What Is An Electrolyser

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What is an electrolyser?

Electrolysers generate hydrogen Electrolysers generate hydrogen by applying an electrical charge to a hydrogen containing fuel. Effectively the reaction is that of a fuel cell in reverse: water plus electricity converts to hydrogen and oxygen. The hydrogen market The hydrogen market is already worth over $1bn per annum, although the vast ma ority of this is for use in large chemical plants where the hydrogen is centrally generated by the reforming of hydrocarbons at high temperature. The electrolyser market is worth over $1!!m per annum and supplies local hydrogen for use in chemicals and electronics manufacture as well as for analytical testing use. The widespread introduction of "E# fuel cells will re$uire an enormous increase in the availability of hydrogen at a low cost. Types of electrolyser Electrolysers are generally either alkaline %using high levels of li$uid alkaline electrolyte like an alkaline fuel cell& or "E# %designed like a "E# fuel cell&. The former are cheap and reliable, the latter are more expensive with platinum catalysts, but offer hydrogen at higher pressure and without the caustic electrolyte. Source of the hydrogen #ost electrolysers currently use water from which to extract the hydrogen. This ensures a non toxic and environmentally friendly fuel source. 'owever, the water re$uires a very significant energy input in order to extract the hydrogen ( more energy than a fuel cell can supply from the hydrogen produced. )o there is a net power input to the electrolyser*fuel cell combination. +mmonia re$uires a much lower energy input than water in order to extract the hydrogen, allowing for the first time a net energy output from an electrolyser*fuel cell combination.

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