Railway Street, Balbriggan Action Plan: Project Title Cost 1

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Railway Street, Balbriggan Action Plan: Project 1. 1.a 1.b 1.c 1.d 2. 2.a 2.b 2.c 2.d 2.

e 2.f 3. !.a !.b 4. %.a %.a.i %.a.ii Title People and Communication Forum for street communication Business advancement Street safety coordination Events programme Sub Total Buildings and Facades Coordinated repair and maintenance Colour scheme Greenery and foliage Signage Energising vacant premises The all Sub Total Traffic "ne #ay system revie# $ublic transport Sub Total Cost


The Street Clutter eradication &emoval of superfluous signage 'ndergrounding of overhead cables %.b Shared surface streetscape %.b.i &ealignment of road#ay %.b.ii Creation of small) useable spaces %.c *ntroduction of high +uality materials %.c.i Surface materials %.c.ii Tree planting %.c.iii ,e# lighting %.d Station $la-a Sub Total

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