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Microsoft Digital Literacy Certificate Test Item File Answer Key

Computer Basics
Lesson 1: Introduction to Computers
1 Tina creates a business proposal on her home computer. She wants to use a storage device to save the proposal and take it to her office. Which of the following devices will Tina use to store the files? A. B. C. . Microphone Speakers C !" #Correct Answer$ Modem

! Apurva needs to connect a printer to his computer. %e asks &ou about the parts of a computer that he can use to connect the printer. What will &ou tell Apurva? "elect two. A. B. C. . ). 'raphics card Modem Sound card (arallel port #Correct Answer$ *niversal serial bus #*SB$ port #Correct Answer$

# +ou want to create a document on &our computer. ,n what order will &ou perform the following steps when &ou start creating the document? Arrange the steps in the following list in the order in which &ou will perform them. (lace the first step at the top of the list. "teps: A. -og on to the computer. B. Create the document. C. Turn on the computer. . Save the changes. ). Start the program.

"teps in Correct $rder: C. Turn on the computer. A. -og on to the computer. ). Start the program. B. Create the document. . Save the changes.

% +our friend wants to view &our live image while &ou chat with her online. Which of the following devices installed on &our computer will help her do this? A. B. C. . Web cam #Correct Answer$ (rinter Scanner Microphone

& Ale.ander needs to prepare the transcript for an audio file saved on his office computer. %e wants to listen to the audio without disturbing his colleagues sitting nearb&. Which of the following hardware devices will Ale.ander use? A. B. C. . %eadphone #Correct Answer$ Speaker Microphone Web cam

' /ira0 wants to use his office computer. To log on to the computer1 he needs to enter his logon details. Which of the following options does /ira0 need in order to log on to the computer? "elect two A. B. C. . ). *ser name #Correct Answer$ %ome address 2ffice name (assword #Correct Answer$ 2ffice address

( Markus uses his computer to calculate the mone& he spent on transportation costs in the last two months.

Which part of his computer will perform the calculations? A. Monitor B. Central processing unit #C(*$ #Correct Answer$ C. 3 . %ard disk

Lesson !: Common Computer Terminology

) )lisabeth reads an article on common computer terminolog&. She does not understand the meaning of operating s&stem. She comes to &ou for help. %ow will &ou e.plain operating s&stem to )lisabeth? A. B. C. . An electronic device connected to &our computer A storage device in &our computer A program that controls and manages the computer #Correct Answer$ A circuit board that connects the input1 output1 and processing devices

* +ou use a word processor to create and save a te.t!based document on &our computer. What does the te.t in &our document represent? A. B. C. . ata #Correct Answer$ %ardware 2perating s&stem Application

1+ )nri4ue reads an advertisement about a computer hardware store. %e wants to know the meaning of the term hardware. %ow will &ou define the term hardware for )nri4ue? A. (h&sical parts of a computer #Correct Answer$ B. An item of information C. ,nstructions that make programs work . "ules designed to enable computers to connect with one another 11 Arif sees &ou reserve &our train tickets over the ,nternet. %e wants to know about the various things one can do on the ,nternet. Which of the following options will &ou tell him? "elect t,ree A. Service &our car

B. C. . ). 5.

Communicate in a real!time environment #Correct Answer$ "eserve travel tickets #Correct Answer$ Withdraw cash Burn a C Send e!mail messages #Correct Answer$

1! Marko uses an instant messenger to chat with his friends over the ,nternet. %ow will &ou categori6e an instant messenger? A. B. C. . %ardware Software #Correct Answer$ 2perating s&stem ata

1# 7aspars listens to his friends talking about the ,nternet. %e is curious about the ,nternet. %ow will &ou define the ,nternet to him? A. B. C. . A software program installed on a computer An electronic device for printing documents A worldwide collection of computer networks #Correct Answer$ A power backup source

Lesson #: Computer -erformance and Features

1% an learns that he can control the access rights to his computer and specif& a user name and password. %e wants to know what process the operating s&stem performs to confirm his logon information. What will &ou tell an? A. B. C. . Computation ,nitiali6ation Authentication #Correct Answer$ Authori6ation

1& Tom notices that when he runs several programs simultaneousl& on his computer1 the performance of the programs slows down considerabl&. What is the reason for this?

