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Top 10 of Everything: Arts and Entertainment

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Top 10 Best Movies

By Richard CorlissDec. 04, 201367 Comments

See the rest of TIMEs Top 10 of Everything 2013 lists here

10. The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

Warner Bros.

Who could guess, after the meandering first feature in a seemingly unnecessary eight hour trilogy of films !ased on a novel of less than "00 pages, that #eter $ac%son had such a vigorous and thrilling middle episode in store& With Bil!o 'Martin (reeman), *andalf 'Ian Mc+ellen) and the d,arves finally done ,ith introductory da,dling, they dive into a nonstop adventure among the no!le Elves, the rough he,n humans of -a%eto,n and the ferocious dragon .maug 'voiced !y Benedict /um!er!atch)0 This time, 1ndy .er%is has not lent his presence to *ollum, !ut his ,or% as second unit director is spectacular0 Each comple2 encounter, especially a flume ride escape of the d,arves, !oasts a teeming ingenuity of action and character0 1 !onus3 the !udding romance of the ,arrior Elf Tauriel 'Evangeline -illy) and the d,arf hun% +ili '1idan Turner)0 In all, this is a splendid

achievement, close to the grandeur of $ac%sons -ord of the 4ings films0

9. 12 Years a Slave

Francois Duhamel / Fox Searchlight

.outhern ,hites of the pre /ivil War plantation aristocracy !elieved themselves *ods chosen, and their slaves inhuman0 1s sho,n in this searing film document 5 an anti Gone With the Wind 5 the masters ,ere the madmen, inferior !ut in charge0 The first t,o feature films of 1nglo 1frican director .teve Mc6ueen, ,hose first t,o features, 7unger and .hame, proved him a picture poet of physical degradation0 7ere, ,or%ing from $ohn 4idleys script !ased on the 189" memoir of .olomon :orthup, a free !lac% :e, ;or%er a!ducted into servitude, Mc6ueen immerses vie,ers in the magnolia scented hell to ,hich :orthup '/hi,etel E<iofor) ,as e2iled0 ;ou ,ill recoil at

every punishment, feel each slur, ,ith an immediacy that ma%es the long ago, =peculiar institution> of slavery sting li%e a ,hiplash0 To this hot content, Mc6ueen applies cool imagery0 The movie has the eerie impact of a museum e2hi!it? it is a diorama of atrocity, populated !y varying forms of monstrosity 'Michael (ass!ender and Benedict /um!er!atch as the main slave o,ners) and !enevolence 'Brad #itt as a /anadian a!olitionist), and humani@ed !y the smoldering restraint of E<iofors performance0

8. The Act of Killing

Drafthouse Films

In 1AB9, the thug 1n,ar /ongo ,as hired !y the Indonesian government to stamp out the threat of /ommunism? he and his fello, gangsters formed paramilitary sCuads that tortured and %illed thousands of innocents0 :early a half century later, 1n,ar and many of his colleagues are still around, still protected !y the

politicians in charge, and ready to reenact their atrocities0 $oshua Dppenheimers ama@ing documentary gives that opportunity to men ,ho gre, up idoli@ing Brando and #acino and are pleased to star in their o,n crude !iopics0 To more closely resem!le his young self, 1n,ar dyes his hair and gets ne, teeth0 7e rehearses garroting a man ,ith a ,ire, to the laughter and applause of the ,omen ,atching0 Ma%ing the movies, ,hich vault from film noir to !i@arre musical, eventually gets under 1n,ars s%in and into his dreams? the pearly %iller is finally afflicted ,ith nightmares0 (or any vie,er, the effect is no less haunting0

7. Frozen


#rincess Elsa has po,ers of sorcery !eyond her control3 she can and does cast a nuclear ,inter on her northern %ingdom0 7er

sister 1nna is the normal one, falling in love at the first sight of any eligi!le male, yet !ound to confront her sister and save their realm0 The first animated feature in the Walt Eisney studios glorious history to offer t,o princess heroines, (ro@en transforms 7ans /hristian 1ndersens =The .no, 6ueen> into a fa!le of modern, timeless sisterhood0 (or this full musical enchantment, Writer $ennifer -ee and co director /hris Buc% tapped some of the Broad,ay musicals !rightest lights 5 composers 4o!ert -ope@ and +risten 1nderson -ope@ and actor singers Idina Men@el 'Elsa), +risten Bell '1nna) and $onathan *roff 'as the gruff mountain man +ristoff) 5 and poured all comic inspiration into the sno,man character Dlaf 'voiced ,ith irrepressi!le enthusi ,oo@y asm !y The Boo% of Mormons $osh *ad)0 7is sho, stopping set piece =In .ummer> provides the finest t,o minutes of cinema youll seer this year0

