Portfolio Reflection Sheet 6th Grade 2nd Hour

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LANGUAGE ARTS REFLECTION SHEET Please write a paragraph (minimum of 5-6 sentences) using the following prompts.

Describe the assignment. (Name, class, grade, title/topic) Reasons why you chose this work sample OR Feelings about this work sample (feelings before, during, or after) OR Results from completing this assignment. Closing note about yourself, strength, or what it shows about you as a learner.

Name: Lance Stosiak Date:11/7/12 Hour: The assignment I chose is my personal narrative because I got an A and I used lots of detail and took the time to type it up. My feeling about my work is it is very neat but I should have checked for misspelled words. My results were getting a 97% or A on it and I leaned some new spelling words. It shows how hard O worked to get stuff done at home.

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