A. B. C. .

/onfunctional ke&board /onfunctional mouse ,nsufficient random access memor& #"AM$ #Correct Answer$ -ow monitor speed

1' 8ohn works as a sales representative with /orthwind Traders. %e has to make a presentation to his customers in another town. The presentation occupies 9: gigab&tes #'B$ on his computer. %e wants to make some final changes to this presentation while he is traveling. Which of the following t&pes of computer will help 8ohn carr& this data with him? A. B. C. . 1( Mainframe (ersonal digital assistant #( A$ -aptop #Correct Answer$ esktop computer avid wants to create business cards and brochures for his new compan&.

Which of the following programs will avid use? A. B. C. . 1) ,nstant messenger Antivirus esktop publishing # T($ #Correct Answer$ Movie maker +our friend 8an travels to various parts of the world.

Which of the following options will &ou use to have a real!time conversation with him? A. B. C. . ,nstant messenger #Correct Answer$ Spreadsheet program )!mail (resentation program

Lesson %: Computer $perating "ystems

1* +ou tell Carol about the various t&pes of operating s&stems. She now wants to know about the functions of an operating s&stem. Which of the following options will &ou use to describe the functions of an operating s&stem to Carol? "elect four

A. B. C. . ). 5. '. ;:.

Scans images Takes pictures Manages file s&stem #Correct Answer$ "uns programs #Correct Answer$ etects viruses Manages data storage #Correct Answer$ Allocates memor& usage #Correct Answer$ +ou want to view all the shared computers on the network.

Which of the following options in the Start menu will &ou use? A. B. C. . Computer /etwork #Correct Answer$ Connect To efault (rograms

Lesson &: Career $pportunities

!1 Arno<s uncle owns a small business with ;: office emplo&ees. The computers in his office are connected on a network. Arno often helps his uncle to install new computers on the network1 add and remove individuals from the list of authori6ed users1 and archive files on a computer. %e likes to perform these activities and wants to make them the focus of his profession. Which of the following 0ob opportunities can Arno consider? A. B. C. . 'raphics designer Software developer /etwork administrator #Correct Answer$ atabase administrator

Internet and t,e .orld .ide .e/

Lesson 1: T,e Internet
!! +ou connect &our computer to the ,nternet to find some information. Which of the following terms describes a computer that is connected to the ,nternet? A. B. C. . 2nline #Correct Answer$ 2ffline Stand b& -ogged off

!# +our sister travels to another countr& for an on!site business pro0ect. +ou want to tell her about &our new 0ob b& sending her an e!mail message from &our computer. Which of the following devices will &ou use to connect &our computer to the ,nternet? A. B. C. . (rinter Scanner Modem #Correct Answer$ Sound card

!% Morten wants to pla& a game online. %e hears modem tones ever& time his computer sends a re4uest to the ,nternet service provider #,S($ to establish the ,nternet connection. What t&pe of ,nternet connection does Morten use? A. B. C. . ial!up #Correct Answer$ Broadband Wi5i edicated

Lesson !: T,e .orld .ide .e/

!& +our friend publishes some photographs on his Web site. +ou want to view these photographs. After connecting &our computer to the ,nternet1 which of the following programs will &ou start to access &our friend=s Web site and view the photographs? A. B. C. . Web browser #Correct Answer$ Word processor )!mail client Antivirus

!' +ou want to know more about active volcanoes in the world. +ou connect &our computer to the ,nternet to find information based on the ke&word >active volcanoes.> Which of the following features of the World Wide Web #WWW$ will &ou use? A. B. C. . Search engine #Correct Answer$ (lug!in *niform "esource -ocator #*"-$ )!mail

!( Chris wants to send an e!mail message to his friends. %e has a modem connected to his desktop computer. What else does Chris need to send the e!mail message? A. B. C. . (ersonal digital assistant #( A$ ,nternet connection #Correct Answer$ Web cam (rinter

!) Susan helps her son prepare for a computer While describing the World Wide Web #WWW$1 she e.plains that he can access a Web site b& using a uni4ue alphanumeric address. To which of the following terms is Susan referring? A. B. C. . *niform "esource -ocator #*"-$ #Correct Answer$ Web browser ,nternet service provider #,S($ World Wide Web #WWW$

