators and a supermarket down the street.

ach year, we celebrate Thanksgiving the third Thursday in November. But did you know that the Thanksgiving celebrated at Plymouth Plantation in 1621 was just one of many? The Pilgrims often set aside a day to thank God for His blessings.

In the traditional story we remember about the Pilgrims, they celebrated for three days. They ate some type of fowl (maybe turkey), corn, grain, and probably bread. The Native Americans brought venison (deer meat). The Pilgrims worked hard to gather their food. It had to last them all winter. And they were

AP APPhotos Photos

Gods World News


November 2013

Indian schoolgirls eat a midday meal provided free at a government school in Hyderabad, India.

Indias Food Act

s having food a right? India just passed a law saying it is. The new law allows people who dont make much money to buy grain at very cheap prices. The government buys the grain at full price. Then it sells it again to poor people for much less. The new law, called The Indian National Food Security Bill, will cost India $20 billion per year. The government will have to buy an extra 61 tons of grain. Many people in India are hungry. Almost half of Indias
November 2013

children dont get enough to eat. The new law allows two-thirds of Indias population to buy the cheap grain. Under the law, a person can buy 11 pounds of rice for about a nickel. Some people say that the government passed the bill to get more votes in the next election. They are worried that giving away so much food will make Indias already bad finances worse.
An Indian agriculture laborer holds a crab she caught.



Gods World News

In Boston, fewer kids are bringing their lunches to school. Thats because Bostons school system offers all kids free breakfast and lunch. Even students who can afford to pay get free food. The Boston School System joined a program that is part of the Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010. Schools qualify for the program if 40 percent of the schools students are considered poor. The program saves schools money. Feeding all kids for free is cheaper than paying more workers to do paperwork and handle cash. School officials say the program is good for kids. Students focus and learn better when they eat breakfast. They dont feel embarrassed that they get free lunch. The program saves schools money. But providing for it costs billions of dollars. Where do those billions come from?
Worker Santa Amparo stacks packaged free lunch items on a table at the Maurice J. Tobin K-8 School in Bostons Roxbury neighborhood.

Who Should Pay?

Should the government pay for Indians food? Is this a citizens right? Second Thessalonians 3:10 says, If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat. But most Indians work. The big problem is most dont earn enough money to feed their families. The Bible says, The laborer deserves his wages, and The laborer deserves his food (I Timothy 5:18, Matthew 10:10). What if India rewarded businesses for creating jobs? What if they made sure workers were paid fairly instead of giving away food?
AP Photos

Whats Cooking in Austria?

Meats: Chicken, beef, pork Known for: Pastries, apple strudel, sausages, dumplings, wiener schnitzel What people eat for breakfast: Rolls with jam or cold meats and cheese. Coffee, tea, or juice.

Each spring, about 500,000 Austrian cows are taken to high Alpine pastures to graze. At the end of summer, the cows are decorated and paraded back down the mountains. Austrians celebrate the return of the cows with a festival.

Gods World News


November 2013


South Korea Bans Japanese Fish

outh Koreans wont buy fish that come from Japans northeastern coast. They worry that the fish are contaminated. In March 2011, an earthquake and tsunami destroyed three nuclear reactors at a power plant in

Fukushima, Japan. Since then, tons of water polluted with radiation have seeped into the ocean. Radiation may put people at a higher risk for cancer. Most fisheries in Fukushima were shut down after the earthquake. And the Japanese government tests the fish from nearby places to make sure they are safe to eat.

So why doesnt South Korea want the fish? South Korea says that Japan hasnt shared enough information. It wants to know how Japan plans to stop the leaking contaminated water. After the South Korean ban, Japan said that it will build an underwater barrier. It will include a water treatment system. The Japanese hope it will limit the amount of polluted water that escapes.

A man uses a Geiger counter on fish to check for possible radioactive contamination at a fish market in Seoul, South Korea. Above: A closer look at the Geiger counter


November 2013



Thai Fishing Conditions

Whats Cooking in Greenland?

