TMP - ACME Quote-Word 20031577609499

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John Smith ACME Corporation 123 Corporate Lane Milford, CT 06461 March 2, 2007 Charle Jone C!" !

ictiona, #nc$ 4%6 E&ec'ti(e )ri(e An*+here, CT 06777 Dear Charles Jones, A a lon-.time admirer of the o't tandin- +or/ that *o'r or-ani0ation ha done in the mar/et, # partic'larl* en1o*ed ha(in- the opport'nit* to ee ho+ *o'r compan* f'nction from the in ide$ A *o' indicated d'rin- o'r meetin-, *o'r or-ani0ation ha -ro+n to a point +here it need to dramaticall* enhance it acco'ntin- f'nction o that it can contin'e to f'nction effecti(el*$ Thi corre pondence o'tline the complete cope of +or/ *o' re2'e ted, incl'din- o31ecti(e , proced're , identification of re pon i3ilitie , and e timated fee $ OBJECTIVE #mplement the Model 60 acco'ntin- * tem on the net+or/$ #n tall the Model 60 oft+are, incl'din- implementation and et'p, trainin-, con(er ion a i tance, and po t.con(er ion 'pport of the li3rar* ma ter, -eneral led-er, acco'nt pa*a3le, and import ma ter mod'le $ 4ro(ide profe ional a i tance related to thi ne+ * tem and coordinate the 3rid-e to and from the 5ile 6e earch and Co*ot, Ltd$ oft+are$ S'cce of thi pro1ect i dependent not onl* on the oft+are, 3't al o on *o'r per onnel7 /ill, effort, and +illin-ne to +or/ a a cohe i(e team$ SCOPE OF SERVICES 1. Procedures a$ A i t in plannin- implementation of the Model 60 acco'ntin- * tem$ 3$ 6ecommend tep re2'ired to 'cce f'll* in tall the ne+ * tem and a i t in a em3lin- et'p information and acco'ntin- data ' ed in the implementation proce $ c$ E ta3li h pecification for the 3rid-e from the 5ile 6e earch oft+are to capt're ca h receipt information$ 89ote, 5ile 6e earch oft+are ha a :-eneral led-er di tri3'tion: file that contain information that can 3e 3rid-ed in detail or 'mmar* format$ The interface 8e&port file; +ill 3e +ritten 3* 5ile 6e earch taff$; d$ E ta3li h pecification for the 3rid-e from the Co*ot, Ltd$ oft+are to 3rid-e pa*ment ched'le for -rant i 'ed$ e$ 5rite the 3rid-e to recei(e 8import; the information into the Model 60 oft+are$

BENEFITS 5hen the pro1ect i complete, o'r nei-h3orhood -ro'p +ill ha(e 'cce f'll* con(erted to the Model 60 inte-rated acco'ntin- * tem$ <enefit incl'de timel*, acc'rate acco'ntin- data, ea e of data entr*, and fle&i3le reportin- +ith a 3rid-e to *o'r -ift and donor oft+are$

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SOFTWARE COSTS AND PROFESSIONAL FEES Soft+are co t and fee e timate are 'mmari0ed on the attached ched'le$ The e fee are effecti(e pro(ided 8a; *o'r acco'ntin- record are in -ood order, and 83; a taff mem3er can de(ote f'll time to the implementation proce $ !ee +ill 3e ad1' ted to act'al accordin-l*$ 5e +ill not inc'r additional ho'r +itho't +ritten prior appro(al$ "'r fee doe not incl'de modification to the Model 60 oft+are$ "'r term are %0=4%= depo it on oft+are co t 3efore +e 3e-in$ The 3alance for oft+are co t i d'e 'pon in tallation 8act'al loadin- of the oft+are;$ "'r profe ional fee are 3illed +ee/l*$ CLOSING 5e appreciate the opport'nit* to er(ice *o'r comp'ter oft+are need $ #f *o' +ant to accept thi propo al, plea e i-n one cop* and ret'rn it +ith a %0=4%= depo it of the oft+are co t $ Sincerel*,

John Smith Director, Global Sales

Enclo 're RESPONSE

This box for internal use only

Thi letter correctl* et forth the 'nder tandin- of o'r or-ani0ation$

Accepted 3*



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ACME Corporation 123 Corporate )ri(e Milford, CT 06461 PROPOSAL )ATE, 1>22>2014 S"!T5A6E, Model 60 S"!T5A6E C"ST, Li3rar* M'lti.6ecord #ncl'din- 6eport Ma ter @eneral Led-er Acco'nt 4a*a3le #mport Ma ter T"TAL S"!T5A6E Tasks / ours #n tallation 4lan #dentif* 6e pon i3ilitie E ta3li h Sched'le Select Con(er ion )ate #n tallation of Soft+are #n tall Model 60 Mod'le on 9et+or/ Set Terminal #)7 and 4reference Set 4rinter and )efa'lt E ta3li h Sec'rit* % B ?1,2%% A%0 A%0 64% ?3,600 T", Charle Jone

#mplementation of Mod'le E ta3li h 4arameter and Ma ter !ile @L, A4, and C' tom !inancial Statement

Trainin-, All Mod'le and <ac/'p )oc'ment 4roced're )emon trate Cand ."n Entr* 6eportin-

Con(er ion )efine Con(er ion Ta / and Method

<'ild #mport from 5ile 6e earch and Co*ot, Ltd$ Coordinate <rid-e from 5ile 6e earch and Co*ot, Ltd$

1A 1A



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NOTE: Estimate only

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