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Planning 0 fair tests

Class Date

Looking out for things and describing things in detail are two very important skills for a scientist. Spotting things 1 Look at the two pictures below. In Picture B Jimmy is not being very careful. There are four things that he is doing wrong. Circle each mistake on Picture B and write a short e planation about each one on the lines below.

!istake " !istake # !istake $ !istake % The things that you can change in an e periment are called variables. In Jimmy&s e periment the variables were' ( amount of li)uid ( strength of flame ( type of li)uid. Jimmy needs to carry out a fair test by changing only one variable. Then if one li)uid boils )uicker than the other* he will know that the variable he changed made a difference. This e periment would be a fair test.

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+ ploring ,cience edition


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Planning 0 fair tests 4continued5

Class Date


1hen you are planning a fair test' ( think of all the different variables that you could change ( decide which variable you are going to change ( think about how you can keep all the other variables the same. 2onna is going to investigate friction. 2 1rite down all the different variables that 2onna could change.

3 2onna wants to find out if the weight of the block changes the amount of friction. a 1hich variable will 2onna change3 b 1hich variable must 2onna keep the same3

I CAN...
+ ploring ,cience

( plan a fair test.


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