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Unit 4: Digital Logic Karnaugh maps

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Please read over prior to the lesson on Karnaugh Maps. Minimization of Boolean expressions using Karnaugh maps. i!en the follo"ing truth ta#le for the function m:

$he %oolean alge#raic e&pression is m ' a(#c ) a#(c ) a#c( ) a#c* +e ha!e seen that the minimi,ation is -one as follo"s* m ' a(#c ) a#c ) a#(c ) a#c ) a#c( ) a#c ' .a( ) a/#c ) a.#( ) #/c ) a#.c( ) c/ ' #c ) ac ) a# $he abc term "as replicate- an- com#ine- "ith the other terms* $o use a Karnaugh map "e -ra" the follo"ing map "hich has a position .s1uare/ correspon-ing to each of the 2 possi#le com#inations of the 3 %oolean !aria#les* $he upper left position correspon-s to the 444 ro" of the truth ta#le5 the lo"er right position correspon-s to 114* Each s1uare has t"o coor-inates5 the !ertical coor-inate correspon-s to the !alue of !aria#le a an- the hori,ontal correspon-s to the !alues of b an- c*
[ 0% : a =a ]


Unit 4: Digital Logic Karnaugh maps

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$he 1s are in the same places as the7 "ere in the original truth ta#le* $he 1 in the first ro" is at position 411 .a ' 45 b ' 15 c ' 1/* $he !ertical coor-inate5 !aria#le a5 has the !alue 4* $he hori,ontal coor-inates5 the !aria#les b an- c5 ha!e the !alues 1 an- 1* $he minimi,ation is -one #7 -ra"ing circles aroun- sets of a-8acent 1s* 9-8acenc7 is hori,ontal5 !ertical5 or #oth* $he circles must al"a7s contain 6 n 1s "here n is an integer*

+e ha!e circle- t"o 1s* $he fact that the circle spans the t"o possi#le !alues of a .4 an- 1/ means that the a term is eliminate- from the %oolean e&pression correspon-ing to this circle* $he #rac:eting lines sho"n a#o!e correspon- to the positions on the map for "hich the gi!en !aria#le has the !alue 1* $he #rac:et -elimits the set of s1uares for "hich the !aria#le has the !alue 1* +e see that the t"o circle- 1s are at the intersection of sets b an- c5 this means that the %oolean e&pression for this set is bc*


Unit 4: Digital Logic Karnaugh maps

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0o" "e ha!e -ra"n circles aroun- all the 1s* $he left #ottom circle is the term ac* 0ote that the circle spans the t"o possi#le !alues of b5 thus eliminating the b term* 9nother "a7 to thin: of it is that the set of s1uares in the circle contains the same s1uares as the set a intersecte- "ith the set c* $he other circle .lo"er right/ correspon-s to the term ab* $hus the e&pression re-uces to #c ) ac ) a# as "e sa" #efore* +hat is happening; +hat -oes a-8acenc7 an- grouping the 1s together ha!e to -o "ith minimi,ation; 0otice that the 1 at position 111 "as use- #7 all 3 circles* $his 1 correspon-s to the a#c term that "as replicate- in the original alge#raic minimi,ation* 9-8acenc7 of 6 1s means that the terms correspon-ing to those 1s -iffer in one !aria#le onl7* In one case that !aria#le is negate- an- in the other it is not* <or e&ample5 in the first map a#o!e5 the one "ith onl7 1 circle* $he upper 1 is the term a'bc an- the lo"er is abc* =#!iousl7 the7 com#ine to form bc . a'bc + abc = (a' + a)bc = bc /* $hat is e&actl7 "hat "e got using the map* $he map is easier than alge#raic minimi,ation #ecause "e 8ust ha!e to recogni,e patterns of 1s in the map instea- of using the alge#raic manipulations* 9-8acenc7 also applies to the e-ges of the map* Let(s tr7 another 3 !aria#le map*