Meat: Marine mammals, birds, fish, and game (including musk ox, polar bear, and reindeer) Why do people in Greenland eat so much meat? They need the protein and calories to survive in the Arctic climate. What is Greenlands national dish? A seal hunter Suaasat, a tra- carries his catch. ditional soup made from deer, seal, or other meat and barley along with vegetables such as onions and carrots Did you know? Greenland is an island too cold to grow much produce. Many groceries must be shipped in.

ow would you like a job that made you work overtime every day? What if you got paid little or nothing to do it? Thats whats happening to workers on Thai fishing boats. Thailand is the worlds third largest exporter of seafood. Its fishing boats need lots of workers. But Thais dont want to work on the boats. The conditions are too bad. Most fishing boat workers come from Myanmar or Cambodia. In these countries, there are very few jobs. The boats may be their only opportunity for work. Once they get onto the boats, the workers are sometimes treated
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badly. They might be beaten or not fed or paid if they dont do everything their employer asks. Thailands laws do not protect these workers. They do have a law saying children under 15 cannot work on the boats. But this law is not being enforced. Thailand is beginning to take steps in the right direction. The government is setting up centers to make sure boats are registered. The centers are also supposed to make sure workers are hired and trained properly.
A migrant worker from Myanmar unloads a basket filled with fish from a trawler at a Thai port. Above: A fishing boat returns to port after a fishing trip in the Gulf of Thailand.

Whats Cooking in Bhutan?

Meats: Very littleoften pork Staples: Rice, buckwheat, cheese, eggs, and vegetables

Soldiers in Bhutan prepare food.

How do they cook their food? Most people in villages cook on a clay stove over a wood fire. Did you know? The people of Bhutan grow and produce much of their own food.

Gods World News


November 2013


FatFighting Germs?

o bacteria in your digestive tract determine your weight? A new study suggests that they might play a role. Overweight people have different gut bacteria than thin ones. The bacteria change when people lose weight. That raises a question. Do the bacteria cause obesity? Or are the bacteria a result of obesity? The study took place at Washington University in St. Louis. Researchers examined gut bacteria from four sets of twins. Each set had one thin and one overweight twin.

The bacteria were transplanted into the digestive tracts of clean mice. These mice had no gut bacteria. The mice who received bacteria from the heavier twin gained more weighteven though they ate no more than the other mice. When the good bacteria were introduced into the guts of the fat mice, they became thinner. But that only happened if they ate a highber, low-fat diet. Otherwise, the good bacteria didnt grow well.

Dr. Jeffrey Gordon and graduate student Vanessa Ridaura work with bacteria in the lab at Washington University in St. Louis. Left: A bacterial cell as viewed through a microscope.

The studys author, Jeff Gordon, thinks bacteria could be used to ght fat. He wants to study peoples diets and then give them the right bacteria in pills.

Our Bodies Are Temples

Food is a good gift from God. And as this story shows, there are many reasons people come

in different shapes and sizes. As Christians, we need to remember that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20) That means whether our genes make us tall and skinny or short and rounded, we should take care what we put into our bodies. Our bodies are gifts from God too, and we should do our best to take care of them.
AP Photos, Art: R. Bishop


November 2013


Gods World News

Hmm. Could chickens be smarter than we think? Two news stories give us reason to wonder. Hampton Creek Foods has invented an egg substitute. Its made from plants. They call it Beyond Eggs. It can be used in place of eggs in cakes and cookies. It works in condiments such as mayonnaise. The egg powder can be transported easily. And since it is made from plants, farmers in poor countries could grow the ingredientsno need for chickens! Beyond Eggs could help in the fight against hunger. Then theres Operation Chicken Airlift. A private donation of $50,000 will pay for 1200 egg-laying hens

It Makes You Wonder

to retire from farms in Northern California. The lucky clucks will be flown across the country on a chartered cargo plane. Once they arrive at their new chicken sanctuaries in New York, they will enjoy freedom to roam grassy and wooded areas for the rest of their days. No more living in cagesor worse yet, turning up in a chicken pot pie as older hens often do. Now you might think these two stories are just coincidental. But what if theyre not? Could clever chickens have developed a master plan to do no work but live a life of leisure? What might their next move be?
The right bacteria? Staphylococcus epidermidis

Whats Cooking in Guatemala?

