Microwave Manual

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5 ~ 6
3 ~ 4
25 ~ 26
KiIchen 7imer/ |+-r cr;=
Grill Cooking / n| +|+n
Indion Cuisine/-rrn|
UIiliIy Corner/
5weeI Corner/|c +r
Vorious Cook FuncIions / ||-r- ++ +r rr|r
HeolIh Flus / ri 16~17
5nocks / - 18~19
Childs FovouriIe /+i i - 20~21
ChoIpoI Corner / -- i
=|=rr +r
5eIIing 7he Clock / r=| +r |=rr|n +r
CombinoIion Cooking / +r-|r +|+n
27 ~ 28
7echnicol 5peciIicoIions & 7wo kecipes Ior 5IorIer / n+|+| r+r| / |==r + | r
29 ~ 30
|n +
|f ycu p|ess ony cucn}.
(i ir i; ii +- +i))
Touch 57CF/CLEAk. --i , l-i i |
Enlor 5 minulos 30 soconds by louching
[5|, [3|, und [0|
[5|, [3|, und [0| i 5 l-- 30 -i;- i|
Touch 57Ak7.
--i- i |
Your ovon hus lon Microwuvo Powor sollings.
As shown in Noxl Pugo.
^ liii ^i r|
For Two Slugo cooking, ropoul limod cooking
slops 2 lhrough 3 booro louching lho STAPT
pud or uddilionul Timo und Powor progrum
you wunl lo udd.
P|ess M|CR w|ce c se|ec 80% pcwe|.
80% +i i l M|CR i i +i +i)|
* 8oiling Wulor
* Cooking poullry piocos, ish, & vogolublos.
* Cooking londor culs o moul.
* Wholo poullry.
* Pohouling rico, puslu, & vogolublos.
* Pohouling propurod oods quickly.
* Pohouling sundwichos.
* Cooking milk und chooso dishos.
* Cooking cukos, brouds.
* Molling chocolulo.
* Cooking wholo ish.
* Cooking puddings und cuslurd.
* Cooking wholo poullry.
* Thuwing moul, poullry und souood.
* Cooking loss londor culs o moul.
* Tuking chill oul o ruil.
* Soloning bullor.
* Kooping cussorolos und muin dishos wurm.
* Soloning bullor und croum chooso.
* Slunding limo.
* lndopondonl.
P (P0/
8 (80/
7 (70/
o (o0/
4 (40/
3 (30/
2 (20/
1 (10/
0 (0/
Ktchen 7mer
|+ cr;=
You cun uso lho Timor o your ovon or purposos
olhor lhun ood cooking.
Touch 57CF / CLEAk.
Touch KlTCHEN 7IMEk.
Touch 57Ak7.
Exomple. To counl 3 minulos or lolophono cull
7imer Ior 3 minuIes.
-i;- i i^ , l-- l li ini r|

Enlor 3 minulos by louching
[3|, [0|, und [0|
[3|, [0|, und [0| i 3 l-- -i;- i|
5 Enlor T2 minulos 30 soconds by louching
[T|, [2|, [3| und [0|
[T|, [2|, [3| i [0| i l-- 30 -i;- i|
Enlor T0 Hour und 35 minulos by louching
[T|, [0|, [3| und [5|
[T|, [0|, [3| i [5| i T0 i- 35 l-- -i;- i|
our oven hos o grill + micro cooking IeoIure which
ollows you Io cook Iood wiIh heoter ond mcrowove
oI Ihe some Iime (or olIernoIely. 7his generolly meons
iI Iokes less Iime Io cook your Iood.
7he quortz heoter grills Ihe surIoce oI Ihe Iood while
mcrowove heoIs inside. Moreover, preheoIing your
oven is noI necessory.


8e corefuI when removng your food becouse the contoner wII be hot !
=rr=r f=+rn == =r=rr=t =n rf+ == == n= = rr !
Comb. Cookng Mode / +r-| +|+n =r=
Fress Stort/Quck Stort. / Stort/Quck Stort i|

Combnoton Cookng
+r-|r +|+n
In Ihe Iollowing exomple I will show you how Io progromme your oven wiIh combi mode co3 Ior o cooking Iime
oI 1 minuIes ond 30 5econds.
l iri - iii ^i r l i - T5 l-- 30 l ii -i ii i( i
- |
Fress Sto/CIeor.
