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English Practice







Simple Past Tense

We use simple past tense when we talk about events that happened at specifict time in the past.

Nominal Form (+ ) S + was/were + C ( - ) S + Wasnt/werent + C (? ) Was/were + S + C + ? Example : (+ ) She was a student ( - ) She wasnt a doctor ( ? ) Was she a carpenter ?

Verbal Form (+ ) S + V2 + O ( - ) S + didnt + V1 + O ( ? ) Did + S + V1 + O + ? Example : (+ ) He went to Malang last week ( - ) He didnt play a football ( ? ) Did he play a chest ?

Time Signal
Yesterday Last night Last year Two weeks ago In 1970 Etc.

She up late yesterday. ( wake ) Adit to Aussie last week. ( go ) Tora a letter last night. ( write ) They a students. ( be ) I a doctor. ( be )
1. Woke 2. Went 3. Wrote 4. Were 5. Was


: Camping

Last week Budis schoolmates went camping. Budi did not join them because the camping was only for class 2. The campsite was in a village near Kaliurang. It was about 10 kilometres south of Mount Merapi. There was a stream with clean water nearby. And the air was cool and fresh. It was really a good place for camping. All the students of class 2 had to take part in the camping. Only those who where sick could stay at home. Some teachers also took part in the camping activity. The camping lasted for two days. The weather was good during the camping. Everybody had their own useful experience. They all enjoyed the camping.


Spoof like a funny story. It has social function. It retells an event with a humorous twist. The Generic structure of spoof text : Orientation : Sets the scene Event(s) : Tell what happened Twist : Provides the punch line

Language Features

Focus on individual participants Circumstances of time and place Use Past Tense Use material processes

Material processes are verbs that show activities which can be seen. e.g : Write, eat, walk, etc.

Material processes consist of DOING and HAPPENING. DOING : Create, make, build, send, throw, etc. HAPPENING : Fall, melt, move, come, go, etc

Example of spoof
Chinese Soup Hop Sing was a cook on the Ponderosa Ranch. All the cowboys loved to poke fun at him because, being Chinese, he had a pigtail and wore a funny hat. He also couldn't speak English very well. The cowboys used to put live snakes and frogs in his bed and pulled on his pigtail, just to tease him. Hop Sing, however, never complained and kept on working. He was a good sport. One day, the cowboys got together and said: "This Hop Sing is really a nice guy, we shouldn't be so mean to him." They decided to apologize to him for the many years of abuse. So they went to Hop Sing as a group and said: "Hop Sing, we are very sorry for being so mean to you throughout the years. You are really a nice guy. From now on, we are going to be nice to you. There will be no more pigtail-pullin' and there will be no more snakes in your bed." "Good, good," said Hop Sing, overjoyed, "no more snake in the bed, no more pee in the soup!"

Created by :
Aisyah Nur F Asmier Alich K Ismail Natasya L X-4 / 5 X-4 / 13 X-4 / 24 X-4 / 34



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