Meat: Eaten an average of once a week except on holidays Staples eaten three times a day: Rice, beans, potatoes, eggs, tortillas, along with fruits and vegetaA Guatemalan woman cooks tortillas. bles that are in season What food item is Guatemala known for? Its coffee is considered some of the worlds best.

When the world was perfect, Adam and Eve didnt have to work too much for food. They had delicious choices surrounding them in the Garden of Eden. That changed when they ate the forbidden fruit. Then work became toilsome. The stories youve read here tell about the time, money, and effort spent around the world on food. Gathering healthful food now is very hard work. But especially during the holidays, its good to remember that food is a blessing. When God cast Adam and Eve out of the garden, He told Adam he would have to earn his food by the sweat of his brow. (Genesis 3:19) But He still allows us the pleasure that food bringsand the joy of sharing it with those we love.


Gods World News


November 2013


young girl went to live with an old professor many years ago. And she discovered a wonderful wardrobe in an upstairs room. So she asked the professor what was in it. Nothing very exciting was inside this wardrobe. But the professor never forgot the question. So what happened when the next little girl crept into a professors wardrobe? She discovered a magical land called Narnia!

The lion Aslan, from Lewiss book, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

Warren, grew up reading books and telling stories. Jack imagined brave talkC.S. Lewis ing animals that lived in Animal-Land. Warren had an imaginary land too. Soon the boys created Boxen. The professors name was It was a ctional world. They Clive Staples Lewis. C.S. Lewis was born in Belfast, spent hours drawing maps and Ireland, in 1898. He demanded to inventing characters for Boxen. Jacks vivid imagination stayed be called Jack, after his favorite dog. And his friends called him by with him when he grew up. The boys mother died when that name for the rest of his life. Jack was nine years old. He went Jack and his older brother,

away to boarding school shortly after. It was a hard time for him. Jack discovered mythology at school. He loved these stories. They fed his imagination. Jack had been raised in a Christian home. But he decided he didnt believe in God. He became an atheist. He was very angry at God for not existing. But Lewis colorful imagination drew him back to God. He met author J.R.R. Tolkien at Oxford. They and their friends


November 2013


Gods World News

formed a writing group called the Inklings. The men had many lively debates about what they wrote. These discussions nally led him back to the faith of his childhood. He called himself the most reluctant convert in all of England. He didnt want to believe in God. But he could not deny Him either. Lewis then published three books. Most people call them the Space Trilogy. These books

explored the fall into sin, holiness, and science. Lewis also recorded a series of broadcasts during World War II. Eventually these became Mere Christianity. It is his most famous book defending the Christian faith. Then he published what is perhaps his most beloved work: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Here Lewis brought back his childhood imaginings of talking animals. Children eeing the This statue of C.S. Lewis stands in Belfast, Nazi air raids on Northern Ireland. London came and stayed in his house. Those children were the inspiration for Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy. A friend wrote Lewis a letter. He asked, What might Christ become like if there really were a world like Narnia? And that is how Lewis came up with Aslan, the lion character.

C.S. Lewis died in his home in Oxford, the Kilns, on November 22, 1963. He has had even more inuence in recent years than he did during his life. People all over the world read his books.
Rachel Aldrich

C.S. Lewis said that he experienced a longing for beauty and good when he was a boy. He called that feeling Joy. He could not rest until he found it again. And he didin the person of Jesus Christ.

The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a eld, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that eld. Matthew 13:44
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Gods World News


November 2013


Congress and President Obama disagreed about the countrys budget . That resulted in a government shutdown. Despite what it sounds like, most of the usual functions of the government were considered vital. So they continued even while budget details remained unresolved. The cartoonist illustrates this with a humorous before and after picture. What does this make you think about the functions of government? Which are most important? Are there some that could be discontinued?

The Affordable Care Act, commonly called Obamacare, is starting to be put into effect. The law was passed in 2010. It was scheduled to begin this fall. Those against the new program have said it will cost too much. The cartoonist seems to agree. The picture suggests that more than just a new healthcare program is kicking in. What do you think? Should our country have a healthcare law? If so, what should it do for the American people? And why do you think the cartoonist used a donkey as the one doing the kicking?

Come on! Dont you want to get a hug from a park ranger?


