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16th April 2001 Taman Ratu Sdn. Bhd. 17th Floor (Office Block Sheraton !

enan"# $alan Ra%a &aut# 100'0 !enan". Attn : Mr Suwendy (ear Sir# Application of Permit for the Show Apartment The a)o*e matter refer+. A+ ,ou are a-are# -e plan to launch !ha+e 2A in .a, 2001. Since -e need to con+truct the +ho- apartment )efore the launchin"# -e +eek ,our kind con+ideration to +i"n the application letter and an, related document pertainin" for the permit. /e -ill )ear all the e0pen+e+ ari+in" from the +aid matter.

1our cooperation i+ *er, much appreciated.

1our+ faithfull,# MALAYSIAN RESOUR ES !E"ELOPMEN# S!N $%!&

MA'LAN $IN ALI 2eneral .ana"er


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