Lesson #: 0sing 12mail

!* %ristina wants to know what an e!mail is and what she will need to be able to e.change e!mail messages with her friends. What will &ou tell %ristina? "elect two A. B. C. . ). Computer #Correct Answer$ ,nternet access #Correct Answer$ (rinter (lug!in Search engine

#+ +ou want to create an online 0ournal that describes a music concert &ou attended last week. +ou want &our friends to read the 0ournal and view the pictures of the concert. Which of the following online communities will &ou use to create this online 0ournal? A. Blog #Correct Answer$ B. Chat group C. /ewsgroup

. Bulletin board #1 +ou want to send an e!mail to two friends. +ou do not want the second friend to see the email!id of &our first friend. Which field should &ou select to mark &our first friend<s email id? A. B. C. . Cc Bcc #Correct Answer$ To Sub0ect

-roducti3ity -rograms
Lesson !: Common Features and Commands
#! Carol uses Microsoft? 2ffice Word ;::@ to create documents and store data in them. She often uses a block of on!screen buttons1 displa&ed in the following e.hibit1 to perform common tasks. What is the term used to describe the block of on!screen buttons displa&ed in the following e.hibit?

A. B. C. .

"ibbon Auick Access Toolbar #Correct Answer$ Microsoft 2ffice button 'roups

## +ou need to print a few documents that &ou create b& using 2ffice Word ;::@. After printing the documents1 &ou then save the documents on &our office computer. Which of the following tabs will &ou use to print the documents? A. B. C. . %ome (age -a&out #Correct Answer$ 3iew ,nsert

#% )ric teaches his daughter Tina how to work with productivit& programs. Tina notices a small blinking bar that sta&s in place until )ric clicks the mouse in a new location in the document. Tina wants to know the name of this blinking bar. Which of the following terms will )ric use to answer Tina=s 4uestion? A. B. C. . Mouse pointer ,nsertion point #Correct Answer$ Scroll bar Status bar

#& *rsula creates a document in which she needs to insert some uppercase letters. She prefers not to use the CA(S -2C7 ke&1 and she needs to complete the document 4uickl&. Which of the following ke&board ke&s can *rsula use in combination with the letters she wants to t&pe in uppercase? A. B. C. . )SC CT"A-T S%,5T #Correct Answer$

#' +ou select a te.t in a document. Which commands in the Mini Toolbar can &ou use? A. B. C. . -ine Spacing Cop& Cut St&les #Correct Answer$

Lesson #: Introduction to .ord -rocessors

#( Barr& purchases a computer that has a word processor installed in it. Which of the following tasks can he perform b& using a word processor? "elect t,ree A. B. C. . ). 5. Create documents #Correct Answer$ )dit videos %ost a Web site 5ormat te.t #Correct Answer$ (erform real!time communication (rint pages #Correct Answer$

#) +ou use Microsoft? 2ffice Word ;::@ to create a te.t!based document. +ou open three other documents to cop& data from them. Which group on the %ome tab will &ou use for this? A. B. C. . Clipboard #Correct Answer$ 5ont (aragraph )diting

#* Bob reviews a document b& using Microsoft? 2ffice Word? ;::@. %e needs to replace a word with another word of the same meaning. Which of the following features in Microsoft? 2ffice Word? ;::@ can he use to do this? A. B. C. . Cop& and (aste Thesaurus #Correct Answer$ AutoCorrect "esearch

%+ Susan uses Microsoft? 2ffice Word? ;::@ to create a document. She wants to place the title in the center of the page. Which of the following features in Microsoft? 2ffice Word? ;::@ can Susan use to do this? A. B. C. . Alignment #Correct Answer$ Spacing 5ont st&le 5ont si6e

Lesson %: Introduction to "preads,eet -rograms

%1 Michelle uses Microsoft? 2ffice ).cel? ;::@ to create her e.pense sheet for the month. She wants to view the data in a graph. Which tool will she use to represent the data through a graph? A. B. C. . Chart Wi6ard #Correct Answer$ AutoContent Wi6ard Clip Art galler& Budget Template Wi6ard

%! 8ohn trains his team to work with spreadsheets. 2ne of his team members wants to know what the point of intersection of a row and a column is known as. Which of the following options will 8ohn use to answer his team member=s 4uestion? A. B. C. . -abel Cell #Correct Answer$ 3alue Worksheet

