Who Is Hermione?

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Her mi on e

(He r-MY -o h-ne e)

Name: Emma Watson

Nickname: Em

Birthda y: 15 April 1990

Fr om: Oxford

Family: Her parents, both lawyers, are divorced. Emma lives with her mother and
younger brother Alex, 8.

Pets: Two cats - Bubbles and Domino

Showbiz CV : Emma made her acting debut in the first Harry Potter film. Though she
wasn't new to the stage - she'd played lead role in several school plays as well as
winning first place at the Daisy Pratt Poetry Competition when she was seven.

Pot ty about: Emma loves playing hockey and rounders. At school, she likes a good
old-fashioned debate and brightens up her journey home from school with singing on
the bus. Oh, and she loves sherbet lemon jelly beans.

Mo vi e m ag ic: Potter fans will know that Emma's hair colour is brown in the film. But
in real life she's a natural blonde!

If she had magic po wers s he would woul d.. . cast Brad Pitt in Harry Potter!
Emma says he 'is a dude' and she would give him any part if she could.

Her name is ________________________________.

Her nickname is ______________________________.

She is from ________________________________.

She is _______years old.

Her real hair colour is __________________________.

she has _____________pets.

She likes ____________________________________________________.

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