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Page 1

PREFACE This made easy has been prepared to meet the requirements of those GRE aspirants, who find it very difficult to learn isolated(unrelated) words. It is true that its very tough to learn isolated words. This guide might help you to prepare in easier way by using groups of related words. I prepared this to meet my own requirements during my preparation for the GRE on sep 6, 2002. My friend Balaji.R has played an EQUAL role in preparing this file. It is with his full consent that I am uploading this file on the net. This file is a result of our hard work for 47 days(Jun 01 2002 to July 17 2002)..This guide has helped me a lot. So I thought it might help others as well. Thats why I am uploading this. BTW, for those of you who are curious to know, My GRE score is 2200 (V-690, A-710, Q-800). Thanks goes to Prof.James of datamatics coaching centre, Chennai. Because, this file is actually a soft copy of what he teaches in class(Of course, its NOT my work. I only typed out whatever prof.James spoke.. Thats all). I know that there are some inadvertent mistakes in this file. Kindly excuse me for that.

HOW TO USE THIS FILE: 1) First of all, if you are a datamatics student this file might be extremely useful. For others, it might be helpful, only if you are prepared to work very hard. 2) Please get a hard copy of this file. Print it out. Get it hard bound.(Thats what I did). This helps because you can write some sentences formed by you in the blank space. Do some scratch work. Underline. That means you are actively working with the words. It really helps. With soft copy you cannot do these things. Hope you understand what I mean. You can skip this preface(while you print) if you want. Page 2

3) This might be very difficult. Speak out each word group loudly and record it in your PC as MP3. Well I did do it. This helps you to hear these words(by playing these in winamp) even when you are not actually studying.(Like when you are bathing, relaxing, reading newspaper, chatting with friends). This is helpful. Because, your subconscious is listening to these words. You may not be consciously listening. (Psychology guys, kindly excuse me if I am wrong here. But I think I am right here.) Besides, using the same method for learning barrons also helps. But please kindly understand this is only my opinion and not necessarily the best way to learn words. In fact, this is not The best way. The best way is as stated in Barron, read extensively in a variety of fields. For those of us mortals (Read Non IIT-ians) , who cannot do that, I think this way might be helpful. DISCLAIMER: I sincerely hope I have helped people at least in a small way by preparing this file. Even as I say so, I remain as circumspect as ever. Though this file is the result of my work, I strongly maintain that I am not responsible for any mistake (whatsoever) found in this file. But I earnestly request the person who finds the mistake to kindly point it out to me.

Any person with any doubt may feel free to mail me at .Or mail to this group. Mailing to the group is preferable because it might be read by others and help them as well.- But please note here that I might take some time to reply. Please excuse me. I sincerely hope this helps. Bye. S.K.M.Varadhan P.S. For those of you who are cursing me for not uploading the MS word (.doc) file, one little info. The MS word (.doc) file size is more than what one floppy can hold. Since I access internet from net caf, I am unable to transport it. I have to split, un-split and go through a lot of hell to do it. Hence, I am sorry. I cannot help it.

Page 3

SYNONYMS WORD 1,abate Allay Alleviate Mitigate Ameliorate Lessen Reduce Slacken Assuage Diminish Humiliate Degrade Demean Debase Lower Disconcert Discomfiture Mortify Embarrass Vexed Relinquish Renounce (Depose) Done under compulsion Complicity Indirect assistance Illegal, unlawful aid Suspended temporarily Put in cold storage Shelved Strong dislike Hatred Loathe Detest Abominate(very strong) Aversion(mild) Hate Abhor Odious

ANTONYMS Aggravate Worsen Deteriorate



Uplift Edify Ennobling Elevated Exalt Equanimity Composure Poise(mental balance) Seize Besiege(to try for a long time) Usurp Unhelpful Aloof Hinder Discourage


4,abdicate (Technical term) 5, abet



Love Like Approve

Page 4


Misery Poverty Penury Impoverished Indigence Impecunious Pauper Destitution Privation


Affluence Opulence Lucre Mammon Nouveau riche Purloin

Servile(like that of slaves) Grovel Fawn Obsequious Cringing 9,abjuration(or)abjure 10,abnegate Renounce on oath Relinquish(very strong word) Deny pleasures of life Ascetic(person who practice self denialPain living-disciplined) Spartan Austere(person who is strict in manner) Strong dislike Hatred Loathe Detest Abominate(very strong) Aversion(mild) Hate Abhor Odious Scrape Scrimp Scrunch ** Deny pleasures of life Ascetic(person who practice self denialPain living-disciplined) Spartan Austere(person who is strict in manner) Aristocrat Aristocrat


Love Like approve



Page 5


Concise Synopsis (of an epic) Conspectus Compendium Gist (of a book) Abstract (of a thesis) Condensed Epitome Crux(the most important point) Compress Shorten Repeal (in Parliament) Rescind (Superior --- Inferior) Quash (Judges) Revoke(Suspension, appointment) Countermand (an election) Cancel Abolish Annul, Invalidate Nullify Assimilate Imbibe

Elaborate Exemplify Expatiate Expound Magnify


Retain status quo


incorporate engrossed interested 17,absolve Shrive Shriven Exculpate Exonerate Vindicate Acquit Pardon Amnesty Condone Keeping away from food and drink Abstemious Celibate Temperate Arraign Indict Inculpate Impeach Convict Prosecute


Indulgence, sybaritic

Page 6


Confound Unfathomable Recondite Profound, Arcane Incomprehensible Not understandable Prize Award Honor Array Equip Dress (Uniform) Nurse white Police Khaki Interest Proceeds Results Biting Stinging Caustic Acerbic Acidulous Vitriolic Trenchant(very strong) Acidic Waspish Biting Stinging Caustic Acerbic Acidulous Vitriolic Trenchant(very strong) Acidic Waspish Pinnacle Zenith Highest point Apex Summit

Clear manifest ostensible





Mild Polite Equanimity


Mild Polite Equanimity


Nadir Lowest point

Page 7


Religious follower Lackey Flunky Sycophant Flatterer Toady Stooge Parasitic Minion (Valet, Footman) Accept passively Comply Accede Agree Assent Pungent Acidic Vinegary Impel Motivate Arrest Stop Thwart Hinder Prevent Reject Deny Refuse repudiate





Mental keenness Shrewd Astute, Clever Skillful, Perspicacious Sophisticated(mild) Expertise Exceptionally gifted Adage Proverb Dictum Saw Maxim Homily Apothegm(Apophthegm- Br) Epigram Aphorism Pithy Sententious Precept Addition Accessory (Adjunct), Appendix Page 8 Platitude, Truism Banal, Trite Inane, Quotidian Clich, Hackneyed




Infer Quote Suggest Put forth To urge solemnly Beg Beseech Implore, Obtest Adjure Entreaty Importunate Supplication (Genuflection, Exhort, Hortatory) Scold Chide Upbraid Reproach Reprove Admonish (UK) Censure Rebuke Reprimand
Stronger Words:


Order Command


Rate, Berate Objurgate Admonish (US) Chastise Castigate 36,adroit Skillfully Deft Adept Adroit Dexterously Ambidextrous Shrewd Clever Expert Ingenious (Southpaw) High praise Adoration Umbrella like thing Canopy Cove Accidental Fortuitous , Supervene Page 9 Clumsy Maladroit Awkward Gauche

37,adulation 38,adumbrate



Cultured Warm Refined Urbane


Congenial Polished Civil Suave Cordial Friendly Amiable 41,affection Liking Love Regard Kindness

Boorish Bucolic Churlish Curt Rude Vulgar

Pretense Feign Act

Fondness Affectionate 42,affront Affront Insult, Rebuke Umbrage Outrage Polite Civil Culture Refine Suave Compliment Flatter


Unlawful acquisition of Wealth Lucre Mammon Avarice Pelf, Nouveau Riche, Parvenu Nimble Fleet footed Alacrity, Celerity Sprite, Sprightly Spry Verve, Vivacity, pep & bounce (women) Reduce Allay (of pain) lighten Lessen Reduce Lessen (Sufferings) Slow Sluggish Tardy Slothful Lazy Lackadaisical




Page 10


Quarrel Tiff Bicker Squabble Wrangler Jangler Altercate Altercation Contentious Disputations Litigious Logomachy Spat Selfless person unselfish Philanthropic Like for humanity Gracious, Humane, Kind Benevolent, Benign Skillful use Of both hands Dexterous Skillful Deft Adept Clever Southpaw(left hand) Sinister Equivocation(deliberate) Palter Ambivalent Improve Better Promote Raise Advance Epitome Essence Crux Quintessence Tonic giving strength and vitality Strength Elixir Invigorating Rejuvenating Page 11

Composure Poise


Selfish Egoist Egotistic


Awkward Gauche Gaucherie Clumsy Maladroit


Precise Concise Pointed Worsen Deteriorate Aggravate




Enervated Effete Emaciate


Curse from church Ex-communication Gods curse by pope Imprecation Malediction Interdiction Proscribe Outlawry, ban Recluse Hermit Anchoret anchorite Solitary Eremite Senile (men) Anile (women) Dotard Dotage Decrepitude Enfeebled mentally Strong censure Strong criticism Zoilean* Hypercritical Deplore Ill-will hatred rancor animus acrimonious bitterness hostility inimical Transition from liquid state to solid state Metals People attaining a strong position in society from a bad one. Friendly Gregarious Social






Page 12


Repeal (in Parliament) Rescind (Superior --- Inferior) Quash (Judges) Revoke(Suspension, appointment) Countermand (an election) Cancel Abolish, Abrogate Annul, Invalidate Nullify Pain Reliever Analgesic Lenitive Palliative Narcotic Sedative
Soporific Somnific *


Stimulate rejuvenate

Emollient Demulcent Balm -Gilead Opium, Opiate 62,anomalous 63,antediluvian Minor discrepancy Irregular Primitive Ancient time Antiquated Anachronism(US) Indifferent nonchalant Insouciance Apathetic Callous Ruthless Heartless Merciless Troglodyte Simian->gorilla Imitating(v), mock(v) Confident Self assurance In total Control Self-possession Diffident Nervous Unsure Pity Empathy Sympathy Care Concern Compassion Solicitude Clemency Commiseration




Page 13


Prophet of doom Seer Oracular Delphic Epiphany Sibylline mystical visionary False Mendacious Mendacity unauthentic Apocryphal Fictitious Uncanonical * Mythical Legendary Beyond doubt Unquestionable Demonstrated Proved Indubitable empirical Axiom-self evident truth Incontrovertible Satan Lucifer apollyon Arch-fiend Devil Belial Baal Beelzebub Moloch Mammon Mephistopheles Caliban * Diabolic, Satanic, Fiendish Give up religious beliefs Recreant, Renegade Apostate Fugitive


Truthful Canonical Authentic Factual Veracity, Veracious Verisimilitude Straight from horses mouth Solipsism



Humane Kind Benign , Benevolent Angelic, Cherubic, Seraphic Altruistic

71,apostasy or apostate

Loyalty Allegiance fidelity(spouse) fealty

Non- conformist, Recusant Heretic maverick Iconoclast, deserter, Turncoat Page 14


Proverb Dictum Adage Saw Maxim Homily Apothegm Aphorism Epigram Pithy Sententious Precept Gnome, Byword Arraign Indict Inculpate Impeach Prosecute Convict

Platitude, Truism Banal, Trite Inane, Quotidian Clich, Hackneyed


Absolve Shrive shriven Exculpate Exonerated Vindicatedjustify(sec meaning) Acquit Pardon Condone Amnesty Probity Integrity

74, arrant

Unscrupulous Rascal Scoundrel Knaves Scamp, Scullion Complete, total, consummate (-) Usurp Overthrow Take position unlawfully Changeling -False child Imposter Supplant Assert Silly, Foolish, Stupid, Obtuse Bovine, Asinine Fatuous, Doltish Nit-wit, Ninny Nincompoop, Numskull Dullard, Dunce Blockhead, Dunderhead Demented, imbecile Moronic, Cretin, Idiot Page 15



Wise Clever Sapient sagacious astute skillful


Revile Malign Slur Aspersion To attempt Evaluate Test Industrious Hard working Diligent Assiduous Sedulous(am+)( br -)

Praise Laud



Lazy Slothful Sluggish Indolent Lethargic

Pertinacious Tenacious Perseverance Indefatigable Dogged Indomitable 80,assuage Console Soothing Grief Mitigate Soften Mollify Placate Pacify Appease Propitiate Make thin or Slender Rarify Diminish Bold Daring, Impudent Impertinent, Reckless Courageous, Dauntless Venturesome, Fearless, Intrepid Brave, Valiant, Valorous Adventurous, Plucky Gutsy, Spunky Foolhardy Meek Timid Timorous Cowardly Cowardice Dastardly Craven Poltroon(rank coward) Pusillanimous Provoke Needle(US) Incite Instigate



Page 16

83,augment (+ve) 84,aver (US)

Increase Resources Aggrandize (-ve) Assert Declare Pronounce Opine(US) Affirm State Pandemonium Anarchy Confusion Chaos Din Tumult , Noise Bedlam Hubbub Pester Harass Annoying Vexation Baiting(stronger) Torment, Torture Clown, Buffoon merry-andrew Harlequinade Droll drollery Persiflage, Badinage Raillery Banter


Cosmos Order Harmony Understand



Serious Grave Sober

Twit & Taunt Tease, Mock, Challenge & joke 88,banter Joke Drollery Raillery Thorny Anything that pricks Stinging Laceration Prickly


Page 17


Bold Young women who are shy Aggressive Shy(both men and women) Froward* Coy(women) Demure(young maidens who are very shy) Meek, timid, timorous Take the warmth of the VIP parent luxuriantly reposing dallying enjoying lounging enjoy the sun Physical beating Clobber Pommel Pound Baste Beat Thrash Lambaste Bludgeon Cudgel Physical beating Thrashing Clobber Pommel Pound Baste Beat Thrash Lambaste Bludgeon Cudgel Impregnable Fortification Entrenchment Unconquerable Forte Defense Lessening your breath Holding your breath Anticlimax





