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Student Name: Calla Malcom ID #: 160330

Essential Skills Evidence Form Standard Demonstrate Personal Management and Teamwork Skills Skills Participate cooperatively and productively in wor team! to identi"y and !olve pro#lem!$ Di!play initiative and demon!trate re!pect "or ot%er team mem#er! to complete ta! !$ Plan& or'ani(e& and complete a!!i'ned ta! ! accurately and on time$ )*%i#it wor et%ic and per"ormance& includin' t%e a#ility to #e re!pon!i#le and dependa#le$ Description of Activity/Task/Experience t%at demon!trate! I am at or a#ove !tandard in t%e !peci"ic ! ill! "or t%e !tandard mentioned a#ove: In my Senior In+ cla!!& we were a!!i'ned a 'roup pre!entation$ ,e were a!!i'ned a 'roup o" "our people& w%ere we %ad to pic a topic and pre!ent it to t%e cla!!$ ,e !plit our topic into e+ual !ection! !o t%at we eac% did t%e !ame amount o" wor $ ,e were re+uired to create an in"o'rap%ic& and pre!ent t%e in"ormation t%at we re!earc%ed$ ,e !plit t%e wor in' into !ection! #a!ed on everyone-! !tron' !uit! !o we were a#le to wor at our %i'%e!t potential$ )veryone wa! re+uired to !pea durin' our pre!entation& and we were 'raded a! a w%ole& !o we all %ad to #e !ure t%at everyone wa! and e*pert on t%eir topic$ Explanation/ eflection o" %ow t%e activity.ta! .e*perience de!cri#ed a#ove meet! or e*ceed! t%e !peci"ic ! ill! o" t%e !tandard mentioned a#ove: /or t%i! pro0ect& we were re+uired to wor cooperatively and productively wit%in our team to complete our pro0ect$ ,e %ad to re!pect eac% team mem#er to en!ure t%at every per!on completed %i! or %er !%are o" t%e pro0ect$ ,e planned and or'ani(ed w%ic% mem#er! would wor on certain part! o" t%e pro0ect& and en!ure t%at t%e in"ormation wa! accurate and done in time$ )veryone in my 'roup wa! done on time wit% t%e ade+uate amount o" in"ormation and we ended up 'ettin' an 1 on our pro0ect$

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