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Megan _____ play both the piano and the guitar.

awould bcan cmust dshould Unanswered.

"Can" indica habilidad o posibilidad. En estos casos puede ser traducido como "poder" en espaol.

Start eating without me, I _____ be late.

amust bcan cmight dwould Unanswered.

Se usa "might" para indicar posibilidades en el presente o el futuro.

You _____ wear a helmet when riding your bike. amust bcan cwould dmay Unanswered.

"Must" indica una obligacin, prohibicin o necesidad.

_____ you help me with my homework?

aMay bMust cWould dCan Unanswered.

En frases interrogativas, el uso de "can" puede solicitar permiso o preguntar sobre posibilidades.

I know it's difficult, but we _____ succeed!

amight bwould cought to dwill Unanswered.

El uso de "will" significa voluntad o determinacin.

That cut looks infected, you _____ go to the doctor.

amight bshould cwill dwould Unanswered.

"Should" indica un obligacin o recomendacin. Refleja un opinin sobre lo que es correcto. Se traduce como el subjuntivo de "deber" en espaol.

I _____ eat my dinner last night, my stomach hurt. acouldn't

bcan't cmustn't dwon't Unanswered.

"Could" indica posibilidad o habilidad en el pasado.

Glen _____ come with us to the movies if he finishes his work.

awould bought to cmay dmust Unanswered.

Como "could", se usa "may" para indicar posibilidades en el futuro.

I _____ like to learn English some day.

acan bwill cwould dmust Unanswered.

Se usa "would" para declarar una preferencia y para preguntar por algo educadamente.

We ______ break the window because we locked the keys inside the car. ahad to bcould cshould dwould


"Have to" indica obligacin, prohibicin o necesidad como "must", pero no podemos usar must en el pasado.

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