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Attention: Subject:

HR-Manager Job Application for appropriate position

Dear Sir; With due veneration, I embrace my fortune to advance & discover if there is any designation lying vacant with your esteemed organization that balances with my qualification. In this regard, I need your beneficence to loo at my career summary as de!icted in my enclosed "#. I am an $.%.& and have een interest and sound bac ground in %usiness Studies es!ecially 'inance and this attitude is reflected by the fact that I engaged myself in %usiness Studies since the very beginning. &s a consequence I achieved my B.COM first and then M.B.A Finance. (hrough e)tensive on*+ob training & e)!erience in ,%- %an in .a istan and -and /over Sigma $otors .a istan, e)!osure to the com!etitive business environment, strong communication s ills and !roven ability to wor efficiently; I feel that I can be an asset to your organization. I, therefore, see your benevolence to be an element in your venerable establishment. -oo ing forward to hear from you very soon, I remain, Dear Sir,

0ours truly, Za an Ri!"an

#ncl.: "#

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