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Student Name: Calla Malcom ID #: 160330

Essential Skills Evidence Form Standard Demonstrate Global Literacy Skills Demonstrate knowledge of di erse cultural! linguistic! and artistic e"#ressions$ %##l& a glo'al #ers#ecti e to anal&(e contem#orar& and )istorical issues Description of Activity/Task/Experience t)at demonstrates I am at or a'o e standard in t)e s#ecific skills for t)e standard mentioned a'o e: *res)man &ear we were se#arated into grou#s of four in m& +nglis) class$ +ac) grou# was re,uired to researc) a s#ecific countr& and do a -ower-oint #resentation in front of t)e class$ Not onl& did we learn in de#t) a'out t)e countr& we were #ersonall& researc)ing! we also learned a'out t)e ot)er countries assigned to ot)er grou#s$ .)is allowed us to see a ariet& of cultures$ In glo'al studies fres)man &ear! we also studied different cultures$ /e learned a'out t)e )istor& and traditions of ot)er cultures and anal&(ed )ow it affected t)at countr& and com#ared it to t)e 0nited States$ Explanation/Reflection of )ow t)e acti it&1task1e"#erience descri'ed a'o e meets or e"ceeds t)e s#ecific skills of t)e standard mentioned a'o e: In +nglis) we were a'le to see a ariet& of different cultures! w)ic) allowed us to de elo# a 'etter #ers#ecti e of t)e world$ .)at #ro2ect reall& o#ened m& e&es to ot)er cultures! and wit)out it I would 'e far less informed a'out t)e world as a )ole$ 3lo'al studies also reall& )el#ed wit) t)is$ /e would a'le to see )ow a countries )istor& can s)a#e it$ %lso! t)e traditions t)e& #ractice im#act t)e countr& as well$ It was reall& good to 'e a'le to com#are ot)er countries wit) t)e 0nited States 'ecause it reall& )el#ed us understand t)e culture and )istor&$

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