Sto/CIeor i|
Fress COM8I. Ihree Iimes. / COM8I ni i i|
"Co3 oppeors on Ihe disploy. / l "Co3 lii; ni r|
i i( - l^ -i;>i l^ i l(ii r
l i ri- i -i;>i(( ii (i
^^) iii i n r| ;i i-in
r i r l ; iii i - - -
^ni r|
(i- ri- ii i +i nr i ini r l
-i;>i(( ^- ni r| lin i( i
r ^- i i(ni ri rini|
Enlor T5 minulos und 30 Soconds by louching
[T|, [5|, [3| und [0|
[T|, [5|, [3| i [0| i T5 l-- 30 -i;- i|
Vorous Cook Functons
l(li iiili
Please follow the given steps to operate cook functions (Health Plus, lndian Cuisine, Snacks & Utility Corner) in your Microwave.
i -i;i(( i l(li iiili (Health Plus, lndian Cuisine, Snacks, Child Favourite, Sweet Corner, Chatpat Corner, Breakfast & Utility Corner) i i l) i l ^
ii i i |
Health Plus (HP), lndian Cuisine (lC) & Snacks (Sn), Child Favourite(CF),
Sweet Corner(SC), Chatpat Corner(CC) & Breakfast(bF).
Utility Corner (UC)
STEP-1 Press Stop/Clear Press Stop/Clear
STEP-2 Press HP, CF, Sn, bF to select Category
from (1-4) & lC, SC & CC from (1-3).
Press UC
to select Category
from UC (1-8)
STEP-4 Press Start Press Start
To set Weight (if required) follow below steps.
Press [1], [2], [3] to select 0.1, 0.2, 0.3kg respectively for above categories.
Note : - lf no weight skip this step and press start.
To set Weight (if required) follow below steps.
Press [1], [2], [3] to select 0.1, 0.2, 0.3kg respectively for above categories.
Note : - lf no weight skip this step and press start.
HeoIth PIus
;-r -=
Method : 1. n a Microwave Safe bowl take Oil add Rai, Jeera, Hing &
Haldi, select menu and press start.
When beep add Chopped Karela. Press start to continue
When beep add some water, salt, sugar, masala, dhania-
jeera powder.
Press start, stand for five minutes after cook ends.
Garnish with Coconut & Dhania, Serve Hot
0.1 ~ 0.3 kg Microwave
safe bowl
Category Weight Limit Utensil nstructions
HP-1 Soaked Kala Chana
Onion Chopped
Salt, Chat Masala, Red Chilli
Powder, Hara Dhania
As per your taste
0.1 kg
100 ml
1/2 cup
1 tbsp
0.2 kg
200 ml
1 cup
2 tbsp
0.3 kg
250 ml
1 cup
3 tbsp
||=r : 1.
i 4 i- n li^i| -i;>i(( i - ii^ r 100
^i- ii ii i |
i i -i ( liiln i i l --i-
;- ii li -i;>i(( i - i n, -i r;
i, i- -ii, i l-, ri ili i i i l --i-
i| ^-^- i|
Method : 1. Soak Chana for 4 hours, in a Microwave Safe bowl take
soaked chana with 100 ml water, cover it.
Select black Chana menu and adjust weight and press
start to cook.
When beep, strain the water from it. n a Microwave Safe
bowl take Chana, add oil, Chapped onion, Chat masala,
Red Chilli Powder, Hara Dhania and press start to cook,
serve hot.
safe bowl
HP-2 Karela
0.1 ~ 0.3 kg Chopped Karela
Rai, Jeera, Hing & Haldi
Salt, Sugar, Garam Masala,
Dhania, Jeera Powder
Grated Coconut & Hara Dhania
0.2 kg 0.3 kg 0.1 kg
1 tbsp 2 tbsp 1 tbsp
As required
For tepering
As per your taste
For garnishing
||=r : 1.
-i;>i(( i - n i i;, ii, ri^ nii r-i
i| -i --i- i|
i i; -i ri i i i i ii i
l --i- i|
i i; ii, -, ii, -ii, iliii
i i|
--i- i i i i i l-- n r|
r il i ili ii i i ^-^- i|
4. When beep, add little hot water and mix well. Press Start.
4. i i; iii i ^- ii i i nr l-i i
--i- i|
||=r : 1.
ii l- i, - nii i - l i i i
i- l l- - i|
-i;>i(( i - n i n , r l i i
i nr l-i | -i --i- i|
i i; l -i i - , --i- i 5 l--
n r| ir l-i ^-^- i|
Method : 1. Marinate chicken with kali mirch powder, salt, lemon juice
keep for one hour in refrigerator.
n Microwave Safe bowl take olive oil, marinated chicken
and mix well select menu & press start.