No, thanks!

For several weeks, a moose was loose in Broomfield, Colorado. Wildlife officers decided to capture the moose. They wanted to relocate it so it could find enough food and water. The officer in the photo is helping steer the moose in the right direction. The moose was tranquilized and returned to its natural habitat.


November 2013


Gods World News

Im sorry to cry, but Ive lost my geese!

Foto File

That is NOT funny. I think I found them!

This has to be the silliest hat ever.

No thanks. I have all the food I need.

Aw, man! Who can I sell these to now?

I think not!

AP Photos, Cartoons: Gary Varvel, Steve Breen

Gods World News


October 2013


Oh, they that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters!
Some went down to the sea in ships, doing business on the great waters; they saw the deeds of the Lord, His wondrous works in the deep. For He commanded and raised the stormy wind, which lifted up the waves of the sea. They mounted up to heaven; they went down to the depths; their courage melted away in their evil plight; they reeled and staggered like drunken men and were at their wits end. Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and He delivered them from their distress. He made the storm be still, and the waves of the sea were hushed. Then they were glad that the waters were quiet, and He brought them to their desired haven. Psalm 107

hat kind of men was the Psalmist talking about? It sounds like they were hard workers. But maybe they got in over their heads. Well say more about that later.

China is in some rough waters right now. We are talking about Chinas economy. But

Todays challenge

business experts think that countryand all of Asiahas a bright future. Asia is making more things to sell. Europeans have money to buy those products. But how to get the goods from Asia to Europe? There are no good train or truck routes. And besides, those are expensive ways to carry heavy loads long distances.


November 2013


Gods World News

Triple-E Maersk container ships may be the answer. The $190-million ship is a marvel of modern engineering. It carries 2500 more containers than the next largest vessel. A train pulling the same number of containers would be 66 miles long. The Triple-E is so big it wont t through the Panama Canal. But it will t through the Suez Canal in Egypt. So

The answer

its route will likely be from Shanghai, China, to Spain. Only 19 crew members will take 20 days to guide it there. The Triple-E will travel a little slower than older ships . . . on purpose. Thats to save on the cost of fuel. Container ships have been made mostly in Europe. Now that is changing. Ship-building costs are lower in Asia. Asian craftsmanship has gotten better also. Ten Triple-E ships are being built there now.

Some things havent changed much over history. Ships still face the same dangers at sea: storms, pirates, and arrogant captains. Much treasure from hundreds of years past lies on the ocean oor. It was sent there by unexpected storms. The treasure on todays super-ships is even greater than any ships of yesteryear. So planning and security are important. Todays ship captains must know the weather in their paths.

Three dangers

They are better equipped to avoid storms. Still, the ocean is big and powerful. Some ships being built today will one day lie at the bottom of the sea. Also, pirates havent gone away. But they have changed their ways. Blackbeard the pirate raided ships or took them entirely for himself. Todays pirates are more like kidnappers. The valuables these buccaneers seek are not on board. Carrying TVs and cars away would be too
Running into this beast would be like getting hit by 18,000 trucks at once. A new Maersk Triple-E class ship will hold 18,000 containers.

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Gods World News


November 2013


much work. Instead, they take hostages. Then they demand that the shipping companies send them money. Until they get the money, they wont release the hostages. Pirates are still active off the coast of Somalia and throughout waters around Southeast Asia. Finally, theres the threat to shipping that comes only from within: arrogance, or at least too much condence. Sea captains have to have a bit of it to survive the challenges of the sea. But sometimes too much gets them into trouble.

Making it into port

Ship captains have huge responsibilities. The Costa Concordia accident made that very clear. But captains know the open sea best. Most harbor pilots are unsung heroes. Their special knowledge of rivers and ports guides the big ships home. These trained pilots earn big salaries. A good pilot prevents accidents like this one. It is a tanker from Panama in the Suez Canal.

In January 2012, shortly after dinner was served, the Italian cruise liner Costa Concordia glided past Giglio Island near Italy. Ships captain Francesco Schettino had just returned to the bridge from dinner. He apparently tried to show off. He sailed too close to the island. The big ship scraped against rocks under the water. But it sailed on. The captain did not report a problem. Almost an hour later, Captain Schettino nally admitted something was seriously wrong. By

The Costa Concordia kept going for over an hour. Then it slowly tipped over on the rocks of Giglio Island.


