08 Geosphere Practicals

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In this test you are expected to recognize the minerals of the roc , estimate their a!undance and classify the roc !ased on the Stre eisen diagram" #ill all ta!les and Stre eisen plot" $eport the name of the roc " Characters of the roc forming minerals %not all are present in the roc &' Plagioclase' (hite mil y appearance, anhedral to su!hedral %elongate prismatic ha!it&, sometimes t)inning and clea*age detecta!le" Quartz' Colourless to greyish, is the most transparent, often anhedral interstitial, conchoidal fractures, no clea*age" Biotite' +lac ,dar !ro)n, *itreous lustre, thin clea*age system, hexagonal euhedral sections are in general su!e-uant"" Pyroxene' +lac , prismatic elongated, clea*age parallel to the elongation" Olivine' .reen, dar green, prismatic su!e-uant, no clea*age" Oxides' /-uant, fine grained, !lac metallic lustre" Tourmaline' Strongly elongated to acicular ha!it, light !ro)n to greenish" K-Feldspar' 0range to reddish, forms large crystals, anhedral to su!hedral, sometimes t)inning and clea*age detecta!le" In the follo)ing ta!le select the minerals you recognize on the selected areas of the pillar, then indicate the amount of each phase" 1inerals not recognized must !e indicated as 23" 4o e*aluate the amount of each mineral phase use the reference grids in the next page" Note that indicating the amount of minor phases as 5123 means total is not expected to !e 1223" 2 4ourmali ne 9, feldspar 5123 123 623 723 823

0li*ine 0xides :uartz ;yroxene +iotite ;lagiocla se

$eference grids

In order to define the roc you must recalculate the relati*e amount of :, < and ; /stimated *alue : %:uartz& < %9,feldspar& ; %;lagioclase& Sum :=<=; Sum >122 $ecalc to 122

;lot in :,<,; !y colouring the compositional field ?ou can use the triangular plot aside to help in finding the correct position

4he o!ser*ed roc is' ________________________________

Score' ;lot in the right field' 8 points ;lot in the fields ad@acent to the correct one' 1 points

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