%# on is a teacher. %e uses Microsoft? 2ffice ).cel? ;::@ to store the scores of all of his students. %e wants to find the total score for each student. Which of the following toolbar buttons will he use to calculate the total score? A. B. C. . AutoSum #Correct Answer$ AutoCount AutoSummari6e Auto5ormat

%% Angela plans her office budget for the ne.t month. She wants to know what part of the total e.penses she spent on office supplies last month. *sing a worksheet1 she wants to insert a chart showing the part spent on office supplies. Which of the following charts will she use? A. B. C. . -ine (ie #Correct Answer$ Surface Area

Lesson &: Introduction to -resentation -rograms

%& +ou want to use Microsoft? 2ffice (ower(oint? ;::@ to create a presentation on &our computer. +ou need to add some geometric shapes to the presentation. Which of the following tabs will &ou use to do this? A. %ome #Correct Answer$ B. esign C. Animations

. 3iew %' +our friend needs to create a presentation about a product launch b& his compan&. %e wants to know the features available in presentation programs. Which of the following features will &ou list for him? "elect two A. B. C. . ). Create audiovisual presentations #Correct Answer$ Create handouts #Correct Answer$ )dit video (erform calculations )nable real!time communication

%( Mark creates a business presentation b& using Microsoft? 2ffice (ower(oint? ;::@. ,n this presentation1 he needs to show a comparison between the productivit& of his compan& in the current &ear and the previous &ear. Which of the following ob0ects will he add to the presentation to show the comparison? A. B. C. . AutoShape Audio clip Clip Art Chart #Correct Answer$

%) Thomas creates a presentation on his computer b& using Microsoft? 2ffice (ower(oint? ;::@. %e wants to add displa& effects on various slides of the presentation. Which of the following options in Microsoft? 2ffice (ower(oint? ;::@ can he use to add the displa& effects? A. B. C. . Slide esign Slide Transition #Correct Answer$ Slide Show Slide -a&out

Lesson ': Introduction to Data/ase programs

%* Alan works as an administrator in a school. %e wants the registration numbers of the students to be uni4ue in the student database table. %e adds a field named "egistration /umber in the student database table. Which of the following actions will Alan perform on the "egistration /umber field in the database table to ensure that each student receives a uni4ue registration number? A. efine the field as a primar& ke& #Correct Answer$

B. C. .

Specif& the data t&pe as te.t Set a 3alidation "ule for the field Create an ,nput Mask for the field

&+ "aman works as an administrator with The (hone Compan&. %e wants to use Microsoft? 2ffice Access ;::@ to maintain customer records on his computer. Which of the following ob0ects can he create in Microsoft? 2ffice Access ;::@? "elect t,ree A. B. C. . ). 5. Animations 5orms #Correct Answer$ Tables #Correct Answer$ 3ideo clips "eports #Correct Answer$ (ictures

&1 (atricia is a travel agent. She enters a customer name1 address1 and phone number in the customer database. She wants to know which ob0ect is used to organi6e and store this data in Microsoft? 2ffice Access ;::@. Which of the following ob0ects will &ou select to answer her 4uer&? A. B. C. . Auer& Table #Correct Answer$ 5orm "eport

&! Am& works in a travel agenc&. She wants to manage records of more than 9: thousand clients. Which of the following productivit& programs can Am& use to manage this information? A. B. C. . 'raphics Word processor esktop publishing # T($ atabase #Correct Answer$

Computer "ecurity and -ri3acy

Lesson 1: Introduction to Computer "ecurity and -ri3acy

&# (aul receives an e!mail message from his friend 7aren that asks for his passport details. (aul doubts that 7aren actuall& sent him the message. %e calls 7aren and discovers that she did not send an& such message. Which of the following terms refers to the kind of attack described in this scenario? A. B. C. . Spoofing #Correct Answer$ Tracking ecoding "edirection

&% 7ate receives an e!mail message from an online computer store offering her a new laptop at a ver& low price. She clicks the h&perlink in the message to open the Web page. The page re4uests her credit card details1 and she enters her credit card number. After a few da&s1 7ate finds that more mone& has been drawn on her credit card than she specified and that she did not receive the laptop. 7ate reali6es that she has been tricked b& someone who created a site that looks like the actual computer store1 but is not the official site for the computer store. Which one of the following terms refers to the t&pe of attack described in this scenario? A. B. C. . ecoding )ncr&ption (hishing #Correct Answer$ Sp&ing

