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never missing an opportunity to show their coaches what they are truly made of.

The athlete's bond with their chosen sports creates a fire in their heart, pushing

them past previous breaking points, past what they ever imagined that they could
do. Only one world exists in their mind, their sport. Their life revolves around their

sport. The passion that is exulted from their being is exuberant.

An athlete is focused, determined, courageous, and committed. Not one day goes by where an athlete thinks about anything else but their sport. They

spend hours upon hours at night going over film from their previous games,
catching every missed opportunity to perform at their absolute best. An athlete

sheds blood, sweat, and tears, never missing a single chance to do so. They
have set goals that they work extremely hard for, and will never live it down if they do not achieve them. An athlete dives headfirst when no one else will, because it sets him or her apart from every other athlete in the space. An athlete is someone who will never take no for an answer. They will never Iet failure win. They will put everything on the line, so that maybe one day they will get the chance to show where they come from and who they are. An

athlete is much more than what is on the outside. An athlete is made from within.
Their skills are merely what gets them to a certain point in life, what their personal characteristics are what make them. An athlete is a combination of both who they are on the field and who they are off of it.

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