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Your Twitter archive


May 2013


Tony @Tonylean Ecuadors Pegasus Satellite Collides With Russian Debris
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Tony @Tonylean 50,372 Free Internet Radio Stations shoutcast Top Internet Radio Stations
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Tony @Tonylean Top 10 Art Crimes

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Tony @Tonylean Atlanta Jazz Festival largest free jazz festivals

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Tony @Tonylean Foxconn Now Teaming Up With Mozilla to launch a mobile device
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Tony @Tonylean History: AT&T network 1920s:begins 1962.opened a Network Control Center in NY 1970s (NOC) 1980s: Up 1991 task In 1999 Global Network
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Tony @Tonylean Astronomy Enters a New Era new tools that will come online in the next decade.
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Tony @Tonylean Vietnam blogger posting criticism former journalist who ran a blog containing anti-state views,urgent warrant issued against him
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Tony @Tonylean Vietnam PM orders fresh crackdown on bloggers /vietna

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Tony @Tonylean mysteries of the universe by studying some of the oldest known books that traditionally held hypothesis
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Tony @Tonylean rail intersection in rural southeastern Missouri Agriculture and the changing landscape, development of the railway system
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Tony @Tonylean Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation is separating its publishing on end of June 2013 two years after the UK media-hacking
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Tony @Tonylean NASA puts Cape Canaveral up for lease /nasa-puts
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21/01/2014 15:12

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How fast is your New Firefox is up to 7 times faster. (Thats a lot!) Check the 113 TWEETS speedometer can keep here

May 2013

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Tony @Tonylean Fry in olive or sunflower oil is not bad for the heart
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Tony @Tonylean poetry aims to achieve anything to deliver people from universal standpoint attracted now by his physical image
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Tony @Tonylean tonyblog tony Technology-FantasyReading-Jokey Computer-Opposition Of Old Media- Music...
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Tony @Tonylean Nikkei dives 7.3 percent

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Tony @Tonylean IBM Security network also facebook see data breaches
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Tony @Tonylean Bright Comet - tonyone - Fotolog #fotolog

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Tony @Tonylean Social Web

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NASA Kepler @NASAKepler @BardicHeart @SciAstro Pri 1- get Kepler to a safe low-fuel state, success! Now the team will turn focus to next steps and recovery.
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Tony @Tonylean How IT helps the European Commission work in 23 languages via
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Information Age @InformationAge One in four admit employees use "unofficial" #cloud file-sharing services
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Tony @Tonylean facebook tell unrecognized device or location. Facebook: The Spy in Your Network
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Tony @Tonylean Ray Manzarek -- who co-founded "The Doors" with Jim Morrison in 1965 and played keyboard (The Doors Riders On The Storm poetry readings.
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Tony @Tonylean December 2012: app called "Poke" to lukewarm reviews. see also NASDAQ Facebook, Inc. stock price
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21/01/2014 15:12

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developed in the Soviet Union 113 TWEETS

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May 2013

Tony @Tonylean Socrates - tonyone - Fotolog #fotolog

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Tony @Tonylean Internet Users Regulator to "Rein in Google" on Privacy Concerns personal data
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Tony @Tonylean Magellanic Clouds, two small galaxies neighbouring the Milky Way.
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Tony @Tonylean European Parliament, reached 120 thousand signatures to eject Borghezio see easy london, ORDINE NUOVO skin symbol attraction between females
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Tony @Tonylean Nordic countries and the Asian Tigers dominate this year's thanks to their business-friendly approach, Information Technology Report 2013
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Tony @Tonylean An interesting article today in the news paper Welcome to websites being blocked in Australia,bad olds school of 90s /thread94
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Tony @Tonylean Moon asteroid in mare imbrium

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Tony @Tonylean Tornadoes tore through Italy

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Tony @Tonylean Huge Rock Crashes Into Moon meteorite crashed on March 17, slamming into the lunar surface Sparks Giant Explosion
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Tony @Tonylean 3D EUTELSAT satellite of Eutelsat Communications Euronext Paris: ETL was successfully launched on a Proton Breeze M rocket supplied by ILS
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Tony @Tonylean Asteroid 1998 QE2 will make its closest pass to Earth on May 31 at 1:59 p.m.
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Tony @Tonylean 'Fopd-Fascination of plants day 2013' - tonyone - Fotolog #fotolog
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Tony @Tonylean 'Fopd-Fascination of plants day 2013'.