&& Susan accidentall& deletes her compan&=s inventor& report from her computer. What is this t&pe of computer threat called? A. B. C. . %uman error #Correct Answer$ Spoofing (hishing Software pirac&

&' The office of A. atum Corporation is located in an earth4uake!prone area. The corporation wants to protect its critical data that is stored on computers. Which one of the following actions will help the corporation protect the critical data in case of an earth4uake? A. ,nstalling a virus protection program

B. C. .

Backing up the data and storing it at another location #Correct Answer$ *sing sp&ware!fighting software ,nstalling a firewall to prevent hacking

Lesson !: -rotecting 4our Computer

&( Brian installs a new program on his computer. 2ne da&1 his friend 8ason visits him and notices the program. 8ason informs Brian that this particular program can send sensitive information to a malicious recipient. Which of the following programs can help Brian detect and prevent such malicious activities on his computer? A. B. C. . Worm Tro0an horse Sp&ware!fighting software #Correct Answer$ )thernet

&) +ou store sensitive data on &our computer. Therefore1 &ou need to restrict access to this data b& others who use &our computer. What will &ou do to restrict access? A. B. C. . ,nstall Microsoft? Windows? 5irewall on &our computer. Create new folders to save the data. ,nstall sp&ware on &our computer. Create accounts and define rights for users. #Correct Answer$

&* arren is an administrator at Woodgrove Bank. %e wants onl& certain emplo&ees to have access to the accounts network. Which of the following methods can arren use to restrict access to the network? A. B. C. . *ser identification #Correct Answer$ -ock combination ata encr&ption ata backup

'+ Michelle wants to purchase 0ewelr& from an online store. uring the transaction1 she needs to enter information such as her credit card details. Which one of the following options will ensure secure online transactions between the online store and Michelle?

A. B. C. .

Antivirus program Windows 5irewall Cookies Secure Sockets -a&er #SS-$ #Correct Answer$

Lesson #: -rotecting 4our Family from "ecurity T,reats

'1 2n a dail& basis1 &ou get man& e!mail messages from unknown senders. What is this t&pe of securit& threat called? A. B. C. . Spam #Correct Answer$ Spoofing (hishing Slander

+ou want to classif& some Web sites as trusted or restricted on &our computer. '! Which of the following securit& settings in the Microsoft? Windows? Securit& Center window will help &ou do this? A. B. C. . ,nternet 2ptions #Correct Answer$ Automatic *pdates Windows 5irewall S&stem (roperties

Lesson %: Keeping 4our Computer "ecure and 0pdated

'# +ou need to send &our credit card details to &our brother b& e!mail. Which of the following guidelines will &ou appl& to ensure the privac& of the e!mail message? A. B. C. . *se a sp&ware!fighting program. )ncr&pt the e!mail message. #Correct Answer$ *se e!mail filters. Maintain a backup of the e!mail message.

'% A new t&pe of Tro0an horse infects /eil=s computer.

What can /eil do to prevent this from happening again? A. B. C. . *se a strong password. ,nstall a plug!in. *pdate the media pla&er. *pdate the antivirus program. #Correct Answer$

'& Susan wants to change the privac& settings on her computer. She wants to block third! part& cookies that use personall& identifiable information without implicit consent. Which of the following securit& settings will help her do this? A. B. C. . Microsoft? Windows? 5irewall ,nternet 2ptions #Correct Answer$ Automatic *pdates Antivirus 2ptions

'' Tom is a trainer with Adventure Works. %e wants to e.plain to his trainees how Windows 5irewall functions. Which of the following functions describes Windows 5irewall? A. B. C. . ,nstalls securit& patches. "estricts unauthori6ed access. #Correct Answer$ Blocks pop!up windows. Blocks word!processing programs.

'( Bob wants to update his Microsoft? Windows 3ista? operating s&stem to help secure it from malicious threats. Which of the following commands on the Start menu can he use to update the operating s&stem? A. B. C. . Control (anel #Correct Answer$ Search Windows Tour ocuments

') 8im is facing some securit& problems because of a computer worm. %is friend tells him to install the latest securit& patches for his Microsoft? Windows 3ista? operating s&stem to address the issue.