November 2013


Gods World News

^ Costa Concordia Captain Francesco Schettino insists that he did not abandon his ship. He says he tripped and fell into a lifeboat, which carried him to safety. Meanwhile 32 of his passengers died. Passengers say he climbed in, wrapped in a blanket. < Costa Concordia was raised from its watery grave by a process known as parbuckling. The USS Oklahoma was lifted from Pearl Harbor this same way. The 17th-century Swedish royal warship Vasa was also raised with cables.

Water depth: 66 feet Anchor chains List angle 70

Grout bags filled with cement

everyone. Maybe if the captain had admitted his mistake earlier, 32 people would not have died. Floating The captain faces crane charges in court for his bad choices. Did his courage melt away in [his] evil plight? Did he reel and stagger like a drunken man? Was he at his wits end? Caissons Some courtroom (metal boxes) evidence points to all 15 per side of that. Underwater platforms embedded But there is hope in holes drilled into sea floor in this story. The Psalmist provides it: then, the ship was tilting into Then they cried to the Lord the dark waters. It would in their trouble, he says, soon tip onto its side near and He delivered them Giglio island. from their distress. That Most of the passengers offer stands, for the captain made it to safety. But not and for everyone.
Ship length 951 feet

AP Photos

Gods World News


November 2013


1 5 9 10 13 14
Use an NIV Bible for this puzzle.

2 6 7

4 8

11 15 17 16




Time To Eat

Making Meals in Bible Times

Will you serve up a Thanksgiving feast? To prepare that meal you will probably have to do a lot of the same things that they did in Bible times. ACROSS 5 To flavor; to add spices or salt for better taste. ________ all your grain offerings.Leviticus 2:13 7 To turn grain into flour you must __ it. (Luke 17:35) 9 Baked bread shape 13 You plus I makes __. 14 Proverbs 12:27 says that a lazy man doesnt even bother to do this with the food he has hunted. 15 Lightweight bread is mostly __. 17 Push and pull dough (Jeremiah 7:18) 18 Jesus said the kingdom is like yeast that a woman took and ______ . . . (Luke 13:21) 19 Northeast initials 20 For baking you need an oven to create a lot of __. 21 In 1 Samuel 25:18, Abigail brought

20 21
food that included five __ sheep. It does mean to skin and cut up an animal. It doesnt mean that the sheep were wearing shirts and pants! DOWN 1 A metal cooking container 2 Israelites made this kind of bread without yeast as a reminder how they had to hurry to leave Egyptthere wasnt even time to let the dough rise. 3 Chopping onion makes you __. 4 Not off 5 This same word can be both a noun or a verbJacob had to _________ the ingredients to make the red __________ that Esau traded for his birthright (find the word in Genesis 25:30). 6 Meat or fish packed in this would not rot but would be preserved. 2 Chronicles 13:5 talks about a covenant of ______. It means that those promises would be preserved. 8 With moisture removed. Jesus used a boys lunch to feed thousands. The boys meal was bread and fish. The Bible doesnt say, but the fish may have been preserved by being ________. 10 A simple way of cooking meat over a fire. How the disciples were preparing some of their catch in Luke 24:42. 11 The first time the Bible mentions cooking a meal is in Genesis 18:6. Abraham wants his wife, Sarah, to do this to prepare part of his guests meal. 12 Mashed down, flattened. A way to get oil from olives. The oil was used for cooking. (Exodus 29:40). 16 Not out 19 Almond, cashew, pistachio, . . . 20 Not she


November 2013


Gods World News

R. Bishop

QUIZ ON . . . Bolivia, pages 2-3

1 ___ Bolivians who live in the __ region have prepared chuno for hundreds of years. a) Amazon Basin, b) Altiplano Plateau, c)Andes Mountains 2 ___ Chuno is a good food source because it ___. a) lasts for years, b) can be stored without refrigeration, c) is inexpensive, d) all of the above 3 ___ The Bowler hats first were worn in ___. a) England, b) Spain, c) Bolivia 4 ___ Bolivia once was part of the ancient __ empire. a) Quechua, b) Aztec, c) Inca 5 . . . Explain why it is as easy to make chuno today as it was centuries ago.