6. Furious 6

Giles Keyte / Universal Pictures

#lanes, trains and automo!iles collide spectacularly in the fourth (ast F (urious movie to !e directed !y $ustin -in and ,ritten !y /hris Morgan0 In a reunion of Gin Eiesel, the late #aul Wal%er, their gang and girlfriends and EE1 agent E,ayne $ohnson, (urious B vrooms from Tenerife to Mosco, to -ondon, ,ith astounding stunts in each location, and hitches a ride on a military cargo plane for the final !ra,l0 Where (ast (ive heralded the :e, 7olly,oods e2altation of sensational action over su!tle character, Furious 6 revs everything up, purifies and improves it to a level even cooler and more aerodynamically delirious than its predecessor, if such a thing is even mathematically possi!le0 This adrenaline sto%ing series is addictive, for its chases, crashes, crushes 5 and for its poetic limning of the closest camaraderie many men can ever %no,3 ,ith their cars0 D,ning one, some auto holic says, is li%e a marriage0 =;eah,> another guy replies, =!ut ,hen you !rea% up they dont ta%e half your shit0>

5. The


The Weinstein Company

4unning at H hours and 10 minutes in its ,orld premiere at the Berlin (ilm (estival, Wong +a, ,ais dreamy !iopic of martial arts master Ip Man ,as cut !y HH minutes 5 one fifth of its running time 5 !y I0.0 distri!utor The Weinstein /ompany0 Thats a crime a%in to cutting random holes in a Bosch or Breughel painting? !ut ,hats left is choice0 The 7ong +ong director ma%es super! movies 'Chungking Express, n the !ood for "ove, 20#6) that ignore narrative drive for tales of romance and regret in a rapturous visual style of slo mo imagery and ha@y closeups of ,istful stars0 Tony -eung /hiu ,ai, ,ho loo%s li%e a more !eautiful D!ama, plays Ip Man as a poet of gestural precision, in com!at scenes choreographed !y the great ;uen Wo ping 'The !$trix, %ill &ill)0 -eungs partner in reverie is a female doctor, daughter and martial artist played !y Jhang Jiyi 'Crou'hing Tiger( )idden *r$gon)? she e2udes a goddesss solemn grandeur and is given a divas final aria 5 a fittingly

elegiac clima2 for a ,orld class filmma%er ,hos al,ays in the mood for lost love0

4. her

Warner Bros.

In a future -os 1ngeles so near Itopian that no scene ta%es place in a car, Theodore T,om!ly '$oaCuin #hoeni2) has a <o! composing love letters for other people0 #rofligately romantic, !ruised !y the failure of his marriage to /atherine '4ooney Mara), he has enough sentiment left over to fall truly, madly, deeply in love ,ith a computer operating system ,ho calls herself .amantha '.carlett $ohansson)0 Their virtual affair might !e the spring!oard to satire, !ut ,riter director .pi%e $on@e instead creates a splendid anachronism3 a modern rom com that is laugh and cry and ,arm all over, totally s,eet and utterly serious0 Dr, if you ,ill, utterly .iri0 #hoeni2 corrals the dulcet melancholy of a

man ,hose emotional pain finds refuge in .amanthas em!race, in a love that, to misCuote #hillip +0 Eic%, is =more human than human0> #hoeni2 and $on@e sho, ,hat its li%e ,hen a mourning heart comes alive 5 !ecause he, Theodore, loves 7er0 1nd I, 4ichard, loved her0

3. American Hustle

Francois Duhamel / Annapurna Productions / Columbia Pictures

7istory remade as spar%ling farce3 the (BIs late 70s 1!scam investigation of political corruption, ,hich led to the conviction of a I0.0 .enator and seven /ongressmen, !ecomes this headlong tale of romance and rec%lessness0 In director Eavid D0 4ussells third consecutive movie a!out mismatched couples and their cra@y families, after The Fighter and Silver "inings +l$y,ook, 1 :e, ;or% con artist '/hristian Bale) <uggles a mouthy ,ife