Which one of the following options will allow him to install these patches? A. B. C. . ,nternet 2ptions Windows 5irewall Windows *pdates #Correct Answer$ (atch -ocator

'* Stephan wants to update his Microsoft? Windows 3ista? operating s&stem with the latest securit& patches. Which of the following settings can he use to set Windows to periodicall& check for the latest patches? A. B. C. . ,nternet 2ptions Windows 5irewall Automatic *pdates #Correct Answer$ Antivirus *pdates

Lesson &: Computer 1t,ics

(+ Michael is creating his own Web site. While browsing the ,nternet1 he finds some images that he wants to use on his site. Which of the following options indicates an ethical wa& for Michael to use the images on his site? A. B. C. . Save the images on his computer. Cop& the images and reduce their si6e. 2btain permission from the cop&right owner1 if re4uired. #Correct Answer$ Cut onl& the re4uired portion of the images.

(1 Bob copies an article from a maga6ine and uses it for his new book on computers. %owever1 he fails to obtain permission from the maga6ine publisher. What kind of an action is this? A. B. C. . -ibel (lagiarism #Correct Answer$ 'ambling Slander

(! 8im finds that avid is downloading songs from the ,nternet and sharing them with friends. 8im informs avid that this is a cop&right violation. /ow avid wants to know about other actions that might violate cop&right laws. Which of the following actions can 8im describe as a cop&right violation? A. B. C. . Sharing a Web site address "eading material from a publicl& available Web site istributing someone else=s original work as &our own #Correct Answer$ Auoting a paragraph and mentioning the source

(# 7eith notices that his neighbor is posting false statements about him on the message board of a Web site. Which of the following activities is 7eith=s neighbor performing? A. B. C. . (lagiarism efamation #Correct Answer$ 'ambling (hishing

Digital Lifestyles
Lesson 1: T,e Digital 15perience
(% +our father needs to travel fre4uentl& to conduct business meetings in various cities. +ou tell him that he can use video conferencing to attend and conduct the meetings without traveling. +our father wants to know more about video conferencing. Which of the following options will &ou identif& as features of video conferencing? "elect two A. B. C. . ). "e4uires the participants to be in the same countr&. Allows participants to talk to each other. #Correct Answer$ *ses speech s&nthesis to transmit audio among participants. Allows participants to see each other. #Correct Answer$ Can be conducted b& using a stand!alone computer.

(& on likes to pla& games1 whereas his sister likes to listen to music. on wants to bu& a multipurpose device that he can use to pla& games and listen to music. Which one of the following devices will &ou suggest to him? A. Transistor radio

B. C. .

Camcorder Smartphone #Correct Answer$ Web cam

(' Mark reads about mobile phones while browsing the ,nternet. %e wants to know about the functions of a mobile phone before he purchases one. Which of the following functions of mobile phones will &ou list? "elect t,ree A. B. C. . ). 5. Scans images (hotocopies documents Can be used for listening to songs #Correct Answer$ Burns C s Can provide access to the ,nternet #Correct Answer$ Can be used for pla&ing games #Correct Answer$

(( 7aren wants to record the first steps of her eight!month!old son b& using a digital video device. Which one of the following devices can she use? A. B. C. . Camcorder #Correct Answer$ Scanner C pla&er M(B pla&er

() Bob gives &ou an audio C of &our favorite music band as a gift. Which of the following devices will &ou use to pla& the C ? A. B. C. . Analog camcorder Transistor radio Microphone 3 pla&er #Correct Answer$

Lesson !: Introduction to Digital Audio

(* Thomas purchases a portable computer. Speech s&nthesis software comes with the portable computer. Which of the following tasks can Thomas perform b& using this software?

