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Homeostasis Lesson 5

Beetroot Cells


!!To understand the effect of alcohol and heat

on cell membranes and the components from which they are made.


Using a microscope Using a colourometer

Key Understandings
!!Understand that the external environment can
cause changes in the internal environment of living organisms organism is unable to regulate itself

!!Diseases or death can occur when the


Beetroot is a ground tuber, which is high in sugars and vitamins. Some are red as they contain a betalain pigment, which is contained in the vacuole. This is useful to us as we will be able to see if the cells remain intact. If not, the red pigment will leak

Task - The experiment

Follow the worksheet and carry out the experiment within in and answer the questions.

You need to look at the construction of the cell membrane, the answer is not one of osmosis. The cell membrane is made of many fats and proteins.

Think about bacon fat, what happens when you heat it in a pan? What is it like after cooking? Why and how do chefs deglaze a pan?

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