95,bate 96,bathos

Page 18


Vulgar talk in sex Concupiscent-church word, Carnal Prurient Ribald Smutty, Bawdy(jokes) Risqu, Lewd Salacious Lascivious, Lecherous Licentious, Libidinous Lickerish, Lubricous Dissolute Depravity(dissipated) Debauch Profligate Philanderer Libertine Rake Rou Lothario Casanova
Don Juan

Virtuous Pure Chaste Vestal Continence Celibate


siren seductress wanton Voluptuary rant nymphomaniac fan-fatalle: Circe the enchantress lamia the vampire medusa the gorgon 98,batter Pommel Clobber Pound Batter Thrash Beat Flog Baste Lambaste Cudgel Bludgeon

Page 19


Sound made by a hound Bark of dog, Bay of a hound at some distance hounds are after you (Church word) Church servitor apparitor *, Summoner * Sexton-Protestant church One who Serves the priest pardoner


Page 20


Highest form of Spiritual happiness Bliss Ecstasy Rapturous Happiness Holy joy Pleasure Mad-house Irrational Confusion, Chaos, Disorder Pandemonium Maniacal Anarchy Lunatic asylum Over adorned, over-decorative outlandish garish, tawdry dowdy Meretricious Bizarre, Gaudy
Main Meanings:


Harmony Cosmos


Somber Sober Plain


Damage a Mans reputation Besmirch Besmear, Bemire Begrime Sully Tarnish Stigmatize
Related word groups:

Praise Commend

Calumny Group of words Disparage Group of words Revile Group of words 105,beguile Cheat Dupe Gull Cozen Hood wink(milder) Defraud Deceive Order Decree Command Bidding Injunction, Mandatory Honest Upright Truthful Integrity Probity


Page 21


Suitable Proper, Propriety Decorous Verbal assault(US) Physical assault(UK) Pommel Pound Cudgel Delayed Postponed Defer Procrastinate (peripheral) High praise Praise Applaud Commend Laud, Belaud* Extol Eulogize Paean Panegyric Doxology -Approbation -Plaudits -Commendation -Laudation -Encomium -Eulogy Punctual





Vicious old women Harridan crone Witch Hag Vixen (Middle aged) Termagant, Shrew (Young) Virago Xantippe Jezebel Witty person Bonhomie Satan Apollyon Lucifer Archfiend Belial, Beelzebub, Baal Moloch, Mammon, Mephistopheles Caliban


112,bel espirit 113,belial

Humane Kind Benign Benevolent Philanthropic Angelic Cherubic Seraphic

Page 22


Pugnacious Belligerent Jingoism Warmongering Saber-Rattling Damage a Mans reputation Besmirch Besmear, Bemire Begrime Sully Tarnish Stigmatize Confused confounded perplexed Puzzled Baffled Nonplused Flabbergasted Bamboozled, Mystify Stymied Stultified Stupefied Flummoxed Benevolent Kind Scold Chide Upbraid Reproach Reprove Admonish(UK) Censure Rebuke Reprimand
Stronger Words:




117,benign 118,berate

Wicked Malevolent

Rate Berate Objurgate, Admonish(US) Chastise Castigate

Page 23


Intoxicated Enchanted Come under some bodys spell (Inebriated) (Crapulous) Group of Pretty girls Collective noun covey of witches(UK) covey of pretty girls(US) bevy of pretty girls(UK) Put under a Spell Enchanted Enthrall Ensnare Entrap, Bewitch Intoxicated Besot Lean Slant Inclination Bent Flair Predilection Penchant (+) Proclivity (-) Propensity Dipsomaniac Crapulous Toper Tippler Sloshed Sozzled Sot Inebriated Alcoholic Guzzler Quaffer Teetotaler Repulsive


121,bewitch (of Beauty)


123,bibulous (of Alcoholics)

Page 24


Quarrel Tiff Bicker Squabble Wrangler Jangler Altercate Altercation Contentious Disputations Litigious Logomachy Spat Extremist when it comes to religious intolerance Zealot Fanatic Fundamentalist Bigot Puritan Pharisaical Humbug Hypocrisy Humble position Just enough salary to keep one alive Soldiers lodge Billet-Doux (Love letter) White with fear Bleach (US) Etiolate (US) Blood Draining from face with fear Horrendous Blench Non-Spicy Harmless & Non-Irritant Mild & Gentle Compliment Flattery of sorts Gifts Blarney Cajole, Coax, Wheedle Ruddy Rosette Robust Catholic Cosmopolitan Broadminded Secular Tolerant Eclectic


126, Billet (v)





Page 25


Flatter Adulation Gammon See also 129 Blandishment No longer needed Surfeited Satiated, Sated, Satiety Cloyed Otiose Redundant & Superfluous Hackneyed Excessive Loud & Clear Canard (When a nation lies) Shaking in fear Cowered in fear Tremble in fear Blanch in fear Quiver, Waver, Shake Trepidation Angelic Spirits(UK) Lively (US) Buoyant, Animated Vivacity (Women) Pep & Bounce (Women) Cheerful Gay Sprightly Elated Verve (US) (Women) Cudgel Clobber Pound Pommel Baste Lambaste Pompous Language High Sounding Flowery Turgid Euphuistic Johnsonian Direct Simple Plain Lucid


132,blatant 133,blench




Page 26

137,bonhomie (Of older men) 138,boor

Witty Good humor Sociable & Friendly Jolly & Bel esprit Uncultured Crude Rude Vulgar Churlish Rustic, Bucolic Bumpkin Curt, Brusque, Bumptious Abrasive, brash Uncouth Cultured Warm Refined Urbane Genial, Congenial Polished Civil Suave Friendly Cordial Amiable Cogent Coherent Logical Rational


Pure nonsense Prate, Prattle Gibber, Gibberish Jabber, Jabberwocky Tattle, Babble, Twaddle Palaver talk Balderdash Jargon Bosh Obligated Trussed Shackle Manacle Bonded Fetters Feign Munificence Largesse Bountiful Generous magnanimous Extravagant & Lavish


Volitional Voluntary


Mean Unkind

Page 27

142,bourgeoisie (Fr) (Special Word)

Trades folk, Trades people Merchant Class (UK) Vaisyas (Ind) Hot polloi Rabble Canaille Lumpkin Groundling Plebian Publican Yokel Common man Silly Foolish Stupid Obtuse Bovine Asinine Fatuous Doltish Nit-wit Ninny Nincompoop Numskull Dullard Dunce Blockhead Dunderhead Demented imbecile Moronic Cretin Idiot

Aristocrat Blue Blooded Patrician Scion Mandarin NoblesseOblige


Intelligence Perspicacity Wise Clever Sapient sagacious astute

Page 28


Brag Boast Vaunt Gloat Swagger Thrasonical Gasconade Rodomontade Cock-a-hoop Roisterer Blusterer Vainglorious Braggart, Braggadocio &Swaggerer Hasty Rash Impetuous Bumptious Tactless Brusque Abrasive Rude Reckless In a nutshell Concise Shortness Tersely Succinct Brevity Highwaymen Marauder Foot-pad Mountebank Dacoit (Ind) Approach Begin Introduce a topic or a person Dull & Uninteresting Barren Dry Vapid Sterile Jejune Insipid

Humble Humility Modest Meek Timid Timorous



Circumlocutive Lengthy Magnified Prolixity Verbiage Verbosity




Exhilarating Stimulating Interesting

Page 29


Rumor Hearsay Hoax Grapevine Unauthentic Not dependable Uncultured Crude Rude Vulgar Churlish Rustic, Bucolic Bumpkin Curt, Brusque, Bumptious Abrasive, brash Uncouth

Truthful Canonical Authentic From horses mouth Cultured Warm Refined Urbane Genial, Congenial Polished Civil Suave Cordial Friendly Cordial Amiable


152,bucolic 153,bumpkin

See 151 BRUSQUE Clown Peasant Clodpoll Clodhopper See also 151 BRUSQUE Grow overnight Mushroom Sprout Conclave (of admirals) Caucus (of party people) Coterie (-) Clique (-) Cohorts (-) Junta->of disgruntled army man Insurgents Insurrectionary Gang Faction Confederacy League See 155 CABAL


155,cabal ( originally of the secret Jewish group who indulge in occult like clairvoyance, telepathy etc.,)


Page 30


Creaking Croaking, Grating Jarring Unpleasant sound Staccato rhythm Of a Dead Body Pallid (US) Wan (US) Corpse (UK)
I Meaning:

Euphonious Musical Melodious Mellifluent Dulcet



Knave Scoundrel Rascal Scamp Scullion Caitiff

II Meaning:

Honest Integrity

Miser Stingy Skinflint(US) Parsimonious Niggardly Codger Curmudgeon 160,callous Insensitive to others feelings Indifferent Nonchalant Insouciance Apathetic Callous Ruthless, Heartless & Merciless Pity Commiserate Sympathy Empathy Care Concern Solicitude Compassion Clemency Veteran Expert Master Virtuosity


Inexperienced person Fledgling Beginner Tyro Greenhorn Callow Neophyte, Novice, Proselyte Indian pipe-seen in north To promote fraternity A puff from the pipe


Page 31


Detraction Defamation Slander Calumny Vilification Obloquy Traduce Libel Revile family of words. Rank Lie When a nation lies. Riotous mob Rabble Unruly Violent Plebian Publican Yokel Groundling Hoi-polloi Candor Open Frank Artless Ingenuous, guileless Extrovert Puritanism Hypocrisy of sorts Humbug Zealot Fanatic Bigot Pharisaical Fundamentalist Spacious Large Well read Whimsical Impulsive Importunate Without forethought SEC: Oddities, Singularities, Idiosyncrasies Decisive Firm Steadfast Stern Crafty Artful Cagey Cunning Vulpine Machiavellian Catholic Broad minded Eclectic Cosmopolitan Tolerant Secular

164,canard 165,canaille




169,caprice (of women)

Page 32


Captious Carp Cavil Querulous Petulant Peevish Piquant Chagrin Irked Ire Fret Fume Chafe Killing Large no of innocent people Carnage Massacre Butchery Decimate Genocide Pogrom Abattoir Exterminate In a shambles Extirpation Holocaust Cataclysm Calamity Catastrophe Disaster Annihilation, Tragedy, Sanguinary Bloody battle, Slaughter See 97 BAWDY Total Freedom Total Authority Blank Check Scold, Chide, Upbraid, Reproach, Reprove, Admonish(UK), Censure Rebuke, Reprimand
Stronger Words:

Equanimity Composure Poise


172,carnal 173,carte blanche


Rate, Berate Objurgate, Admonish(US) Chastise Castigate

Page 33

175,cataclysm 176,catechise

See 171 CARNAGE Interrogate Impugn Inquisition SEC: Apostate, Renegade Recreant, Fugitive Purgative Laxative Bowdlerize Expurgate Inner moral cleansing Purge Cleanse Evacuant Idle talk Chat Gossip Caveat Emptor (buyer beware) Caveat Venditor (seller beware) Captious Carp Cavil Querulous Petulant Peevish Piquant Chagrin Irked Ire Fret Fume Chafe Nimble Agile Fleet footed Alacrity Celerity Sprite, Sprightly Spry Equanimity Composure Poise



179,caveat (Latin) 180,cavil


Slow Sluggish Slothful Tardy Lazy Lethargic Indolent

Page 34


Scold Chide Upbraid Reproach Reprove Admonish(UK) Censure Rebuke Reprimand

Stronger Words:

Rate Berate Objurgate, Admonish(US) Chastise Castigate 183,cerulean Azure Blue colored sky Cloudy Nebulous Turbid murky


Fret Vexed Chafe Fume See 180 CAVIL Choleric Splenetic Irascible Ill-tempered Ire False-child Usurper Take someones position unlawfully Imposter Charlatan Cheat Cozener Defrauder Mountebank Imposter Pretender Composure Poise Equanimity

185,chagrin 186,choleric



Page 35

189,charnel house

Cemetery Ossuary Bloody Killing Wary Cautious Careful Circumspect See 182 CENSURE Furniture Passive Wives Property mnage Political deceit Duplicity Clap-trap Rel Word groups: Filch, purloin group Sophistry group See 182 CENSURE Fantasy Illusion Imagination Phantasmagoria Bizarre Mirage Rude Unpredictable Ill mannered Sullen Surly Grouchy Hidden Scar See 190 CHARY See 40 AFFABLE Careless Carefree Cavalier Nonchalant


191,chastise 192,chattel


194,chide 195,chimera and 196,chimerical


198,cicatrice 199,circumspect 200,civility

Page 36

201, Clap-Trap

Political deceit of sorts Duplicity Chicanery Cheat Rel Word groups: Filch, purloin group Sophistry group Hold on Adhere Stick Cleft Cleavage Pity, Commiseration Sympathy, Empathy Care, Concern, Solicitude Compassion, Forgiving Clemency

Probity Integrity Upright Truthful Honest

202, Cleave

203, Clemency

Indifferent Insouciance Nonchalant Apathetic Ruthless Careless Heartless Merciless

204, Climacteric

Watershed for Indian Cross road of life Turning point Junction Menopause for women Phase of life which is important Stenosis Choke Block Stanch Impede Prevent Hinder Hamper Thwart Confusion Chaos Scattered around Pandemonium Anarchy Disarrangement Pebble stones with smooth surface Shoe mender(cobbler) stitch shoes Metal mender -Tinker Cloth mender Page 37

205, Clog

206, Clutter

207, Cobble

208, Cock-A-Hoop

Brag Boast Vaunt Gloat Swagger Thrasonical Gasconade Rodomontade Cock-a-hoop Vainglorious Braggart, Braggadocio &Swaggerer Roisterer, Blusterer drunken boaster Miserly Stingy Skinflint(US) Parsimonious Niggardly Curmudgeon Tight wart, Tightfisted Thrifty, Frugal, Husbandry (+) Logical Cohesive Cogent ratiocinate Syllogisms Hair style Head dress Artificial hair Join, Bind, Unite, Fuse Coalesce Amalgamate (companies) Concatenate (diversified facts) Agglomerate (ideas) Conglomerate Classify Tabulate Dialogue, Discussion Parley Harangue Diatribe Tirade Trenchant 2 people get together to harm the interests of 3rd person. Complicity, conspire Page 38