QUIZ ON . . . Thanks for Food, pages 8-11

1 ___ Lawmakers in India recently passed the National Food Security Bill, which grants low-income people the right to purchase cheap grain. a) True, b) False 2 ___ According to the United Nations, nearly one-half of Indias children show signs of malnutrition. a) True, b) False 3 ___ Credit agencies and banks in India say that the cost of this extra food will hurt Indias economy. a) True, b) False 4 ___ Boston city school officials this year are taking advantage of a U.S. Department of Agriculture program that offers a few kids free breakfast and lunch. a) True, b) False 5 . . . Should the government pay for Indians food? Give reasons for your answer.

QUIZ ON . . . Thanks for Food, pages 12-15

1 ___ South Koreans wont buy fish from Japans northeastern coast because ___. a) Japan is stealing their fish, b) Japans fish may be contaminated, c) Japan doesnt pay its fishermen well 2 ___ Workers from __ have little work at home so they take jobs on Thai fishing boats. a) China and Myanmar, b) Myanmar and India, c) Cambodia and Myanmar 3 ___ Overweight people have the same gut bacteria as thin ones. a) True, b) False 4 ___ A study shows that good bacteria grow well only when a person eats a __ diet. a) high-fiber, b) low-fat, c) high-fiber and low-fat 5 . . . Think of one food that is likely to be on your table this Thanksgiving Day. What kinds of things has God done in the world so that it can be a part of your Thanksgiving meal?

QUIZ ON . . . Shipping, pages 20-23

1 ___ The new Triple-E Maersk container ship is so large it will not fit through the ___. a) Gulf of Aden, b) Panama Canal, c) Suez Canal 2 ___ These ships travel more slowly than older containers because ___. a) they are so big, b) slow speeds save on fuel costs, c) they are built in Asia, not Europe 3 ___ Dangers to ships traveling on the high seas include ___. a) storms, b) pirates, c) arrogant captains, d) all of the above 4 ___ The method used to raise the crippled Costa Concordia is an old one, called ___. a) frapping, b) aweighing, c) parbuckling 5 . . . Discuss a time when you cried to the Lord in [your] trouble. (Psalm 107:28) What happened?

Gods World News


November 2013


Big Wheel
It will be bigger than the London Eye. It will be even bigger than the Singapore Flyer. And this one will be in the United States. Las Vegas, Nevada, will soon be able to claim the worlds largest Ferris wheel. The giant attraction will be a full 550 feet tall. Thats the height of a 55story building! It will hoist

upward 28 cabins. Each cabin is nearly the size of a city bus and will hold 40 riders. A turn around the wheel will take about a half hour. It will give passengers an amazing view of the lights of the Las Vegas strip. But the new wheel wont be the largest in the world for long. Already plans are in the works for a larger one in New York City. That Ferris wheel will steal this ones thunder in 2016.

Conservation worker Sean Madden inspects the violin.

The Titanic Bandmasters Violin

Nearer, my God, to thee, nearer to thee! Do you know this hymn? A violinist named Wallace Hartley and his band played this song. They kept playing while the ship Titanic was sinking. The sound of their music soothed frightened people as they climbed into lifeboats. Wallace Hartley was 34 when he drowned. His violin was found

strapped to his body ten days after the ship sank. It was engraved with these words: For Wallace, on the occasion of our engagement. From Maria. This photo shows the violin that Mr. Hartley played on Titanics deck. Experts say the violin is genuine. It is on display now in Ireland.


November 2013


Gods World News

People walk on an island that emerged off Pakistans coast.

Rise of Earths Newest Island

The ground shook, and homes were destroyed. At least 384 people died. The earthquake brought great sorrow to the people of Pakistan. But it also did something new. It created an island.

The earthquake forced up mud from the bottom of the sea. Scientists say the mud bubbled up like lava coming from a volcano. The small island appeared off Pakistans southern coast. Some Pakistanis visited the island even though officials told them it could be dangerous. The water remained disturbed

around the edges of the new island. It smelled like natural gas. Dead fish floated nearby. Should some people move to the new island? Probably not. Years ago, earthquakes made similar islands appear. In time, those islands sank back under the water. Better not stay on this one too long!

Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. Matthew 7:24-25

Super Save!
It was just another day at work for John Buckland and Troy Marcum. They were entertaining children at a party . . . until they saw smoke at a nearby house. The two men ran to the house. They kicked in the door and broke out a window. Mr. Buckland rescued a cat from inside the burning building. He also gave it mouth-to-mouth to help it breathe. Oh, and did we mention the two were dressed as Batman and Captain America? Who says superheroes arent real? If youre in doubt, just ask the cat! NEWS FLASH! November 2013

This bird is behind bars. Thats because an Egyptian citizen suspected the stork of being an enemy spy. The migrating stork has a tracking device on it. The man caught the bird in Qena. Thats an area southeast of Cairo. He brought it to the police. He thought the tracking device was evidence the bird was an undercover agent. The stork was found not guilty of spying and set free.

AP Photos, Cat Rescue: Heroes4Higher

Gods World News


Giving It Back
A Boston, Massachusetts, man found a backpack. It held tens of thousands of dollars in cash and travelers checks. But Glen James said he wouldnt keep even a penny. Mr. James turned

in the backpackand everything in itto the Boston police. The police say they returned the money to its owner. And Boston Police Commissioner Edward Davis honored Mr. James for his extraordinary show of character and honesty.

Mr. James says he has been homeless since 2005. He stays at a city shelter. He says he also has a disease that makes him very dizzy. So it is hard for Mr. James to hold down

many regular jobs. But even so, Mr. James would not take someone elses money. He says God always looks after him.

Glen James, right, stands with Boston Police Commissioner Edward Davis after receiving a citation for his honesty.


November 2013


Gods World News

I was just doing what I thought was right, Mr. Prusak said in an interview. Now other people have heard the story of Mr. Prusaks above and beyond honesty. Some want to thank him. Some have even offered him jobs. Business at his store

has more than doubled. Many people are leaving large tips. Mr. Prusak says he will donate that money to charity. A spokesman for Dairy Queen says the company is thinking of ways to reward their honest store manager.

Editorial by Rebecca Cochrane

Dairy Queen store manager Joey Prusak

Substituting for Wrong

The ice cream was cool at one Minnesota Dairy Queen. But one customers actions definitely were not. Joey Prusak works at the Dairy Queen. He saw a customer pick up someone elses $20 bill. She slipped it into her own purse. When the woman wanted to order, Mr. Prusak refused to serve her. He told her she must return the money first. But she would not give it back. Thats when the
AP Photos

19-year-old manager did something no one expected. He took $20 of his own money. He gave it to the person who dropped the $20 bill. That man did not know he had lost the money. He didnt know someone else had taken it either. But Joey Prusak knew. And he took personal responsibility for the theft.

e all know that honesty is good. The amount of money Mr. James found might take our breath away. Tens of thousands of dollars? Thats a lifechanging amount of money. But it wasnt his. And Mr. James was comfortable with that truth. He would not take something that wasnt his, even if it might change his life. Perhaps he also thought about how much harm losing that money would cause the original owner. The amount taken in the Dairy Queen wasnt very much. But it was enough to make the greedy customer steal. Still, what makes this story most striking is how the

manager acted. A lot of people might have just washed their hands in the matter. They might have suggested that the woman return the money. But when she refused, they probably would have let it go. But Mr. Prusak didnt. He took the cost of that womans sin onto himself. He was innocent of theft. But he reached into his own pocket. He gave back something he didnt owe. Mr. Prusak was being Christ-like. Jesus never committed a sin. He didnt deserve any punishment. But because of His great love for us, He substituted Himself. He paid what we owed for our sin against God. That cost was way more than $20. More, even, than tens of thousands of dollars. And He paid it for you and for me. He was wounded for our transgressions. Isaiah 53:5

Gods World News


November 2013


Help on Wheels

rittany had a bike. But she was walking that day. Tim and Becky OMara, her neighbors, found out it was because her tires were worn out. They decided to help. The OMaras said they would fix her bike if she did chores for them. When Brittany finished three weeks of chores, she discovered that Tim and Becky had bought her a new bike!