When beep turn the chicken pieces, press start. Stand for
5 mins mix honey and serve hot.
0.3 kg
3 tbsp
3 tsp
1 tsp
2 tbsp
0.2 kg
To taste
2 tbsp
2 tsp
1/2 tsp
1 tbsp
0.1 kg
1 tbsp
1 tsp
1/4 tsp
1 tbsp
Boneless Chicken
Lemon Juice
Kali Mirch Powder
Olive Oil
||=r : 1.
-i;>i(( i - 200 ^i- i i ii, r-i nii
ri^ i|
-i i l --i- i|
i i; i i i n, ii, ri l-,
i -ii i nii --i- i|
i i; i, -, ili ii i, ri ili,
i -ii ((l-) nii i i i i l
--i- i|
Category Weight Limit Utensil nstructions
HP-3 Microwave
safe bowl
Moong Dal Moong Dal soaked in water (for 1 hour)
Hari Mirch
Curry Leaves
Salt, Dhania-Jeera Powder, Haldi,
Hing, Kasuri Methi, Lemon Juice,
Hara Dhania
0.1 kg 0.2 kg 0.3 kg
100 ml 200 ml 300 ml
1 tbsp 2 tbsp 3 tbsp
1 tsp 1 tsp 2 tsp
1-2 nos. 2-3 nos. 3-4 nos.
4-5 nos. 5-6 nos. 6-7 nos.
As per your taste
Method : 1. Take 200 gms dal in Microwave Safe bowl, add Water,
Haldi & Hing.
Select menu press start to cook.
When beep take another bowl add oil, jeera, hari mirch,
curry leaves & press start.
4. When beep add dal, salt, dhania jeera powder, hara
dhania, kasuri methi (optional) lemon juice & press start
to cook.
0.1 ~ 0.3 kg
0.1 ~ 0.3 kg
safe bowl
HP-4 Lemon
HeoIth PIus
;-r -=
Category Weight Limit Utensil nstructions
Sn-1 Pav-Bhaji 0.5 kg Microwave
safe glass bowl,
high rack
||=r : 1.
Method : 1. n MWS bowl take oil, garlic paste, chopped onion,
chopped tomato. Select menu & weighty. Press start.
When beep add mashed vegetables, red chill powder,
Pavbhaji Masala, Salt. Mix well and press start.
When beep, remove from microwave add butter &
lemon juice and mix well, garnish with hara dhania.
Boiled & Mashed Vegetables (Potato, Cauliflower, Capsicum, green Peas etc.)
Chopped Tomato
Chopped Onion
Pav Bhaji Masala
Garlic Paste
Red Chilli Powder, Salt, Lemon Juice, Butter
Hara Dhania
400 gm
2 tbsp
2 No.
3 No.
2 tsp
2 tsp
As per your taste
For garnishing
-i;>i(( i - n, r --, - r i (
--i- | -i ( liiln i --i- i|
i i; -i r; li, i l- i i,
i(iii -ii i - i i nr l-i i
--i- i|
i i; -i;>i(( - li i -i i
i i i nr l-i nii r ili i|
Sn-2 French
0.3 kg Microwave safe
glass bowl
& High Rack
||=r : 1.
-i;>i(( i i - - i - nii l-
i i i nr l-i| -i; i ; l-i -
i ri; (l-in i -i --i- i|
i i; , -i; i - i ii --i- i|
Method : 1. n a Microwave safe glass bowl beat eggs, add salt and
pepper powder. Mix well and dip each bread slice in the
mixture and arrange slices on high rack. Select menu
and press start.
2. When it gives a beep, turn it over and press start again.
Bread slices
Salt & Pepper powder
4 Nos.
2 Nos.
As per your taste
4. For griIIing Pav-bhaji buns : Cut each Pav-bhaji bun
in center apply some butter on it, arrange on high rack.
Keep high rack in the oven. Press start. After cook ends,
serve hot with grilled Pav-bhaji buns.
