Healing Diet Shon

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Guide for Self Healing and Healthy Life

There is only one disease, therefore, only one treatment. These diet and healthy life tips heal all diseases. Each advice is of essential importance for total healing.

One hour of daily exposure to sunlight as a minimum; dont wear sunglasses. Breath outdoor fresh air for at least 20 minutes in the morning and evening. Walk barefoot for at least 15 minutes. Spend an hour a day alone in peace. Ensure you are sleeping between 10 pm-2 am, since our body produces healing hormones during those hours. Avoid watching TV, movies (except selected), and reading newspapers. Find a fulfilling and peaceful hobby, read books, paint, and listen to relaxing music. Do not use any commercial cosmetic products (replace them with natural ones). Do not use industrial soups or flavors containing Mono Sodium Glutamate (found in almost all salty industrial food); use sea salt and organic flavors. Do not use diet products containing artificial sweeteners. Use maltex or honey. Do not consume alcohol, tobacco, coffee, black tea, chewing gums, canned food or drinks. Practice yoga daily. Try Art of Living course, neenamarwah07@gmail.com Gradually eliminate all medicines, under supervision of a health practitioner. Do not use synthetic vitamins. Replace air fresheners with natural herbs like lavender. Avoid using mobile phone by using wire headset and keep it away from your body. Use blood electrification devices, and drink silver water like Robert Becks or Hilda Clarks; a must for the sick ones and prevention for healthy ones. For sick ones: 2 spoons of silver water every hour (keep 15 seconds in mouth before swallowing); healthy ones less and occasionally. If you consume cooked vegetables, ensure you also consume raw vegetables twice as much. Practice good vibrations and emotions, be positive, have a smile on your face at all times, as this will help to produce healing hormones. Do not think or talk negative about yourself and others or disease, as your sub conscious follows your thoughts; act as you are healthy. With forgiveness we get rid of hatred and anger, which produce negative hormones and worsen our health. We help ourselves by forgiving others. Even mental diseases can be improved by switching to raw food vegetarian diet Do nerve gymnastic in the case of Multiple Sclerosis: 5 minutes, 20 times a day. Eyes closed, take a slow deep nasal breath and slowly breath out pronouncing M. Drink pure water without fluoride or make your own from tap water with reverse osmosis water filter available in water filter shops.

Sample Menus (Ideal Diet) No animal products Breakfast: Raw juice and raw fruits; no cooked food in the morning, as the body is still cleansing until about noon. Lunch: Fresh carrot juice, fruit salad (banana, apple, dates etc.) or vegetable salad. Dinner: Fresh carrot juice, large green vegetable salad (lettuce, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, carrot, etc.). This is followed by some cooked food (baked potato, baked sweet potato, brown rice, steamed vegetables, etc.). Later in the evening you can have a glass or two of organic apple juice or a piece of fruit. Ideal diet consists of 85% raw food and 15% cooked food. Cooked food is only recommended for dinner. Sample Menus (Transitional Diet) No animal products Breakfast: 8 ounces of orange or carrot or apple juice. Oatmeal oat, ray, wheat, barley flakes (non commercial), and add one seed spoon from each of flax, bran, sunflower pumpkin, and dry fruits. Poor water over the mixture in the evening, and live it overnight for the morning breakfast. Fruit Organic rye bread, unsalted and fat-free, spread with honey Lunch: Raw vegetable mix salad Vegetable soup (cooked with little water and on low heat) 8 ounces of apple or carrot juice Baked potato Freshly cooked vegetables Dinner: Same as lunch menu. You can use different vegetables and salads, and different methods of preparing potatoes. Organic brown rice and organic sweet potatoes may be served once a week. Between meals you can have fresh juices, handful of soaked nuts like almonds, walnuts, some seeds, and vegetables or fruits. Occasionally take leguminous vegetables: adzuki bean, string bean, green pea. Do not cook them too long. Do not garnish it with browned flour. Use olive oil, sea salt, dried vegetables for taste enhancer. You can add barley green powder to your diet: 1 tablespoon of barley green in a glass of water or juice, hour before meal, 3 times a day. It is rich in nutrition and enzymes. Completely remove from your diet: white flour and sugar and their products, meat, fish, eggs and any kind of industrial or processed food. Use raw vegetables and fruits in 80/20 ratio. Drink at least 2.5 l of fluoride free water.

Diet for terminally sick people: Diseases are caused by: 1. Not enough nutrition (eating cooked food). 2. Toxicity (accumulated in the body during life time) Therefore, healing consists of: 1. Flooding the body with nutrition. No cooked food for 3 months. Later you can add 15% of simple cooked food only in the evenings (baked potato, brown rice, cooked vegetables), but it is better to be on completely raw food diet until all symptoms disappear. 13 juices daily, every hour: 1 orange juice, 4 green leaf juices, 5 apple/carrot and 3 carrot juices. In the beginning, if you can not drink this amount, you can have less juice, but you have to take them every hour. Also, in the beginning you can skip 3 carrot juices for a day or two. Juices have to be fresh but if you have to keep carrot juice you can mix with apple to protect them from oxidation. Don't swallow right away and salivate it well. You can eat fruits and salads, small amount of soaked almonds. 2 tablespoons of flaxseed oil daily or 2 tablespoons of freshly grounded flaxseeds. Add to your diet kelp (seaweed) or barley green powder. 2. Coffee Enema (cleansing of colon) When we start to eat well, tumor or other toxic waste starts to melt and all this waste will go to the colon, where it is absorbed again. This process can kill a sick person. In addition, liver is overwhelmed by toxins and can not do its job anymore, which is to filter the toxins and take them out into the intestines. In order to take the waste out and to activate the liver, we need regular coffee enemas. Coffee will be absorbed into liver and will stimulate cleansing of the liver and will open the gall bladder in order to extract the bile with concentrated toxins. Liquid in colon will collect toxins and we flush them out. Take 3 rounded tablespoons of coffee (organic) and add to 1l of water, boil for 3 minutes and simmer covered for another 25 min. Strain the solution and leave it to cool to body temperature. You should lay on your right side, with legs pulled up. Elevate bucket with liquid maximum up to 50cm and let it into your bowels. Try to hold enema for 12 min., minimum is 5min., and maximum is 15min. You have to have 5 enemas daily, the last one at 10 pm you can replace with chamomile tea if you have difficulty sleeping. First two days, you can mix coffee with chamomile tea and also you can decrease amount of liquid. After two months, you can decrease the number of enemas and replace some of them with chamomile tea. Wish you a long and healthy life!!! For questions: slagjana.velkov@yahoo.com
Disclaimer: This leaflet is for educational purposes only, it is not meant to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease. If you are ill see your health care professional.

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