'$ennifer -a,rence) and a cunning girl friend '1my 1dams) ,hile reluctantly cooperating ,ith the sting 5 supervised !y a federal agent 'Bradley /ooper) 5 of a :e, $ersey mayor '$eremy 4enner)0 =.ome of this actually happened,> reads the movies opening te2t? !ut 4ussell and co,riter Eric Warren .inger arent going for verisimilitude0 This portrait of the 70s revels in the decades gaudiness 5 its disco dancing and casino dreams, its ugly coiffures and facial hair 5 and in the eternal a!rasion of se2y ,omen and covetous men0 The five stars form a fa!ulous ensem!le cast, in the years most %no,ing e2plosion of flat out fun0

2. The reat "eaut# $ %a gran!e bellezza

Gianni Fiorito / Janus Films

=Whats the matter ,ith nostalgia&> as%s an aging poet in this masterpiece of divine decadence0 =Its the only thing left for those of us ,ho have no faith in the future0> Writer director #aolo .orrentino, ,hose l *ivo !lended political !io pic and Dvidian satire, vie,s modern 4ome in all its e2cess through the <aded eyes of =the %ing of the socialites,> <ournalist $ep *am!ardella ' l *ivos Toni .ervillo) 5 and, further !ac%, more than a half century, to the Eternal /ity as seen !y (ederico (ellini in "$ *ol'e -it$0 This profligately cinematic achievement sho,s an affection for nearly all of its outsi@e characters, and a melancholy that the flaming creatures of $eps acCuaintance ,ill soon !urn out0 *iving even the cynics a faith in the vi!rancy of movies, The Gre$t &e$uty is the years grandest, most e2hilarating film that ta%es place on Earth0



Warner Bros.

When :1.1 travellers .andra Bulloc% and *eorge /looney get lost in space, all a,e !rea%s loose0 -osing contact ,ith Mission /ontrol, as ,ell as access to their o2ygen supply, they are alone together, ,ith time and options running out0 1n epic of desperate peril and profound ,onder, 1lfonso /uarKns thrilling " E drama is a testament to human grit and ground!rea%ing technical ingenuity0 It deserves to !e seen once for the ,o, factor and a second time to try to figure out ho, /uarKn and his digital savants managed to ma%e the impossi!le seem so cinematically plausi!le0 :o one had dared even to imagine this stuff 5 li%e the astounding 1" minute ta%e that opens the movie 5 yet here it all is, vividly and sumptuously reali@ed0 In depicting the fearful, !eautiful reality of the space ,orld a!ove our ,orld, Gr$vity reveals the glory of cinemas future? it thrills on so many levels0 1nd !ecause /uarKn is a movie visionary of the highest order, you truly cant !eat the vie,0 Think .e /issed so/ething0 Tell us using h$sht$g &T'()2*1+


10 Worst Movies

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soandrea8 you all are just not attempting to understand the story behind gravity. sandra bullo ! hersel" e#plained it. AwardsLine: The movie is about that ultimate need for survival. How did you tap into that emotion? Bullock: $he "oundation o" the s ript was there% but &my hara ter's( journey was not "leshed out. &)l"onso( allowed me to step in and say what * wanted to say. $o me% what's more interesting is someone who has had so mu h loss that they are now ompletely dis onne ted "rom +arth% someone who has to dig deep to see i" they even want to try &to live(. ,hat does that "eel li!e% to have that enlightenment o"% -*'m ready% let it go. *'ve made the journey. *'ve seen what * needed to see.? ,e loved that idea% but it was hard to pull o"".

Norman/ohn 0ev 1rossman and 2adhi!a missed the boat. 3ore spe i"i ally% they obviously missed $he + stasy.

1regFatbert 4uper into these suggestions. 5onestly they6re the hitty7bangers and mash. )t "irst * was li!e wow% and then * was li!e 0O0 ),+4O3+. 8ude% only suggestions "or ne#t time is to ma!e the list longer% but seriously this is good wor!% no need to "eel bad about what you6ve done here.

9ath:b 1ravity? $he best pi ture? 2idi ulous. $hin story line. Not reality based. 3ost overrated pi ture sin e $he +nglish 9atient.

leamariah ;e"ore 3idnight? 3ud? <aptain 9hilips? Fruitvale 4tation?