4. r-rr| -= =+ + | : i(iii i i i-, iii
-i ^i, ri; i| i( - ri; i| --i-
i i i i l^ l r i(iii ii
^-^- i|
Category Weight Limit Utensil nstructions
0.2 kg Sn-3 High Rack Harabhara
||=r : 1.
i r; li i lii r; i i, r --,
^- -ii, ili ii i, -, i l- i,
-, i ri ili ii l-i | i rili iii
i n ^i i l-i ^i i l iln i -i
i i-i - | i- i- - nii iii n ^i |
i i ri; i, -i i --i- i i i ri
-n r| -i i i ii i|
Method : 1. Mix Boiled vegetables & strained chana dal, ginger garlic
paste, garam masala, dhania jeera powder, salt red chilli
powder, bread crumbs & hara dhania together, apply little
oil to your palms and shape as desired like tikki balls and
roll over with cornflour. Cutlet rolls, brush with little oil.
2. Keep Kababs on high rack place. Select menu & press
Start. Keep on turning at beeps. Serve with chutney & salad.
Boiled Vegetables - Potato, Cauliflower, Carrots, Green Peas
Bread Crumbs
Chilli Paste
Ginger Garlic Paste
Garam Masala
Lemon Juice, Salt, Sugar
2 to 3 tbsp
0.2 kg
1 tbsp
1 tsp
1/2 tsp
1/2 tsp
As per your taste
Water 4 tbsp
Oil 2 tbsp
Sn-4 Dhokla 0.1 ~ 0.3 kg Microwave
safe flat dish
||=r : 1.
-i;>i(( - li - iii n ^i li |
, ri, ii, -, ii, ( ri l- i --, i
^ i - i-- i ii l-i |
n ^i r; li - ; l-i i i, -i i --i-
i| ni ri i ni + ni i i
5 l-- n i r , -i - i- , li r il
i r ili i i i i -i ii i|
Method : 1. Grease the Microwave Safe Flat Dish with little oil, mix
besan curd, sugar, salt, water, ginger-green chilli paste,
yellow colour fruit salt together.
2. Pour the mixture in greased dish select menu & press
start, when ready pour tempering over it and cover it 5
mints, cut it into pieces, garnish with grated coconut
and hara dhaniya and serve with sauce or chutney.
Warm Water
Green Chilli & Ginger Paste
Salt & Sugar
Fruit Salt
0.1 kg
50 ml
2 tbsp
1 tsp
0.2 kg
75 ml
3 tbsp
To taste
1 tsp
0.3 kg
100 ml
4 tbsp
1 tsp 1 tsp 2 tsp
2 tsp
0.2 kg
Category Weight Limit Utensil nstructions
CF-1 Omelette Microwave
safe flat dish
||=r : 1.
i i - - -i r; i, --i-, ri l-, ri
ili, -(iii - i l- i|
-i;>i(( - li - iii i n ^i i i
l-i i| -i i --i- i|
i i; ni i-- i - i --i- i|
^-^- i|
Method : 1. Beat the eggs add chopped onion, chopped tomatoes,
green chilli, hara dhania, salt & paper to taste.
2. Apply some oil to MCROWAVE SAFE flat dish add egg
mixture select menu & press start.
3. When beep turn the omlette & press start serve hot.
Chopped Onion
Chopped Tomato
Chopped Green Chilli
Chopped Hara Dhania
Salt & Kali Mirch
2 nos.
1/2 cup
1/2 cup
2 nos.
1 tbsp
1 tbsp
As per your taste
200 gm
ChId's Fovourte / -r +| ==-
0.1 ~ 0.3 kg CF-2 Grilled
High Rack
||=r : 1.
ii n -i ^i|
i -i;i i ri; i, -i i --i- i|
i i; n i ^i i n -i
r; li i ^i i + i l , --i- i,
2 l-- n r|
Method : 1. Apply butter on bread slice (both slices).
Keep bread slices on high rack select menu & start.
When beep spread sauce on one side and layer with
chopped vegetables. sprinkle cheese on the top press
start (use high rack) stand for 2 mints.
0.1 kg
1 tbsp
1 tbsp
2 tbsp
2 tbsp
0.2 kg
2 tbsp
3 tbsp
4 tbsp
4 tbsp
0.3 kg
4 tbsp
4 tbsp
6 tbsp
6 tbsp
Bread Slices
Chopped Vegetables -
Onion, Tomato, Capsicum
Grated Cheese
Salt & Kali Mirch As per your taste
Category Weight Limit Utensil nstructions
ChId's Fovourte
-r +| ==-
0.3 kg CF-3 Pizza High Rack
||=r : 1.
ri; + ii i i -i --i- i|
i i; ii i( ir li
+ ii i ^i| l li i l-i i i ri
i i|
l ii i in -il ii ri; i i
--i- i|
Method : 1. On high rack, place Pizza base & select Menu and
press start.
