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INSTALLATION NOTES - 2009.1 CLR 2.0 1. All included assemblies have been built against Microsoft .

NET Framework Version 2.0. You must have this version of the framework installed for the product to work. You must be logged in as an Administrator to install this product. This user must also have permissions to update the system registry. The install should be run from a local hard drive. You might encounter issues if it is run from a network drive. Microsoft Visual Studio must be closed while running this install or the Infragistics Toolbox Utility. This installation will stop and restart IIS in order to install the ASP.NET assemblies, scripts, and virtual folders. If you encounter an error during installation stating that your license key is invalid, first confirm that the correct key was entered. If the entered key is correct, cancel the installation (do not "install as trial"), reboot your computer, and run the install again. This will ensure the incorrect license key value is cleared from the internal cache. 7. You do not need to uninstall NetAdvantage for .NET in order to convert a previously installed trial version of the product to a licensed version. To license your existing installation, simply run the installer again and enter your license key when prompted 8. If you install any combination of the NetAdvantage installs and then remove one of them at a later time, this could corrupt the other installations. To resolve this, please re-install the appropriate NetAdvantage install needed.


3. 4. 5. 6.

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