*s this list even real?

)mit=umar 2>45???? <)9$)*N 95*0*94???? $5+ <2OO84???

3i hael3 3ahon ?our list lost all redibility with @Furious A.@ * understand everybody has di""erent tastes but onsider what it is. it6s a "i"th seBuel "or ppl who enjoy spoon7"ed entertainment. &)nd where6s <aptain 9hillips and ;lue /asmine?(

5immat4ingh 1ravity really is over7rated. <an6t believe it6s average 3etaC*38; s ore as well.

3a!e no mista!e...it6s a solid movie well worth the money% but it doesn6t "all in the @great@ or @best o" the year@ ategory.

5anNahD 1ravity is on my list o" 3ost Overrated 3ovies o" :EDF

hangoreG +# elente lista% on"irma parte de mi propia lista. 3uy buenos los argumentos. HFeli idadesI

4er h2eds ?ou loose your mind $ime 3agaGine .. * an6t believe this list

/ogging/oe 1ravity would have been mu h better% had it not been 4andra in the leading role. 4he ouldn6t a t.

3imi ri 1ravity was lousy.

/ohn;rodston 2enoir% 8allas ;uyer6s <lub%Faust. $here had to be at least JE "ilms that would have been a better hoi e than Fast and Furious. * do agree with most o" your other hoi es.

)le#anderKhu!ov ;lue is the warmest olor? ;lue /asmine? $his list is a blasphemy

/+ ,here is @Fruitvale 4tation?@ 9ower"ul. 3esmeriGing. )maGing. $hat "ilm will leave you spee hless.


$his 0ist has @Fast A@ and @FroGen@ ran!ed higher than @D: ?ears a 4lave.@ * an6t ta!e this list seriously. $his has to be a jo!e right? 2idi ulous.

taylor!imFAJ why on earth Furious A is in this list?

jsrt 4omeone is serious about pointing out the best in "ilm and his name is 2i hard <orliss. * also believe 1ravity is the best "ilm o" the year &o" ourse% * haven6t seen 5ustle% ;an!s% ,ol" yet(. ,hat the naysayers in the omments se tion "ail to understand is that "ilm $O8)? has the apability o" so many things. *t an elebrate musi % literature% photography% animation% theatre% et . ;asi ally% "ilm has the apability o" elebrating $5+ )2$4. * !eep hearing the same omplaint over and over againL @the story in 1ravity is so simple@. * agree% it is. ;ut was it all that bad? NoI * wouldn6t ne essarily say it was the best story that "ilm had to o""er this year. ;ut ba ! to what * was sayingL F*03 5)4 $5+ <)9);*0*$? OF 3)N? $5*N14. 1ravity has a good &not great( story% good &not great( a ting% great photography% great inematography% and great musi . <onsider the other "ilms released this year and as! yoursel" how well they elebrate the arts. )ltogether% 1ravity is the best movie o" :EDF. ;y the way% that is what the ) ademy )wards honor with their ;est 9i ture award% $5+ )2$4. ;ut 2i hard <orliss... what the hell is Fast A doing on your list? 0O0.

Ondreij4 hev hen!o ,al!er6s death is a tragedy but to sit and boun e on his lap a"ter he6s dead 7 7 <6mon man.

hldavisonMMEA * sure miss 2oger +bert. 5is lists% best and worse movies o" the year% always made sense.

jpartm Furious A ? $he worst o" the series.

)tanuNath <oming here was a mista!e... * have just wasted DE minutes &in luding this omment( I

$i al 5ilarious. Fast and Furious A ma!es it on a list o" :EDF6s $op DE movies. Ni e /o!e. )nyway% when is the a tual top DE list oming out?

Nlibtardedameri a in luding "urious A automati ally ruins any sense o" legitima y to this list. "ail. just "ail.


F>2*O>4 A?????? 5)5)5)5)5)5)5)5)5)5)

KeeFlynn For a moment * thought this was a serious arti le then when * saw @Furious A@ * realiGed it was a moroni jo!e. 5a. ha.

&) ouple o" the "ilms a tually belong on a 2+)0 top DE list by the way(

4 ott1reenD ,at hing 0egally ;londe :L 2ed% ,hite O ;londe is similar to a epting a aning and paying "or it.

