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Acacia studios

Operations Manual
Office Procedures

Anastacia Makunu 8/10/2013


The studio is run by a management consisting of two (2) Managing Directors. All matters relating to administration should be referred to this management through the directors Allan Onyango, and Ashley Onyango. The office administrator/PA is Anastacia Ma unu

DEPART E!T There are no defined de!artments" ho#e$er, all staff is re%uired to meet a le$el of dynamism by !laying different roles efficiently and effecti$ely to su!!ort management.

HOURS O" #OR$ &m!loyees shall obser$e the standard #or ing hours of acacia studios, and shall e'ecute duties and res!onsibilities #ithin the normal #or ing hours in the conte't of acacia studios.

SUPER%ISIO! Staff The follo#ing constitute the studio staff and re!ort to the directors() i) Office Administrator/PA

Office Affairs The Office Administrator, under the direct su!er$ision of the Directors, is res!onsible for clients and all matters !ertaining to the general administration of the studio. All office matters are handled by the Office Administrator under the direction of the Directors.

Accounts An outsourced accountant #ill come once a #ee !ro$ided #ith( to enter all account transactions, he should be

*. Office Asus +a!to!, 2. ,ash sale recei!ts, -. Petty cash $ouchers, .. Daily float $oucher /. 0alary $ouchers and 1. All other transaction recei!ts

Other Su&&ort Staff The Office Administrator is in charge as directed by the Managing Directors of all the other staff including the su!er$ision of such staff, delegation of duties, allocation of #or , setting standards, sol$ing !roblems and dealing #ith all matters !ertaining to administrati$e #or . 2e/0he is in charge of office su!!lies, !ersonnel issues and all general office matters. AD I!ISTRATI%E PROCEDURES The office administrator &rimary res&onsibi'ity is to su!!ort staff and any other de!artment he/she might be directed to #or in. 3es!onsibilities() ,lient su!!ort Process sales transactions ,hec students into classes +iaise #ith instructors to ensure chec )ins and classes run smoothly 2andle any customer %ueries/com!laints

Administrati$e Duties Manage studio calendar ,arry out basic accounting duties Ans#er !hones 4 handle customer %ueries ,arry out o!erational tas s (e.g. stoc ing su!!lies, ma ing deli$eries/!ic )u!s, !aying bills, etc) 5rite memos

6!date social media

Personal Assistant 0u!!ort the directors Manage and organise directors7 schedules ,arry out tas s beyond the studio needs.

Dea'ing with A&&ointments The !ersonal assistant #ill record all a!!ointments and remind the directors7 of all a!!ointments e$ery morning and as soon as !ossible nearer to the a!!ointed time"

At the a!!ointed time, the !ersonal assistant/administrator shall bring in the client to the Office and offer refreshment, etc"

Reminders The !ersonal assistant/administrator must remind her !rinci!al() i) about his a!!ointments"

Dea'ing with incoming mai' On recei!t of a letter, the 3ece!tionist must register the letter in the incoming mail register, %uoting the date and time it is recei$ed. RECORD $EEPI!( "i''ing) The follo#ing should be filled in the files !ro$ided and #ell mar ed at the studio. *) +iability #ai$ers 2) ,lass registers -) Purchases recei!ts .) 8n$oices /) Petty cash $ouchers

1) &m!loyee salary $ouchers 9) Photoco!y all che%ues :) Ta e note of the M!esa !ayment details done $ia the com!any !hone. PA* E!TS) The follo#ing !ayments should be made e$ery month( *) ;u u internet 2) Airtel !ost)!aid -) <iliman=aro Mineral #ater HA!D+I!( STUDIO CASH 5hen !urchasing items for the office, the office administrator should ensure he/she fills a !etty cash $oucher, and file it. 5hen !aying an instructor, a salary $oucher should be filled one for the office, and the other gi$en to the trainer. The instructor should sign and indicate their 8.D >O. The cash box: the cash bo' has o!ening/closing cash fills, #hich should be filled first thing in the morning (o!ening till) or #hen office hours start, and #ith it the cash sales recei!ts, the !etty cash $oucher, the salary $ouchers should be attached. All recei!ts should be attached too. After all the classes for the day, the sales, deductions, and recei!ts should be indicated, and the closing amount tallied. ,OO$ $EEPI!(-DATA E!TR*) The office administrator should ensure all signed liability #ai$ers and class registers are filled as hard co!ies on the res!ecti$e files. Thereafter, enter the #ai$er and the register as soft co!y on the online com!uter database !ro$ided. This should also include the !ayment done, the date, and the name of the client, contact details and other items as recorded on the database.