Humble Humility Modest Meek Timid Timorous

209, Codger

Extravagant Lavish Spendthrift Squander Prodigal Generous Duck&Drake

210, Cogent

211, Coiffure

212, Colligate

213, Collocate 214, Colloquy

Soliloquy Monologue

215, Collude and 216, Collusive

217, Comatose

Slow Sluggish Slothful Tardy Lazy Lethargic Indolent Lackadaisical Languorous, Languid Lassitude Torpor, Torpid Inert Comatose Catatonic Death Praise Applaud Commend Laud, Belaud* Extol Eulogize

Nimble Agile Fleet footed Sprightly Alacrity Celerity

218, Commend

-Approbation -Plaudits -Commendation -Laudation -Encomium -Eulogy

Rebuke Censure Scold Chide

Paean, Panegyric, Doxology 219, Commensurate Equal Equivalent to Tantamount to Wages salary to the qualification Blend, Mix of different cultures Pity, Commiseration Sympathy, Empathy Care, Concern, Solicitude Compassion, Forgiving Clemency Indifferent Insouciance Nonchalant Apathetic Ruthless Careless Heartless Merciless Elaborate Exemplify Expatiate Expound Magnify Prolific

220, Commingle 221, Commiserate and 222, Commiseration

223, Compendious

Concise Synopsis (of an epic) Conspectus Compendium Gist (of a book) Abstract (of a thesis) Condensed Epitome Crux(the most important point) Compress, Shorten Page 39

224, Complacent

Satisfied Contented Smug Obliging Helpful Feign Qualms Compunction Twinge Pain Casuistry Regret Remorse Repentant Contrition Penitent Unite Connect Join Fuse Arrogant Proud Imperious Brazen Reconcile Accompanying Harmony Understanding Dtente Entente Comity of nations Agreement, Accord Unison See 97 BAWDY Stoop Deign Patronizing attitude Promote Aid Help, Assist Rel :Conducive Page 40

Disgruntled Unhappy Malcontent

225, Complaisant

226, Compunction

227, Concatenated

228, Conceited

229, Conciliate 230, Concomitant 231, Concord

Discord Dissent

232, Concupiscent 233, Condescend

234, Conduce


Pattern Design Gestalt Constellation, (malefic) Meeting Junction Union Conflux Freeze Anneal Solidify Curdle Congeal, Clot, Coagulate - for blood Harmony Agreement Understanding Guess Surmise Hypothesis Not factual Supposition Expert Critic, judge Appreciate of good things Gourmet, Epicurean Art, Music, Paint, Aesthetic Imply Denote Industrious Hard working Scrupulous Committed work Concise Synopsis (of an epic) Conspectus Compendium Gist (of a book) Abstract (of a thesis) Condensed Epitome Crux(the most important point) Compress Shorten Page 41 Careless Inattentive Lax Slapdash Elaborate Exemplify Expatiate Expound Magnify Detailed Philistine Down to earth Materialistic Pragmatic Practical

236, Confluence

237, Congeal

238, Congruous

239, Conjecture

240, Connoisseur

241, Connote 242, Conscientious

243, Conspectus

244, Conspicuous

Prominent by presence or absence Looks Dominant Inner compulsive force Obligation Interpret Stubborn Obstinate Obdurate Contumacious Intransigent Froward * Refractory Mulish(US) Wayward Intractable

245, Constraint 246, Construe 247, Contumacious

Misconstrue Misinterpret Pliable Amenable Flexible Pliant Suppliant

Pertinacious Tenacious Perseverance Indefatigable Dogged Indomitable 248, Cozen Cheat Gull Dupe Defraud Mountebank Deceive Hoodwink Mulct Bilk Rel family: Filch, purloin People who easily believe others Nave, Simpleton Gullible, Ingenuous Frank, Open, Candid Guileless Artless Unfathomable, Profound, Arcane, Obscure, Difficult to understand Incomprehensible, Abstruse, Recondite, Secret, Hidden, Unseen Page 42 Honest Upright Integrity Probity Truthful

249, Credulous

Crafty Vulpine Disingenuous Artful Shrewd Perspicacious Obvious Lucid Ostensible Edify Plain

250, Cryptic

251, Curmudgeon

Miserly Stingy Skinflint(US) Parsimonious Niggardly Codger, Curmudgeon Tight wart, Tightfisted Thrifty, Frugal, Husbandry (+) Flirtation Coquette, Promiscuous Dawdle Doodle Waste time Dilatory Tarry Shilly-Shally Dilly-Dally Coward Meek, Timid, Timorous Dastardly Craven Poltroon Pusillanimous

Extravagant Lavish Spendthrift Squander Prodigal Generous Lavish Duck&Drake

252, Dalliance 253, Dally

254, Dastard

Brave Courage Dauntless Intrepid Valorous Neg: bold, Audacity Reckless Daring Foolhardy

255, Data 256, Daub

Information Plastering & Covering Painted women Splash Dash Overwhelming Intimidate Cow Frighten Insurmountable Fearless Valorous Brave Intrepid Valiant Courageous Page 43

257, Daunt

258, Dauntless

259, Dawdle

Dawdle Doodle Waste time Dilatory Shilly-Shally Dilly-Dally Fiddle Loiter Scarcity (of water) Paucity (of money) Shortage Deficiency Abased Degrade Demean Deep Humiliation See 97 BAWDY Bait Enticement Allurement Entrap Temptation Ensnare Loss of vitality Debilitate Enervated Effete Emasculated Etiolated Emaciated Gaunt looks Run down Washed out Well turned out Good looking Spruce Tidy Primp Debonair, Attractive Smart Adonis Chic-women Page 44 Robust Ruddy Rosette Rubicund Vitality Salubrious Sap Wiry Abundant Plentiful Plentitude Copious Plethora

260, Dearth (of people)

261, Debase

262, Debauch 263, Decoy

264, Debilitate

265, Debonair

Slovenly Slatternly

266, Decadence

Declining of morals standards Declivity Declension Runaway after robbing Bolt Escape Fly Flee Cheat Gull Dupe Defraud Mountebank Deceive Hoodwink Mulct Bilk Rel family: Filch, purloin Lack of moisture ,Vitality Slough, molt Defoliate, Desiccated Killing Large no of innocent people Carnage Massacre Butchery Decimate Genocide Pogrom Abattoir Exterminate In a shambles Annihilation Extirpation


267, Decamp

268, Deceived

269, Deciduous


270, Decimate

Holocaust Cataclysm Calamity Catastrophe Disaster Tragedy, Sanguinary Bloody battle, Slaughter 271, Declivity Come down from mountain Declension Acclivity

Page 45

272, Decorous

Modest Demure->women Proper Suitable Seeming Propriety Decorous behavior Dress perfect for the perfect place See 272 DECOROUS Old Senile (men) Anile (women) Dotard Dotage Decrepitude Enfeebled mentally Censure (Strong) Deplore Denouncing (Strong) Filch Purloin Mulct (US) Bilk (US) Embezzle Peculate Defalcate Malversation Malfeasance Misappropriation Damage ones reputation Detraction Defamation Slander Calumny Vilification Obloquy Traduce Libel Revile, malign family of words Belittle, Disparage Family of words Postpone, Delay Procrastinate, Shelve Deep respect for Elders (as in Deference for father) Page 46

Coarse Crude Barbaric Rustic Bucolic

273, Decorum 274, Decrepit

275, Decry

276, Defalcation

Honest Upright Truthful Integrity Probity

277, Defamation

278, Defer


279, Defile

Desecrate Defile Sacrilegious Profane Blasphemous Showing Disrespect for a place of worship 100% Definite Certitude Categorical Very sure, certain Off the course Swerve Ricochet (for bullets) Careen (for fast cars) Divert, Refract No longer valid Dead Extinct (of animals ex: dinosaur) (Of defunct laws, newspapers, constitution) Elevate someone to the level of god (Demi-god) Apotheosize Come down to do a favor to somebody stoop condescend Patronize Explicate Clarify Manifested Erase Rub-out Delete Expunge Obliterate Blot-out Efface Deface Portray Depict Limn (-)

Consecrate Sanctify Sanctimonious Sanctum Sanctorum Sacrosanct purify Vague Indefinite

280, Definitive

281, Deflect

282, Defunct


283, Deify

284, Deign

285, Define


287, Delineation

Page 47

288, Delude

Dupe Deceive Gull Fool Cheat oneself Grandeur Hallucination Psychosis (Delusion) Inundation Downpour Cloudburst Cyclonic Cataclysm, Floods Noahs Flood & Noahs Ark Major upheavals Comport Mien Deportment Decorum, Decorous Appearance & Behavior Hesitate Dither Vacillate Demur Hedge Belittle Disparage Denigrate Derogatory Deprecatory Depreciatory Calumny Family of words (Stronger) Resident Habitu Drain off resources, Energy Exhausting (Tiring) Exhaust (Pipes) Exhaustive (Complete) See 292 DENIGRATE See 97 BAWDY See 292 DENIGRATE Page 48 Praise Laud Extol Misdemeanor Misbehavior

289, Deluge

290, Demeanor

291, Demur

292, Denigrate

293, Denizen 294, Deplete

295, Deprecate 296, Depravity 297, Depreciate

298, Depredation

Large scale looting Spoliation Despoil Ravage Marauding Rapacious, Rapacity Rapine Plunder Loot Pillage (Of churches, temples) Disuse Desuetude Abandoned


Rickety Ramshackle Dilapidated (Ruins) 300, Deride Contemptuous Mock , Scorn Scoff, Sneer Deride, Derision, Derisive Jeer Fleer Gibe Ridicule (Twit & Taunt) See 292 DENIGRATE Espy Spot something with binoculars See 279 DEFILE Lack of moisture Hollow Gaunt Without vitality Deciduous See 298 DEPRADATION Polite Cultured Suave Composure Poise Equanimity

301, Derogatory 302, Descry 303, Desecrate 304, Desiccate

305, Despoil

Page 49

306, Despondent

Dejected Depressed Downcast Dispirited Despondent Sad Melancholic Doleful Dolorous Lugubrious Mope (US) Megrim Nadir Dictator Autocrat Tyrant Despot Totalitarian Aimless Casual Amble Unmethodical Stroll Saunter Jaunt Discursive Ramble Maunder Meander Digressive Worsen Aggravate Exacerbate See 277 DEFAMATION Indirect Circumlocutory Detour Periphrastic Innuendo Insinuation Allusive round about fashion Done in a tricky method Artful, Cunning, Cagey

Euphoria Lively Animated Effervescent Ebullient Buoyant

307, Despotism

Democrat Democracy

308, Desultory

Pointed Concise Precise Succinct

309, Deteriorate (Law and order) 310, Detraction 311, Devious

Page 50

312, Devout

Pious Religious Holy Godly Skillful use of hands Ambidextrous Skillful use of both hands Adept Adroit Clever Expertise Deft Ingenious South paw (Left handed) Satanic Diabolic Fiendish Devilish Apollyon, Lucifer, Satan, The arch fiend Lieutenants: belial, Beelzebub, Baal Moloch, mammon, Mephistopheles Caliban Transparent Gauzy Gossamer like Colloquy Parley Harangue Diatribe Tirade Trenchant Bisect Divide(cut in two) Dichotomize Adage Proverb Dictum Saw Maxim Homily Apothegm (Apophthegm- Br) Epigram Aphorism Pithy Sententious, Precept Page 51

Impious Ungodly Irreligious


313, Dexterous

Maladroit Clumsy Awkward Gauche Gaucherie Sinister

314, Diabolic

Humane Kind Benign Benevolent Angelic Cherubic Seraphic Opaque Turbid Murky Nebulous

315, Diaphanous

316, Diatribe

317, Dichotomy

318, Dictum

Platitude, Truism Banal, Trite Inane, Quotidian Clich, Hackneyed

319, Diffidence

Unsure Nervous Uncertain Opposite for confidence Scatter Make thin Dilute Spread Discursive Digressive Desultory Rambling Meander Maunder

Confidence Aplomb Self-possession

320, Diffuse

321, Digressive

Succinct Pointed Precise

Cursory Perfunctory Casual 322, Dilapidated Derelict Desuetude Rickety Ramshackle Dilapidated Deliberately delay Stalling for time (Delay, Defer, Postpone) Quandary Predicament Dire straits Harrowing Double minded Dithering Vacillate Indecisive Amateur hobbyist Dabbler Beginner Professional Hurry Prompt Punctual

323, Dilatory

324, Dilemma

325, Dilettante

Page 52

326, Diligent

Hardworking Industrious Diligent Assiduous Sedulous


Lazy Slothful Lethargic Lackadaisical Tardy

Pertinacious Tenacious Perseverance Indefatigable Dogged, prod Indomitable 327, Dingy No ventilation, No light Seedy(US) Dingy(UK) Crapulous Alcoholic Bibulous Toper Tippler Guzzler Quaffer Sloshed Sozzled Sot Inebriated Maudlin - A Sentimental Drinker A situation between Life and death See also 324 DILEMMA Deny Disavow Reject Embarrass Discomfiture Mortify Chagrin Unsettling Vexed Abashed Grief stricken Heart broken Forlorn Inconsolable Composure Poise Equanimity Teetotaler Sober

328, Dipsomaniac

329, Dire 330, Disclaim

331, Disconcert

332, Disconsolate

Page 53

333, Discordant

Not agreeing A note of dissent Lack of harmony Conflict

Amity Comity Dtente Entente Concord (Armistice Ceasefire Truce)

