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How did Jesus demonstrate what resurrection will mean for mankind in general?

J: Ive been thinking about something you mentioned the last time I was here. R: Whats that? J: You were surprised when you heard that Jehovahs Witnesses believe in the resurrection. R: My pastor says that after death people become spirits who must be respected and honored by the living. ive again on earth is not possible.. J:!he resurrection is a really meaning promise for mankind..... R" Ive never heard that idea at my church. J: Would you agree that the best way to learn the truth about this promise is to e#amine what Jesus did on earth over dead ? R: I agree J: et me give you one e#ample... !he most ama$ing resurrection that Jesus performed was that of his close friend a$arus% &ospel John chapter '' (peaking about a$arus death Jesus said to his disciples what we read vers.'' ) a$arus our friend has gone to rest% but I am *ourneying there to awaken him from sleep.+ ,otice that Jesus a$arus had simply been sleeping in death. compared death to sleep. -an you see why? R: .mm. Im not sure. J:Jesus compared death to a sleep because people can be awakened from death% thanks to the power of &od.. R: !hat is a new thought to me. Ill have to ask my pastor. J: .eres something else to consider. When Jesus arrived at /ethany in order to comfort Martha% a$arus sister% he said )Your brother will rise.+%would you please read what promise Jesus said verse 01? R: 23 It says.. )I am the resurrection and the life. .e that e#ercises faith in me% even though he dies% will come to life.+ J:!o believe in a promise% we would need to be sure that the one making the promise is both willing and able to fulfill it. Isn4t it? ets see vers. 56788. J: Well% there is no doubt that Jehovah and his (on are both willing and able to fulfill this promise. -ould you imagine how a$arus and his sisters felt when saw each other?!hey would never forget that *oy.. !hink about this" If Jesus had thus called a$arus back from a state of bliss in another life% that would have been no kindness. R: I never thought of it that way before J: !he resurrection is a reality% give us hope% it will be a delight to welcome back loved ones R: When will the resurrection take place? Who will be resurrected% and where? J:Interesting 9uestions.:erhaps I can show you the /ibles answers the ne#t time we talk.

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