Staff Re'ations All %uestions or !roblems relating to your em!loyment should be referred to the Managing Directors #ho shall, if necessary, for decision. *O(A TRAI!ERS There are se$eral freelance trainers all re!orting to the Managing Director, Ashley Onyango. The trainers ha$e agreed to teach !o#er yoga/!ilates classes at acacia studios as !er a schedule !re!ared by the studio. Their !rimary res!onsibility is to !ro$ide students #ith safe and !ro!er yoga instruction and mentor students, tending to their needs relati$e to the class.

Sco&e of Ser.ices 8nstructors( All instructors are !ro$ided #ith T)shirts branded acacia studios" therefore it is ad$ised that they #ear the t)shirt during class, =ust to re!resent our studio. *) Timeliness ? all instructors ha$e to adhere to ee!ing time, by being in class on time and they must start and end classes on time. This is in)order to res!ect our client7s time. 2) 0afety ? safety of our students comes first" therefore instructors are re%uired to no# their students by being !resent at the beginning till end of class. All instructors should be at the studio at least */minutes before each class and to a$ail themsel$es thereafter for */ minutes, for !ayments, and re$ie# of the class. The instructor should ensure that he/she notes !regnant clients or those #ith in=uries before !roceeding #ith class. -) ,ohesi$eness ? all instructors are encouraged to be committed to the core #hich is ensuring that all clients are satisfied and most im!ortantly by creating a culture that su!!orts fello# instructors. Therefore feedbac on classes, and also su!!ort #hen one needs a substitute for class. .) ,ertification 4 On)going &ducation ? e$ery 8nstructor is re%uired to hold certification from a registered body and maintain their credentials. 2e/she is also e'!ected to continue his/her education as to e'cel and im!ro$e as an 8nstructor /) ,leanliness ? instructors should ensure they are hygienic at all times before entering our yogi7s !ersonal s!ace. 1) ,ommitment ? 8nstructors are e'!ected to commit to a class schedule for - months. &$ery months, #e #ill, as a team, define a ne# schedule ) add classes, change times, s#itch instructors around based on need, etc. NOTE: In support by the office administrator the instructors will be aware of any changes in the class schedule, payment and any other matters relating to yoga classes.

THE STUDIO The office administrator #ill ensure the studio has incense, oils, s!ea ers and iPod. That the studio #ill be #ell cleaned #ithout dust and incense stic s. The studio encourages the use of music so #e !ro$ide music or the instructor ,an bring their o#n. The office administrator should ensure that no alcoholic drin / drugs are brought/allo#ed into the studio acacia studios is a drug and alcohol free #or !lace. THE SCHEDU+E A class schedule is !ro$ided to all ne# and old students. The office administrator should ensure the online (@oogle calendar schedule is u! to date). 0he/he should also communicate to our students through a #ee ly ne#sletter, or $ia e)mail in case of a schedule change.