A. B. C. .

Convert te.t to audio #Correct Answer$ *pload audio files to the ,nternet ,dentif& human voice in audio files Make voice commands to computers

)+ 8enn& is a song writer. She records her new song on her computer and saves it in the WA3 format. She wants to give &ou a cop& of the song. +ou do not have a computer at home. Therefore1 8enn& decides to save the music in the M(B format so &ou can listen to the music b& using an M(B pla&er. Which of the following processes will 8enn& use to save the music in the M(B format? A. B. C. . "ecording Converting #Correct Answer$ Audio streaming Speech s&nthesis

)1 8im records a song b& using an audio recorder. %e now wants to add special effects to this song. Which of the following digital technologies will he use for this purpose? A. B. C. . Audio editing software #Correct Answer$ Audio streaming software 2n!demand streaming software igital audio recogni6er

)! 8im has a recording of his daughter=s voice on his home computer. %e wants to save the audio on a recordable C . Which of the following processes will help him do this? A. B. C. . Compressing Converting Streaming Cop&ing #Correct Answer$

)# A music concert takes place in Am&=s hometown. She cannot attend the event because she is awa& on a business trip. She visits the Southridge 3ideo Web site to listen to the concert live over the ,nternet. Which of the following technologies does the Web site use?

A. B. C. .

Speech recognition Sampling Streaming #Correct Answer$ Speech s&nthesis

)% +ou order a new computer from a computer store. +ou inform the store manager that &ou need C !writing software installed on &our personal computer. Which of the following statements describes the purpose of C !writing software? A. B. C. . (la&s digital audio and video files from a C . Scans images from a scanner. Streams digital audio files from a C . "ecords data on a recordable C . #Correct Answer$

Lesson #: Introduction to Digital 6ideo

)& Adam talks to &ou about the characteristics of digital video. %e sa&s that it can be compressed. +ou want to know the advantage of compressing digital video. Which of the following options states the advantage of compressing digital video? A. B. C. . Saves space #Correct Answer$ ,mproves brightness )nhances sound 4ualit& ,mproves contrast

)' Anna saves a video of her famil& picnic b& using the name M&(icnic. She wants to edit this video before sharing it with her friends. Which of the following files will Anna open to edit the video? A. B. C. . M&(icnic.0pg M&(icnic.gif M&(icnic.wmv #Correct Answer$ M&(icnic.mpB

)( 8ohn helps coach a soccer team. %e is unable to accompan& the team to a game. %e logs on to the ,nternet and visits the Web site of a local news agenc& to watch the event live. Which Web video technolog& does the local news agenc& use?

A. B. C. .

2n!demand video streaming "eal!time video streaming #Correct Answer$ Web conferencing 3oice over ,nternet (rotocol #3o,($

)) +ou use &our digital camera to record &our friend 8err& riding his new bike. +ou want to remove the portion in the video where he skids. Which one of the following software categories will &ou use to do this? A. B. C. . esktop publishing ,nstant messaging igital video editing #Correct Answer$ (resentation

)* -arr& gives &ou a video of an event at his school. +ou are unable to view it b& using the media pla&er on &our computer. What can -arr& do to the video to help &ou view the video b& using &our media pla&er? A. B. C. . Convert the video from the e.isting format to another format. #Correct Answer$ Transfer the video through the ,nternet. Store the video as a data file on a C . Add special effects to the video.

Lesson %: Introduction to Digital -,otograp,y

*+ Michael reads an article about digital cameras. %e wants to know more about the term resolution. To help Michael1 which of the following options will &ou use to define resolution? "elect two A. B. C. . ). Sharpness of a picture Clarit& of a picture #Correct Answer$ Color of a picture Si6e of a lens Coom of a camera

*1 Angela=s brother gives her a digital camera as a gift. She wants to know where the digital camera stores its pictures.

Which of the following options will Angela=s brother use to answer her 4uestion? A. B. C. . 5lash memor& #Correct Answer$ 5ilm Tape 'raphics card

*! )dmund wants to create an article b& using his computer. %owever1 his t&ping speed is 4uite slow. %is friend (eter suggests a technolog& that enables him to enter te.t into documents on a computer b& using voice. Which technolog& is (eter talking about? A. B. C. . Speech s&nthesis Speech recognition #Correct Answer$ Audio streaming Audio compression

*# 7arina takes a few photos b& using her friend=s digital camera. She is now interested in bu&ing a digital camera for herself. 7arina asks &ou about the benefits of digital cameras. Which of the following points will &ou e.plain to her as benefits of digital cameras? "elect two A. B. C. . ). /o power re4uired 3iews photos without printing #Correct Answer$ Browses the Web /o lens re4uired /o film cost #Correct Answer$

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