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By, Nayana Balakrishnan

The johari window comprises of four quadrants they are:1.The open self:-The open quadrant refers to the behaviours,feelings and motivations of an individual which are known to self and also known to others in any specific organizational setting.Some individuals are straight forward,open and sharing.He himself is very clear about what he is doing,what he is feeling and what his motivations are.

2.The Blind self:-The blind self quadrant is unknown to self but known to others.other people know what is happening to a person,but he himself is unaware of it. 3.The hidden self:-The hidden self is the quadrant which is known to self but not known to others.This is very private and personal window because only the person concerned knows what is happening.

4.The Unknown self:-This quadrant is unknown to self and unknown to others.The unknown self is mysterious in nature.Sometimes feelings and motivation go so deep that no one including the person concerned knows about them.ssss

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