OGR Form Script To Screen: Above The Ground

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OGR Form script to Screen

Above the Ground

Candice Hiu Fu Leung

Astronaut Factory Stilts

The Premise
An encouraging story to have hope even in your hard society The story is about the !ealth distribution seriously happen in this country" the government de#ine their classes by the stilts

The Logline
$ac% !ho are #rom the lo!est class in the country inspired by a businessman to brea% the !alls o# the reality

The step outline

&Scene'( )Cro!ded on the streets" middle class citi*en and business man !earing their stilts !al%ing on the street )The people are poor only allo! them !ear shoes )The middle class people are much taller than the lo!est class &Scene+( )The highest upper class" ', richest people and the most talented people in the country" are living in the space -station )They have the best service and support #rom the rest o# the people in the country and the have authority to -ma%e order to the people on earth ).ecause there are so many people under them" they don/t !or%

The step outline

&Scene0( )The boy is a-messenger-sending letters everyday )He #inished !or% and bac% home" ta%e o## his shoes" he loo%ing at it and sigh &#lash( )The boy is the lo!est class !hich the government don/t even give them respect to have a pair o# stilts )1hen he !al% on the street" there are only #e! people are the same eye level as him )People giggling !hen they loo% do!n to the lo!est class )He open the #ridge but there is not enough #ood #or him to ma%e a dinner but many beers )He unconvinced !here he is and drin%

The step outline

&Scene2( )The ne3t day he is sending a document to a stilts #actory )He go into the o##ice and !hile he !ait #or someone to sign" he see a up)middle class businessman as%ing the -carpenter to design his o!n stilts )The businessman spent so much money on the stilts because he !ant to sho! people ho! noble he is )He is loo%ing at the !hole situation" he is really angry

The step outline

&Scene4( )He #ollo! the businessman but suddenly lost him )The businessman %no!s and he appear in #ront o# the boy )He loo%ing at the boy/s #eet and realise he is the lo!est class )He hasn/t laugh but come closer to him

The step outline

&Scene5( )They sit do!n and chat" the businessman telling him his story -&#lash( )6ears ago the man !as #rom the lo!est class but he got a heart to climb up in the society )He !or%ed really really hard #rom days and nights" save much as he can )A#ter a years and years -he climbed up step by step" till no! )He said/ /There are di##erent things you !ant to-e7uip yoursel# in di##erent ages o# your li#etime" time only ta%es -the-responsibility-to run pass but not to ma%e sure you have gro!n Stop blaming and start living hard /8 The businessman leave and the boy still thin%ing about it

The step outline

&Scene9( )repeat the shots o#-the cro!ded on the streets and the space )Camera pan to a bac% street !ith his stilts o# a-gentleman-!al%ing on the

Character .iography

Character .iography
$ac%" He is ':" #ull o# !onder" #ull o# passion" #ull o# dreams ;t is a hard li#e #or him that his parent passed a!ay years ago He used to live !ith his grandmother in a small house until he become an adult <very year the government chec% their #inancial statues and because there is nothing le#t #rom his parents and he is still a young %id And doesn/t have a high 7uali#ication o# education The government put him to the lo!est classes o# the country And it is sad that they don/t give respect to him and only give him a pair o# old shoes !hile some o# the people in lo!est class still having the !orst and second hand stilts .ut it is blessed that he have a =ob in this society !hich #ull o# races and ine7uality He is !or%ing in post o##ice being a messenger sending letters to people Ho!ever he start panic !ith !hat he is and the =ob that he have got He is a %ind o# teenager !here reality has %illed so much o# his dreams and passion He thin% there are so many things that !ould not be changed #rom !here he is to !here he !ant to be He %no!s that dreaming and !ondering are only !asting his time to earn one more dollar" He thought there is no hope coming into his li#e so he bloc% his all emotional side and living li%e a !or%ing machine

Li%e #or Li%e

Creative Partnership

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