Unit 4: Digital Logic Karnaugh maps

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9t first it ma7 seem that "e ha!e t"o sets5 one on the left of the map an- the other on the right* 9ctuall7 there is onl7 1 set #ecause the left an- right are a-8acent as are the top an- #ottom* $he e&pression for all 4 1s is c'* 0otice that the 4 1s span #oth !alues of a .4 an- 1/ an- #oth !alues of b .4 an- 1/* $hus5 onl7 the c !alue is left* $he !aria#le c is 4 for all the 1s5 thus "e ha!e c'* $he other "a7 to loo: at it is that the 1(s o!erlap the hori,ontal b line an- the short !ertical a line5 #ut the7 all la7 outsi-e the hori,ontal c line5 so the7 correspon- to c'* .$he hori,ontal c line -elimits the c set* $he c' set consists of all s1uares outsi-e the c set* >ince the circle inclu-es all the s1uares in c'5 the7 are -efine- #7 c'* 9gain5 notice that #oth !alues of a an- b are spanne-5 thus eliminating those terms*/

0o" for 4 %oolean !aria#les* $he Karnaugh map is -ra"n as sho"n #elo"*


Unit 4: Digital Logic Karnaugh maps

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$he follo"ing correspon-s to the %oolean e&pression 1 ' a(#c(- ) a(#c- ) a#c(-( ) a#c(- ) a#c- ) a#c-( ) a#(c- ) a#(c-(

RU !" Minimization is achie#e$ b% $ra&ing the smallest possible number of circles' each containing the largest possible number of (s.

rouping the 1s together results in the follo"ing*


Unit 4: Digital Logic Karnaugh maps

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$he e&pression for the groupings a#o!e is 1 ' #- ) ac ) a# $his e&pression re1uires 3 6Ainput an$ gates an- 1 3Ainput or gate* +e coul- ha!e accounte- for all the 1s in the map as sho"n #elo"5 #ut that results in a more comple& e&pression re1uiring a more comple& gate*

$he e&pression for the a#o!e is b$ + ac + abc'$'* $his re1uires 6 6Ainput an$ gates5 a 4Ainput an$ gate5 an- a 3 input or gate* $hus5 one of the an$ gates is more comple& .has t"o a--itional inputs/ than re1uire- a#o!e* $"o in!erters are also nee-e-*


Unit 4: Digital Logic Karnaugh maps

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)on't *ares >ometimes "e -o not care "hether a 1 or 4 occurs for a certain set of inputs* It ma7 #e that those inputs "ill ne!er occur so it ma:es no -ifference "hat the output is* <or e&ample5 "e might ha!e a #c- .#inar7 co-e- -ecimal/ co-e "hich consists of 4 #its to enco-e the -igits 4 .4444/ through 9 .1441/* $he remaining co-es .1414 through 1111/ are not use-* If "e ha- a truth ta#le for the prime num#ers 4 through 95 it "oul- #e

$he -s in the a#o!e stan- for C-on(t careC5 "e -on(t care "hether a 1 or 4 is the !alue for that com#ination of inputs #ecause .in this case/ the inputs "ill ne!er occur*


Unit 4: Digital Logic Karnaugh maps

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$he circle ma-e entirel7 of 1s correspon-s to the e&pression a'$ an- the com#ine- 1 an- - circle .actuall7 a com#ination of arcs/ is b'c* $hus5 if the -isallo"e- input 1411 -ioccur5 the output "oul- #e 1 #ut if the -isallo"e- input 1144 occurs5 its output "oul- #e 4* $he minimi,e- e&pression is p ' a(- ) #(c 0otice that if "e ha- ignore- the -s an- onl7 ma-e a circle aroun- the 6 1s5 the resulting e&pression "oul- ha!e #een more comple&5 a'b'c instea- of b'c*

1* +rite out the minimi,e- %oolean 9lge#ra E&pression for each of the Karnaugh maps #elo"*


Unit 4: Digital Logic Karnaugh maps

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6* Construct $ruth ta#les for each of the maps*

m =__________________________ m= _______________________ m= _______________

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