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As you may know, dengue fever is on the rise these days. Dengue fever is not something that you can take lightly. It will cause fatal. There are some simple methods to prevent dengue from becoming worse in our country.

First of all, clear all clogged drains. Clogged drains are the easiest place for the mosquitoes to breed. This is because clogged drains contain garbage and other things that cause water to be stagnant. After we clear the drain, check that there is no stagnant water so that mosquitoes could not breed.

Water is a place for mosquitoes to lay eggs. We must clear all the places that contain water at least twice a week. To make sure mosquitoes do not breed in our house, we must change the water in vases on alternate days.We also must add granular insecticide to the water to prevent mosquitoes larvae.

Apart from that, turn over all water storage containers. These containers can hold water which will be an ideal breeding

site. Do not forget to cover these containers with lids.Besides that, we must check the gutters on our roofs every month. Again this is to make there is no stagnant water.

Finally,we can use mosquito repellent whenever necessary to keep mosquito at bay. Please use mosquito repellent in the evening or at night before going to bed. Also if you live in a terrace house, let foggers into your house. It may help to kill mosquitoes and its larvae.

My dear friends, all the measures mentioned only takes 10 minutes. Everybody should play their role to prevent dengue and also to prevent aedes from breeding. In this way we can curb this menacing disease.



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