2. When beep, remove the pizza base from the over
and apply pizza sauce on it. Spread the vegetable
mixture and grated cheese.
3. Again place pizza with the above toppings on the
high rack and press start.
Grated Cheese
Vegetable Mixture (toppings)
Pizza Sauce
Pizza Base
1/2 cup
3 tbsp
As per your taste
1 No.
0.2 kg CF-4 Veg.
||=r :
Corn Flour
Bread Crumbs
Ginger-Garlic paste
Chilli Paste
Garam Masala
Lemon juice, Salt, Sugar
Boiled vegetables - Potato, Cauliflower, Carrots, Green peas
2 to 3 tablespoon
1 cup
As per your taste
0.2 kg High rack
- r i, i r; li, -, r i --,
-, -i ^- -ii, ri l- i --, i i ii
l-i , ; l-i i i ri; in r -i i-
- , + iii i n i| -i i --i- i|
i i; l-i i i i l i lii - -,
--i- i| ^ i l-li i horizontally i- -i i
i ^i| ^ iii^i i l-i, i -i;, -
((l-) i i -i | --i- i, ^-^- i|
Method : 1. 1.Mix smashed potato, boiled vegetables, bread crumbs,
ginger, garlic paste, salt, pinch of garam masala, green
chilli paste, lemon juice together, make tikki from it and
roll it in cornflour by keeping on High Rack. Drop some
oil on it. Select menu & press start.
2. When beep turn tikki to crisp another side press start.
Cut the burger bun horizontally apply butter & sauce.
Place tikki, cheese slice, letuce (optional) between
burger halves and close it properly. press start,
serve hot.
Category Weight Limit Utensil nstructions
Indon Cusne
0.1 ~ 0.3 kg Microwave
safe bowl
C-2 Mix Veg
Method : 1. n a MWsafe bowl mix all the vegetables and keep aside.
2. n another bowl add oil, all other ingredients. Mix it well
and press Start by selecting the desired weight. When
beep sounds, stir the bowl.
3. Now add vegetables to the gravy and continue cooking it
||=r : 1.
-i;>i(( i - ii li i l-i i i
^ i |
i - n i i - ii ii i i
i nr l-i nii l ( --i- i|
i i; i i lri|
li i ^(i ii l-i i l^ i i|
As per your taste
Onion, Garlic, Carrot, Capsicum, Cabbage
Salt, Red Chilli Powder
Corn Flour
Soya Sauce & Tomato Sauce
Vinegar & Brown Sugar
1 tbs
100 gm
To taste
1 tsp
3/4 cup
1 tsp
1/2 tsp
1 pinch
1 tbs
200 gm
To taste
2 tsp
1 cup
2 tsp
1/2 tsp
1 pinch
2 tbs
300 gm
To taste
4 tsp
1 cup
3 tsp
3/4 tsp
1 pinch
||=r : 1. -i;>i(( i i - ii i-l^i i i nr l-i i
i i ;i --i- - i | -i i ( liiln --i- i|
Method : 1. n MWS glass bowl take all the ingredients and mix well. Place
the bowl in dli Steamer. Select menu and weight, press start.
Grated Gajar
Milk Powder & Sugar
0.3 kg Microwave Safe
Glass Bowl
0.3 kg
2 tbsp
300 gms
4 tbsp
5 tbsp
Gajar ka
-i;>i(( i - n i, niin i^, iii, ;ii,
n -ii i iil- i i l l-ln li i ii^ r
i( i -i nii --i- i|
i i; ii i - i i nr l-i nii
--i- i, i 5 l-- n r | ini
i i ii ^-^- i|
Basmati Rice (soaked for 1 hour)
Laung, Elaichi, Dalchini, Black Pepper, Tej Patta, Salt & Sugar
Mix Vegetables - (Gobhi, Mutter, Gajar, French Beans etc.)
0.1 kg
1 tbsp
200 ml
0.2 kg
2 tbsp
400 ml
To taste
1 Cup
0.3 kg
3 tbsp
600 ml
1 Cup
Method : 1. n Microwave Safe Bowl put oil add laung, Dlachini,
Elaichi, Tej patta and Kali Mirch, add mix vegetables and
soaked rice select menu and press Start.