334, Discreet

Judicious Wise Prudent Cautious Circumspect Error Anomaly Foible Defect Separate Distinct See 321 DIGRESSIVE Transparent Diaphanous Thin Partly dressed Cagy Crafty Cunning Artful Wily Vulpine Machiavellian Tendentious Disingenuous Guile Clumsy Crumpled, Rumpled Unkempt Tousled Unruly Untidy Slovenly Slatternly Candid Open Frank Artless Ingenuous Nave Credulous Gullible

335, Discrepancy

336, Discrete 337, Discursive 338, Dishabille

339, Disingenuous

340, Disheveled

Spruce Tidy Primp Nattily Debonair Chic

Page 54


Altruistic Selfless Impartial Belittle Disparage Denigrate Derogatory Deprecatory Depreciatory Calumny Family of words (Stronger) Remove Scatter Dejected Depressed Downcast Dispirited Despondent Sad Melancholic Doleful Dolorous Lugubrious Mope (US) Megrim Nadir Cheat Feign Simulate Pretend Malinger Sham Fake Imposter Spread Scatter Broadcast Stripped Deprive Ebullience, Exuberance, Expansiveness Buoyant, Lively, Animated, verve vivacity, merriment, jocular, jocose Effervescence, Enthusiastic Bubbling with happiness Page 55 Euphoria Lively Animated Effervescent Ebullient Buoyant Cheer Praise Laud Extol

342, Disparage

343, Dispel 344, Disperse 345, Dispirited

346, Dissemble

347, Disseminate

348, Divest 349, Ebullience

350, Ecclesiastical

Priest Ecclesiast Cleric Prelate Episcopacy Cardinal Pontiff Pope Brilliance Outstanding Panache lan Great Religious tolerance Select from everything Catholic Secular Cosmopolitan Broad-minded Fanatic Zealot Bigot Insular Puritanical Funda-mentalist Provincial Colloquial

351, clat (Fr)

352, Eclectic

353, Eclogue 354, Ecumenical

Pastoral poems written for shepherds Madrigal General Laity Common People Swirling Maelstrom Whirlpool Vortex Decree Injunction Mandate Proclamation Manifesto Ennobling Didactic Elevate Exhort Extracting something Elicit Infer Deduce Page 56 Ecclesiastic

355, Eddy

356, Edict

357, Edify

358, Educe

359, Efface

Erase Rub-out Delete Expunge Obliterate Blot-out Efface Deface Figure of a man who is unpopular made of straw. Flowering Blossoming Blooming That which flows out Frith Egress Estuary Effluence Back water, Water outlet Impudence Brazenness Insolence Effrontery Hauteur Supercilious Contumely Proud Arrogant Dazzling Scintillating Refulgent Effulgent Resplendent Transplendent * Bedizen Sudden gush outpouring of emotions Himalayan Prodigious Mammoth Massive Colossal Gigantic Gargantuan Huge in size Page 57 Trivial Miniscule Atomic Petty Polite Civil Cultured Suave Urbane Refined

360, Effigy 361, Efflorescence

362, Effluence

363, Effrontery

364, Effulgence

Coruscated Dull Opaque Turbid Murky Cloudy Nebulous

365, Effusion 366, Egregious

367, Egress 368, Elegance

Exit Outlet Beautiful Regal Majestic Attractive Mournful Poem meant to speak about a dead person Mischievous sprits Puck Pixie Goblin Hobgoblin Gnome Imp Words drop down to something else (Brethren Brother) Expunge Upper crust Cream Flower Gap() Lacuna Hiatus Omission Chasm Elliptical style Greek concept of heaven paradise Heavenly Empyreal, Empyrean Celestial Hell Limbo Limbus Hades Stygian Perdition Damnation Hoi-polloi Lumpkin Plebian

369, Elegy 370, Elf

371, Elide

372, Elite

373, Ellipsis

374, Elysian

375, Emanate

Issue forth Exude Comes out Radiates

Page 58

376, Emasculate

Debilitated Enervated Emasculated Castrated Bobited Emaciated Etiolated Emancipated Washout appearance Pale, Bloodless, Anemic Adorning Bedeck Decorated Beautifying Bedizened (-) Garish (-) Outlandish (-) Dowdy (-) Tawdry (-) Filch Purloin Mulct (US) Bilk (US) Embezzle Peculate Defalcate Malversation * Malfeasance Misappropriation Entangled Enmeshed Ensnared Caught up in a controversy Correct Errata Emendation Universal Axiomatic Indubitable Apodictic Greek concept of heaven paradise Heavenly Empyreal, Empyrean Celestial, Ethereal Page 59

Ruddy Robust Rubicund Rosette Florid Wiry Rejuvenated

377, Embellish

378, Embezzle

Honest Upright Truthful Integrity Probity

379, Embroil

380, Emend

381, Empiric


382, Empyreal and 383, Empyrean

384, Encomiastic and 385, Encomium

High praise Praise Applaud Commend Laud, Belaud* Extol Eulogize Paean Panegyric Doxology

-Approbation -Plaudits -Commendation -Laudation -Encomium -Eulogy

Ridicule Censure Denounce Deplore Criticize Animadversion Zoilean (K)

386, Enervate 387, Enigma

See 376 EMASCULATE Puzzle Riddle Conundrum Mystery


Labyrinth Maze Rigmarole 388, Ennui Boredom Lassitude Tedium Languor Monotonous Protected by a shell Harbor Aegis Shield Hypnotize Enslave Captivate Charm Bewitched Enchanted Ensnared Besotted Temporary Transient Transitory Fleeting Evanescent Ephemeral Fugacious Eternal Lasting Permanent Immortal

389, Ensconce

390, Enthrall

391, Ephemeral

Page 60

392, Epigrammatic

Adage Proverb Dictum Saw Maxim Homily Apothegm(Apophthegm- Br) Epigram Aphorism Pithy Sententious Precept Priest Ecclesiast Cleric Prelate Episcopacy Cardinal Pontiff Pope In a Nutshell Quintessence Essence Condensed form

Platitude, Truism Banal, Trite Inane, Quotidian Clich, Hackneyed

393, Episcopal

Laity Ecumenical

394, Epitome

Abstract, Gist ,crux family 395, Equestrian Horse rider Cavalier (UK) Chevalier (Fr) Palter Deliberately confuse Ambiguous Shun Avoid Eschew Special select body of people Jargon Camaraderie, Fellowship Understanding Mouth of the river Water goes in to->frith, inlet Water outlet->effluence, egress Page 61 Precise Pointed Concise Succinct

396, Equivocate

397, Eschew

398, Esoteric 399, Espirit De Corps 400, Estuary

401, Etiolate

Debilitated Enervated Emasculated Castrated Bobited *(K) Emaciated Etiolated Emancipated Washout appearance Pale, Bloodless, Anemic Worsen Aggravate Deteriorate Demanding Fastidious Finicky Squeamish (women) Meticulous Pernickety Punctilious Authoritative Formal Popes authority Church order Absolve Shrive Shriven Exculpate Exonerate Vindicate Acquit Pardon Amnesty Condone Forgiving Excruciate Physical & Mental Pain Abhor Detestable Loathsome Denounce Hateful, Repulsive Translation of bible Solving of the problem Page 62

Ruddy Robust Rubicund Rosette Florid Wiry Rejuvenated

402, Exacerbate

403, Exacting

Carefree Cavalier Nonchalant Indifferent

404, Ex cathedra

405, Exculpate (Church word)

Arraign Indict Prosecute Inculpate Impeach Convict

406, Excoriate 407, Execrate

408, Exegesis

409, Exigency

Urgency Contingency Necessity Emergencies Small Thin Slender Gracious Merciful Forgiving Clemency Benevolent Kind Drive away the terror Expel Introduction Preface Prologue Proem Preamble Bizarre Foreign Strange Talk at length Explicate Expound Exemplify Detail lecture Expatiate Magnify Suitable Proper Politic Fit Atone Reparation Concise Terse Succinct Epilogue Peroration Appendix Heartless Cruel

410, Exiguous

411, Exorable

412, Exorcise 413, Exordium

414, Exotic

415, Expatiate

416, Expedient

417, Expiate

Page 63

418, Expletive

Abusive language Severe, Biting, Caustic, Sharp Piquant Sarcastic Mordacious Fulminate Fusillade Expletive Trenchant Invective Vituperative Opprobrium, opprobrious Scurrilous Truculence Explain in detail Elucidate Protest Remonstrate Bowdlerize Cleanse Laxative Purgative Evacuant * Pure, Purify, Expurgate Catharsis (Moral Cleansing) Lessen Diminish Reducing Expel Discharge Banish Eject Barge in Laughter Humor Risible Sardonic Heterogeneous Farrago, Farraginous Mlange Pot-Pourri Hotch-potch Hodge-podge olla podrida Page 64 Homogeneous Monolithic Pollute Contaminate

419, Explicate 420, Expostulate 421, Expurgate

422, Extenuate

423, Extrude

424, Facetious

425, Farraginous

426, Fastidious

Hard to please Fussy Finicky Fastidious Squeamish (women) Meticulous Punctilious Dainty Demanding & Exacting Pernickety Loyalty Allegiance Faithful Fidelity ( of Spouse) Foul, Stench Poisonous Mephitic, Miasmatic Noisome, Noxious Fetid, Feculent Putrid, Putrefaction Morbific * SEC: Pestilential, Scourge Fertile

Carefree Careless Nonchalant Cavalier

427, Fealty

Traitor Quisling Infidelity Salubrious Salutary Wholesome Healthy

428, Feculent

429, Fecund

Prolific, Productive

Sterile Dry Arid Barren Fallow

430, Fetid 431, Flaccid

See 428 FECULENT Loose Flabby Flaccid Wicked Spiteful Flagitous Malevolent Baleful Insidious Treacherous Thresh, Thrash, Beat, Cudgel Physical beating Clobber, Pommel, Pound Baste, Lambaste, Bludgeon Getting ready for a fight Bend Page 65

432, Flagitious

433, Flail

434, Flex

435, Fractious

Unruly rabble (US) canaille (UK) Destructive Riotous Stubborn Obstinate Obdurate Contumacious Froward * Intransigent Refractory Mulish(US) Wayward Intractable Unrelenting, Unyielding Pertinacious Tenacious Persevering Indefatigable Dogged Indomitable Covertly Surreptitious Stealthy Gingerly Clandestine Secretly Connected with funeral Rituals and ceremonies Exequies & Obsequies Lamentation Dirge Monody Threnody Epicedium Jeremiad Ululation Requiem Cortege Hearse Wreath Lilac (US), Chrysanthemum (UK) Yew tree Pliable Flexible Amenable Pliant Suppliant Amicable

436, Froward *

437, Furtive (of looks & Glances)

Direct Open St.Forward Candid

438, Funereal

Page 66

439, Gabble

Pure nonsense Prate, Prattle Gibber, Gibberish Jabber, Jabberwocky Tattle, Babble, Twaddle Palaver talk Balderdash Jargon Bosh Talkative Multiloquent Voluble Garrulous men Loquacious women Clumsily Done with left hand South paw Maladroit Sinister Tactless Awkward More relevant Pertinent Apposition Kindred (SEC) Tie Smooth Lubricous Oily Unctuous Con man Oleaginous Shrewd in a Mystical sense Clairvoyant Extra Sensory Perception Mystic Sociable

Sensible Rational Cohesive Coherent Logical

440, Garrulous

Taciturn Reserved Reticent Laconic Skillful Clever Deft Adept Adroit Ingenious Irrelevant

441, Gauche

442, Germane

443, Gird 444, Glib

445, Gnostic

446, Gregarious

Anchorite Hermit Recluse Solitary Eremite

447, Grouchy

Disgruntled, Scowl faced Grumpy, Sullen Page 67

448, Gull

Cheat Gull Dupe Defraud Mountebank Deceive Hoodwink Mulct Bilk Rel family: Filch, purloin Swaying motion Pirouette Spiral Manacle Fetter Chain Peace Calm Placid Serene Tranquil Beldam Harridan Crone Witch Hag Vixen (Middle aged) Termagant, Shrew (Young) Virago Xantippe Jezebel Impudence Brazenness Insolence Effrontery Hauteur Supercilious Contumely Proud, Arrogant Overbearing, Overweening Farrago, Farraginous Mlange, Pot-Pourri Hotch-potch, Hodge-podge olla podrida (Motley, Variegated, Diversified) Page 68 Homogeneous Monolithic

449, Gyrate

450, Gyre

451, Halcyon

452, Harridan

453, Hauteur

454, Heterogeneous

455, Hoi-polloi

Riotous mob Rabble Unruly Violent Plebian Publican Yokel Groundling Hoi-polloi Monolithic Tomboy Romp Tramp Dull Noise Uproar Disturbance Tumult Clamorous Boisterous obstreperous Chaotic Din Pandemonium Babel Anarchy Imbroglio Rebel Maverick Unconventional Unorthodox Dangerous Malcontent Insurgent Insurrectionary Recusant Ideal breaker Johnsonian Eccentric Singular Oddities, Quixotic, Queer, Quaint Evil sprits which mislead Jack-a-lantern Willow-the-wisp Calm Peace

456, Homogeneous 457, Hoyden

458, Hubbub

459, Iconoclast

460, Idiosyncrasy

461, Ignis fatuus(L)

Page 69

462, Ignoble

Mean Miserly, Stingy Skinflint(US) Parsimonious Niggardly Curmudgeon Tight wart, Tightfisted Thrifty, Frugal, Husbandry (+) Disgraceful Infamous Shameful Beginner Simpleton, Nave, Frank Violence Confusion Bloodshed & Chaos Senseless killing Permeate Percolate Intemperate Gluttonous Gourmandize Entomb Buried alive, (Incarcerate) Unchangeable Unalterable Constant Fixed Fervent Fervid Vehement Exhortation, Hortatory Arraign Indict Inculpate Impeach Prosecute Convict Absolve Shrive shriven Exculpate Exonerated Vindicated Acquit Pardon Condone Amnesty Page 70

463, Ignominy

464, Ignoramus 465, Imbroglio (It)

