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Scientific method
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The scientific method is a way of testing ideas about things. The flowchart shows how this often works. ask a question

think of a theory to answer your question plan to make obser vations in a particular place predict what you think you will find make observations - these become evidence consider the e"idence and draw conclusions from it

theory seems correct

theory seems false

report your findings

Sometimes you cant test your ideas using an experiment in the laboratory. Think about these questions: Are all daffodils yellow !ou cant do an experiment but you could "isit places that had lots of daffodils to collect your e"idence. #o people find tall people more attracti"e !ou cant do an experiment but you could do a sur"ey to collect your e"idence. $hat are the stars made of Scientists cannot do experiments on the stars% but they can collect e"idence by obser"ing them using telescopes. Page 1 of 2


&xploring Science edition


' (earson &ducation )imited *++,


Scientific method 0continued1

/ut out the boxes and stick them into the correct places on the flowchart to show how you can use the scientific method to answer a question of your own.

I C N!!!

plan an in"estigation using the scientific method.

theory seems correct predict what you think you will find make observations - these become evidence plan to make observations in a particular place think of a theory to answer your question
&xploring Science edition

consider the e"idence and draw conclusions from it ask a question theory seems false report your findings plan a survey

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