2. When beep add water & salt mix well cover it press start,
stand in 5 minutes after cook ends. Serve hot with raita &
0.1 ~ 0.3 kg Microwave
safe bowl
C-3 Veg
||=r :
Category Weight Limit Utensil nstructions
0.2 kg SC-1 Shahi
safe glass bowl
& High Rack
||=r : 1.
ri; -i;l i (l-in | -i i --i- i|
i i; -i;l i - i --i- i|
l---, i, ii, i -( i ;ii i i
-i;>i(( - li - i nr l-i| ; l-i i
-i;l + i i --i- i| ^-^- i|
Method : 1. Arrange bread slices on high rack. Select menu & press start.
2. When beep turn slices press start.
3. Mix Milkmaid, milk, sugar, dry fruits and kesar elaic hi
powder in Microwave Safe Flat Dish. Pour the mixture on
slices and press start. Serve hot.
Bread Slices
Badam, Pista Pieces
Kesar-Elaichi Powder
2 slices
50 ml
2 tbsp
100 ml
3 tbsp
As per your taste
Sweets Corner
|c +r
0.1 ~ 0.3 kg SC-2 Microwave
safe bowl
i -(i ii i i - i i ; -i - i-|
||=r : 1.
-i;>i(( i - i ri i, l---, l-- i,
-i i i-i i ;ii i i | i nr
l-i, -i i --i- i|
i i; ; ii l-i i --i- i|
Method : 1. n Microwave Safe Bowl take grated paneer, milkmaid,
milk powder, cornfloor, Elaichi powder, kesar. Mix well
select menu and press start.
2. When beep. Mix it again and press start.
3. Garnish with dry fruits when set cut into pieces.
Grated Paneer
Milk Powder
Elaichi Powder
0.1 kg
1 tbsp
1/2 tsp
50 gms
1/2 tsp
0.2 kg
2 tbsp
1 tsp
100 gms
1 tsp
0.3 kg
3 tbsp
1 tsp
200 gms
1 tsp
0.1 ~ 0.3 kg SC-3 Microwave
safe bowl
||=r : 1.
-i;>i(( i - l-i , ^- i, ii i, i nr
l-i| -i --i- i|
i i; ii-, l-ni -, ;ii i
i, i nr l-i i --i- i| 5 l-- n r|
^- i -i i|
Method : 1. n Microwave Safe Bowl take semiya, add hot milk, sugar,
mix well. Select menu. Press start.
2. When beep add Badam Pista pieces, Kesar Elaichi
Powder mix well and press start. Stand for 5 mins, serve
hot or chilled.
Semiya (roasted)
Hot Milk
Badam, Pista Pieces
Kesar & Elaichi Powder
0.1 kg
75 gms
2 tbsp
100 ml
2 tbsp
0.2 kg
150 gms
3 tbsp
200 ml
3 tbsp
0.3 kg
200 gms
4 tbsp
300 ml
4 tbsp
Category Weight Limit Utensil nstructions
Chotot Corner
cc +r
||=r :
1. -i;>i(( i i - nii --i- i i i(
- i | -i l --i- i| i i;
, ir li l-i - i | i - n
i ni i-^i i --i- i| i i; , li
ri l-i i i --i- i| - r r ili i|
Method : 1. n a MWS bowl put apple, tomato and keep it in Microwave.
Select menu and press start to cook. When it gives a beep,
remove and grind it in a mixer. n another bowl add oil and
tempering and press start. When it gives a beep, add ground
mixture and press start. Garnish with chopped coriander.
Apple pieces
Tomato pieces
Green chillies, Salt, Sugar
For Tempering : Rai, Jeera, Hing etc.
0.3 kg Microwave Safe
Glass Bowl
100 gms
100 gms
As per your taste
2 tbsp
||=r : 1. ii i i- ii i li | -i;>i(( i
- i -, ii, - i l- i i i i( -
i -i i --i- i| -i ri i in -
i i |
Method : 1. Cut lemon and remove seeds. n MWS bowl add lemon
pieces, sugar, salt and chilli powder. Select menu and
press start. Store it in a bottle after it cools.
100 gms
As per your taste
100 gms
Lemon pieces
For Tempering : Rai, Jeera, Hing etc.
Chilli powder, Salt
0.2 kg CC-2 Lemon
Microwave Safe
Glass Bowl
0.3 kg CC-3 Mix Veg.
||=r : 1. -i;>i(( i - i l;i - -i r; li i i
i i( - i | -i l --i- i|
i i; , ir li | i - n i
ni i-^i i --i- i| i i; -ii, ii,
- i| l -i ri ;- i r; li i i |
i nr l-i i l - i |
Method : 1. n a MWS bowl put vegetables cut in long strips.