466, Imbue 467, Immoderate

468, Immure 469, Immutable

470, Impassioned

471, Impeach

472, Impeccable

Faultless Immaculate Stainless Blameless Sinless, Spotless Misery Poverty Penury Impoverished Indigence Impecunious Pauperism Destitution Privation Thrifty, Frugal, Husbandry (+) Arrogant Throw weight about Impudent Not religious Ungodly Irreverential Devout Pious Holy Godly Religious Riches Wealthy Affluence Opulence Pelf Nouveau riche Lucre Mammon Parvenu Upstart

473, Impecunious

474, Imperious

475, Impious

476, Implacable 477, Implicit

Irreconcilable Understood Hidden Tacit Implied Compulsive in urge to do rash action Impulsive Beg Beseech Implore Obtest * Adjure Entreaty Importunity Supplication (Strong) Exhortation (Mild) Hortatory Genuflect See 473 IMPECUNIOUS Page 71 Order Command At your behest Explicit Obvious

478, Importunate 479, Importunity

480, Impoverished

481, Impugn (Strong)

Punish religiously Interrogate Impugn Inquisition Blame indirectly Insinuation Hint Impute (Direct) Innuendo (Indirect) Allusive (Indirect) Imprison Immure Confine Entombed, Buried alive Burden, evil Nightmare Oppression Situation when breathing is difficult See 471 IMPEACH Write Compose Slow Sluggish Slothful Tardy Lazy Lethargic Indolent Lackadaisical Languorous, Languid Lassitude Torpor, Torpid Inert Comatose Catatonic Death Wicked, Spiteful Flagitious Treacherous, Perfidious Slyly, Malevolent (Baleful), Quisling, Malicious (SEC) Nimble Agile Fleet footed Sprightly Alacrity Celerity

482, Impute

483, Incarcerate

484, Incubus

485, Inculpate 486, Indite 487, Inert

488, Insidious

Loyal Faithful Fealty

Page 72

489, Insouciant

Indifferent Nonchalant Insouciance Apathetic Callous Ruthless Heartless Merciless Stubborn Obstinate Obdurate Contumacious Froward * Intransigent Refractory Mulish(US) Wayward Intractable Unrelenting, Unyielding Pertinacious Tenacious Persevering Indefatigable Dogged Indomitable Bold Daring Audacious Impudent Impertinent Reckless Courageous Dauntless Venturesome Fearless Intrepid Brave Valiant Valorous Adventurous Plucky Gutsy Spunky Foolhardy Monkey(Person resembling an ape) Male ass. Stupid(See also 76 ASININE) Page 73

Pity Empathy Sympathy Care Concern Compassion Solicitude Clemency Commiseration Pliable Flexible Amenable Pliant Suppliant Amicable

490, Intractable

491, Intrepid

Meek Timid Timorous Cowardly Cowardice Dastardly Craven Poltroon(rank coward) Pusillanimous

492, Jackanapes 493, Jackass

494, Jacobin

Black friars, who do not come out of monastery and translate the bible with hand, lived with a diet of bread & water. Dart Throw Hurl Launch Quarrel Tiff Bicker Squabble Wrangler Jangler Altercate Altercation Contentious Disputations Litigious Logomachy * Spat Porter Caretaker Doorkeeper, Doorman Technical language not understandable to others.

495, Jaculate *

496, Jangling and 497, Jangle

498, Janitor

499, Jargon

Pure nonsense Prate Prattle Gibber Gibberish Jabber Jabberwocky Tattle Babble Twaddle Gabble Palaver talk Bosh Balderdash Jargon 500, Jaundiced Prejudiced Biased (See also 122 BIAS for secondary meanings) Page 74


Holiday trip Stroll Saunter Amble Desultory Rambling Aimless talk Contemptuous Mock , Scorn Scoff, Sneer Deride, Derision, Derisive Jeer Fleer Gibe Ridicule (Twit & Taunt) Dull & Uninteresting Barren Dry Vapid Sterile Jejune Insipid Unnecessary risk or danger Risk, Risky, Perilous Lamentation Dirge Monody Threnody Epicedium Jeremiad Ululation Requiem Beldam Harridan Crone Witch Hag Vixen (Middle aged) Termagant, Shrew (Young) Virago Xantippe Jezebel Lady Polite Cultured Suave Composure Poise Equanimity



Stimulating Exhilarating Interesting

504,Jeopardy 505,Jeremiad


Page 75


Merry Jocular Humorous Witty, Jesting, Waggish Happy, Jolly, Bonhomie Jovial, Droll, Funny Disgruntled army man Malcontent Insurgent Insurrectionary Iconoclast, Maverick Rebellious people Coup detat NEG: Coterie, caucus, clique, cohorts Faction, gang POS: Conclave, cabal Eager, Anxious, Sharp edged Trifle Trivial thing like toy Mania for stealing Knave Scoundrel Rascal Scamp Scullion Caitiff Mound Hillock Sand-dunes(US) Take you in a cycle and you do not Understand Puzzle Maze Conundrum Rigmarole Labyrinth Cut (literally) Attack heavily Barb Tearful


509,Keen 510,Kickshaw 511,Kleptomania 512,Knave





Page 76


Slow Sluggish Slothful Tardy Lazy Lethargic Indolent Lackadaisical Languorous, Languid Lassitude Torpor, Torpid Inert Comatose Catatonic Death Flunky, Lackey Sycophant Flatterer Toady Stooge Parasitic Minion Valet, Footman Acolyte(+) Reserved Reticent Taciturn, Incommunicado Laconic Gliding Glossing Touching lightly, Graceful movement Pasquinade (Attack against political rival) Squib Satire, Lampoon See 517 LACKADAISICAL Munificence Bounty Extravagant Largesse Bountiful, Generous Magnanimous, Lavish

Nimble Agile Fleet footed Sprightly Alacrity Celerity



Garrulous Voluble



522,Languidness 523,Largess

Page 77


Vulgar talk in sex Concupiscent-church word, Carnal Prurient Ribald Smutty, Bawdy(jokes) Risqu, Lewd Salacious Lascivious, Lecherous Licentious, Libidinous Lickerish, Lubricous Dissolute Depravity(dissipated) Debauch Profligate Philanderer Libertine Rake Rou Lothario Casanova
Don Juan

Virtuous Pure Chaste Vestal Continence Celibate


siren seductress wanton Voluptuary rant nymphomaniac fan-fatalle: Circe the enchantress lamia the vampire medusa the gorgon 525, Lassitude 526, Latitude 527, Latitudinarian and 528, Laxity 529, Lecherous 530, Legerdemain See 517 LACKADAISICAL Slow & Gentle Laxity Flexible, Pliable Not a disciplinarian See 524 LASCIVIOUS Trickery Magic Juggling Conjuring Martinet

Page 78

531, Lenitive

Anodyne Pain Reliever Analgesic Lenitive Palliative Narcotic Sedative

Soporific Somnific *

Stimulate Rejuvenate

Emollient Demulcent Gilead Opium, Opiate 532, Lenity Mild Gentle Soft Lenience Lion Like Discussing serious matters in a frivolous fashion See 524 LASCIVIOUS Detraction Defamation Slander Calumny Vilification Obloquy Traduce Libel Revile family of words. See 524 LASCIVIOUS See 524 LASCIVIOUS See 524 LASCIVIOUS Exercise oneself, prepare for athletics Hell Limbo Limbus Hades Stygian Perdition Damnation Page 79 Elysian Empyreal Celestial Paradise Heavenly Salvation Redemption

533, Leonine 534, Levity 535, Lewd 536, Libel

537, Libertine 538, Libidinous 539, Licentious 540, Limber 541, Limbo

542, Limpid

Clear Beautiful Lucid Pure Transparent Crystal Clear eyes Gelly-like Pellucid Delineated Portray in a bad light Depict in a bad light Limn (-) 1)Scientific study of a language 2)Speaks several languages but cannot read & write SEC: polyglot (Read, Write, Speak) Limber Graceful Flexible Supple Pliable Willowy Slender waist Svelte Lissome Quarrel Tiff Bicker Squabble Wrangler Jangler Altercate Altercation Contentious Disputations Litigious Logomachy * Spat Talkative Voluble Multiloquent Garrulous men Loquacious women Verbose Verbiage Prolixity Page 80

Turbid Murky Opaque Nebulous

543, Limn (-)

544, Linguist

545, Lithe

546, Litigious and 547, Logomachy

Composure Poise Equanimity

548, Loquacious

Taciturn Reserved Reticent Laconic

549, Lothario 550, Lout and 551, Lubber

See 524 LASCIVIOUS Oaf Vagabond Waif Vagrant Wastrel Lubber Tramp Hobo Lout Wealth Nouveau Riche Parvenu Upstart Riches Affluence Opulence Pelf Aggrandize Lucre Mammon Avarice Ridiculous Absurd Silly Foolish Preposterous Fatuous Doltish Dejected Depressed Downcast Dispirited Despondent Sad Melancholic Doleful Dolorous Lugubrious Mope (US) Megrim Nadir See 524 LASCIVIOUS Vigorous, Robust Full throated cry of a baby Page 81 Misery Poverty Penury Impoverished Indigence Impecunious Pauperism Destitution Privation

552, Lucre

553, Ludicrous

Rational Cogent Cohesive

554, Lugubrious

Euphoria Lively Animated Effervescent Ebullient Buoyant

555, Lustful 556, Lusty

557, Lydian

Soft Gentle Effeminate Voluptuous Eagle-Eyed Hawk-Eyed Keen-Eyed Angus-Eyed Shrewd Businessman Cagy Crafty Cunning Artful Wily Vulpine Machiavellian Tendentious Disingenuous Guile Plot Maneuver Manipulate Machiavellian person indulges in Machinations Whirlpool Eddy Waters Swirling Maelstrom Vortex Air current that sucks you apart Loss of the use of either limb Cripple Mangle Mutilate Clumsy Awkward Gauche, Gaucherie Maladroit Inept Done with left hand South paw, Sinister , Tactless Pert Tart Slut, Saucy Page 82 Skillful Clever Deft Adept Adroit Ingenious

558, Lynx-Eyed

559, Machiavellian

560, Machinate

561, Maelstrom

562, Maim

563, Maladroit

564, Malapert

565, Malcontent

Dissatisfied Disgruntled Malcontent Insurgent Insurrectionary Iconoclast, Maverick Rebellious people Coup detat NEG: Coterie, caucus, clique, cohorts Faction, gang POS: Conclave, cabal Anathema Curse from church Ex-communication Gods curse by pope Imprecation Malediction Interdiction Proscribe Outlawry, ban, Banishment To damage ones reputation Revile Malign Slur Aspersion Filch Purloin Mulct (US) Bilk (US) Embezzle Peculate Defalcate Malversation Malfeasance Misappropriation Avaricious Riches Wealthy Nouveau riche Lucre Affluence Opulence Pelf Mammon Parvenu Upstart Page 83 Praise Laud

566, Malediction

567, Maligner

568, Malversation

Honest Upright Truthful Integrity Probity

569, Mammon

Misery Poverty Penury Impoverished Indigence Impecunious Pauperism Destitution Privation Thrifty (+) Frugal (+) Husbandry (+)

570, Manumit

Free Liberated (Country) Emancipate (Women) Disciplinarian Stickler Strict Person Rectitude Source Umbilical Sentimental Drinker SEC: Guzzler group Proverb Dictum Adage Saw Maxim Homily Apothegm Aphorism Epigram Pithy Sententious Precept Gnome, Byword Aimless, Casual Amble, Unmethodical Stroll, Saunter Jaunt, Discursive Ramble, Maunder Meander, Digressive II Meaning: Labyrinth, Maze, Rigmarole
I Meaning:


571, Martinet


572, Matrix 573, Maudlin 574, Maxim

Platitude, Truism Banal, Trite Inane, Quotidian Clich, Hackneyed

575, Meander

576, Mlange (Fr)

Heterogeneous Farrago, Farraginous Mlange Pot-Pourri Hotch-potch Hodge-podge olla podrida Fight Affray Fracas Skirmish

Homogeneous Monolithic

577, Melee (Fr)

Page 84

578, Mellifluence

Euphonious Musical Melodious Mellifluent Dulcet Furniture Chattel Household Passive Wives Property Mnage False Mendacious, Mendacity Unauthentic Apocryphal Fictitious Uncanonical * Mythical Legendary SEC: Parable, Fable, Allegory, Apologue Foul, Stench Poisonous Mephitic, Miasmatic Noisome, Noxious Fetid, Feculent Putrid, Putrefaction Morbific * SEC: Pestilential Scourge Bedizened Over adorned Over-decorative outlandish garish tawdry dowdy Meretricious Bizarre Gaudy See 581 MEPHITIC Mollycoddle Sissy Effeminate Males Namby-Pamby Page 85

Creaking Croaking Jarring Grating Staccato

579, Mnage

580, Mendacious

Truthful Canonical Authentic Factual Veracity, Veracious Verisimilitude Straight from horses mouth Salubrious Salutary Wholesome Healthy

581, Mephitic

582, Meretricious

Somber Sober Plain

583, Miasma 584, Milksop

585, Minion

Favorite Lackey Flunky Sycophant Flatterer Toady Stooge Parasitic Minion (Valet, Footman) Acolyte- Religious follower (+) Misunderstand Misinterpret Felony Tiny Coin Atomic Particle Whit Modicum Iota Scintilla Abate Allay Alleviate Mitigate Ameliorate Lessen Reduce Slacken Assuage Diminish Soothing Language Placate Appease Propitiate Pacify Mitigate Soften Mollify Console See 581 MEPHITIC Aggravate Worsen Deteriorate

