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Past simple and past continuous

1. What were they doing at 5 p.m. yesterday?

10 pm yesterday ?

8 oclock yesterday morning?

noon yesterday? 1. 2ill in the !lanks with the right form of the %er!s in !rackets (3ast $imple affirmati%e, negati%e or interrogati%e . a. !. c. d. e. f. My friend .(not to come to my !irthday party last night. ."ane (find her dog after all yesterday afternoon ? We .(forget to !#y !read for dinner yesterday. $he (gi%e her sister a %ery nice !racelet last &hristmas. $ome of my classmates (not to do their homework yesterday. ..yo# ..(send Matt that interesting e'mail last night?

4. 2ill in the !lanks with 3ast $imple or 3ast &ontin#o#s. a. (hey (look at a nice )acket when they ..(see the woman stealing the skirt. !. *s + ..(try to catch my dog in the park, + (find a wallet ne-t to a !ench last weekend. c. "ims mother .(prepare dinner while "im (set the ta!le. d. .e ..(hear a frightening scream while he..(walk his dog last night. e. (he children (watch a horror mo%ie when their father..(come home. f. (he teacher..(read /&inderella0 fairy tale while the children . (listen attenti%ely.

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