The administrator should also maintain an u! to date social media !latform on t#itter and faceboo . All en%uiries on the #ebsite, social media sites on the schedule, classes, or trainers should be #ell res!onded to and feedbac gi$en to the rele$ant !arties. C+ASSES There are !o#er * !o#er yoga classes for beginners, !o#er 2 !o#er yoga classes for intermediate/ad$anced and yoga/!ilates classes. There are morning, afternoon, and e$ening classes. The office administrator is re%uired to be in no#ledge of the instructors teaching each class and the timings. All classes should start and end on time. #OR$ PROCEDURES-DAI+* O""ICE OPERATIO!S Dai'y Office Procedures Cashbo/ The cash bo' cash has to be tallied #hen the office o!ens and #hen it is closing e$ery day. The !rocedure is as follo#s( *. O!en till ) A daily float $oucher is !rinted from the office la!to! ? it is a !iece of !a!er indicating the amount in *AAA7s, /AA7s, 2AA7s, *AA7s, /A7s, .A7s, 2A7s, *A7s, /7s, *7s. 2. 8ndicate the tally amounts as abo$e, and all the other information re%uired -. 8ndicate the cash sales for the day .. 8ndicate the salary deductions, and all other deductions (!etty cash) /. ,lose till ? indicate amount left in the cash bo' after the deductions, also indicate the M!esa sales, deductions and the account balance after the deductions.

Office Drin0ing #ater <iliman=aro Mineral 5ater ,om!any su!!lies acacia studios #ith 2A+itres of #ater, e$ery 5ednesday (once a #ee ). The administrator must ensure that the #ater is deli$ered once e$ery #ee , and should !ro$ide an em!ty bottle in e'change for a re)filled one. The <iliman=aro deli$ery guy should !ro$ide a recei!t on deli$ery. An in$oice is sent e$ery month. The office administrator should re$ie# and ma e the necessary !ayments at the end of the month as re%uired.

Office Su&&'ies The office administrator should identify, allocate funds, and !urchase the follo#ing(

*. 0tationery 2. ,leaning su!!lies -. Office #ater deli$ery

Procedure( *. The administrator should identify #hat stationery needs to be !urchased by creating a list for the ones re%uired/out of stoc in the office. 2. The administrator should fill out a !etty cash $oucher #ith the amount re%uired to !urchase the stationeries/cleaning su!!lies. -. The !etty cash should be attached to the daily float $oucher in the cash bo'. .. The administrator should identify #hether there is enough money in the cash bo' after o!ening the till, and allocate the re%uired cash for the !urchases. /. 8f the till does not ha$e enough money for !urchase of the su!!lies, the administrator should loo at the M)!esa till balance, and allocate the cash, by filling also a !etty cash $oucher indicating that the money ta en out to !urchase su!!lies is from the M)!esa account. 1. The administrator can #ithdra# the money from a Pesa)!oint ATM and ma e the !urchases. 9. The cleaning su!!lies should be !urchased from the su!ermar et, #hile the stationeries from te'tboo centre and necessary recei!ts !ro$ided.

Ordering Su&&'ies) 5hene$er su!!lies are diminished or meets re)order le$el, the Office Administrator should al#ays order( ,leaning su!!lies #hen B em!ty 0tationery ? #ee ly/monthly unless urgently re%uired Drin ing #ater ) #ee ly

Cor large %uantity of office su!!lies li e toiletries, ,handaria 8ndustries su!!lies acacia studios #ith( *. Del$e' toilet roll (bale) ) #hite 2. +i%uid 2and #ash crEme soa! ? !in -. Fi dri hand !a!er to#els ? #hite (carton)

A %uotation is !ro$ided by the ,handaria 8ndustries on re%uest by the office admnistartor indicating the item, and the %uantity. An in$oice is send to the administrator for a!!ro$al, and then the administrator ma es !ayment to ,handaria $ia M)!esa.

>ote( that the cash can be obtained from the cash bo' or the M)!esa account. The administrator should ma e sure she fills in the !etty cash $oucher, #ith the amount !aid and attach it on the daily float $oucher in the cash bo'.

C'ean'iness of the Office 8t is the res!onsibility of the Office Administrator to ensure that the office is clean at all times. All members of staff are ad$ised to adhere to the directi$es of the Office Administrator in this res!ect.

The daily general cleaning of the office is carried out by the ,leaner. All members of staff are ad$ised to ensure that they ee! their offices clean and tidy. The ,leaner is !ro$ided #ith a chore chec list, to assist in the daily chores. The office administrator is su!!osed to su!er$ise the cleaner at all times to ensure the studio and other rooms #ithin are s!otless. The office administrator is su!!osed to !ro$ide all the cleaning materials re%uired by the cleaner, to get the =ob done.

