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Code: R7310106


B.Tech III Year I Semester (R07) Supplementary Examinations December/January 2013/14

Time: 3 hours Answer any FIVE questions All questions carry equal marks ***** 1

Max. Marks: 80

(a) Give a brief account of importance of geology in the field of civil engineering. (b) Describe the chemical weathering of rocks through the processes of oxidation and reduction. (a) Define a mineral. Describe in detail hardness and cleavage as physical properties of minerals. (b) What is crystal? Explain crystallographic axes and elements of symmetry of a crystal. (a) Define a rock. How are the rocks classified from the geological point of view? What do you know about the shell structure of the earth? (b) Explain the consequences of disintegration and decomposition of rocks. How they deteriorate the virtues of rocks from civil engineering point of view? (a) What are joints? How they dier from cracks in rocks? Compare joints and faults. (b) Why joints are less harmful than faults from civil engineering point of view? Which types of joints occur commonly in igneous rocks? (a) What are tunnels? Why are they made? Give an account of the role of rocks, geological structures and ground water in the success of tunneling. (b) Draw suitable sketches and explain the consideration for locating tunnels in folded and faulted formations. (a) Write brief notes on: (i) Effects of dip and strike of rocks on the foundation of dams and (ii) Crystallographic axes. (b) Write brief notes on: (i) Earthquake prediction and (ii) Sandstones and limestone as building stones. (a) What is general geophysics? How it differs from exploration geophysics? (b) Explain the necessity of geophysical investigations. (a) Discuss the remedial measures for the prevention of landslides. (b) Describe the structures developed in igneous rocks due to mobility of magma / lava.


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