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New Development in the College Sexual Misconduct Story Key West The NewspaperKey West The Newspaper

8/6/12 11:43 AM

PAGE ONE COMMENTARY: Wisteria Island: Toxic Garbage Dump or Rare Pigeon and Butterfly Preserve?

CAROLYN GORTON FULLER: The World as Carolyn Saw it

January 14th, 2011

New Development in the College Sexual Misconduct Story

DIVE FACILITY MANAGER RESIGNS AFTER BOARD OF TRUSTEES FAILS TO ACT ON HER HARASSMENT AND RETALIATION CHARGES AGAINST THE SCHOOLS PROVOST WHO IS SLEEPING WITH A TRUSTEE Commentary by Rhonda Linseman-Saunders The dive facility manager at Florida Keys Community College (FKCC) resigned early this week after the FKCC Board of Trustees made the decision not to investigate her claims of sexual harassment and retaliation by the colleges provost, Dr. Randy Charles. This is the same board that tripped over itself trying to work with employees who claimed the previous president created a toxic environment. Dawn Cline, an exemplary ten-year FKCC employee by all accounts, had previously gone to HR for help. What resulted appears to be, at best, a half-hearted attempt to verify her claims. HRs investigation was seemingly complete with Randy Charles response to the effect that nothing happened. Cline had witnesses. HR did not speak to them. Clines competency has never been disputed by anybody at any level, but she said that after the coerced sexual encounters with Dr. Charles and her subsequent stopping of the behavior, she was, at Dr. Charles discretion, written up on two occasions. I believe that both of these incidents were in direct violation of FKCC disciplinary procedures which Joanne Tinker in HR appears to have ignored, Cline said. But why is Randy Charles so seemingly well-insulated from consequences of his actions at FKCC? Charles earned the nickname McBoyfriend last year after his live-in romance with FKCC Trustee Dr. Antoinette McPherson Martin was made public. Antoinette is the sister of former Key West Mayor Morgan McPherson who admittedly called in a political favor to have Antoinette McSister Martin appointed to the board. The appointment to the board was allegedly necessary to help get rid of the previous president who was unpopular with yet another McSibling and FKCC administrator, Michael McPherson. It worked. The president was essentially ousted. And McBrother Michaels career is soaring to new heights. His most recent appointment was as interim dean of arts and sciences. And yes, McBrother reports to McBoyfriend who sleeps with McSister. This McFavorthe board appointmentprocured by Mayor Morgan may have been one of the abuses of his position that cost him the mayorship. He suffered a landslide loss to Craig Cates in the election that followed. Regardless, McSister is on the board and in love with the provost, and that seems to be all the provost needs to escape any meaningful consequences for what may be perceived as the actions of a womanizing pig. As many as four other women have allegedly suffered sexual discrimination and/or harassment at FKCC but are not willing to speak on record or to report the abuses to HR. Can you blame them, especially now? Theyve just seen what happened when Cline had the guts to do that. Clines bravery has spurred some positive change, though. The board wouldnt help her, but they did recommend policy revision that would have the potential to help prevent such an occurrence in the future. FKCC President Larry Tyree said this week that while there is no current policy regarding fraternization, rules are in development and are being vetted through the labor attorney for submission to the board for discussion, revision, and approval. I do not believe it is appropriate for employees administrators or otherwise- -to develop romantic and/or sexual relationships with employees who report within an individuals chain of command, Tyree said. I also dont think its appropriate for an employee to be domiciled with a person to whom he or she reports. Page 1 of 29

New Development in the College Sexual Misconduct Story Key West The NewspaperKey West The Newspaper

8/6/12 11:43 AM

FKCCs past vice provost, Gary Martin, is also concerned about the situation. It would appear that the HR director and the provost may be exposing the college to incredible liability. The act of having a relationship with a board member, alone, demonstrates a lapse in ethical judgement, Martin said. Faculty and staff have called me to express their mistrust in current leadership. Management is largely by example. Executives who do not know how to make themselves effective in their own lives, job and work, set the wrong example. Trustee Kim Bassett said she has heard several sides to this story and cant comment on this specific situation because she didnt personally witness or have knowledge of a relationship between Cline and Charles. I can state, however, I do not believe it is ever appropriate for any leader to have a romantic relationship with an employee in their organization, Bassett said. Regarding Dawn Clines resignation, President Tyrees was disappointed. She was really good at her job, he said. Her work ethic and standards of quality were as high as you will likely find, and her passion for her work was very clear. Randy Charles did not respond to a request for comment regarding sexual relationships with subordinates. As an aside, FKCC has launched a campaign to solicit suggestions for naming the new dorms at the college. If I had the sizable monetary contribution to back it, my humble nomination would be Randys Shag Shack. Go Back Where You Were

1,217 comments to New Development in the College Sexual Misconduct Story

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9 J U L Y 2 0 1 1 A T 9 : 0 9 A M ! RE PLY

Yes Bryan is a Rat and a gossip queen.

Turning back the hands of Father Time

1 0 J U L Y 2 0 1 1 A T 1 1 : 5 0 A M ! REP LY

How fast can FKCC play rewind? Really fast in the new age of digital technology. Place a few remaining in a time bubble and travel back to early-Jill era and see if you can bring back everyone that she let go. Tim, Doug, Jean, Bill, Mo, Lynne and Lisa. Finally, the college will run like its supposed to, and all will be happy. Whew, thank goodness for that Brittomatic time travel machine they invented. I also heard Seeker coming back as interim.

1 0 J U L Y 2 0 1 1 A T 3 : 1 9 P M ! REP L Y

I think Im going to be very sickwhat a nightmare you paint

Gender Prediction Page 2 of 29

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