Syllabus For The Subject of Mass Communication: Paper - I Media: Functions, Contents and History Total Marks: 100

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Paper - I Media: Functions, Contents and History 1. 2. %. (. ,. 0. 6. 8. 9. 1<. Total Marks: 100

News: Definition, Structure, Language, Reporting and Sub-Editing Feature, Co u!n and Editoria : Difference of ob"ecti#es, structure, st$ e and content. &rgani'ationa Structures of nationa newspapers and news agencies Et)ics of *ourna is! and Freedo! of t)e +ress +ress Laws in +a-istan and .o#ern!ent /edia Re ations)ip Ro e of Sir S$ed 1)!ed 2)an, /au ana 3afar 1 i 2)an, /u)a!!ad 1 i *o)ar, 4asrat /o)ani and 4a!eed Ni'a!i in 5rdu +ress of t)e Sub-Continent Ro e of Radio, 7e e#ision, print !edia and internet in +a-istan Socia and De#e op!enta Responsibi ities of +a-istani /edia :!portance of Radio 7; Docu!entar$ and Li#e +rogra!!es Difference between t)e news of print !edia and e ectronic !edia


Communication, Advertisin and Pu!lic "elations :. 2. %. (. ,. 0. 6.

Total Marks: 100

+rocess of Co!!unication: source-!essage-c)anne - Recei#er-Noise and Redundanc$ =arriers to Co!!unication +rincip es of Effecti#e Co!!unication De#e op!ent Co!!unication and De#e op!ent *ourna is! Difference between /ass Co!!unication, De#e op!ent Co!!unication, De#e op!ent *ourna is! and De#e op!ent Support Co!!unication 7wo step f ow of co!!unication and &pinion Leaders +ub ic Re ations: Definition and Scope- 7oo s of +ub ic Re ations- +ub ic Re ations in +a-istan- Difference between +R, +ropaganda. 1d#ertising and +ub icit$.

8. 9. 1<.

1d#ertising: Definition-/erits and De!erits- 1d#ertising business in +a-istanDepart!ents of an 1d#ertising 1genc$. :!portance of researc) in 1d#ertising and +ub ic Re ations 1d#ertising as t)e ifeb ood of !edia

"ecommended #ooks
1. 2. (. .. . 1. 3. 6. Hijazi and Naqqash: Mass Communication Theory and Practice, Lahore, 200 Lorenz: Ne!s "e#ortin$ and %ritin$. Ne! &or'. 200 )i*ani*am: +d,ertisin$ -asics: London,. 200. Tread!e**: Pu/*ic "e*ations %ritin$. Ne! &or'. 200 Tee/*e ed.: Print 0ourna*ism. Ne! &or'. 200 2ch!artz: +ssociated Press "e#ortin$ Hand/oo'. Ne! &or'. 2002 Hijazi and 45ti'har: Mass Communication: 2'i**s, uses and 4ssues: Lahore.2001 2ha5iq: 0ourna*ism and Communication Lahore. 2001

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