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Chick pea & Tomato soup

Serves 4 Preparation & cooking time: 40 minutes Freezing: recommended 2 Tablespoons sun lo!er oil " red onion chopped 2 garlic cloves# crushed 2 teaspoons cumin seeds " teaspoon mild curr$ po!der 2%400g cans o chopped tomatoes "&' g carrots# diced '0 g red lentils inel$ grated zest and (uice o " orange 42' g can o chick peas# drained slat and reshl$ grounded black pepper croutons# to serve )page 2*+


1. Heat the oil in a large pan and cook then onion, garlic, cumin seeds and curry powder for 5 minutes 2. Add the tomatoes, carrots, lentils and orange zest to the pan. Then make up the orange juice to 5 5 ml !1 pint" with water and stir into the soup, #ring to oil, co$er and simmer for %& minutes, until the carrots are tender. %. 'eanwhile, make the croutons and keep them warm, (. Allow the soup to cool )riefly, *uree the soup or use a potato masher to gi$e a fairly course te+ture, Then toss in the chick peas and season to taste. 5. ,eheat the soup and ser$e with the croutons.

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