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Brief report from JB Branch

1. Safety Patro ! SHE Committee Meetin" # Mana"ement Re$ie%
a) Safety patrol, SHE committees meeting & safety management review were conducted as follow: No. 1. 2. 3. #. No. 1. 2. 3. #. &ate 23 !ug 13 2# Sep 13 22 &ct 13 22 (ov 13 &ate 2) !ug 13 2) Sep 13 2* &ct 13 2+ (ov 13 Safety Patro 'y Erfia "utain !$lis%a% "o%amad Syu%ana 'a%ya Erfia "utain Safety Meetin" ( Mana"ement Re$ie% Safety "eeting Safety "eeting Safety "eeting Safety "eeting

,) (o ma-or finding reported e.cept ,elow finding t%at %ad ,een %ig%lig%ted: i. "alfunction of %ig% ,ay lig%t at ware%ouse ii. "esses of wires t%at were dangling ,elow computer ta,les. iii. /luorescent lig%t ,ul, malfunctions at wor0ing areas. iv. (o printa,le emergency contact list %ad ,een placed at t%e guard post. c) "atters discussed during t%e meeting i. 1eview and follow up t%e finding of Safety 2etrol ii. 1eview and follow up of t%e corrective action and preventive action. iii. 3aunc%ing of Safety 4ampaigns organi$ed ,y H5 and ,ranc%.

). Interna Safety *+,it - re.+ t. # contro mea.+re.

(o audit %as ,een conducted to date

/. Stat+. of HIR*RC Imp ementation

6%e status of H71!14 at 89 9ranc% is on going program, w%ere,y t%e recently H71!14 activity involving c%ec0ing cargo at t%e rac0ing area ,y using lift truc0. :e identified some pro,a,ility of falling down during t%is activity w%ic% can cause serious in-uries to t%e respective staff. 6o prevent t%is from %appening, 89 ware%ouse staff are re;uired to wear safety ,elt <%arness) during %ig% rise operations and t%e lift truc0 to ,e e;uipped wit% safety cage for t%e wor0ers safety and security.


E16 <8uly = !ugust) = program & latest organi$ation c%art 1.*.1 E16 2rograms: Safety meeting = mont%ly. 7nspection of fire preventive system. H71!14 !ctivity. 1.*.2 &rgani$ation c%art remain unc%anged.


6rainings = organi$ed & participated. (o training organi$ed and participated for t%is period.

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