586, Misconstrue 587, Miscreant 588, Mite

589, Mitigate


Provoke Needle(US) Incite Instigate

591, Morbific

Page 86

592, Mordacious

Abusive language Severe, Biting, Caustic, Sharp Piquant Sarcastic Mordacious Fulminate Fusillade Expletive Trenchant Invective Vituperative Opprobrium, opprobrious Scurrilous Truculence Religious Godly People from diverse walks of life Variegated Pied Mottled Cheat Gull, Dupe Defraud Mountebank Deceive Hoodwink Mulct, Bilk Rel family: Filch, purloin Talkative Multiloquent Voluble Garrulous men Loquacious women Ritualistic ceremony Ridiculous ceremonial; religious ritual regarded as silly or hypocritical Ordinary Commonplace Philanthropic Largesse, Bountiful, Munificence Generous, Magnanimous Extravagant & Lavish Flux, Change Page 87 Mean Unkind Honest Upright Integrity Probity Truthful

593, Mormon 594, Motley

595, Mountebank

596, Multiloquence

597, Mummery

598, Mundane 599, Munificence

600, Mutable

601, Mutation 602, Muzzle

See 600 MUTABLE Protective gear Snout Suppress Prevent SEC: Nozle Short sighted Near sighted Purblind See 580 MENDACIOUS Numerous Confused confounded perplexed Puzzled Baffled Nonplused Flabbergasted Bamboozled, Mystify Stymied Stultified Stupefied Flummoxed Allusive Water-nymph Fairy (Women who are hard to see) Credulous People who easily believe others Nave, Simpleton Gullible, Ingenuous Frank, Open, Candid Guileless Artless Nonsense Hanky-Panky Silly Frivolous Senseless Shilly-Shally Dilly-Dally See also 584 MILKSOP Page 88 Crafty Vulpine Disingenuous Artful Shrewd Perspicacious

603, Myopic

604, Myth 605, Myriad (Of colors, Stars) 606, Mystify

607, Naiad

608, Navet

609, Namby-Pamby

610, Naught 611, Narcotic

Nothing Nought (Zero) Anodyne Pain Reliever Analgesic Lenitive Palliative Narcotic Sedative
Soporific Somnific *

Emollient Demulcent Balm - Gilead Opium, Opiate 612, Nebulous Cloudy Opaque Turbid (Water) Murky (Night) Nebulous Obituary Witchcraft Theurgist Black Magic Shaman Sorcerer Voodoo

Azure Transparent Clear Limpid Incandescent Luminescent

613, Necrology 614, Necromancer

Magician Juggler Wizard Conjurer (Merlin) 615, Necropolis Cemetery Burial ground Graveyard Mortuary Ossuary, Charnel house Coining new words Inexperienced person Fledgling, Beginner Tyro, Greenhorn, Callow Neophyte, Novice, Proselyte Page 89 Veteran Expert Master Virtuosity

616, Neologism 617, Neophyte

618, Neoteric

Contemporary Fashion Vogue Beau monde (Sartorial & Tonsorial) Cuddle Coddle Nurture Snuggle Accuracy Precision

619, Nestle

620, Nicety

Fastidious, finicky group


Nook Corner Cranny Miserly Stingy Skinflint(US) Parsimonious, Niggardly Curmudgeon, Codger Tight wart, Tightfisted Thrifty, Frugal, Husbandry (+) Provident(+) Non-existent, Existentialism Nothingness Silly Foolish Stupid Obtuse Bovine Asinine Fatuous Doltish Nit-wit Ninny Nincompoop Numskull Dullard Dunce Blockhead Dunderhead Demented Imbecile Moronic Cretin Idiot Page 90 Intelligence Perspicacity Wise Clever Sapient sagacious astute Extravagant Lavish Spendthrift Squander Prodigal Generous Duck&Drake

622, Niggardly

623, Nihilism, Nihility 624, Ninny

625, Noblesse

Aristocrat Patrician Scion Mandarin Noblesse-Oblige Blue Blooded Minor Pupilage Tutelage Protg Indifferent nonchalant Insouciance Apathetic Callous Ruthless Heartless Merciless No equal Unequalled Peerless Unparalleled sui generic * Outstanding Genius Bouquet Posy Posey Flowers Foul, Stench Poisonous Mephitic, Miasmatic Noisome, Noxious Fetid, Feculent Putrid, Putrefaction Morbific * SEC: Pestilential Scourge Words of wisdom Golden oar

Hot polloi Rabble Lumpkin Groundling Plebian Yokel Regent Guardian

626, Nonage

627, Nonchalance

Pity Commiseration Sympathy Empathy Care Concern Solicitude Compassion Clemency

628, Nonpareil

629, Nosegay


630, Noxious

Salubrious Salutary Wholesome Healthy

631, Nugget

Page 91

632, Nullify

Repeal (in Parliament) Rescind (Superior --- Inferior) Quash (Judges) Revoke(Suspension, appointment) Countermand (an election) Cancel Abolish, Abrogate Annul, Invalidate Nullify See 624 NINNY Nourish Foster Feed Stupid Person Vagabond Waif Vagrant Wastrel Lubber Lout Tramp Hobo Oaf Stubborn Obstinate Obdurate Contumacious Intransigent Froward * Refractory Mulish(US) Wayward Intractable

Retain status quo

633, Numskull 634, Nurture

635, Oaf

636, Obduracy and 637, Obdurate

Pliable Amenable Flexible Pliant Suppliant

Pertinacious Tenacious Perseverance Indefatigable Dogged Indomitable 638, Obeisance Curtsy Bow Salutation Respect

Page 92

639, Obelisk 640, Obese

Pier Pillar Fat Obese Corpulent Portly Buxom Befuddle Obfuscate Unclear Scold Chide Upbraid Reproach Reprove Admonish (UK) Censure Rebuke Reprimand
Stronger Words:

641, Obfuscate

642, Objurgate

Rate, Berate Objurgate Admonish (US) Chastise Castigate 643, Oblige Constrained Feign Compel Bounded Indirect reference Allusive Innuendo NEG: Insinuate Slant, Inclined Erase Rub-out Delete Expunge Obliterate Blot-out Efface Deface Forgetful Unaware Page 93 Volitional Voluntary

644, Oblique

Direct St. Forward Pointed

645, Obliterate

646, Oblivious

647, Obloquy

Detraction Defamation Slander Calumny Vilification Obloquy Traduce Libel Revile family of words. Repulsive Loathsome Detestable Hateful Repugnant Odious, Odium Abominable (Invidious) Vulgar Coarse Obscene posture Crude Unfathomable Profound Arcane Obscure Difficult to understand Incomprehensible Abstruse Recondite Secret, Hidden, Unseen Connected with funeral Rituals and ceremonies Exequies & Obsequies Lamentation Dirge Monody Threnody Epicedium Jeremiad Ululation Requiem Cortege Hearse Wreath Lilac (US), Chrysanthemum (UK) Yew tree Page 94 Obvious Lucid Ostensible Edify Plain

648, Obnoxious

649, Obscene

650, Obscure

651, Obsequies

652, Obsequious

Servile Fawning Obsequious Bondman Thralldom See 636 OBDURACY Boisterous (Children) Clamorous (workers) Obstreperous (Bosses), Tumultuous To urge solemnly Beg Beseech Implore, Obtest Adjure Entreaty Importunate Supplication (Genuflection, Exhort, Hortatory) Intrude Barge in Interference Invade someones privacy See 624 NINNY Preclude Remove Done infrequently Casually Not done often Sporadic (Violence) Block in the flow of blood Stenosis Occlusion Stanch Hinder, Hamper, Block, Trammel Eccentric Singularities Idiosyncrasies Oddities Queer Quaint Quixotic Johnsonian Page 95

Mandate Decree Behest Injunction

653, Obstinacy 654, Obstreperous

655, Obtest

Order Command

656, Obtrude

657, Obtuse 658, Obviate 659, Occasional

660, Occlude

661, Oddity


662, Odious and 663, Odium 664, Odorous


Fragrant Scented Balmy Redolent Whiff Garbage Can Putrid matter, Putrefaction Umbrage Affront Insult Meddlesome Interfering Serrated Cyma Wavy Eyeing a women Leer Monster Hobgoblin Glib Tongued Smooth Talking Lubricous Oily Unctuous Con man Oleaginous Ominous Premonition Prescient Precognition Augury (Presage) Burdensome Responsible office Assert, Declare Pronounce, Opine(US) Affirm, State, Aver(US) Page 96

Malodorous Noxious Noisome

665, Offal 666, Offend

667, Officious 668, Ogee

669, Ogle 670, Ogre 671, Oily

672, Omen

673, Onerous 674, Opine

675, Opportune

Right moment Timely Auspicious(Ind) Proper Suitable Politic Abusive language Severe, Biting, Caustic, Sharp Piquant Sarcastic Mordacious Fulminate Fusillade Expletive Trenchant Invective Vituperative Opprobrium, opprobrious Scurrilous Truculence Wealth Nouveau Riche Parvenu Upstart Riches Affluence Opulence Pelf Aggrandize Lucre Mammon Avarice Prophetic Seer Oracular Delphic Epiphany Sibylline mystical Visionary Apocalyptic Portentous Ominous Dung Excrement Faeces Page 97 Misery Poverty Penury Impoverished Indigence Impecunious Pauperism Destitution Privation Thrifty (+) Frugal (+) Husbandry (+)

676, Opprobrious

677, Opulence

678, Oracular

679, Ordure

680, Orgies 681, Orifice 682, Orison

Mixed party(men & women) Drinking heavily and indulging in sex Tiny opening Aperture Normally a woman who dress in white for the prayer with bible in hand Woman who is always praying Glamorous Flamboyant Decorated Flaunting Showing Lavish display of wealth Extravagant Outr Social boycott Redundant Excessive Superfluous Blas Satiated, Sated, Satiety Cloyed Surfeited Otiose Lazy Indolent See 683 OSTENTATION Beginning of playing of musical instrument Make peace with friends Make pass at a women Calm Serene Tranquil Placid Halcyon Peace Thick skinned animal Elephant, Rhinoceros, Hippopotamus Behemoth mammoth animals (100 feet) Leviathan- Huge Page 98 Turbulent Agitated Violent Novel New Plain Ascetic Spartan

683, Ostentation

684, Ostracism 685, Otiose

686, Outr 687, Overture

688, Pacific

689, Pachyderm

690, Paean

High praise Praise -Approbation Applaud -Plaudits Commend -Commendation Laud, Belaud* -Laudation Extol -Encomium Eulogize -Eulogy Paean, Doxology Panegyric-Formal citation award at the National level. Used by early Christians for referring non-Christians(Jews) Heathen Infidel (used by Muslims) Christian Loyalist Faithful Fidelity Fealty Allegiance

691, Pagan (Archaic-old-not used)


Spectacle Tableau Float Anodyne Pain Reliever Analgesic Lenitive Palliative Narcotic Sedative
Soporific Somnific *

693, Palliate and 694, Palliative

Stimulate Rejuvenate

Emollient Demulcent Gilead Opium, Opiate 695, Pallid(US) Wan(US) Cadaver(UK) Corpse(UK) Equivocate Ambiguous (Ambivalent) Small Trivial Insignificant (Frivolous) Cure all, Magic cure Universal Medicine Page 99 Precise Concise Pointed Succinct

696, Palter

697, Paltry

698, Panacea

699, Pander

Procurer Pimp Solicitor, Lawyer (Tout) See 690 PAEAN Charade dumb play Mime Masque Burlesque Parody Caricature Wise Saying(usually those found in bible) Fable Allegory Apologue A picture of perfection Example Model Exemplar, Paragon Women who is beautiful Man who is virtuous Exemplar Model Sophism Sophistry Specious reasoning False logic Lover (Illicit partner of a married person) Mistress Concubine Lackey Flunky Sycophant Flatterer Toady Stooge Parasitic, Leech Minion Acolyte- Religious follower (+) (Valet, Footman) (Symbiotic(+) ) Page 100

700, Panegyric and 701,panegyrical 702,pantomime








Equality Egalitarian Equity(Sometimes used for shares) Terminology (Jargon, Argot, Phraseology, Patter)

Disparity Unequal

710,parlance 711 712,parody

Exaggerated situation that causes humor Burlesque Caricature Fit Convulsions Spasm Paroxysm Patricide(US) Killing a near relative(Like Father, Uncle, Nephew, Brother-in-Law)(UK) Treason(UK) Ward off Evade Fencing Miserly Stingy Skinflint(US) Parsimonious Niggardly Codger, Curmudgeon Tight wart, Tightfisted Thrifty, Frugal, Husbandry (+) Provident(+) Wealth Nouveau Riche Parvenu Upstart Riches Affluence Opulence Pelf Aggrandize Lucre Mammon Avarice Generous Extravagant Lavish Spendthrift Squander Prodigal Generous Duck&Drake Misery Poverty Penury Impoverished Indigence Impecunious Pauperism Destitution Privation

713,paroxysm (Of anger, Of laughter)




717,parvenu (Fr)

Page 101


Attack against political rival Lampoon Pasquinade Squib Satire Out of fashion Outdated Outmoded Obsolete Antiquated Archaic Antediluvian Mosaic design of different things Collage Montage Mlange Medley Dialect (Patois is only spoken) Creole, Lingo (In a context) Surname Cognomen Deficiency of something Scarcity (of water) Paucity (of money) Dearth (People) Shortage, Scanty Misery Poverty Penury Impoverished Indigence Impecunious Pauperism Destitution Privation Minor Sin Venial Iniquity Major sin Peccant Faulty ( also Unhealthy) Erring Sinful, Guilty See also 725 PECCADILLO Page 102 Affluence Opulence Lucre Mammon Nouveau riche Purloin Vogue Neoteric Beau monde



721,patois (Fr) 722, patronymic 723,paucity (Of Money, Of funds)





Filch Purloin Mulct (US) Bilk (US) Embezzle Peculate Defalcate Malversation Malfeasance Misappropriation Clear Beautiful Lucid Pure Transparent Crystal Clear eyes Gelly-like Pellucid Lean Slant Inclination Bent Flair Predilection Penchant (+) Proclivity (-) Propensity Regret Remorse Repentant Contrition Penitent