Courtesy to C'ients ,ustomer is ing, and #e as acacia studios #ould li e all clients to feel a!!reciated. Therefore, courtesy to all clients at all times must be obser$ed #hether on the !hone or !hysically at our studio. 0ome clients may be difficult, ho#e$er, that doesn7t call for rudeness, so if you get into a difficult situation #ith a client, consult either of the t#o Directors, and if they are not #ithin the offices !lease address the client !olitely, and try to hear them out and recommend a solution to the matter at hand.

Rece&tion Area The rece!tion gi$es a client the first im!ression of the studio. 5e must therefore ensure that the clients get the right im!ression of ho# #e #ould li e to be !ercei$ed immediately as they #al in. 2e/she should be able to e'!erience courtesy and efficiency in e$erything that ha!!ens or is said at the 3ece!tion.

Procedure in Dea'ing with a C'ient-%isitor Rece&tion Area Regu'ar Students !ew Students Sa'es

Office Administrator

Sign in

Sign u!

6e#/7egular students make !a)ment

Purchase: Single class lass Package "reet/#elcome clients

Purchase: Single class/ lass !ackage

ash Pa)ments/ M-!esa 0!ro&ide M-!esa num(er2

O!en till Pro&ide recei!t on re'uest () client *ssue intro card + to ne# students !urchasing intro #eek *ssue !unch card to students !urchasing ,- 10 $ 20 class !ackages indicating the no. of classes /rite a cash sales recei!t 0cash(o12 3nter class register on the online data(ase 3nter ne# students4 #ai&er details on the online data(ase 3nter class sales on the online data(ase Pa)ment of instructors $fill in 0salar) &ouchers2 Make deductions from the cash (o1/ add sales/close till

heck-in ne# $ old students %ill in class register

%ill in 5ia(ilit) /ai&er

Pro&ide ne# students #ith 5ia(ilit) /ai&er $ schedule

!ote) 0ome clients #ill be coming to see the Director <ibungei 4 Onyango Ad$ocates, so, the rece!tionist should ensure to in%uire #hom the client #ould li e to see and usher them to the #aiting area ma ing sure the client is comfortable. The rece!tionist should then notify the Director of the $isitor/client, and lead them to the office once re%uested to by the Director.


>e# students should be guided by the office administrator to choose the !rice for a class de!ending on #hat the client #ants.

Product Introductory wee0 s&ecia' Sing'e c'ass Power *oga 3 c'ass &ac0age 14 c'ass &ac0age 74 c'ass &ac0age Sing'e c'ass Pre9nata' *oga 3 c'ass &ac0age Pre9nata' yoga

Price 12344 12444 52344 62444 182444 6244 52444

The office administrator should ma e the students a#are of the schedule, !roduct, !rice and trainer change by ad$ising them to chec the acacia #ebsite (###.acacia) for regular u!dates. GCor e$ery !ac age bought clients #ill get a free T)shirt PA* E!T O" I!STRUCTORS Acacia studios #ill !ay the 8nstructor a flat fee of 2,AAA <sh for e$ery class taught. All 8nstructors #ill be re%uired to attend 8nstructor meetings as scheduled by the Managing Director. These meetings #ill be com!ensated at a rate of *,AAA <sh/hour. The studio #ill also !ay commission based on the number of students !er class as outlined in the follo#ing schedule( >umber of 0tudentsG A)*A **)*/ *1)2A 2*)2/ 21)-A -*)-/ -1).A I.A ,ommissi on ) *,AAA <sh 2,AAA <sh -,AAA <sh .,AAA <sh /,AAA <sh 1,AAA <sh 9,AAA <sh Clat Cee H ,ommissi on 2,AAA <sh -,AAA <sh .,AAA <sh /,AAA <sh 1,AAA <sh 9,AAA <sh :,AAA <sh J,AAA <sh

>OT&( acacia studios staff and freelance instructors are not included in the total class number for calculating commission. The total amount, !er class, #ill be !aid, in cash, at the end of each class, !ro$ided the 8nstructor signs the a!!ro!riate documentation to clear the !ayment.

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