02 - Gender of Nouns (Final)

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Baitul Ilm Notes for Classical Arabic Class 2011-12

Reference Book: An Introduction to Koranic and Classical Arabic by W ! "#ackston $esson: 02 %&' ( ) 1*+

Gender of Nouns Arabic #as t,o 'rammatical 'enders- masculine and feminine Nouns are considered to be feminine if t#ey belon' to any one of t#e follo,in' cate'ories: 1- Nouns referrin' to intrinsically female bein's ./am0les are: 234 2*KV[-

`e- fome feminine nouns 'i\e no e/ternal indication of 'rammatical femininity ./am0les are: g=_N 5 hW9 5 i_j 5 ikd 5 :_6

5 261 5 71 Names of to,ns and cities e/ce0t 89:; ./am0les are: <=>?@=4 5 A9BC4 5 DEF &arts of body t#at are in 0airs ./am0les are: <G1 5 HI; 5 BJ !ost but not all sin'ular nouns endin' in ./am0les are: D3JBF 5 DL:M 5 D;=N A fe, e/ce0tions are:5 DQRS 5 DJT=UF DFO P; Collection nouns ./am0les are: 7TW 5X:Y 5 Z:; Names 'i\en to t#e ,ind ./am0les are: ]JW 5 7^_N Names 'i\en to fire ./am0les are: a3 P bc 5 W=d

Adjectives and Adjectival Agreement "#e function of a 'i\en ,ord in a sentence determines ,#et#er it is a modified noun % l^m^F+ or adnecti\e %Dkm+ Adnecti\es in\ariably follo, t#e noun and a'ree in %i+ state- %ii+ 'ender- %iii+ number and %i\+ case %i+ %ii+ %iii+ State: If t#e noun is definite or indefinite- t#e adnecti\e ,ill be identical ./am0les are: H o Ip_q9 Z o =>Eq9 5 H r IpF Z r =>@ Gender: If t#e noun is masculine or feminine- t#e adnecti\e ,ill be identical ./am0les are: DpI sS t r BR4 5 a r Iu; v r R6 Number: If t#e noun is sin'ular- dual or 0lural- t#e adnecti\e ,ill be identical ./am0les are: %sin'ular+ : r ICm B r qT - 5 %dual+ < w =Qq=m < w OcW - %0lural+ x r =Jy Case: Adnecti\e ,ill #a\e t#e same as t#e noun ./am0les are:

x=3I P 4 5x=3FzF g=?d


{ IpF Z H { =>@ |L o q=}q9 ~ ] o _Uq9

r IpF Z H r =>@ rq ] w=m ~ r _;

r _I D r >@ =bIL t :bF = kQm ^R>J

2011 Baitul Ilm

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Baitul Ilm Notes for Classical Arabic Class 2011-12

Reference Book: An Introduction to Koranic and Classical Arabic by W ! "#ackston $esson: 02 %&' ( ) 1*+

&redicate adnecti\es and \erbal com0liments a'ree ,it# t#eir subnects in 'ender and number but not in case and state &redicates occur in indefinite state and case of 0redicate \aries as ,ell de0endin' on t#e sentence construct
The man is wise Sulayman is smart Zaid was great

r IE ~c: a q9 r S=j < : =_IRN < :Ip@ B 9 r J <=@

Predication of Existence ./istential &redication %.n'lis# t#ere is- t#ere are+ is ac#ie\ed by re\ersin' t#e normal order of t#e sentence by 0lacin' t#e subnect %necessarily indefinite+ after t#e 0redicate ./am0les are: A man in t#e city

w 3JB_q9 |L ~ D r cW r cW D3JB_q9 |L ~ cW D O w 3JB_q9 |L < P

"#ere is a man in t#e city

fuc# sentences are almost al,ays introduced by ,#ic# ,ill 0ut t#e subnect in



&re0osition 'ets directly attac#ed to t#e follo,in' ,ord and t#e case of t#e ,ord c#an'es to ./am0les are:

or ,ords t#at be'in ,it# letter hamzah- sometimes t#e letter hamzah is 0ronounced and sometimes not If t#e letter hamzah is not 0ronounced- it is kno,n as ~m^q9 t_ and is ,ritten as 9 or As an e/am0le- t1:F9 becomes t1:F w If t#e hamzah is 0ronouncedit is kno,n as q9

t_ and ,ill be ,ritten 1 or

or e/am0le- <=EF


W#en t#e 0re0osition w is added to ,ords t#at be'in ,it# t#e letter and #a\e t#e definite article- t#e letter is doubled in 0ronunciation and ,ritten ,it# a tB P j- and t#e

q9 of t#e definite article is dro00ed In ,ritin'- bot# t#e definite and indefinite ,ords ,ill look t#e same if t#e tBj is not ,ritten or e/am0le:
2011 Baitul Ilm

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Baitul Ilm Notes for Classical Arabic Class 2011-12

Reference Book: An Introduction to Koranic and Classical Arabic by W ! "#ackston $esson: 02 %&' ( ) 1*+

for a ni'#t for t#e ni'#t for Alla#

DRIR q w DRIR q w P w


"#e 0re0osition is also used to e/0ress 0ossession as in t#e follo,in' e/am0les: "#e eart# belon's to Alla# "#e man #as a dau'#ter

2011 Baitul Ilm

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