Honest Upright Truthful Integrity Probity


Turbid Murky Opaque Nebulous




Compunction Twinge Pain Casuistry 731,perdition Damnation Soul in hell it is damned Limbo Limbus Hell Hades, Stygian Globe-trotter, Always on the move Traveling world over Peripatetic, Perambulate, Nomadic Page 103 Redemption Salvation



Treacherous Insidious Spiteful Malevolent Flagitious Disloyal Dishonest Wicked, Perfidious, Slyly, (Baleful), Quisling, Malicious (SEC) Cursory Casual Off the cuff manner Prima-facie superficial view Cavalier like Unmethodically Closest point from equator Nearest Lowest Deadly Fell Disease that has no cure (Ex: AIDS) Anemic Condition Clown, Buffoon (Wearing a Motley) Merry-andrew Harlequin, Harlequinade Droll, Drollery Persiflage, Badinage Raillery Banter

Loyalty Allegiance fidelity(spouse) fealty






Twit & Taunt, Frivolous Tease, Mock, Challenge & joke 738,perspicacious Razor Sharp intellect Shrewd Astute Clever Sagacious Sapient Perspicacious (Stronger) Malapert Tart Slut, Saucy Seeps through Penetrates, Permeable Page 104 Timid Polite Modest




Captious Carp Cavil Querulous Petulant Peevish Piquant Chagrin Irked Ire Fret Fume Chafe Slow to react Stolid Lethargic, Dull witted person Zealot Fanatic Fundamentalist Bigot Puritan, Cant Pharisaical Humbug Hypocrisy See 741 PETULANT Proverb Dictum Adage Saw Maxim Homily Apothegm Aphorism Epigram Pithy Sententious Precept Gnome, Byword Melancholy Doleful Dolorous Sad Common place, Hackneyed Truism, Platitude, Banal, Trite Quotidian, Inane, Clich Page 105

Equanimity Composure Poise


743, Pharisaical

Catholic Cosmopolitan Broadminded Secular Tolerant Eclectic

744,pique 745,pithy

Platitude, Truism Banal, Trite Inane, Quotidian Clich, Hackneyed




Soothing Language Mollify Placate Pacify Assuasive Appease, Propitiate, Mitigate Soften, Console Trades folk, Trades people Merchant Class (UK) Vaisyas (Ind) Hoi polloi (US) Rabble Canaille Lumpkin Groundling Plebian Publican Yokel Common man Method of government Meek Timid Timorous Cowardly Cowardice Dastardly Craven Poltroon(rank coward) Pusillanimous Impending calamity Ominous(writing on the wall) Augury Premonition Precognition, Prescient, Presage Omen Puissant Mighty king Powerful Practical Pragmatic Feet on terraform Down to earth Realistic Page 106

Provoke Needle(US) Incite Insinuate


Aristocrat Blue Blooded Patrician Scion Mandarin NoblesseOblige

750,polity 751,poltroon

Courageous Brave Intrepid Bold Audacity Reckless Daring Foolhardy Valorous




Idealist Utopian Quixotic

755,predilection 756,preface

See 729 PENCHANT Introduction Prologue Foreword Proem Preamble Exordium Preface Ridiculous Foolish Absurd Ludicrous Obtuse, Silly, Fatuous, Doltish, Stupid Preposterous Fact that is distorted Twisted Travesty Garble Convoluted Gnarled Warped Uncontaminated Pure and beautiful Unpolluted (Of a Vestal Virgin) See 729 PENCHANT Defer Delay Postpone Lag Adjourn Desecrate Defile Sacrilegious Profane Blasphemous Showing Disrespect for a place of worship Spendthrift, Extravagant, Prodigal, Lavish See also See 524 LASCIVIOUS Nearness, Proximity Closeness, Contiguous Page 107 Punctual Prompt Epilogue Peroration Appendix


Sensible Rational Cogent Cohesive


Honest Upright Truthful Integrity Probity


760,proclivity 761,procrastinate


Consecrate Sanctify Sanctimonious Sanctum Sanctorum Sacrosanct Purify

763,profligate 764,propinquity


Banishment, Anathema Ex-communication Gods curse by pope Imprecation Malediction Interdiction Proscribe Outlawry, ban Neophyte, Novice, Proselyte Inexperienced person Fledgling, Beginner Tyro, Greenhorn, Callow Substitute Deputy Surrogate (motherhood) Childish Immature, Foolish, Silly Bellicose Belligerent Pugnacious Jingoism War-mongering See 753 POTENTATE Ineffable beauty Beauty which Is indescribable Hard to please Fussy Finicky Fastidious Squeamish (women) Meticulous Punctilious Dainty Demanding & Exacting Pernickety Bounds Limits Level of jurisdiction See 727 PECULATE See 751 POLTROON Page 108 Carefree Careless Nonchalant Cavalier Sophisticated Pacifist Calm Veteran Expert Master Virtuosity



768,puerile 769,pugnacious

770,puissant 771,pulchritude 772,punctilious


774,purloin 775,pusillanimous


Foul, Stench Poisonous Mephitic, Miasmatic Noisome, Noxious Fetid, Feculent Putrid, Putrefaction Morbific * SEC: Pestilential Scourge Mania for starting fires Does not have credentials he claims to have. Imposter Charlatan Cheat Dipsomaniac Crapulous Toper Tippler Sloshed Sozzled Sot Inebriated Alcoholic Guzzler Quaffer Fen Morass Slough Marshy area Cower, Shrink, Blench, Blanch Dress in odd, funny fashion, but attractive Queer, Quixotic Oddity, Singularity, Idiosyncrasy Qualms Compunction Twinge Pain Casuistry Dilemma, Predicament Dire straits, Harrowing, Double minded Dithering, Vacillate, Indecisive Page 109

Salubrious Salutary Wholesome Healthy

777,pyromaniac 778,quack




781,quail 782,quaint




Repeal (in Parliament) Rescind (Superior --- Inferior) Quash (Judges) Revoke(Suspension, appointment) Countermand (an election) Cancel Abolish Annul, Invalidate Nullify Tremble Shake, Trepidation Quiver See 782 QUAINT Suppressive forcibly Stop Prevent Sate (Thirst) Put out, Douse Captious Carp Cavil Querulous Petulant Peevish Piquant Chagrin Irked Ire Fret Fume Chafe Beat around the bush Evasive Circumlocution Verbiage, Verbosity On a reciprocal basis Tit for tat (Revengeful) (-) Dormant Inactive Twist Trick Page 110

Retain status quo


787,queer 788,quell

789,quench 790,querulous

Composure Equanimity Poise


792,quid pro quo 793,quiescent 794,quirk

795,quietus (For a dying person) 796,quixotic

Final settlement with god, Peace with god Acquittance Settlement Eccentric, Idealist(US) Singularities, Idiosyncrasies, Oddities Queer, Quaint, Quixotic Johnsonian See 749 PLEBIAN Maniacal Dislike Furious Implacable Hatred Torture Inner glow & Happiness Street urchin, Street Arab Vagrant, Gypsy, Hobo, Wastrel Tramp, Oaf, Oafish, Lout Vagabond, Waif, Lubber, guttersnipe Vulgar talk in sex Concupiscent-church word, Carnal Prurient, Ribald Smutty, Bawdy(jokes) Risqu, Lewd, Salacious Lascivious, Lecherous Licentious, Libidinous Lickerish, Lubricous Dissolute, Depravity(dissipated) Debauch, Profligate, Philanderer Libertine, Rake Rou Lothario Casanova
Don Juan

797,rabble 798,rabid

799,rack 800,radiance 801,ragamuffin


Virtuous Pure Chaste Vestal Continence Celibate


siren seductress wanton Voluptuary rant nymphomaniac fan-fatalle: Circe the enchantress lamia the vampire medusa the gorgon Page 111


Clown, Buffoon merry-andrew Harlequinade Droll, Drollery Persiflage, Badinage Raillery, Banter

Serious Grave Sober .

Twit & Taunt Tease, Mock, Challenge & joke Slight hearted mirth 804,rakish 805,ramble Quaint fashioned dress See also 802 RAKE Wander Desultory Aimless Casual Amble Unmethodical Stroll, Saunter Jaunt Discursive Ramble Maunder, Meander Digressive Divergence Branching out Forking out Found everywhere Prevalent, Dominant Ubiquitous Rife, Widespread Putrid Putrefaction Stale Not Fresh Decompose Fusty Musty Bitter, Ill will Animosity, Animus Acrimonious Inimical Hostility Salubrious Salutary Wholesome Healthy Pointed Concise Precise Succinct





Page 112


Total, Absolute, Complete Consummate Unscrupulous Scant, Scullion, Knave, Rascal Declaim Spout Shout at the top of voice, Spit Venom Rave Large scale looting Depredation Spoliation Despoil Ravage Marauding Rapacious, Rapacity Rapine Plunder Loot Pillage (Of churches, temples) Lost Transported Far away Very Happy Delirious Bliss, Beatitude, Holy joy Ecstasy Rapturous Pleasure Corroborate Confirm Reasoning Syllogism, Syllogistic Argumentation Deduction Reason raison d'tre Laughter Drunken laughter 40 to 50 people laughing at the same time Guffaw See 812 RAPACIOUS Page 113


812,rapacious and 813,rapine



816,ratify 817,ratiocination

818,rationale 819,raucous



Voracious Appetite Hunger Gargantuan Gourmandize Deflower, Rape Canyon Gorge Gulch Chasm SEC: Abyss, Cleft Dissatisfied, Disgruntled Malcontent Insurgent, Insurrectionary Iconoclast, Maverick Rebellious people Coup detat, Junta NEG: Coterie, caucus, clique, cohorts Faction, gang SEC: Conclave, cabal, Non-Conformist Scold, Chide Upbraid Reproach Reprove Admonish (UK) Censure Rebuke Reprimand
Stronger Words:

822,ravish 823,ravine



Rate, Berate Objurgate Admonish (US) Chastise Castigate 826,rebuff Insult Oppose Affront, Umbrage Stubborn, Obstinate Obdurate, Contumacious Intransigent, Froward * Refractory, Mulish(US) Wayward, Intractable


Pertinacious, Tenacious, Perseverance Indefatigable, Dogged, Indomitable Page 114

Pliable Amenable Flexible Pliant Suppliant


Renounce Recusant Non-Conformist Apostate Renegade Recreant Rare, Uncommon Delicate Exquisite Research in a difficult area Quid pro quo Return a favor Hermit Anchoret anchorite Solitary Recluse Eremite Unfathomable, Profound, Arcane, Obscure Difficult to understand Incomprehensible, Abstruse, Recondite, Secret, Hidden, Unseen Spy Survey Inspect Examine Reconnaissance flight See 828 RECANT Morally upright Integrity Probity Stickler, Martinet Leaning Lying Backwards (Posture) A good for nothing fellow Posture Reclining Lounging See 828 RECANT

Fidelity Faithful Loyal Allegiance Fealty


830,reciprocate 831,recluse


Obvious Lucid Ostensible Edify Plain


834,recreant 835,rectitude

Reprobate Turpitude




Page 115


Fragrance Sweet-scented Odoriferous Perfumed Social Justice Ones Grievance Backward flow of water Regurgitate Stubborn Obstinate Obdurate Contumacious Froward * Intransigent Refractory Mulish(US) Wayward Intractable Unrelenting, Unyielding Pertinacious Tenacious Persevering Indefatigable Dogged Indomitable Dazzling Scintillating Refulgent Effulgent Resplendent Transplendent * Bedizen Deny Reject Repudiate Retract Confute Volte-face Raconteur Nice Stories Medallions Heavily Decorated War heroes Insignia, Emblem Signet, Decorating Page 116

Stench Foul Malodorous

839,redress (For Grievance) 840,refluence 841,refractory

Pliable Flexible Amenable Pliant Suppliant Amicable


Coruscated Dull Opaque Turbid Murky Cloudy Nebulous Accept Accede


844,regale 845,regalia


Backward step in time Retrocession Retrogression Transfer Power Delegate Assign Consign Yield after pressure Soften Capitulate Surrender Quit Waive Renounce Protest vociferously Expostulate






850,remonstrance 851, 852, 853,remorse

Regret Remorse Repentant Contrition Penitent



Compunction Twinge Pain Casuistry 854,rendition Translation Rendering Transcription Give up his religious beliefs Apostate Renegade Recreant Fugitive Renounce, Recusant, Non-Conformist Rejoinder Retort Wit, Witticism Sharp, Fits in very beautiful Page 117 Fidelity Faithful Loyal Allegiance Fealty




Repeal (in Parliament) Rescind (Superior --- Inferior) Quash (Judges) Revoke(Suspension, appointment) Countermand (an election) Cancel Abolish, Abrogate Annul, Invalidate Nullify Yearning for something which leads to nostalgic memories (UK) Reflect(US) Overflowing Replete Joy, Happiness Satiety, Surfeit People who are custodians of something Repository of Knowledge Container Depository(US) Magazine(US) Custodial (Confluence) Reciprocate (For love) Quid pro quo Tit for Tat Strong censure for band conduct or misdemeanor Unmoral (Decry, Deplore, Felony) Blamable Repression of urges Subdue Subjugate Trammel Suppress Crush Lease of life Relief Pardon Acquit Immoral, Laxity in morality Turpitude Page 118

Retain status quo






862,reprehend and 863,reprehensible





867,reproof and 868,reprove

Scold Chide Upbraid Reproach Reprove Admonish (UK) Censure Rebuke Reprimand
Stronger Words:

Rate, Berate Objurgate Admonish (US) Chastise Castigate 869,repudiate Discard Deny Reject Refute, Retract Refuse, Repudiate Confute, Volte-face Repulsive Loathsome Detestable Hateful Repugnant Odious, Odium Abominable, Obnoxious (Invidious) Compensate Repay Quid pro quo Tit for tat Reciprocity See 857 REPEAL See 842 REFULGENT Hinder Prevent Hamper Thwart Retrogression Filibuster Trammel SEC: Stenosis, Choke, Block, Stanch Impede, Clog (of blood) Page 119