Cover and keep it in Microwave. Select menu and
press start to cook. When it gives a beep, remove.
n another bowl add oil and tempering and press
start. When it gives a beep add masala, sugar, salt.
Add vegetables to this when it cools. Mix well and
store it in a fridge.
Mix Vegetable (Cauliflower, Carrot, Radish, Shalgam, Green peas)
Lemon juice
Salt, Chilli powder, Salt, Sugar, Pickle Masala
For tempering : Rai, Jeera, Hing etc.
250 gms
As per your taste
2 tbsp
2 tbsp
Microwave Safe
Glass Bowl
Category Weight Limit Utensil nstructions
bF-1 0.1 ~ 0.3 kg Sprouts Microwave
safe glass bowl
||=r : 1.
-i;>i(( i - -i-, ii i - i nii
-i --i- i|
i r ir li li | -i r; i
( --i-, ri ili i i- -ii i i i|
Method : 1. n Microwave Safe Bowl add sprouts, water and salt select
menu & press start.
2. When cooking ends, take it out and strain add chopped
onion, chopped tomatoes, hara dhania, chat masala and
0.3 kg
300 ml
4 tbsp
4 tbsp
0.2 kg
As per your taste
200 ml
3 tbsp
3 tbsp
0.1 kg
150 ml
2 tbsp
2 tbsp
Moong Sprout
Salt, Chat Masala,
Hara Dhania
Chopped Onion
Chopped Tomato
Poha Microwave
safe bowl
||=r : 1.
-i;>i(( i - n, i;, ii, ri l-, i -ii i|
-i --i- i|
i i; -i r; i, r-i i ( ri^ i i
--i- i|
i i ii ri iri, - i -(iii i i
i nr l-i i --i- i| il i r ili ii
i i ^-^- i|
Method : 1. n Microwave Safe Bowl put oil, rai, jeera, green chilli,
curry leaves, select menu & press start.
When beep add chopped onion, haldi powder & hing,
press start.
When beep add washed poha, salt & sugar to taste
mix well and press start. Garnish with cocobnut and
hara dhania serve hot.
Onion Chopped
Green Chilli
Rai, Jeera, Hing, Haldi
Curry Leaves
Grated Coconut and
Hara Dhania
0.3 kg
1 cup
3 tbsp
4 nos.
For Tempering (Tadka)
For Garnishing
0.2 kg
1 cup
2 tbsp
3 nos.
0.1 kg
1/2 cup
1 tbsp
2 nos.
0.1 ~ 0.3 kg bF-2
Category Weight Limit Utensil nstructions
||=r : 1.
-i;>i(( i - n, ii, i;, i, ri l-,
i -i ( i i, -i --i- i|
i i; i i, i nr lri i
ri r nii --i- i|
i i; -(iii ii, ii ( -, i
i i nr l-i, i, --i- i i 5 l--
n | ri ili i ili ii i|
Method : 1. n Microwave Safe Bowl put oil, jeera, rai, urad dal, hari
mirch, curry leaves and suji, select Menu then press Start.
When beep, add onion, stir well and keep inside and
press Start.
When beep, add water, sugar & salt to taste, lemon juice
mix well and keep inside press Start to cook stand for 5
minutes. Garnish with hara dhania and bhujiya.
0.1 ~ 0.3 kg bF-3 Upma Microwave
safe bowl
0.1 kg
2 tbsp
200 ml
1 no.
2 nos.
0.2 kg
3 tbsp
400 ml
To taste
2 nos.
3 nos.
0.3 kg
4 tbsp
600 ml
2 nos.
3 nos.
Salt & Sugar
Green Chilli
Rai, Jeera, Hing, Curry
Leaves, Urad Dal
As per your taste
||=r :
0.2 kg bF-4 Veg. Cutlet 0.2 kg
2 to 3 tablespoon
1 tbsp
1 tsp
Boiled Vegetables - Potato, Cauliflower, Carrots, Green Peas
Bread Crumbs
Ginger Garlic Paste
Chilli Paste
Garam Masala
Lemon Juice, Salt, Sugar As per your taste
High Rack
i r; li i lii r; i i, r --,
^- -ii, ili ii i, -, i l- i,
-, i ri ili ii l-i | i rili iii
i n ^i i l-i ^i i l iln ,
i-i- - nii iii n ^i |
-- ri; + i| -i --i- i| i i;
-n r|
-i i i ii i|
Method : 1. Mix Boiled vegetables, ginger garlic paste, garam masala,
dhania jeera powder, salt red chilli powder, bread crumbs
& hara dhania together, apply little oil to your palms and
shape as desired like tikki balls, cutlet rolls brush with little
2. Keep cutlets on High Rack. Select menu & press start.
Keep on turning at beeps.