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Tony @Tonylean

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21/01/2014 15:12

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May 2013


Tony @Tonylean @Tonylean #Yahoo #Tumblr Is Yahoo about to buy Tumblr?

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Tony @Tonylean The benchmark S&P 500 index fell 0.5 percent on Thursday Wall Street rally just keeps ticking its biggest drop climbed intraday just keeps
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Tony @Tonylean Cisco Systems (CSCO.O) see also bancomat rape ,employees,constitutional watchdog group,government's tax-collecting agency,sadam- exe off 80s
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Tony @Tonylean Wall Street dips after data, about Cisco curbs that was offset by weak data in Cisco Systems (CSCO.O) manufacturing sector and labor market,
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Tony @Tonylean Google, please be a benevolent internet overlord | Dan Gillmor /3fqc9/tw via @guardian
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Tony @Tonylean The IRS Scandal: Tempest the historical standards, President Barack Obama ran a remarkably administration
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Tony @Tonylean Microsoft and Windows defined all aspects of computing?

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Tony @Tonylean Internal Revenue Service President Obama announced the resignation a move the president said was essential to restore the public's faith
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Tony @Tonylean new Google's biggest attempt completely new layout Google Plus New profile and page updates
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Tony @Tonylean NASAs Planet-Hunting Telescope in Critical Condition After Hardware Failure extraordinary Kepler space telescope NASA technology
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Tony @Tonylean Desktop PC performance so d'ont have sleep with toy computing
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Tony @Tonylean Google's JavaScript Replacement

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Tony @Tonylean 5.6 earthquake, Off the west coast of northern Sumatra.
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Kim Dotcom @KimDotcom #Mega cannot decrypt your files or identify specific files. #Mega does act on legitimate takedown notices for "public" links.

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21/01/2014 15:12

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May 2013


Tony @Tonylean Russia to Expel U.S. Diplomat accused of being a U.S. Central Intelligence Agency officer this undated by tonynetone all time first on news
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Tony @Tonylean Digital Government U.S government agencies will have to adapt the principles of openness and interoperability for data available to citizens
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Tony @Tonylean Chinese tech giant Huawei to reject security concerns suggested "jealousy"
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Tony @Tonylean top German tabloid Bild Up to 200 jobs to be cut

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Tony @Tonylean WARNING: Twitter Phishing Scam Spreads by Direct Messages via @mashable
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Tony @Tonylean moon and jupiter may -12- 2013

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Tony @Tonylean antics of the Italian press to help a band of marauders of politics mass media
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Tony @Tonylean Twitter hack hoax to exposed and censure by mass media,the free twitter
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Tony @Tonylean Windows 8 flop

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Tony @Tonylean AMD , announced blog FX processing a 4-core FX-4350 with a 4.2 GHz of hitting 4.3 GHz , its highest desktop speed yet.
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Tony @Tonylean bizarre television anomaly on CNN both anchors are in Phoenix
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AboveTopSecret @AboveTopSecret ISS Switches To Linux (21 flags)

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Tony @Tonylean Ammonia or azane is a compound of nitrogen and hydrogen with the formula NH3. It is a colourless gas with a characteristic pungent smell.
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21/01/2014 15:12

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Astronomers are asking volunteers to help them search for "space warps."
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May 2013


Tony @Tonylean video and music by tony

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Tony @Tonylean #NowPlaying

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Tony @Tonylean 2013 Lunar Eclipses- Apr 25, 2013

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Tony @Tonylean 2013 Lunar Eclipses- Apr 25, 2013

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Tony @Tonylean posted a new entry to 'tonynetone' at LiveJournal.

