Rule 55 - Pblctns of Jdgmnts

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1997 Rules on Civil Procedure 2001 Edition <draft copy. pls.

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Rule 55 Publication of Judgments And Final Resolutions

Rule 55


The decisions of the CA must be published. Kung wala sa Philippine Reports, nasa Court of Appeals Reports. They call that CARA (Court of Appeals Reports Annotated).
Section 1. Publication. - The judgments nd !in l resolutions o! the court sh ll "e #u"lished in the $!!ici l % &ette nd in the Re#orts o!!ici ll' uthori&ed "' the court in the l ngu ge in (hich the' h ve "een origin ll' (ritten) together (ith the s'll "i there!ore #re# red "' the re#orter in consult tion (ith the (riters thereo!. *emor nd o! ll other judgments nd !in l resolutions not so #u"lished sh ll "e m de "' the re#orter nd #u"lished in the $!!ici l % &ette nd the uthori&ed re#orts. Section 2. Preparation of opinions for publication. - The re#orter sh ll #re# re nd #u"lish (ith e ch re#orted judgment nd !in l resolution concise s'no#sis o! the ! cts necess r' !or cle r underst nding o! the c se) the n mes o! counsel) the m teri l nd controverted #oints involved) the uthorities cited therein) nd s'll "us (hich sh ll "e con!ined to #oints o! l (. Section +. General make-up of volumes. - The #u"lished decisions nd !in l resolutions o! the Su#reme Court sh ll "e c lled ,Phili##ine Re#orts), (hile those o! the Court o! -##e ls sh ll .no(n s the ,Court o! -##e ls Re#orts., E ch volume thereo! sh ll cont in t "le o! the c ses re#orted nd the c ses cited in the o#inions) (ith com#lete l#h "etic l inde/ o! the su"ject m tters o! the volume. 0t sh ll consist o! not less th n seven hundred # ges #rinted u#on good # #er) (ell "ound nd num"ered consecutivel' in the order o! the volumes #u"lished.

o!o Powers and "unctions of the #upreme Court$ %.) Ad&udication '.) (iscipline ).) Rule *a+ing !rdinary Ci/il Action Ad&udication #pecial Proceeding ,udges-court employees (iscipline .awyers (disbarment) Rules of Court Rule *a+ing Others$ Circulars(irecti/es Criminal #pecial


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