872,rescind 873,resplendent 874,retard

875,retribution 876,retrocede and 877,retrogression 878,reveler

Divine justice Nemesis See 846 REGRESS Merry making Drink Heavily Celebrating Festive mood, Festive Occasion Noisy, Boisterous, Clamorous Jocose, Jocular, Jolly Revile Malign Slur Aspersion Rel groups: Slander, Calumny group : Disparage. Belittle See 802 RAKE Widely prevalent or predominant Dominant Rampant (Corruption) Ubiquitous (Cockroach) Omnipresent (God) Labyrinth Maze Rigmarole SEC: Puzzle, Riddle, Conundrum Mystery, Enigma Provoke Instigate Incite Rile Needle(US) (Foment) Mocking Laughter Facetious Risible Sardonic Raucous SEC: Jeer, Fleer, Leer Cut, Rend, Rent Shaping Page 120 Praise Laud


880,ribald 881,rife (Rumors)






Brag Boast Vaunt Gloat Swagger Thrasonical Gasconade Rodomontade Cock-a-hoop Roisterer Blusterer Vainglorious Braggart, Braggadocio &Swaggerer Drunken Boaster See also 886 RODOMONTADE Ruddy, Good looks Reddish & Roundish Robust, Florid Rosette (Women) Desecrate Defile Sacrilegious Profane Blasphemous Showing Disrespect for a place of worship Sacred Holy Hallowed Sapient Sagacious Wise Razor Sharp intellect Shrewd Astute Clever Perspicacious (Stronger) Yellow Pale complexion, Anemic SEC: Pallid, Wan (US), Cadaverous Wholesome Healthy Salutary Salubrious Page 121

Humble Humility Modest Meek Timid Timorous

887,roisterer 888,rublicund

Frail Feeble Weak Consecrate Sanctify Sanctimonious Sanctum Sanctorum Sacrosanct Purify






Ruddy Rosette Rubicund MEPHITIC Group


894,sanguine 895,sardonic 896,saucy

Optimistic Hopeful See 884 RISIBLE Impudent, Brazen Pert, Malapert, Slut, Tart, Insolent Tactful (Diplomacy) Polish Polite See 842 REFULGENT Uneven Growth, Jagged Ragged See 745 PITHY Akin Similarity Alike Indispensable Essential Password (For Success) Secret Word for success Slaver Blabber Drivel Drool See 802 RAKE Contemptuous Mock , Scorn Scoff, Sneer Deride, Derision, Derisive Jeer, Fleer Gibe, Ridicule (Twit & Taunt) Whimper Whine Error in grammar Spoonerism Malapropism Page 122

Cynic Pessimistic


898,scintillate 899,scraggy 900,sententious 901,similitude

Tidy Primp

902,sine qua non 903,shibboleth (For Success) 904,slobber

Cohesive Rational

905,smutty 906,sneer

Polite Cultured Suave Composure Poise Equanimity

907,snivel 908,solecism

909,somatic 910,sophism

Bodily Corporal, Corporeal Specious reasoning False logic Sophism, Sophistry Paralogism, Casuistry, Quibbling Sleep Inducing Anodyne - Pain Reliever Analgesic Lenitive Palliative Narcotic Sedative
Soporific Somnific *


Stimulate Rejuvenate Invigorating

Emollient Demulcent Balm -Gilead Opium, Opiate 912,specious 913,spume See 910 SOPHISM Froth Foam Waves lash against the rock a kind of foam is produced Hard to please Fussy Finicky Fastidious Squeamish (women) Meticulous Punctilious Dainty Demanding & Exacting Pernickety Attack Verbally Pasquinade (Attack against political rival) Squib, Satire, Lampoon Sedate &Dull Drab Staid, Stolid Dour, Dragness of life Sober, Serious, Grave, (Uninteresting) Exciting Exhilarating Stimulating Carefree Careless Nonchalant Cavalier Indifferent




Page 123


Booming voice Loud & Unpleasant Strident Clarion Time is limited in a particular job Short time Dull Phlegmatic Slow, Tardy A narrow path A situation in which one needs to be helped out (In Dire Straits ) Dilemma, Predicament, Quandary Dire straits, Harrowing, (Quagmire) Stifle Choke Strangle Smother Throttle Ploy Ruse Trick Deception, Inveigle, Strategy See 917 STENTORIAN Confused Confounded Bemused, Perplexed Puzzled Baffled Nonplused Flabbergasted Bamboozled, Mystify Stymied Stultified Stupefied Flummoxed Connected to moon Worldly as opposed to idealistic, temporal Secretly Confidential Page 124 Alacrity Celerity

918,stint 919,stolid




923,strident 924,stultify and 925,stupefy and 926,stymie

927,sublunary 928,subrosa

929,subterfuge 930,succinct

Evasive See 922 STRATAGEM Concise Precise Tersely Pointedly In a nutshell, Shortness, Succinct, Brevity Damage a Mans reputation Besmirch Besmear, Bemire Begrime Sully Tarnish Stigmatize
Related word groups:

Verbose Verbiage Circumlocution Prolixity


Calumny Group of words Disparage Group of words Revile Group of words 932,sumptuous (Of Lunch, Dinner) 933,supercilious Lavish meal or Dinner Luxurious Dinner Impudence Brazenness Insolence Effrontery Hauteur Supercilious Contumely Proud, Arrogant Haughty Contemptuous Overbearing, Overweening Redundant Excessive Superannuated Beg Beseech Implore Obtest * Adjure Entreaty Importunity Supplication (Strong) Exhortation (Mild) Hortatory Genuflect Page 125 Order Command At your behest Decree Polite Civil Cultured Suave Urbane Refined




Scowl Sullen Disgruntled look Menacing look Belligerent look Secretly Covertly Stealthily Furtive Clandestine Deputy Substitute Proxy Slender waist Willowy Slim Svelte Limber, Graceful, Flexible Supple, Pliable Lithe, Lissome Servile person Flunkey Lackey flatterer sycophant toady stooge parasitic minion acolyte(+) Hedonist Sensualist Voluptuary Cyrenaic* Master leader captain Openly Overtly Artless Candidly


938,surrogate ( Of mothers) 939,svelte

940, sycophant

941, sybarite

Ascetic Spartan (Eremite Anchoret Stoic Teetotaler) Voluble Talkative Loquacious Multiloquent* Garrulous

942, taciturn

Reticent Incommunicado Laconic Silent Reserved Mute

Page 126

943, tart

Pert Malapert Saucy Sluts OTHERS: Acerbity Acrimonious Snarling Sharp Bitter Pungent Sour Vinegary Meaningless talks Prate Prattle Gibberish Jabber Babble Tattle Twaddle Gabble Chatter Palaver Bosh Balderdash Women who dresses in outlandish fashion Garish Outlandish Tawdry Gaudy Bedizened(poetic word) Meretricious Flashy Rashness Audacity Recklessness Boldness Precipitancy Impudent Arrogant A quarrel some woman Beldam, Harridan, Crone, Witch Hag, Shrew Termagant Virago, Xantippe, Vixen Jezebel Page 127

Lady like Mild Harmless



Somber Plain Sober

946, temerity

Polite Civil Cultured Suave Polished




Irritable-voice will reveal it.


Peevish Petulance Chagrin Waspish Fretful 949,theurgy Black magic Necromancer Shaman Sorcerer Witchcraft MILD: Wizard Juggler Magician Conjure Hypnotize and keep under a spell Slavery - Thralldom Bondman Villain Serf Vain Brag Braggart Bragging Boast Gloat Vaunt Vainglorious Cock-a-hoop Rodomontade Swagger Swaggerer Gasconade Monody Jeremiad Epicedium Dirge Lamentation Requiem Ululation

Composure Poise Equanimity


Lord Master Captain Leader Humble Humility Meek Timid Timorous



Page 128

953,tipple (or) tippler

Alcoholic Dipsomaniac crapulous Bibulous Toper Tippler Guzzler Quaffed Slush Sozzled Inebriated Colloquy Parley Harangue Diatribe Tirade Trenchant Truculence Logomachy* Declamation Censure Invective Fulminate Fusillade Vituperative, (Philippic) Woman who laughs in a silly fashion Giggle Chuckle Snigger Snicker Small particle Iota, Whit, Particle Atom, Grain Speck, Scrap, Bit Scintilla, Modicum, Trace Slow, Sluggish MILD: Lazy, Lethargic, Indolent STRONG: lackadaisical languorous, lassitude The languid Torpor, torpid inert comatose catatonic dead Page 129







Roundabout Circumlocution Sinuous Serpentine Devious Winding Meandering Restrict Confine Clog Hamper Hinder Impede Shackle Cramp Evanescent Ephemeral Fugacious Fleeting Momentary Transitory Brief Impermanent Volatile Resplendent Dazzle Scintillate Exude (confidence) Strain Percolate Ooze Filter Permeate Distorted Prevaricate Garbled Convoluted Gnarled



Permanent Lasting Durable




Caricature Burlesque Parody (Humorous)

Page 130


Severe Caustic Biting Sharp Piquant Sarcastic Fulminate Fusillade Expletive Trenchant Invective Vituperative Opprobrium Scurrilous Truculence Tremble Quirk Blench Coward Valorous Intrepid Courageous Brave Serene Tranquil



Sharp whistling sound made by a bird Warble Shake Quaver Steel rod-carried by police Club Bollard Pound Thrash Beat Move heavily or noisily Small wheel Roll Bowl Revolve Farmers cart Swollen Bloated Inflated Enlarged Turgid



969,tumbrel 970,tumid

Page 131


Violent Agitated Clamorous Tumultuous Riotous Uproarious Swollen Enlarged Swelled Inflated Tumid Evil Wicked Shameful Depravity Vileness Villainy Baseness Meanness Ignoble Instruction Pupilage Protg Aegis Protection Guardianship Care To tease Mock Taunt Challenging Ridicule reproach Omnipresent [Related words Omniscient Omnipotent] Russian court Wailing See 952 THRENODY Source Navel

Calm Serene Halcyon Quiet Placid Tranquil






977,ukase 978,ululation 979, umbilicus

Page 132


Affront Offence Resentment Pique Displeasure Servile Polite Hypocritical Glib-tongued, oily, greasy MILD: Rate Berate Chide Reprove Admonish(UK) Rebuke Censure Reprimand Reproach Taunt Condemn Scold STRONG: Objurgate Admonish(US) Chastise Castigate Fond of wife Void Empty Vacant Unfilled Dull Uninteresting Jejune Bromidic Stale Emptiness void Cow boy(Spanish) See 951 THRASONICAL Page 133 Exhilarating Stimulate Bluebeard Wife beater



983,uxorious 984,vacuous


986,vacuity 987,vaquero 988,vaunt


Young rascal Rogue Rascal Knave Scoundrel Mountebank Charlatan, Gamine Street Arabs, Street Urchin (Guttersnipe) Green Fresh colored Lush Viridity* Appearance of truth Probability, Likeliness, Fiction Veracity, Canonical Authentic Dizziness giddiness Sickness Light headedness Muzziness* Vivacity Pep and bounce Vitality, Vigor, Exuberance Briskness Buoyant, Blithe(US),Lively, Animated Change Mutation Alternation Shift Greenness See also 990 VERDANT Defame Revile Abuse Obloquy See also 954 TIRADE Convey Transport Carry Bear Stable Barren Sterile Arid Dry




993,verve (for women)


995,viridity 996,vituperate


Page 134


Pixie Puck Mischievous Merriment Imp & Elf Wood paneling Bacchanalian Carousal Revelry Toast Heavy drinking during festive occasion Saturnalia Toddle On the verge of falling down Totter Wobble Relinquish Renounce Give up Falling and getting up and again falling Flounder Stubborn Obstinate Obdurate Contumacious Intransigent Froward * Refractory Mulish(US) Wayward Intractable

999,wainscot 1000,wassail



1003,wallow 1004,wayward

Pliable Amenable Flexible Pliant Suppliant

Pertinacious Tenacious Perseverance Indefatigable Dogged Indomitable 1005,wean To detach Accustom to food other than (esp. the mother's) milk. To roll about Flounder Page 135



Coax Cajole Persuade someone to do something Eddy water Maelstrom Vortex Going round & round Old man with wisdom Contortion of face Flinch Wince in pain Reflective Contemplative Warp Texture Fabric Ghost Spook Zombie Dead Anger Ire Irascible Quarrel Tiff Bicker Squabble Wrangler Jangler Altercate Altercation Contentious Disputations Litigious Logomachy * Spat Very fair skinned Wood carver Youthful


1009,whirr 1010,wizened 1011,wince

1012,wistful 1013,woof




1017,xanthous 1018,xylographer

Page 136

1019,xylem 1020,xantippe 1021,xenodochium and 1022,xenodochy 1023,xiphoid (Of Cartilage& Bone) 1024,xylophagous 1025,xylotomous 1026,yap 1027,yokel

Tissue from plant Woody See 947 TERMAGANT Guest Chamber Guest room Related to Hospitality Sword shaped. Feeding on wood (Ex: termite) Cutting wood Puppy, Yelp Trades folk, Trades people Merchant Class (UK) Vaisyas (Ind) Hoi polloi (US) Rabble, Canaille Lumpkin, Groundling Plebian, Publican Yokel, Common man Nitwit (ASININE Group of words) Extremist when it comes to religious intolerance Zealot, Fanatic, Fundamentalist Bigot, Puritan, Pharisaical Humbug, Hypocrisy Zebra like striped West wind (used in poem) In search of truth, Investigating, Inquiring Hypercritical Cell formed by union of two gametes. Contagious Fermentative Bacterial, Infectious Page 137 Catholic Cosmopolitan Broadminded Secular Tolerant Eclectic Aristocrat Blue Blooded Patrician Scion Mandarin NoblesseOblige

1028,zany 1029,zealot

1030,zebrine 1031,zephyr 1032,zetetic 1033,zoilean 1034,zygote 1035,zymotic

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