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Tony @Tonylean 2013 Lunar Eclipses- Apr 25, 2013

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Tony @Tonylean 2013 Lunar Eclipses- Apr 25, 2013

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Tony @Tonylean 2013 Lunar Eclipses- Apr 25, 2013

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Tony @Tonylean I posted 27 photos on Facebook in the album "2013 Lunar Eclipses- Apr 25, 2013"
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Tony @Tonylean 2013 Lunar Eclipses- Apr 25, 2013 photo by tony /4405084072 via @Pinterest
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Vladimir Lenin @VIadimirLenin The revolutionist sees his position in history, his goals, his purpose, within the parameters of revolutionary consciousness.
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Tony @Tonylean Time Is real, or illusion? osmology and eternal inflation theory, have called time an
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Tony @Tonylean Speed of Light May Not Be Constant

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Tony @Tonylean Chicago Teachers Union elections after first strike in 25 yearsView on Twitter

Tony @Tonylean Windows 9: all but the official code name for the next version of Windows

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21/01/2014 15:12

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May 2013


Tony @Tonylean Windows chief's active desktop in Windows Blue /203809
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Tony @Tonylean Former Sen. : White House Is Hiding Evidence of UFOs /20130507
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Tony @Tonylean Sun eclipse on May 9-10, 2013

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Tony @Tonylean Dotcom Accused of Crimes Nonexistent Under U.S. Law, Lawyers Say
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Tony @Tonylean Commonwealth summit

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Tony @Tonylean Microsoft: All RIGHT, you can have your Start button users to boot straight to desktop mode and to bypass the Metro-Style Start menu
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Tony @Tonylean Solar activity - tonyone - Fotolog #fotolog

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Tony @Tonylean iPad-like devices, A lot of those users are frustrated on CNBC, the Microsoft chairman says
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Tony @Tonylean Solar activity made a healthy jump sunspots was taken using konus telescope 114 by tony to study magnetism
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Tony @Tonylean just on ufo's on March 5 impending kidney failure this individual felt to disclose secret information to alternative news propaganda
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AboveTopSecret @AboveTopSecret George W Bush Practically Admits 9/11 was a Conspiracy Plot - Latest Interview (32 flags)
Retweeted by @Tonylean View on Twitter

AboveTopSecret @AboveTopSecret Eisenhower and Nixon hid the Ufo truth from Humanity (17 flags)
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Tony @Tonylean Exclusive: Google, CIA Invest in 'Future' Evidence is mounting that these internet giants could all be CIA fronts
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21/01/2014 15:12

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the Russian occupation of Norway 113 TWEETS

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May 2013

Tony @Tonylean European Commission has told Motorola Mobility that its injunction against Apple in Germany EU antitrust rules
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Tony @Tonylean From Galileo to Hubble new exhibition to reveal visions of the universe
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Tony @Tonylean President Barack Obama's highlighting his proposals on jobs and the economy Obama to launch series of trips on economic
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Tony @Tonylean Dell, will be able to steal his company from public shareholders
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Tony @Tonylean largest U.S. bank's annual meeting in two weeks

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Tony @Tonylean Chief Game Designer 3D see also Google Inc

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Tony @Tonylean Windows 8 has increased its vulnerability Kaspersky says This is complexity computers.
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Tony @Tonylean Facebook Amid Mobile a difference

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Tony @Tonylean Mass interception Hacking Team in Italy

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Tony @Tonylean Why booted Nasdaq stocks outperform all the others Companies cut from index trounce peers they left behind
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Tony @Tonylean Obama Is Still Fighting Bush's National Security Legacy
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Tony @Tonylean massive neutron star confirmed so far, orbited by a white dwarf star
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Belgrade Daily @BelgradeDaily Project for construction of nano technology centre in Belgrade, Serbia
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21/01/2014 15:12

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