Becky OMara and Tim OMara (facing page) help neighborhood kids learn bicycle repair. Below left: Boys from Atlantas Adair Park neighborhood clean up trash as part of earning their bikes.

From then on, the kids in the neighborhood wanted to know Tim and Becky. Soon, the OMaras driveway was filled every Saturday with kids. The children were excited to work in return for bike repairs or new

bikes. Tim and Becky were happy to help the kids, as long as they got to meet the rest of the family too. Tim and Becky used bikes to build friendships in their neighborhood. Today, Tim and Becky have turned fixing bikes into a ministry.


November 2013


Gods World News

Kids come to Beltline Bikes to learn how to repair bikes. And they learn what it means to work hard. The kids do chores and pick up litter in their neighborhood. Tim and Becky use star stickers to keep track of how much work is done. When someone has enough stars, he can purchase bike parts or a new bike. So far, the kids have picked up more than 900 bags of trash. And they have earned more than 300 bikes and fixed 3000 or more. At Beltline Bikes, good things are happening. Real friendships are made. Skills are developed. And people learn to appreciate good work.

Editorial by Rebecca Cochrane

Some charity organizations see peoples needs. Then they meet those needs with what are called hand-outs. A hand-out is a free gift. It is not earned. The OMaras are not giving hand-outs. The children have to work before they can earn bikes or parts. And the OMaras are willing to make a place for that to happen. It takes time. It takes effort. It takes involvement with other people. No one can just drop by, pick up a bike part, and leave again. How do you think this is different from the groups that meet needs, but

do so simply with hand-outs? Do you think one type of service is better than another? And if so, why? Think about how Jesus did His ministry on Earth. How did He relate to people? We are Gods image bearers. We are always showing Him to others. Thinking about how Jesus worked with people, and putting that into action, can help us be better bearers of Gods image. Do you think the OMaras are doing a good thing? If so, you might let them know. You can visit the Beltline Bike Shop website at And wed like to hear what you think about the bicycle ministry too. Send your thoughts to us at

Photos: Tiffany Owen

Gods World News


November 2013


rufe spent a lot of his energy shedding light on some new words this month. He hopes youll nd his discoveries are worth your time to read about them!


by Rebecca Cochrane Photography is writing with light. Truffle has seen the kids next door do that with sparklers. He decided to give it a try.

Synchronized, page 6. Two parts: syn- and -chronized. Do you know what a synonym is? It comes from a Greek root, syn, which means together or same. A synonym is a word that has the same meaning, or shares a meaning, with another word. The rest of this new word also comes from the Greek chronos. Chronos has to do with time. A chronometer is a fancy word for a clocka device that measures (meter) time (chronos). So the word synchronized means getting the timing together. The bugs legs on page 6 were perfectly timed to work together. Atheist, page 16. Two parts: a- and -theist. This
word also comes from the Greek. In Greek, a- as a prex means without. The second part comes from the Greek theos, which means god or God. This is one of the saddest words Trufe has found,

because an atheist is a person who is literally without God. The atheist does not believe God exists. A theist, on the other hand, is a person who does believe there is a God. But there can be many kinds of theists. Only those who know Jesus can know the one true God as He really is.

Photovoltaic, page 4. Two parts: photo- and -voltaic. Trufe found the root photo- before. He remembers that it means light. Photographs, for instance, are pictures made with light. Dont be shocked This summer, by the rest of the word. Maybe Truffle spent a lot of you wont be, because youve time watching the World Swimming already heard of voltage, championships in Spain. right? The terms voltaic He was riveted by the and volt dont come from Russian synchronized swimming team. They Greek or Latin. This time, moved like a machine. they come from a persons It gave Truffle an idea. name. Alessandro Volta Why not get his buddies was an Italian scientist. in the neighborhood to start a synchronized dog He invented the battery. paddling team? Because of that invention, the unit we use to measure electricity, the volt, is named for him. Voltaic means electricity. Photovoltaic energy is electricity that comes from sunlight. We also call it solar power.
Art: R. Bishop


November 2013


Gods World News

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