3. Serve with chutney & salad.
UtIty Corner
uC-5 Denum|o|f|co|cn 0.1 - 0.3 |g Nom||n, B|scu|s, Bnuj|o, Popoo ono wofe|s ec.
|n MwS ccw| ooo ne fcco c ce oenum|o|f|eo. Se|ec menuono p|ess so|.
iii ii l -i;>i(( i - i| -i --i- i|
=|=rr +r
0.3 |g
||=r : 1. -i;>i(( i - ^^i i | l - ri, ii, ^
i ;i i| i nr lri| -i --i- i| i
i; , i nr lri|
Method : 1. Put lukewarm milk in MWS bowl. Add curd, sugar,
colour, essence to it. Stir it very well. Select menu
and press start. On beep, stir well.
300 ml
2 tbsp
3 tbsp
1/4 tsp
Colour and Essence
0.25 kg
Category Weight Limit Utensil nstructions
UC-6 Microwave Safe
Glass Bowl
||=r : 1. -i;>i(( i - i | -i --i- i| i
i; ir li i ri, ili i ii i|
i( - i --i- i| i i; ir li
i li -l- i|
Method : 1. n MWS bowl add milk. Select menu and press start.
When it gives a beep, remove and add curd, coriander
and jeera. Put in microwave. Press start. When it gives
a beep, remove and strain and press in a muslin cloth.
500 ml
2 tbsp
1 tbsp
1 tsp
0.5 kg UC-7 Microwave Safe
Glass Bowl
||=r : 1. -i;>i(( i - -i, ;--, - i ii i i
nr l-i nii ii l-i -i- i | -i
--i- i| i i; 3 l-- i ir li |
Method : 1. n MWS bowl add maida, yeast, salt and sugar. Mix well,
add water and make a soft dough. Select menu and press
start. When it gives a beep, rest for 3 minutes. Now remove
250 ml
1 tbsp
1/2 tsp
1 tsp
0.25 kg UC-8 Microwave Safe
Glass Bowl
Yeast dough
Water As required
UtIty Corner
=|=rr +r
Procedure :
1. Place the raw papad at the
centre of Glass Tray, as
shown in the picture above.
2. Select Micro-100% Power
Level and Cook time.
3. After Papad cooking give
standing time of 30-45
To Cook Multiple Papads :
*Place Multiple papads over one
another, as shown in the picture
Crispy Papad :
1. Press Quick Start without
2. Sprinkle little water or oil over
the papad.
3. After beep, place the papad
at the centre and press Start.
*Note : The cooking time may
vary -
a. As per the composition of the
papad material.
b. As per the Quantity of papad
2. POP CORN : Place the pop
corn bag to the glass tray
properly as instructed on
packing. Use Quick Start to set
3~4 minutes. Remove the bag
after popi ng sound has
stopped. Take care that bag
corners do not touch sides
while rotating.
Note : Attend poping process
carefully. Do not overheat as
cause flash fire.
2. r +r : l^ l ^
liii i i i ^
i i - -i i| 3~4
l-- - l l(
--i- i i^ | i i
i(i -in ri i ^ i
r-i | i i l ^ i
i-in - i; |
rc : i i l>i i
i( i| i(ni
li ^- il ;
i^ ^ ni r|
1. -r ; r=
r= :
1. i - i - i i i,
i l in li - iii ^i
2. -i;>i-100% i( -n i i
i - liiln |
3. i i i 30-45
n ii r |
+f=r+ r= +r= + fv :
*rn i i + i,
i l in li - iii ^i r|
fa=t r= :
1. i i r l( --i-
2. i + iii ii i n
3. i i, i - i - i
i, i l in li -
iii ^i r|
*=ra : i - - n ri
ni r -
a. i i i-^i i i(-
b. ;-n-i l ^ ii i
-iii i|
Technicol 5pecificotions / Two kecipes for storter
n+|+| r+r| / |==r + | r
230 V AC 50Hz
800 W(EC60705 rating standard)
2450 MHz
455 mm(W) X 255 mm(H) X 305 mm(D)
1200 Watts
950 Watts
M|c|cwove ||equency/-i;>i(( l(i
us|oe D|mens|cn/iri -i
Pcwe| Ccnsump|cn/i( i
Pcwe| |npu/i( ;-
2150 Watts
P/No: MF|0477228

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