/im5unter * "ound that tastes in movies is a lot li!e noses% everybody has a di""erent one. * personally li!e one o" the best movies &Fast O Furious A( and two o" the worst movies &2*98 and )nother +arth(.

guDtJrprE ;e"ore 3idnight is missing


3issing "rom the listL Fruitvale 4tation and ;lue is the ,armest <olor and potentially ;lue /asmine and >pstream <olor 4houldn6t be on the listL Fast A and $he 1randmaster

$he*rish)ssassin $he list is o!% but you6re missing a lot o" great "ilms. J:% F2>*$P)0+ 4$)$*ON% $5+ ,)? ,)? ;)<=% ;0>+ *4 $5+ ,)23+4$ <O0O2% O08;O?% ,O208 ,)2 K and even 492*N1 ;2+)=+24 deserve to be on this list ahead o" F>2*O>4 A. &and * li!ed F>2*O>4 A.( * guess that6s why we have our own opinions on "ilms... &as long as we an all agree that 45)2=N)8O is the worst thing 5ollywood has ever reated.(

<o o5itsNew?or! )ndy 4er!is6 wor! as se ond unit dire tor is spe ta ular? * wonder how you even noti e the wor! o" the se ond unit dire tor% let alone "eel the ne essity to point it out

hipandtrippy 3isspellingL @,ong =aw7wai's@... ,ong =ar7wai6s. * will have to he ! some o" these out. L(


*6m sorry% but a list with Fast 4i# in the top ten% mu h less as high up as it is% is espe ially ahead o" D: ?ears a 4lave? 2eally? * loved Fast 4i# as a "un pop orn movie% but ome on.

*QgotQitJD <aptain 9hillips? the "a t that it6s not on the list invalidates this whole list. ,ay to go.

+dohiguma @$ony 0eung <hiu7wai% who loo!s li!e a more beauti"ul Obama@ <onsidering the list itsel" and this @des ription@ o" a man who has more ourage and will than your useless% lying sa ! o" garbage in the ,5% the $ime 3agaGine has gone o"" the deep end o" rap.

>4Qe# eptionality o you kno!" !hy the #C$% &#uropean Court o' $uman %ights(concluded" that the )hodorko*sky case is not political and con'inement in prison has legitimate+

>4Qe# eptionality,-./.01 Putin has named 2mericans #XC#PT34N2, C452% S666

Pin enGoPin entdj9ota * really li!e the 1ravity number one with a talented 4andra ;ullo ! but * am pleased also to se ond pla e 0a 1rande $tony 4ervillo beauty with one o" the best *talian a tors o" the moment greetings "rom Floren e

)tanuNath ;ased on poll and most o" the voters are ......... L7&

Nlibtardedameri a seeing as how all F o" those movies are absolutely atro ious and you li!e them% i6m going to let you in on a little se ret you may not be aware o"L you have a terrible taste in movies

dorien.dowling:A world war G !ind o" su !ed but good on ept


R$he*rish)ssassin ?ou6re !idding right? Fruitvale 4tation was ;OOOO2*N1 until the limati part. /ust a day in the li"e o" the guy.

oronbara! R$he*rish)ssassin * anSt ta!e anything you say seriously i" you say J:% oldboy% and world war G are even good nevermind top DE o" the year good

/osh;ue hler R<o o5itsNew?or! +spe ially sin e 4er!is a tually didn6t wor! as se ond unit dire tor on this "ilm. 5e did "or se tions o" the "irst but he was ba ! doing 9lanet o" the )pes when most o" this "ilm was shot.

dorien.dowling:A so what movies did you li!e

$he*rish)ssassin R loseupman R$he*rish)ssassin ,ell% you do have a point... ;ut i thought the way it was told &and "ilmed( made it interesting... ;ut *6m sure we an agree on one thing% it was no 492*N1 ;2+)=+24.


Roronbara! R$he*rish)ssassin ;ut you li!ed 492*N1 ;2+)=+24... *6m glad we6re on the same page with that one.

;rophy9eter R/osh;ue hler R<o o5itsNew?or! ) tually you are misin"ormed . )ndy was our se ond unit dire tor "or the majority o" this se ond "ilm. 5e was only away "or the 8 wee! pi ups we did "or the se ond and third instalment .
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