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Due Date: TBA To be submitted via email: Criteria: A B C D

Assessment Tas : Musi! Composition "it# $%ri!s

Compose a piece of music t#at portra%s t#e emotion o& t#e poem' l%ri! or "ritin( t#at %ou #ave !#osen) T#e pie!e must repeat itsel& *e() ABAC+) It must also be "ritten usin( , sta&&s- *vo!al+ melod%' #armon% *!#ords+' bass line) Main &o!us is to !ommuni!ate t#e &eelin(s and emotions o& t#e te.t %ou #ave !#osen t#rou(# t#e musi! %ou "rite)

Divide t#e te.t into se!tions and identi&% t#e emotion*s+ &or ea!# se!tion) Name ea!# part in order "it# a letter *e() A/B/C+) Be(in !omposin( usin( Sibelius 0) Start and &inis# on t#e note o& C) Compose t#e musi! so it portra%s t#e emotions %ou #ave des!ribed in t#e se!tions) 1#en !omposin(' be(in "it# t#e !#ords *#armon%+' t#en bass line and &inall% t#e melod%) C#oose "#i!# elements o& musi! %ou "ill use to portra% t#e emotions o& %our pie!e o& musi! and ma e notes in %our "or boo ) Usin( t#ese ideas "ill be important &or t#e &inal !omposition' so eep (ood notes in %our D1B) Remember to save %our !omposition &re2uentl%' b% (ivin( t#e &ile a name and savin( it in 3M% Do!uments4)

Poetr% in *E+motion 5 use&ul tips and #ints Here are some tips to help you complete you final compositions :
Focus on communicating the feelings and emotions of the text through the music you write Use the musical elements you know to represent these feelings: rhythm (note patterns) tempo (speed) dynamics (!olume) pitch (high"low) texture (how many sounds) etc. #hoose a poem or song of $% &$' lines of text. (i!ide the text into sections and identify the emotion(s) for each section. )ame each part in order with a letter* ie: + , - , #. (on.t forget to repeat at least one or two sections (depending on similar emotions) to balance your piece* eg: +-+# +lways think of the structure of the piece , does it match the text/ 0ork in 1&bar groups or phrases to organi2e your music 3rgani2e your o!erall structure (using + - # etc) on the rough text of the poem (on.t forget to repeat some sections4 Use 5 staffs for your pieces: melody* harmony and bass line

6tart and finish on a #4

If you need help just ask

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