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Climate Change

Presenter: Professor Jon Barnett

Climate Change is a Social Problem

Climate Change is a Social Problem: Because human activities produce the emissions that enhance the greenhouse gas effect.

...but not all people or groups are equally responsible.

Climate Change is a Social Problem

Climate Change is a Social Problem:

Because climate change puts at risk things that we value.

...but not all people are equally at risk.

Climate Change is a Social Problem

Climate Change is a Social Problem: Because responding to climate change requires social changes. To reduce emissions To adapt to avoid damages arising from changes in climate, and To both mitigate and adapt in ways that are socially just

Climate Change is a Social Problem

Thinking more about risks: Climate change may impact on the things that are needed for people to live good lives.

Climate Change is a Social Problem

Risks to basic needs, for example to:

! Health (e.g. Malaria, Dengue fever, diarrhoea, disasters...) ! Food security (e.g. Agriculture & Fisheries production, incomes, prices, nutrition...) ! Clean water (e.g. Saline contamination, drought...)

Climate Change is a Social Problem

Risks to development, for example to:

! Settlements and infrastructure (e.g. Damage to buildings, roads, energy systems, water supply systems...) ! Jobs and economic growth (e.g. From tourism, fisheries, agriculture...) ! The costs of living (e.g. Increased scarcity drives up costs...)

Climate Change is a Social Problem

Risks to social values, for example to:

! Communities (e.g. From land loss, impelled migration, mortality, damage to infrastructure...) ! Culture (e.g. From impacts on material culture, sacred sites, population changes...) ! The costs of living (e.g. Increased scarcity drives up costs...)

Climate Change is a Social Problem

Conclusion: Climate change is not an environmental problem, it is a social problem (but with environmental elements)

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